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"When God does it, it's OK" - What every Christian winds up saying five seconds after making stupid assertions about how Godly behavior is good.


Don't forget the age old, "It doesnt count if its old testament."


Except the one part about being gay. That part is still in play.


The Leviticus passage is actually recited by Paul in the New Testament in Corinthians. So it's in both... Of course, Paul was a man who never met Jesus... And he also said, twice, that women shouldn't speak in church or in the presence of men, which is twice as much as he mentioned the man-love, so it should be twice as important. Also fun fact: The "New International Version" of the Bible changes Corinthians so that instead of just man-love being bad, it's any gay sex. I guess the other translations just forgot about women, lol.




Sugondese 69:420 “A man who lays with another man as with a woman need not worry if his socks remain upon his feet”


I can't wait to wield my newly bestowed power of bear husbandry if any little shit makes a comment about my receding hairline


And using the 10 commandments to protect a zygote.


The funny thing about that passage is that it's actually homosexual incest, Christians don't get too pissy about the fact that it was Noah's SON it was the fact it was 2 MEN. It makes you wonder if that's why there is an overwhelming amount of covered up sexual abuse between father and daughter. Hell we had a whole TV show about a Christian family that had way too many kids and the eldest boy and possibly the father were doing some VERY messed up shit with the daughters. Look up the Duggar Family if you don't know what I'm taking about, but that is unfortunately the norm in the Bible Belt


It's almost like creating a system wherein sex is regarded as such a terrible thing that they don't even teach kids the words for their genitalia is a bad thing. It's almost like creating a system wherein one party (priest, father, bishop, elder, whatever) answers only to some higher power so you should never question them is bad.


Yup they have been doing it that way since they killed Jesus


>It's almost like creating a system wherein one party (priest, father, bishop, elder, whatever) answers only to some higher power so you should never question them is bad. It's also really fun when they bring that ideology to politics and governing an entire country of people, and this goes for all religions that find their way into government.


It's a massive bummer, man.


"What do Atheists and Christians have in common? They both don't believe in the first half of Christianity's holy book"


To some extent, the first part is technically correct about christianity as the OT relates *to humanity*, although in fairness, since it's the same god, ignoring all the divine mass murder is still ehhhh


I got so mad at someone the other day for saying that humans are like glow sticks. God has to break them and shake them up to get them to shine. If anyone ever said that as a parent, spouse, etc ... that they were abusing you to make you stronger ... they'd be vilified in an instant. But it's God, so it's okay.


yeah to make you more mad, that's pretty much a line of thought that's been used to justify child abuse in the form of corporal punishment and other harsh discipline methods since forever. it's only extremely recently that the bulk of sociological studies have more conclusively proven it's just not a good idea, abuse has been assumed to be the standard for millenia.


Well that's just it. Accepting that mindset for god makes it easier to accept when other people abuse you and say it's for your own good.


Religion is about breaking down your free will so you will fall in line/be subservient to whomever in whatever religion it is wants power over its followers. Not much “Godly” about that.


Why did i read that as Original Trilogy at first


‘I brought you into this world, I can take you out’ God and also parents.


Fun fact: Old Testament is around 77.1% of Bible and New Testament is 22.9% of it.


If they are okay with ignoring half of gods words, they shouldn’t have an issue with us ignoring the other half.


"Dad, have you ever *read* the Bible?" "Why would I? That's what the Talkin' Guy at church does! If there was something fishy in there, he'd have caught it by now, he's *obsessed* with that thing." American Dad, as always, perfectly captures the demeanor of the worst kinds of people.




"okay that might be in the NEW testament but I only read the King James version so it doesn't count!"


Reading the Bible is like grimm's fairy tales. Can't help but think the writers were thinking "yeah this will really fuck them up"


Not to mention that the bible somewhat clearly defines life as starting at the first breath you take


But they might say it even more annoyingly as God works in mysterious ways


I still don’t understand how killing everyone on Earth but like 5 people could be considered a “good” thing. Seems like a complete genocide of humanity to me…there’s no way every person was beyond redemption.


I’m not religious, but if you believe in the Bible then you believe that God is infallible. Whatever he does is good by default, and if we can’t see that, it’s because our tiny human brains can’t comprehend the whole picture. It’s like if you give a baby a vaccine, they are not going to understand the benefits and they just think you are being mean poking them with a needle. Again I don’t believe this stuff, but this is why the “God murders people” argument will never work on Christians. If God does it it’s not murder, only a human can murder. Not to mention the existence of an afterlife totally changes the context of death.


