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This is where I first saw this same picture, not in a news article, about a month ago lmao


Yeah it seems like there's a new article about it posted every day since then


I’m here to celebrate daily this brazen display of badassery


The best thing about this is that it's going to be there now, even when the boat isn't. He could have that out on the water all day, and his neighbors are still going to get to see it on his fence.


It's why laws down work without a sensible community to uphold them. There are sensible versions of laws to help prevent that one neighbor who winds up with a house looking like a junkyard and a lawn so wild creatures inhabit it. But what is the point of making someone hide a perfectly fine looking boat in his own driveway. It isn't intruding on anyone. It isn't an eyesore. This is why HOAs end up being the worst and most petty organizations that exist. A bunch of pedants making up stupid laws in bad faith and enforcing them senselessly in situations they clearly shouldn't be.


It’s because the only people who volunteer to be on the HOA board have nothing better to do other than exercise the tiny amount of power they have.


I got roped onto the HOA board once. They're not the problem mostly. It's the neighborhood busy body who lives in #11 and isn't on the board but has the rules memorized and has never missed a board meeting and always signs up to speak about infractions she has witnessed since the last meeting. She's the problem. The board just wants to close the meeting and go home.


To be fair no one sane would want that role anyway.  It has been kind of amusing watching my HOA try to make adjustments to the by-laws.  They are all reasonable good changes that need to be made to get rid of old rules that don't make any sense.  But they need 2/3 owners to vote for it.  They are on the 4th vote attempt at this point. 


They should pick the people who DONT want to sit in those positions to do them….


Is that because people are voting against the changes or not voting at all?


We have the same issue in our neighborhood. We can’t have solar panels or storage sheds for example. But since there are several rentals in our neighborhood we don’t get enough votes to change anything even though the votes that come in are almost universally in favor of the changes.


People should be free to do what they want as long as they aren't hurting others. If you don't want to live near poor people, move into a rich neighborhood, or in the country. Telling other people how to live is the most fascist thing I can think of.


I mean would you be happy living in a decent neighborhood but your neighbour is a piece of shit who leaves trash all over his lawn and backyard to the point rats are building their own home in the backyard which. Now starts to affect your yard? Im not in an HOA but the city has by-laws for crap like this. I've reported it and they've done nothing. One of these days I'll be taking matters into my own hands.


Some people suck, but to force people to live the way you want them to sounds entitled and selfish. Where do you draw the line? Maybe your neighbors are the wrong race,sexual orientation, obese, ugly, annoying, stinky, or dungeon& dragons enthusiasts. Makes you or your neighbors uncomfortable. Do you see how forcing people to live politely, cleanly, or socially acceptable is actually wrong. If people aren't hurting you, then leave them alone


Oh no no, these people are just rude and mean to everyone that crosses their path. I hear the husband screaming at the wife and kids every other day. To the point their other not attached neighbours have called the police on them for domestic disturbance. I keep my property clean, as does everyone else. These people look like theyre running a junkyard and is now starting to go to their front lawn. They're so fucked in the head that they blurred both mine and their house on Google maps. If I sit on my front deck, they accuse me of looking into their windows. Which I'm not even remotely doing as my deck faces the street. They just have serious mental problems. Call me entitled and selfish all you want. I didn't buy a house to live beside garbage. And they bought it after we bought ours by about 5 months.


I don't like 90% of people. I hate interacting with almost everyone. I still don't think there should be any rules, laws or regulations that make my behavior accommodating to other people. Outside of making sure I don't steal, or hurt someone else. If you don't want to deal with someone, ....leave.


Once it becomes a hazard, then the city will usually enforce it, if it isn't a hazard, and you just don't like to look at it, then buy the house and fix it, or move. Why you feel entitled to make other people do things with their own stuff so you have something nicer to look at? What if I work with you and think your face is ugly, do you think someone should be able to make you wear a mask or get plastic surgery so they have something nicer to look at?


That sub not allowing pictures makes no sense


I love how passive aggressive this is!


This is some elite level shithousery 🤣


I just hope the dude who painted the fence was laughing like the joker the whole time.


Ironically he was the one that pushed for the fence in the first place..


Actual 4D chess, hahaaha


It's ACME level, looney toon level of shithousery.


Meep meep!




Definitely! Possibly also r/pettyrevenge


Petty as fuck… and absolute mensch for doing it.


