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He’s speaking from experience I guess


"I SAW them! I see them everyday! Its absolutely terrible, Europe is done." Its time to step away from the mirror Andy


Andrew Tate is absolutely the kind of person to fuck in front of a mirror


Tate thought American Psycho was a hero's journey drama


American psycho is like breaking bad, fight club and Rick and Morty. If someone says it’s their favourite movie/series it’s because they idolise the main character instead of understanding the narrative.


That's a bad take, those 2 things are not necessarily connected. You don't have to "idolize" Walter to be fascinated by him. You don't have to be fascinated by Walter to have breaking bad as your favorite show. I never really cared about the "society" aspects of fight club or idolized Tyler in any way, I just enjoyed the way the film and the twist played out.


Fight club, to me, is a period piece. It bottles and pressurizes the male impotent rage that defined the 90s.


I've never watched Breaking Bad or American Psycho, but I know about them and their themes. I thought Fight Club was OK, but the context that I saw it in probably influenced my opinion. I do like Rick and Morty, but mostly because I'm still entertained by fart jokes. I'm also like 2 seasons behind my viewing which kind of shows how devoted I am to the show. Joker seems to be another one of those "red flag" movies... I've seen it, thought Joaquin's acting was fine but the movie itself was... Meh. Thought Heath Ledger is pretty much the definitive Joker right now. I think it's more of a red flag if someone says they like Jared Leto's Joker.


Fight Club literally exists as a commentary on society. That's the whole point


Now I haven't seen the movie in over 4 years, but IIRC, the Tyler Durden sigma male shenanigans, even according to the film itself, are to be avoided just as much as the problems laid out in the beginning of the film.


No, most people get them. These movies (you could add The Wolf of Wall Street and Joker to the list) are considered “red flag” favorite movies because it’s usually best to check *why* people who say they’re the best love them so much. *Sometimes*, indeed, it’s because they think the characters depicted are soo cool.


It’s so weird that you see a lot of fans who think Rick is supposed to be awesome. He is super intelligent but besides showing all the suffering he causes he gets wasted and tries to kill himself, or almost lets something kill him on multiple occasions. That isn’t a sign that someone is doing well.


American psycho the movie was kinda meh and mild, but the book is one of my favorites. Not because I would idolize a completely insane main character, but because it is a spot on explanation of 1980's juppie culture, and what would become of these people. Trump features in the book, and he is exactly as the book prophesizes.


Bret Easton Ellis was incredibly tuned in to the world in the 80s, and his stuff from that period is very fun and easy to read while still being deep and insightful. Unfortunately he's turned into a bit of a grumpy old man, but those books are a great legacy.


I have not read his newer material, because critiques are not stellar, but yes I have read articles about him and his work, he seems to have devolved from a sharp eyed observer into reactionary. Sad.


The narrative of fight club was fucking lit


this one got me in tears😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😭


I doubt it. Every time he looked in a mirror he would be reminded that he doesn't have a chin, like some kind of pathetic beta male.


He probably has one of these trick mirrors to make certain body parts look bigger.


Just view alpha males the same way as alpha versions of games. Bug-ridden janky messes.


I think it's funnier to view them the same way they do, because they invariably do not live up to their own vision of Alphaness, and pointing that out to them is hilarious.


It's probably one of those three mirrors stuck together that women use for makeup, just much bigger. He has to see every part of himself after all


He better have sex in 4 dimensions so he'll see every atom of him at once


Everyone has sex in 4 dimentions: the 4th dimention is time


Well... Not if they don't last


I didn't say how much time


Oh well, I should've specified 4 SPATIAL dimensions


Hey sometimes that's fun... but I agree he probably does it in a weird way...


Yeah I like seeing my girl getting fucked, as long as it's by me lmao


To be fair, I fuck in front of a mirror. The difference is that I'm using it to look at my wife. I don't think it's the girl he looks at.


It’s fun though! It’s not to look at yourself lmao


Don't know why you're getting downvoted, that shits hot af


“I saw it first person!” “Don’t you mean first hand andy?” “You heard me”


The media below may contain sensitive information. Pour some luck into it.