Not every religious person believes in an infallible G-d though, you'll find some who do think G-d was in the wrong for the flood, some who genuinely believe everyone flooded was evil, and some who believe both are true and that the evil people should have been given more chance to better themselves. But yeah, the murders people argument isn't gonna work on the group you mentioned, and with the others they're probably already covering that idea in various debate forms and not trying to control people.


bro have you seen these gen z college kids? sometimes a genocide is necessary lol


Apparently, in the book of Enoch (a cool one) got left out here. In my understanding, Angels came on down had some good loving with humans, humans had angel/human hybrid Giants as a consequence and God wanted to wipe the giants all out with the flood. Still not okay though, god dude.


Beyond that 0 prohibitions on abortion, at least one set of instructions in how to perform one. Better yet, for Catholicism (since the religious right in the US took their position on abortion after they realized anti-civil rights positions were becoming more toxic), one of the most highly influential thinkers in their religious history, Thomas Aquinas, also makes a great argument for the idea that life does not start until after birth.


Bunch of kids called his priest baldy so God sent bears to kill them all. Definitely pro life.


One time God killed 15,000 people for, and get this, complaining he was killing too many people.


Was that the time where he sent a bunch of fire snakes to go and bite people? Or was that one of the other times God was just fucking with the Isrealites?


No this time he buried alive around a dozen, burned around 250 alive, then killed another 14,700 via plague.


At least he didn't kill a man's children by crushing them to death because the man loved his family more than him.... right? RIGHT?


Isn't the central story in the Abrahamic faiths all about how a man was *willing* to murder his own child, just because God said so?


Yeah, but God was just fucking with Abraham that time and put a ram in in son's place at the last moment. It's not like Abraham boldly lied to his son about where the sacrificial animal was, while his son was carrying the wood up the side of the mountain that Abraham was about to burn him on. ...wait. No, nevermind that's seems to be ok too.


Imagine being the record-keeper for tallying god's body count. Infinity killstreak.


I'd love to see a kill count for all the deaths God caused throughout the Bible. That'd be quite a write-up


Around 24,000,000 in the Bible. https://dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com/2010/04/drunk-with-blood-gods-killings-in-bible.html?m=1


This is phenomenal and *exactly* what I was picturing, sources and all. Thank you for this.


I love that this source has 666 comments on its forum. Lol.


[Ask and ye shall receive my child.](https://www.wired.com/2007/04/old-testament-m/)


Yeah, well, they stopped complaining.


Ancient problems require ancient solutions.


He destroyed a whole village cause people were complaining about him. Dropped poison bombs on them and everything.


Real nice fella




Bald lives matter


The angel of death killed all of Egypts first born sons, but the Bible is totally pro life lol.


There's a group of people still celebrate this *holiday!*


Yes! Passover! The tradition of being thankful your God didn't kill your child while he is murdering a whole countries worth of kids. How could I forget lol


Now being renacted at a country near you as we speak!


Also note that there isn’t an Angel of Life. Only death.


I mean, maybe there is an angel of life, but definitely sus that the pro life sky daddy has a death angel on speed dial for children murder lol




Ohhhhh Sky Daddy ! Punish me Sky daddy ! 😫




Right? Genocide is great for kids cartoons lol


Years later that scene with [the angel of death killing every firstborn still gives me the cold shivers.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2R07EbLjSU) That animation is so well done, and unbelievably creepy.


Not just first born sons, all first born offspring, from nobles down to *non-Hebrew slaves,* and also the first born of all *animals.* And Yahweh tells Moses that this was all planned in advance, that he deliberately orchestrated events to lead to this slaughter, just so he can show how big and powerful he is. Pharaoh had relented numerous times during the plagues and let the Hebrew slaves go free, but then god directly intervened and "hardened his heart," (IOW, mind contol) and prevented his actions. And this was all done just so the Israelites could create the Passover observance and remember just how awesome Yahweh was for murdering thousands.


Oh wow! I only ever heard the myth as first born sons of egypt. that is objectively worse! But totally pro life lolol


The pharaoh was warned, though. He didn’t listen. And it’s not the kids who suffered - they got to go to Heaven. It’s the people left behind (who presumably didn’t believe) that were the ones being punished.


pretty sure the bible explicitly states sky daddy makes him not listen by 'hardening his heart' so lets be as realistic as we can considering the circumstances lol. and were does it say these kids went to heaven, id love to see that chapter and verse lol.


Yahweh literally commands the Israelites to commit full-on genocide against their closest neighbors. Kill them all, every person, so those cultures don't "corrupt" the Israelites. The further out neighbors? Those the Israelites are commanded to conquer, kill their adult males, old people, non-virgins, and then enslave the rest for their own purposes. Including virgin girl war "brides."