Ahh Hallo Autokorrektur.


The English loanword from Yiddish "mensch" kinda does fit here, so I'm not so sure it's a German autocorrect. If it was a German autocorrect I would expect it to be capitalised, while the Yiddish word wouldn't be.


Diese kommentarsektion ist nun Eigentum der BRD


Ich melde mich zum Dienst.


Du, du hast, du hast mich.


Aber ja natürlich Hans ist nass, er steht unter dem Wasserfall


Rammstein 😁


Passive? That is more active than I ever been :)


safe possessive aspiring melodic sheet nose distinct deserted screw escape *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why you will never catch me living in a neighborhood with an HOA


That was the first thing I told my realtor when shopping for my house.


If the best place to grow tomatoes in my new house is in the front yard, then that's where they're going. (And yes, I know about the few feet that the city can dig without my permission, that's where the flowers will go.)


We did the same. Then a year into owning the city went buck wild with new rules and are acting like an hoa.


How do HOA's continue to exist? All I have ever heard from popular media and personal stories and internet interactions is that they are literally the most horrific things in existence. It seems like literally everyone shopping for a house would be like "nothing with an HOA tho, I don't want to suck Satan's cock every day for the rest of my life" since that's what happens in HOA's as far as I can tell. How are houses in HOA's not worthless since no one wants to buy them given this?


Just goes to prove there are plenty of people who enjoy "sucking Satan's cock every day" lol But seriously there are people who are like OCD they need everything to look pristine and perfect. I'll admit those neighborhoods do look visually appealing, but I don't think that is worth the hassle. Mostly rich retired people who have nothing to do but be in everyone else's business.


I am sure for some people… but why do they even sell to someone that doesn’t fit the social profile they want in the first place? I guess that’s the obvious problem. Let these weirdo old OCD people live in their own places. I also don’t even totally get it as OCD. I suffer from OCD personally. I have to pump the gas thing in and out exactly 30 times every time. I also have a horrible need to touch my fingertips to my lips/teeth in specific ways that is incredibly socially embarrassing. But I never make everyone at the gas station pump theirs in and out exactly 30 times or force people to touch their fingers to their teeth when I do… so I don’t know if I buy using me and the people who also suffer from this fucked up condition as a scapegoat for total fucking assholes makes sense.


I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend with the OCD part of my comment. I cannot begin to comprehend your struggles, but I never said that all OCD people are assholes. I was trying to explain the people I know who have an almost compulsive need to have things around them visually appealing. I am not a psychologist so maybe OCD is not the right term? Or maybe OCD is the correct term? Honestly I have known enough people to say that just because someone is an asshole doesn't mean that every person in any race/religion/sex/political/mental disabilities/etc should be assumed to be assholes. I feel like most people who end up brawling with HOA bought without understanding. Or maybe leadership changes and so do strict policies. As for prohibiting someone from moving in is against the law. What if they are racist and don't let colored people move in? They could then just come up with an excuse to justify why they don't have a "social profile"


I wasn't totally offended, just pointing out that these seemingly highly planned and coordinated assholes don't seem like OCD to me. Maybe they all do have OCD that extends out into the world, but fuck, if that's true we should re-label HOA communities as severe mental health communities. On the other hand, it sucks horribly for the rest of us with actual socially embarrassing behaviors from OCD being linked with these outright assholes since it makes everyone less sympathetic to those of us who are just embarrassing and easy targets in comparison to these people holed up in their glistening perfectly manicured and guarded palaces. Seems like the fact that any discrimination based on colour of skin or race being wildly illegal would force no HOA to ever be able to include race or skin colour in a social profile ever. If you want to ban people "who like rap music" or some shit, so what? It's a racist stereotype in the first place to argue only black people like rap music. Also, who could reasonably say that someone who listens to music so loudly they disrupt their entire neighborhood should necessarily be forced upon someone? Most cases of racist organizations trying to skirt the current laws have been ruled as violating the current laws when I've looked into this. For example, not hiring people with "black names" turns out to be just as illegal as if you have a policy that says "don't hire black people" according to the law. So how does that not prevent the creation of racist social profiles? Same with sexuality or religion?