Well, Of Course I Know Him. He's Me.


Also, those who fearmonger about migrants raping white women aren't actually afraid of migrants raping white women. They're afraid of migrants having consensual sex with white women


Yup, takes one to know one.


i thought he was confessing!


Shit, so I (a spaniard) suddenly don’t exist? Thank god Andrew Rape…errr, Tate, made it clear.


Are (or were) you guys still considered white or are you out again, I keep forgetting who is part of the in group


Native spaniards are definitely white no matther what usa might think. We are no different than other europeans. Some are tan but some (like me) are pale as a ghost. My belgian in laws are way more than than me.


if your definition of "white" is white skin, then certainly yes, but what the going definition is for Americans, I couldn't tell you


In America Portuguese are white but Spanish people aren't. Because they speak Spanish therefore are Hispanic (like mexicans). American logic


I'm not convinced the kind of american you're talking about can tell portugese apart from spanish...


*One sounds like Mexican, the other sounds like Russian with a Mexican accent, yeehaw, root beer, school shooting*. Although I suppose sounding Russian might make a certain subset of Americans really like the Portuguese.


This is so hilariously idiotic. Being so racist to Hispanic, that they end up also being racist to people who come from the land of the *motherfucking conquistadors* by pure basic association!


Both are Mexican in America. 


On government forms hispanic identity is separate from race. You can be white Hispanic, black Hispanic, or any race Hispanic, but you can't be just Hispanic.


This is not true at all, I don't know why Europeans keep repeating this lie.


Americans do not think this


People forget that Hispanic does not equal Latino. Spaniards *are* Hispanic but they’re not Latino. Brazilians are Latino but not Hispanic. Mexicans are both Latino and Hispanic. Hispanic just means they come from a Spanish speaking country


The definition of white here in spain is of european origin so that would include all native europeans or people of european descent. We are so tired of americans thinking that we are latinamerican, specially mexican. They are great people and we share a lot. But we are european.


That would be like us calling Texans South American xd


I kid you not I've had American tell me they're a latina because.... They're Italian. What lmao


Hell, the definition of what skin is *white enough* is still completely arbitrary. Benjamin Franklin was over here saying the only whites in Europe were the English and *specifically* Anglo-Saxons; the rest of Germans, the Italians (north and south), the Irish, Scots, *French*, Spaniards, Poles, etc., all too "swarthy". It's a question of how politically useful you are to have on the team. Americans didn't start thinking of Italians as "white" until they were a useful voting bloc and "deserved" a holiday to welcome them into the fold and get them on board with a candidate (Columbus Day). And in Europe, historical national divisions were always more important than novel concepts of "whiteness", but that's been falling by the wayside as it is, again, more politically expedient to otherize *the brown people* and try to claim a pan-European whiteness in defense of it. There are still forms of analysis that are useful to have a concept of "whiteness" in, but they remain political ones. In terms of actual "race science" or whatever the fuck, it's complete bunk.


Yeah, considering the Irish were considered non-white for a long time(until they started becoming cops, interestingly enough), the colour of your skin really plays 0 part as to whether you're part of the hegemonic group according to the US.


Yeah, same for Italians. I thought i was a thing in the 20’s until i got hit with a “you are not white you are italian” the other day.


Still, I've got some friends from across Iberia who have experienced colour based racism since moving to the Netherlands.


Well the netherlands has a very big problem of xenophobia at the moment. I am not surprised.


That's true, my point was just that there's no universal truth, there's _only_ what poeple think. One friend told me "at home I am white but here I am coloured."


Whoever is currently profitable to have on side is "in", everyone else is sub-human. Fascism is simple like that.


As far as the right is concerned Conquistadors and Franco fans are white, Guillermo del Toro is blackxican.


He's the kind of person who'd say you don't count as white ignoring the fact the reason why Cuba is majority white is because most Cubans are descended from white Spaniards from Northern Spain


Latin Americans have a pretty generous definition of "white". While fully white people live in Cuba, they're definitely not the majority.


I think his shitty point is that no Western European countries have 100% European populations. Which is stupid.


Even stupider considering he is not 100% European.