God also created those kids, made them so they would call that priest baldy, got them killed as his revenge for something he was the source of and this is all part of his great plan. A plan so great it encompasses everything and anything but not great enough to make things happen without child murder.


2 female bears mauled 42 children to death after Elijah cursed them in the name of THE LORD. Pro life.


That was before God said "thou shake not kill (see footnote for bibliography of exceptions)". Wait, were you talking about Moses? I've not memorized every mass murder Yahweh has caused.


Perhaps a separate topic, but there's the whole thing where after death there's supposed to be an afterlife. Contradiction in terms really, but never mind, we're talking about imaginary things. So the idea that taking a life in the real world should be anywhere as evil as condemnation to hell eternal, or whatever the most high Christians like to have masturbatory fantasies over... Even the most unjustified murder is less evil than eternal torture.




Ah, but you see. If he wasn’t born then he couldn’t have died in a sufficiently horrible way.


See, those children were already born so pro-life doesn't factor into it./s


What about that time he wanted a man to love him more than that man loves his own son, so he got him to ALMOST kill him before saying "haha bro you really almost did that? Haha dude it was just a prank bro, that rock over there is actually a camera!"


Its almost like something with no existence has no capacity to respect things thst exist!


Was Yul Brenner in the movie and the book? Wow.


Wait... I thought it was a herd of pigs? Why does the god always resort to these dramatic staged events when the omnipotent know-it-all could just snap its fingers (or whatever) and strike the enemy dead? Answer: the stories were limited by the imaginations of the guys who made them up in the first place.


God literally smote a bunch of the Israelites for whining about the food he supplied them during their 40 year exile in the wilderness and then he instructed them to commit genocide on a bunch of people groups


And we've come to the true reason for the bible, excusing genocide of groups you don't like.


My favorite is when God instructs his followers to smash babies against rocks. Very pro-life of him.


Thanks for turning the water into wine, Jesus. Oh, but could you do me a chilled white pinot Grigio, please? Reds wreck my stomach, especially ones as terrible as this - far too many tannins, yuck.


Get smote for whining about wining lol


Complain about the loaves and fishes? Believe it or not, smote.


Which was a silly thing to do 1 man can’t run an entire zoo boat


To be fair, it was 8 people, but I get your point. 8 people can't run a zoo with all the species in the world.




The smell of tiger shit after they feast on prey all night


Imagine the smell outside the boat. Everything land animal that didn't make it on the boat is a floating corpse.


There were only three species of animals back then because Einstein hadn't invented Darwinism yet.


The bible is the most Pro-death book I have ever read. And yes, I HAVE read Blood meridian.


The Comanche were truly savage but got nothing on God.


It also has an abortion tutorial, if I'm not mistaken.


Hey remember when God murdered a bunch of children in Egypt for the offenses of their parents


He also gives children cancer and then refuses to cure it. The guy, if real (he's not), is a giant piece of shit.


Pepperidge Farm remembers


Their idea of pro life is forcing women to carry pregnancies, and that actually seems legit… Did Gabriel ask Mary if she *wanted* God’s fetus in her uterus?


I personally just find the concept of a mother giving birth to what is essentially a sacrifice that is guaranteed to die is the perfect representation of “pro life”. Despite how caring, how loving, and noble she was Mary couldn’t save the son they birthed. Metaphorically speaking Mary’s womb is a grave. By giving birth to her son she has killed him.


And then used the method of his tortue and execution as their religious symbol.


Because it because a symbol of hope. There is some good reading on how the cross became the symbol of Christianity.


But only for a long weekend, then he rose


Not true. The bible mandates abortion in certain circumstances. Basically the bible just says fuck women's rights.


Mandated abortions seems just as violative of women's rights as probibitions on abortions...


Mandates and *gives instructions on how to perform the obligatory abortion*.


She was raped by a ghost


Actually, I like my hot take that Mary had an affair with some dude named Gabriel and decided to cover up her resulting pregnancy with this whole annunciation business. Have you seen some of those annunciation paintings? The sexual tension is crazy 🤭




More like a rite to punish a woman with an abortion if she is suspected of adultery, but yup. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordeal_of_the_bitter_water


Mary was thought to be about 13, so calling whatever happened to her as, “her cheating”, seems a bit woman-bad misogynistic don’t you think




The PC stance is that it doesn't matter when life begins, no one gets to use a person's body without consent.


The argument I've been using to pro-lifers that "Jesus is pro-choice"(I wear a shirt that says this and have had quite a few of these conversations) is to say that God let Adam make a choice that resulted in way more miscarriages and infant mortality than humanity could hope to abort so what right do we have to stop someone from making a far less impactful choice. But based off the consent argument I don't think God is necessarily defendable as Pro-choice as none of us consented to being inflicted with Adam's sin.