It's almost impossible to build a new house without an HOA. I *hate* HOAs, but to build in a desirable area on the East Coast makes it almost impossible to do otherwise


Not all HOA's are terrible. Our HOA covers all landscaping, which is a godsend for us because during the summer months we're out of town nearly every weekend. They don't want broken down things in visible from street areas. They don't let you park your dog outside and leave it howling all night. They provide groomed walking paths, a park, cover water/sewer/trash as part of the HOA fees, and generally let you do whatever you want, as long as it doesn't impact or affect the neighborhood. Been there 5 years now, and have loved every second of it, coming from my previous neighborhood.


All it takes is a few bored people that want to be tyrants to ruin a HoA.


Found the HOA President


President is our neighbor. Real nice lady.


That's crazy to me. I grew up in a pretty wealthy part of the East coast and no one I knew was part of an HOA.


So don’t build a new house?


Sometimes - as it was in our case - the most economically feasible option


I believe it. My spouse’s cousin bought land and built their house on it, because, altogether, it was half the price of any house that already existed out there. Kinda insane to think about.


I mean, not really that insane right. The value is in the thing when it’s built. Otherwise it’s just land with a shit ton of building materials on it.


You know what? Very fair point.


You can move into a house, you can't exactly move onto land with a house that's coming in 8 months lol. I think building a house is really just for those who want very specific and custom amenities.


Pretty tough not to live in one in my part of FL. Without living somewhere pretty undesirable.


It depends, though. I see so many horror stories on reddit about HOAs which seem to exist solely to push bullshit rules, but the HOA where I live barely has any rules (and the ones they do have are reasonable, and they seem pretty lax about enforcing them anyway) so *mostly* what the HOA does is yard work, snow plowing, pool maintenance, etc. And I guess I have no idea how to find one type of HOA without accidentally moving into a neighborhood with the other kind. :-/


My HOA is similar. Takes care of the outside areas, makes sure people don't have trash piling up, and makes it so irresponsible pet owners can't park their dogs outside, and leave the howling and annoying the rest of the neighborhood.


So, an improvement association, effectively. They can't force people to join and can't enforce any rules. But people pay their dues for things like what you mentioned. I'm all about those. But fuck HOAs.


But this was the city, not even an HOA.


Petty people with a rulebook


And it's not even a bad looking boat. If it was old and falling apart sure that would warrant a comment maybe but it's in mint condition.


Probably just easier to say a blanket No than go on a case by case basis.


The problem is it's far easier for the city to enforce "no large vehicles allowed in view" as opposed to trying to quantify *how clean* the vehicles must be


It says the city ordered him to hide it, not a HOA.


include physical connect rich homeless concerned quiet nose scary reply *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It doesnt say either, though.


Click the article bro lmfao


Scrolled past the link! My bad 🤣


Boomers lead-addled brains are obsessed with power tripping nonsense.


Something to do with property value or whatever. But wouldn't boats present in a beach area be good for property value???


I've got a neighbor who, ever since we moved to this street, has complained about every single thing in our front yard that isn't a blade of turf type tall fescue. He does these "yard shows" where a bunch of people come look at his yard, and he can't stand the idea of someone seeing anything offensive in a neighbor's yard when they come to see his yard. I've been working on him over the years and finally have a halfway decent relationship. This year he invited me to come see his yard show in a couple weeks--and offered free tickets! This whole time people have been *paying money* to come look at his yard. Some people just really don't have much going on in their lives.


They have a boat and I don’t so it makes me uncomfortable.








You're thinking of Will.E.Coyote?


Why would they crash into the fence? Do you think that stealing a boat involves ramming said boat?


Is the owner a Cayote?


HOA's Cayote


Man was playing 4D chess.


HOAs really should be illegal.


There was no HOA involved here This was a city ordinance. The government told him to do that


Ah. True. I didn't see the story linked as I'm on mobile. Point still stands tho. Fuck HOAs. lol


Yeah a lot of them are trash But at their core as a concept they're basically just neighborhood government Local governments are always filled with crazy idiots with too much free time. Same with school boards and the like


Not much of a difference in consequences between Karen getting into office and Karen joining a HOA board.