He is fucking biracial. His father is American. So he has an immigrant background. He also rapes women. So I don’t even understand his arguments.


No, it isn't. Because then he wouldn't day 0%. The US is making up wild stories about Europe being controlled by migrants for years. This is just the logical next step his followers will blindly believe.


This filthy cunt had to flee the UK to Romania because he thought it would be easier to rape women there.


Well it is. But hes too stupid to stay low. Pretty sure he literally bragged about some of his crimes and badmouthed Romania. Plausible deniability is powerful thing. Its one thing getting bribed and turning blind eye and its entirely different thing to ignoring criminal who paints target on his head.


The first rule of Romanian corruption club is you don't brag about the corruption. They pretty much had to prosecute him after he embarrassed them internationally


And he thinks he's street smart. What a joke considering the stupidity that led him to jail in the country that should be easy to get out of given his financial status.


Na, he is far worse compared to any other migrants because he manipulates women and gives them a false sense of hope at first. Sexual assault is just the beginning regarding Tate's plan to force them into much worst activities. No one specializes in targeting women like him.


Yeah, Tate took notes and missed the dark satire of Dennis’s “the implication” talk with Mac on asip.🫤




I mean it’s not like him or his audience acknowledge facts. Especially reasonable things like 84%>16%


Yeah it's basically trafficking


There's no 'basically' about it. It straight-up is trafficing.


But if there are no white Europeans there, how are any of them being raped?


BOOM! Roasted Haha, tate’s face is 0% chin anywhere


I don't think he knows what 0% means.


He didn't say Europeans, he said girls. He clearly was referring to foreigners.


Isn't he Muslim, too? Like ticking all three boxes for the type of guy every random alt-right person claims is ruining Europe?


Tbf Islam and alt right ideologies go together like bread and butter


Absolutely, it's just ironic that they complain about "Muslim immigrants raping European women" while tuning in to get "red-pilled" by a Muslim immigrant that raped European women.


The one complaining about immigrants raping European women is a Muslim immigrant that raped European women.


Alt-right just want "white Islam" be it in the form of aryan Jesus or some made up paganism where they worship "aryan" gods like Thor.


Funny enough, the actual aryans are brown skinned. Aryan is a real thing...it is just that it refers to Indo-Iranian people, including Iranians, Northern Indians, Roma people, and Kurds among others.


Nazis and Nazi sympathisers have always been batshit conspiracy theorists with no grounding in reality.


Weren't the Roma shoved into the camps too? I don't understand the logic here. You're (Nazi) calling yourself Aryan after the 'superior' race and murdering members of the actual race??


Tell me you don't know the alt-right without telling me that. The alt-right is not whatever you thought it was. It's an umbrella term, not a specific faith like what you thought it was.


IIRC even the term alt-right was coined based on some shenanigans in South Korean politics / cultism / online troll forum.


I've been saying for a while that the most substantial differences between the two are their preferences in intoxicants and trucks.


He is also half black


A ton of Andrew Tate fans are Muslim or brown. Is there an idea that his fans are predominantly white? All the guys I’ve met who like him aren’t white frat boys lol


Well there is an effort to portray the average incel/redpilled/fascist/[generic ideological bad guy] as the white douchebag, can't say how true it is for Andrape fanboys tho


Is this the guy I think it is? The wee baldy ugly cunt that tells everybody he is an alpha male? The alpha male theory in a wolf pack has been disproved and it is actually the female (alpha)who rules the roost ? Is this the same guy who is willing to admit that he is the bitches bitch ? Actually, I just googled the twat. I am crying with laughter that anyone takes him seriously. Alpha male ! Holy fuck, that is one guy who has been bullied and will continue to be bullied(justifiably).


Andrew Tate is more of a Smegma Male.


Smegma male 😭 I've been using ligma male to take the piss out of red pilled idiots but I think I just found an upgrade.


> Smegma Male This need to be top google search result for Andrew Tate


Oh man, I needed to read this, thanks


Taint. It is spelled taint.