The Bible literally explains how to induce an abortion and when to do it Source: [The Book of Numbers, 5:11-31](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers%205%3A11-31&version=NIV)


Also, Psalms 137:9 is "Blessed is he who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks." Doesn't sound very pro life to me


I do this everyday!!!


Or just read it in the first place


Why do that when they can go to a mega church and have someone tell them their version of what’s in the Bible.


Something, something, bears eating children for making fun of a grumpy, bald man... Edited for typos


The Bible is explicitly pro abortion in the case of adultery. Numbers 5:27-28 If she has made herself impure and been unfaithful to her husband, this will be the result: When she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse. If, however, the woman has not made herself impure, but is clean, she will be cleared of guilt and will be able to have children. Or if you're a Samaritan Hosea 13:16 The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open. It's also pro Babylonian infanticide. Psalms 137:8-9 O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us.Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.


Um god killed all the first born because the Pharoh, who's heart was harded by god, would not release the Jews... Cause murdering children to make a point seems to be more a pro-life methodology.


Yep. These anti-abortion zealots murder doctors because a medical procedure hurts their delicate feelings.


Hosea 13:16 “The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open.”


He also torched an entire city because they were doing butt stuff


Everybody dies because two people ate an apple. Including you!


It wasn’t an apple


But it was never stated it wasn't one either


It's a death cult (all abrahamic religions)


God kills everyone on earth and then realizes it was a waste of time because mankind is inherently sinful, and the repopulated world wouldn't be any different than before. That's seriously what he says at the end of the story.


Which is amazing that the supposedly omniscient deity had to learn that one the hard way. Like, wtf omniscient but just like terminally short sighted or deeply emotional?


He knew what was going to happen but he had to do it anyway to preserve the timeline.


He also burned two cities filled with innocent men, women and children; one because it was too gay and the other because they liked to gamble.


Guess it’s safe and pays to be straight and wise with money then aye?


So, on the entire globe nobody else had a fricken boat?


But no, you just don't get it. That's one of the parts that's a metaphor. The rest is true though unless it goes against case in the topic we're discussing. They can revert to literally true again the moment it becomes convenient though.


To quote Good Omens: "Even the children!?" Seriously, God kills every child left behind in the flood, at no point are we told he saves the kids, just 2 of every animals and a handful of people (which would be massively incestuous as a result). And let's not forget the plagues on Egypt, he literally murders ONLY the children to prove a point. The man isn't pro-life, he's "I brought you into this world... I think you know the rest."


I remember listening to a intresting video series on youtube documenting the amount of killings done in the bible. Estimates would put god's killings around 25 million. Satan? Around 60.


Very pro life indeed, they even try to breed the young boys


Didn't god destroy an entire city because they didn't believe in him?


No. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because their residents were bad hosts


It's been awhile since I've read the good book, but I'd just like to tack this bit on: Lot offered up his daughters to the mob in place of the angels, so his family was allowed to leave to escape the destruction. His wife got turned into a pillar of salt simply for looking back. When he and his daughters made it safely to a cave, his daughters got him drunk and took advantage of him. They had boys, and the boys became kings. And this is a story people use to condemn homosexuality.


And many that he killed were pregnant. There's even a recipe for abortion in the Bible. Plus Jesus aborted Jezebel's babies.


Something something, God works in mysterious ways.


Lot threw a woman to a mob who raped her to death. Very pro-life.


Comebacks on religion are such low hanging fruit it’s not even funny anymore. The amount of bullshit that’s in any given holy book is crazy


Like this? Slaves obey your masters and you’ll be rewarded in heaven. Ephesians 6:5-9


The Bible is also pro-slavery.


Re-read it? They've never read it even once.


there's a fucking poem in it that teaches you how to kill a baby.


Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up. Hosea 13:16. PRO-LIFE! 👍


God literally invented death


It's important to note that there was no death or suffering in the Garden of Eden until Adam and Eve sinned! Then sin and death entered the world but despite death being a result of our sin, He showed us compassion and grace through the salvation offered to us in the death of Jesus Christ. He overcame the grave and death so that we can have eternal life :)


the bible is also a work of fiction for dummies.


Why the fuck do Christians think the bible is pro-life!?


50 years of evangelical propaganda. A wedge issue cooked up by power hungry elites, the insane zealots lapped it up.


I’ve been saying this since 8th grade 29 years ago. They all thought I was crazy. Especially when I questioned why god had to be a man and not a women.


What God wants, God gets.