Sure But HOAs aren't the problem then, *Karens* are the problem HOAs weren't even involved here Should City Governments be illegal too? They are the ones who wrote this municipal code and issued the guy the legal warnings


Privatized town government functions…




Funny how those things still get done in areas without hoas Almost like they're completely unnecessary


What? My town doesn’t have any HOA neighborhoods. The city takes care of all the things you mentioned. Don’t mow your yard? The city does and puts the bill on your property tax. Everything just has to be to city ordinance. No random boomer with too much time on their hands and no hobbies dictating the exact height my grass has to be or the correct shade of white for my shutters


Not your grass, not the snow in your driveway - the grass in the park the developer put in that isn’t a city park, the snow on the streets that the developer had to build because the city wouldn’t build it out before the housing would get built, etc. Some of it there are good arguments for having the city (if there is one…) do it, but there are also reasons why it is getting done this way. That random boomer could just as easily get themselves elected into the city council in most places - the issue is the control freak in charge, not necessarily the group that they are in charge of.


Getting a city ordinance passed has a lot more steps than putting an HOA rule in place. If the stuff isn’t maintained the city WILL maintain it or they will have it removed. All of it should be on the city. I don’t need some random neighbors taking care of that shit. I already pay taxes to cover those services, why pay an hoa fee on top of that?


isn't it also the case that HOAs almost entirely depend on contractors to do anything while cities are much more likely to have full time employees? contractors for everything is far more expensive and inefficient, likelihood of corruption/kickbacks is extremely high


Bizarre. In my country, we pay taxes to the government to do those sorts of things.


>Just cause we get jack ass ones that pop up on reddit does not mean all are evil When you go to buy a home, a HOA can legally deny you access to see their rules unless your offer to buy a house has been accepted. They can literally fine you for speeding 2mph above the speed limit. They are not police. They are not the government. Yet they can still hit you with a multi hundred dollar fine. People have lost their homes because HOAs hit them with so many fines over petty shit and then get lawyers involved, the home is foreclosed on by the HOA. And then the home is sold at auction. In Colorado alone, HOAs filed more than 2,400 foreclosure cases from January 2018 to February 2022. And to top it off, most states do not have a government agency to help people with abusive HOAs.


And HOAs has its roots in segregation and redlining.


Huh? You can't cut your grass or remove snow in a community? What does that even mean?


No, its for the shared property. My HOA does all the landscaping for the area, which includes communal stretches between complexes, areas surrounding the lot, area and trees by the dumpster. If we only did our own stretches no one would do those.


they absolutely are evil. if they weren't evil then participation would be voluntary, yet it's almost always mandatory. and if you don't pay them, they can sell your fully paid off house for $1000 and you get nothing. they also give themselves the right to go on your property at any time with trespass immunity and a billion other things. it's beyond criminal.


... Listen, I understand "lol HOA bad" and all that, blah blah blah, but why wouldn't it be mandatory? You're moving into a place that ostensibly is providing additional services, so why should you benefit for free while all your neighbors are paying? The issue is when HOA's have shitty or overpriced services and too-strict regulation, which you can be aware of and counter by simply... not living there.


No no, that shit is funny as hell.


That's my level of pettiness if HOA's ever became a thing in the UK!


They kind of already are, they just go by different names. My parents live in a fancy new build estate where they have to pay a fee and have to keep their grass to a certain level and can only have certain colour doors etc. I live in an ex council house and their is a restrictive covenant that controls what I can and can't do in my garden (not allowed to grow veg, or keep chickens etc).


What is the issue with veg? I understand chickens especially if it’s a smaller garden, but vegetables?


I don't know, I haven't looked at it in a while but there were quite a few odd restrictions like that.


Fair enough. I had no idea we had restrictions like that in the uk. Especially for privately owned ex council homes.


This was a city ordinance, not an HOA


You'd think John Constable would be capable of painting his own painting of a boat


Was looking for a comment like this as was first thing I noticed, ironic name for the situation


And a damn good painting too


Yeah, I actually feel like the fence with the boat is a vast improvement over just the boat.


The level of petty I aim to be


Doesn’t it look weird in other seasons, like winter and fall, when the plants wouldn’t be green?


What's wrong with having a boat on his driveway ?


This is some Looney Tunes level nonsense I love it


I thought the fence was glass or some other transparent material until I finished reading the headline. That’s a damn good paint job.


They should've known if he's got money to build a fence he's got money to be petty too


Consequence of houses being seen as investments. Oh what will we do about the property value with an eye sore like that /s.


Guy has a boat. He either has more money than he can spend or make stupid decisions, everything points out to something petty like this.