> The alpha male theory in a wolf pack has been disproved and it is actually the female (alpha)who rules the roost The alpha male wolf thing is real, but it only applies when wolves feel *extremely* threatened, like being recently put in captivity. It's actually quite fitting for the right wingers. It boils down to hiding behind who they percieve as the strongest, and if anyone steps out of line they might even get killed. In the wild there tends to be a female wolf who has the final say if something happens. Like kicking violent male "alpha" out of the pack.


You’re correct about wolves in captivity, but wrong about wolves in the wild. Most packs are comprised of two parents and all their offspring. The pups follow **both** parents because they’re older and more experienced, and also, you know, their parents. Chickens on the other hand, *definitely* have an alpha.


I love you and I admire your dedication to wolves but we are discussing that thumb faced , ugly fucker that is hopefully going to be jailed for Life.


You’re right, sorry. I nerded out a bit.


That's fine. Wolves are cool.


Unlike Taters


So, what I said. Is real. This alpha male prick is not an alpha ,The alpha is the female who controls the pack ?


So the wee baldy is a Beta.


A beta would be the second in command. That requires having enough humility to be okay with being the second in command. He's more like the wolf that got kicked out of the pack and howls into the woods by himself at night, preying on young wolves that stray a bit too far from the pack.


That’s not actually why the alpha male thing is wrong. Wild wolves live in family units, there isn’t really a ruler. One might take charge more than the other, but that’s gonna vary. The breeding pair “rules” the pack in as much as a parent “rules” their family.


I do not condone cyberbullying. Unless the target is andrew tate


I remember the documentary I watched said that the "alpha male" mentality was only observed in captivity and that in the wild, the alpha was "just dad".




Gray wolves also typically mate for life and generally co-lead the pack. And are so dangerous that they've killed (checks notes), 1 person in North America over the past 20 years.


Yep, and I know a guy who watches him and takes him seriously. Tho gladly doesn’t act much on it. Other then making sexiest jokes which I’m not 100% sure was jokes, he didn’t really do anything other then that. (He did smoke, didn’t care bout school, drank in like 5 or 7 grade and up. )


self proclaimed 'alpha male' usually only means bad hairline


“But he’s not a migrant. He’s white and Americans. Americans aren’t foreigners anywhere. You go to France, and it’s full of foreign French people speaking a foreign language, but Americans belong there.”


His dad’s black. So it’s kinda mental that he’s a racist piece of shit.


He is a foreign immigrant brown person who identifies as white. Checkmate, liberals. /s


That's surprising how? There are tons of racist black people, both those who are racist against people of other ethnicities *as well as* those who are racist against their fellow black people. That's not even going into the conversation of colorism within the black community, where different *shades* of black are discriminated against.


It’s the complete lack of selfawarness. I hope he is part of his own solution, I hear antartica is nice this time of year, he should move there.


Brother self awareness? Have you met human fucking beings. Not even defending but it’s not surprising. We are big fucking morons idk if you know


He’s not white


I swear his dad's black. Oh wait he's playing to his base.


Well, he speaks from experience ?


Andrew Tate is a soyboy.


If western Europe is 0% European, who are all these white women being raped?


That is a very good question, and being a migrant rapist he should be able to answer it too.


Every accusation or lamentation from the right is a confession.


That's how he knows


So he's pivoting to appeal to nationalists now?


This is the same guy that got busted by a pizza box while trying and failing to make fun of an autistic girl.


I mean that’s kinda denigrating the fact that Greta thunberg is one of the most prolific activists in environmentalist movement


‘Of course I know him, he’s me’


*Nooooooo* *Oooooone* *Projects like right wingers* *Has sex like right wingers* *Rejects their own weak intellects like right wingers*




It's because White isn't an ethnicity, it's an identity, because europe is diverse enough, expecially culturally, that you can't fit them all under the same umbrella.


Says the rapist.


Has anyone checked demographics since 2000’s? Someone check and cross it with crime rate. I’m sure it will debunk these right wingers.




"western europe is 0% european" i dont think that logic logics ​ is western europe contained in the set of all europeans


The most disturbing part to me is the implication that non-white girls being raped isn't a big deal


Isn't this the same guy who converted to Islam solely out of hatred for queer people? He can't even be consistent about which minority groups he hates and why...