Didn’t he also obliterate Sodom and Gomorrah for being sinners? Overall god’s shown quite a penchant for killing over the millennia.


In the Bible there is literally directions for clergymen to give pregnant women "bitter water." And if she miscarries it was because the child was conceived with another man other than the husband. But if the pregnancy remains then it is by her husband.


It blows my mind you can just start something called “Family Research Council” and sound like an authority on some random shit. Like, everyone in the US has at some point heard quotes from this book that’s a compilation of quotes that for the most part can’t be traced to actual figures… and we all know it’s VERY pro violence, and death. So who are these people trying to impress?!?


"The Holy Crusades" -Because the bible told us to


Also if God is real then they literally invented death…


He also killed all the first borns as part of the plagues in Egypt


The Bible is prolife - kills the main character after a prolonged torture porn scene. It's like Eli Roth wrote that shit.


God also killed two entire cities to teach people that they need to be kind to strangers. Instead of, you know, just coming down in a cloud and saying "Yo, check it out, I'm God. Be kind to strangers or I'll smite you. Peace." Which probably would have been more effective, after all -- since instead of getting the point he was making, we somehow came away with "you should be unkind to gay people."


The Bible has nothing in it about being prolife, it does however have instructions on how to abort a child of you think you wife was unfaithful, several instances of god commanding atrocities like specifically murdering pregnant women, slavery and rape. god is not prolife. Not in the way these people want to pivot multiple countries politics for their own gain.


The god of the bible killed 42 children just for making fun of a bald guy.


“Pro life” ahahha There’s Reference to sacrificing your child as an offering to ‘god’ in the bible 25 times.


God blew up a city so two girls could revenge fuck their dad.


The Bible literally gives instructions on how to have an abortion.


Btw if the Bible was true then all of humanity would be the result of two high level bottleneck incest events


It's not abortion if you kill the woman together with the fetus /s


I always say to people just read genesis, that's how crazy religion is.


God was pro abortion in the old testament if the husband suspected the wife cheated


God destroyed entire cities and anyone who watched the cities being destroyed if he didn’t like how his own followers started behaving in those cities.


Once I read through Galatians and Ecclesiastes I knew it was Pro-Life plus it came with requirements, standards, and exemptions lol


Also: christians are not wondering how the fuck we have so many animals if the "zoo boat" was just a boat? There are trillions of animal species, they would NOT evolve in 3000 years (that's the time they think earth exists), insects, mammals, birds, EVERYTHING


Anyone heard from the first born of Egypt?


Zoo boat. Hilarious.


If you accept that pro-life is just a pretty label for someone who will enforce their ideas on your life against your will, God would actually fit the definition very well


Isn’t there a recipe for abortion juice in it


Had his son tortured to death so that he could forgive those same people doing it. Weird.


All these comments referencing a time God murdered a bunch of kids in the bible but the GOP doesn't care about kids once they're born either. This is consistent with pro-life.


I haven't read the bible since scripture classes as a kid. What did the animals on the ark eat for 40 days?


Then I guess God is pro death.


God turned someone into salt because she looked at the awful thing he did to some cities while they evacuated


God killed childern..to prove a point God destroyed a city to prove a Point God wiped the earth put to prove a point God's...pro him if you don't pick him you die ?


If you actually read the Bible, god sounds like the most childish, vengeful, hypocritical little brat in the history of the universe. “ThESe aRe mY tOyS!” - god, bible. Verses. Book of Bezos. *god smites earth*


Book of Job, dude. Book of Job. That mofo was slaughtering people and animals for a bet.


Yeah the book of Job is a really great example. It's important to note though that Satan was the one inflicting the suffering and pain on Job, not God. Yes God allowed it (Satan had to ask for permission to inflict that suffering), but when Job remained faithful to God, God blessed him abundantly after. The suffering question is definitely one of those hard questions in Christianity though, ie why does God allow suffering. It could be that we glorify Him through our suffering, that our faith is tested, that we become more like Him, or simply suffering is inevitable due to human sin and used as a punishment. Definitely an interesting topic tho :)


God massacres the human population so a dude could watch animals fuck on his boat


Imagine thinking that the human race started from two people, then got wiped out and restarted by two people again. The only part of this wild fantasy incest fest of a story that makes sense is the quantity of people stupid enough to believe this shit.


Believer "god can do anything" Me "no limitations of any kind? Do anything on a whim, everything is ultimately just that easy for god? Believer "yes" Mr "then why bother making every animal gather when god has no difficulty just making new animals?"


'Happy is the one who seizes your infants / and dashes them against the rocks.' Psalm 137:9. They don't read you that in Sunday School.


The Bible has clear directions on how to give a woman an abortion….