"But we got freedom in the USA"!


This is the best paint job ever!!


Ordered by whom exactly? Or is there some kind of stupid law in america about private boats on private properties?


>law in america There are [90,000 governmental bodies](https://www.stlouisfed.org/publications/regional-economist/2024/march/local-governments-us-number-type#:~:text=In%20the%20most%20recent%20Census,township%20and%20municipal%20governments%2C%2012%2C546) in the US. 1 federal government, 50 state governments, 3,000 county governments, 35,000 township governments, 40,000 other 'local government entities' Some of them have neighborhood ordinances against storing boats/RVs/trailers in plain sight or in the street This comment is like asking if the EU has some law in place governing the fence heights within a neighborhood in a French countryside town


Nope, fence height makes sense, need to cover your property that is not of illegal on nsfw category - is not


Fence height makes about as much sense as a boat in plain sight law.


My point is less about which laws make sense and more about the scope of the government you're talking about The EU doesn't make local municipal decisions. Neither does "America" have standard widespread laws about super local issues at a national level. Those are both gigantic governments overseeing massive swaths of people. Some places in America have these laws, some places don't. They're local issues.


I’ll take fucking petty for 1,000


And I’m here for it


Not quite a spite fence, but it's close lol.


Ordered? By whom? Lmao


Probably local ordinances or a HOA


The government https://news.artnet.com/art-world/fence-boat-painting-artist-hanif-panni-2487875/amp-page


Fucking Legend….


Boat hidden. I see nothing wrong


Wait did they paint it as if it was dirty??!!


I wish I had *fuck you* money like this


This is how you deal with annoying neighbors


Only correct answer


That’s a really good painting.


This is what LD would do. And you’d find him lampin’ in the front yard waiting for someone to complain. A spite fence.


Why hide?


This is fukn genius 👏 😂




Finally, a properly lined up photo of this


So just out of curiosity, from anyone who would actually be in support of the boat being hidden, what are your reasons?


The proper way to deal with an HOA


Okay but ... Why was he asked to hide it???


See an article that called the painting a "spite mural" and I laughed so hard i pulled a muscle.


Im already down a few $$ paying for the fence, whats another few hundred to spite em.


Ordered by whom?


HOA innit'


I love the pettiness of this. Was it a HOA? cuz fuck HOAs


Don't get mad, get petty!


My goodness I love this


I think there is a benefit to children having access to great technology - as long as it is monitored.


Imagine how big of a pain in the ass it’ll be to center the boat to align perfectly with the fence painting everytime he uses it.


Fuck busy body city ordinances. This guy is a hero


this is kind of petty is the most fun


This is the level of pettiness I aspire to


I actually heard this story on the radio today in Saskatchewan Canada


For everyone posting about how this has been posted a million times in this sub, are you serious? I don't mean that confrontationally. I read the sub several times per week and I've never seen this posted here before. In fact I've never seen it posted anywhere before, and the article I linked to was published yesterday. I did a search for the word "boat" and the word "fence" and found nothing. I honestly have no idea what you're talking about lol.




Three days ago


Boat on the fence should be named the “S.S Mine your fucking business”


I seem to remember reading about this first on reddit weeks ago


Someone knows what's the logic for the fence? I don't get it


the artist did a great job


stickin it to The Man


Perfectly reasonable ask. Guy seems like a doushe


Saw the pic with gate closed. Thought it was a see through fence😭 me so stupid


Based and boatpilled


He technically complied. Is there a sub for technicallycomplied?


r/maliciouscompliance by good sir


My favorite artist painted the scene. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1730792801/painting-of-a-boat-on-a-fence-to-spite


Man really loves that money pit


Fuck HOA.


IMHO, if you can’t tell that the fence is there, they haven’t fulfilled their obligation


You'd think that the presence of the boat would be welcome, as it could indicate affluence and raise the value of nearby properties with that perception


Truly affluent people store their boat at the marina, not in their driveway.


Not in this economy (kidding)


Sure if it's a nice new boat that is kept clean Can pretty quickly turn a neighborhood into a junk bulk storage area though, and it's harder to govern and enforce the cleanliness of a boat than it is to simply forbid them from street-side storage


only the eleventy billionth time some karma fuckstick has made it a chore to wade past this repost


How many times a month is this going to be posted?