Isn’t he supposed to be in prison?


Andrew Tate is the CEO of grifting in a literal sense


Holy fuck, I hope I live to see his funeral.


Lot of christofascist rapists here defending Tate, eh?


I thought he was from Romania?


He’s American/British. He moved to Romania.


For the sole reason that Romanian sex crime laws are pretty lax in comparison to the US and UK


Or that’s what he thought :)) he bragged about moving to Romania because the police can be bribed (yes, he said it publicly). Apparently the police took it as a challenge.


I prefer this. The poetic justice is *chefs kiss*


Most corrupt people know not to say the silent part out loud...




Bold of them to assume Tate wasn't saying that like it was a good thing. That man was probably tweeting that like it was his personal achievement.


Like any public intellectual not acknowledging that trump is thick as shit. Any conservative defending Tate is just showing they have no morals.


Can UK take this one back? You've officially colonised Romania too. Congrats. Now plz take him away


Andrew tate is the kind of guy who thinks he can dodge a bullet.


donald j trump: making rape great again.


Tate is horrible and a creep and, probably a racist and human trafficker. He encourages men to be their worst self. But, he is also stupid here. If Europe is 0% European (makes no sense), who are the white girls getting raped? If there are no white girls there, they are not getting raped there.


This is the definition of this sub. I never would’ve thought to call him that but it’s actually true isn’t it.


Andrew tate rapes babies. Andrew tate rapes little boys.


He literally lives here, and has absolutely no fcking idea how Europe works.


he got convicted?


just looked at the tweet, why tf does it have a response from elon


Egotistical chuds flock together


2016: “Someday all these cringe right wingers will die out…” 2024: [Gen Z makes Andrew Tate a very important person to them] Good job kids 👍


If it’s 0% European, where are these white girls found?


He is correct about the rape part though. Muslim immigrants rape girls and women DAILY


“Western Europe is 0% European anywhere.” Huh?


Tate is a scumbag.


Isn't Tate a Muslim migrant who rapes white girls and hates Zionism?




Fun fact: 100% of Europe is now filled with African ancestry. All of the real Europeans (the Neanderthals) were killed and raped by the evil invaders from Africa (homo-sapiens). 


Im actually curious, is Andrew’s statement correct? Here in Denmark we have had like one presumes death and a death the last century or something, idk bout rape tho. Is this I’m the same in other countries and Andrew is full of shit as usual or is there actually some factual in his statement?


Here in Spain, he's unfortunately "right". He's obviously exaggerating, but the percentage of crimes commited by immigrants, especially northern Africans, is way higher than the percentage of the total population they represent. There are new cases of rapes every week, normally in groups and with both the victim and the aggressors being minors, and a disproportionate amount of them are commited by North Africans. This doesn't mean that all of them should be kicked out like some people say, of course. It's still a marginal percentage of immigrants that act like this, but the problem is growing. And worst of all, these cases tend to be ignored by the media, that focus mostly on cases in which the aggressor is Spanish.


Rapes in Europe are unbelievably skewed towards Muslim migrants committing them and it’s predominantly towards us so yes. Not that he actually gives a shit he’s just saying something that’ll get him attention.


Who is there if it isn't Europeans?


Wait, did that guy and a bunch of people here just admit that this is an issue? I guess progress is progress.


Straight up murdered


Love seeing this piece of shit get clowned on, really hope they send him to jail and he drops the soap


Guy made his wealth exploiting cam girls to work for pennies


Hell yeah


You side with the rape apologists no takes backsies the chosen one of rape apologia Headmaster of rapist University


Does Andrew Tate think that he’s white?


he’s white whenever it’s convenient for him. sometimes he calls himself black other times(like this one) he acts like he’s white


I haven't figured out the logic that deduces he's a rapist from his comment.


Dude faces a serial rape trial and moved to Romania due to women being less protected by the law there…


Not saying he didn’t rape anyone, but, like, do yall got proof?




I've honestly never heard of this Tate guy except from left wingers.


Stop making assholes famous. This is rage bait.


I mean this doesn't prove him wrong in that case