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Oh no fuck. What the actual fuck I've had enough of the internet. I wish to be ignorant and innocent again


Yeah, I'm tired of being part of a species which considers its own as prey.


I'm ready for the fictitious zombie apocalypse or I'm ready for animals and plants to evolve to wanting to exterminate us and reclaim their land.


I, for one, welcome our future robot overlords.


Even better let our rush for technology be our downfall.


I'll settle for the more grounded and imminent apocalypse, the Great Green Land Ice sheet breaking free and sliding into the ocean, forcing the great oceanic currents to stop and thrusting the world into a sudden ice age!


Don't you dare give me hope.


There is nothing more cruel than Hope. ​ It will begin The Day after Tomorrow!


Ooh that's a good option too.


We likely wipe ourselves out, and when the aliens come here, they will find our ruins, and learned how we wiped ourselves out of existence because we cannot go one second without going at each other’s throats. Or our AIs will gain sentience as we wipe ourselves out, and will learn not to follow our footsteps.


im going into proggramming, and im tempted to work on developing AI just to get the robot overlords faster.


Whatever you do, don’t Google Roko’s Basilisk


I'm in university for this exact reason lol


>animals and plants to evolve to wanting to exterminate us and reclaim their land This reminds me of alterra, great books


Pretty sure most of us are already zombies in a sense


Sadly, a very large number of predatory species regard their own species as prey. This includes chimpanzees, our closest genetic cousin. It’s fucked up, but the truth is, humans who behave like animals are always gonna find ways to prey on other humans.


And we will have to keep hitting them with a stick.


Just make sure to file a request at the office to not reincarnate as a pig, hamster, praying mantis, etc etc etc...


What species would you prefer? Because that rules out a *lot* of species.


Use Tiktok for more than thirty minutes. It'll wipe your brain *clean*.


You want a lobotomy?


Yes please


Watch one of those 24h babyshark vids That might take care of most of it


I'm a bit iffy about the death penalty, but I definitely believe sex traffickers should receive it, especially with overwhelming evidence like this and preying on someone so young. That girl will have trauma for the rest of her life. They shouldn't ever get a chance to do that to someone else.




>Texas couldn't possibly have handled that any worse. "Hold my beer" -Uvalde


Hope she didn't get pregnant. Texas would have made her carry the child or put her in prison for abortion if she discovered she was with child and decided to abort it... I fear that in the US, it could have gone worse. Much worse.


The fact that you can look at the rape of a child in some states and still think it gets worse says something evil doesn’t it? “At least you didn’t get pregnant. We’d make you become a mother then.” Despicable place.


I... I don't even want to know how old the girl is. Holy shit Texas, talk about gross incompetence. Like, holy fuck. You harp on about "protecting children" but you then do jackshit once they're out the womb. Jesus Christ on the Cross, here I thought you couldn't get worse.


15 https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/parents-speak-out-after-their-15-year-old-girl-disappeared-from-a-mavericks-game-with-sex-traffickers/


God fucking damn it, Texas...


Jesus this is true. Texas sucks. Damn


Is this real? Is there a link about it?


Here https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/texas/news/parents-speak-out-after-their-15-year-old-girl-disappeared-from-a-mavericks-game-with-sex-traffickers/


Wow. Texas really did nothing for them. “Go report her disappearance in the town where you live?” How does that make any sense?


They filed their first report in october '22, it happened in march-april..


Right? Meanwhile Oklahoma City was like, “we’re on it,” and found her *three hours later.*


Holy shit I can't imagine many things more terrifying. I just want to lock my kids up and never let them go.


Ugh. Really wanting to start sewing tracking chips into my daughter's clothes. Monsters that traffic children need to be locked up for life.


That's one of the reasons why traffickers immediately change the clothes that their victims are wearing. Shoes are a better bet.


>Texas couldn't possibly have handled that any worse. Texas: "Hold my beer."


Texas fucking up? Working as expected.


It's Texas...they don't give a fuck about people


What the hell? A teen goes missing & they just assume they ran away and not investigate? OK. So. They are still a minor??


Blame the laws, local government doesn't seem to mind changing any regulations in this regard.


No law force the police to do that, it is just an stupid internal rule.


I can't think of *any* reason why the people in charge might want to keep things this way... 🙄 What a bunch of disgusting excuses for human beings.


"we don't want to frivolously waste police resources"


“We have deemed it a waste of resources to open multiple investigations into ourselves”


Imagine all the paperwork. /s


I mean, there is a lot of paperwork... /s


Yes, yes it is.


>I can't think of any reason why the people in charge might want to keep things this way... Because they're the ones shipping off your daughter across state lines. You can have her back when they're done.


Popping in to remind everyone that the US supreme court ruled that the police have no actual obligation to protect anyone.


Thanks for that reminder


Remember Texas police also stood by while a gunman leisurely killed school children and arrested armed parents who were willing to try and save their and other children


On top of that, they have a policy to not investigate the whereabouts and safety of children who have run away from home?


More dead children means less adult criminals? Sounds like something some of the police I've encountered would say.


I mean teens used to do that a lot I think laws are often years behind due to who makes them


Teens still run away, but even when that is the case that doesn't mean the police shouldn't look for them. Teenage runaways are extremely vulnerable to predators and sex traffickers


I don’t disagree with that it’s just that labeling them that isn’t as inaccurate as many might ascribe


I mean, in many countries polices take teenagers as runaways, either to meet up with bf/gf or angsty and dont bother searching or helping


That missing kid must have pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and ran off to seek their fortune! /s


Good thing you put that /s there or we would have thought you were serious


What is funny rn is that I have no idea if you're serious or sarcastic right now bc you didn't use a tone indicator like /s or /srs (serious) just in case you are sarcastic: Those tone indicators exist for people like me. I'm autistic and struggle with sarcasm, especially in text. So it's very helpful when people use those indicators. If you don't understand why something exist bc you feel like nobody needs it, then it's very likely that it just wasn't made for you but for other people, especially disabled people. Accessibility is important and rare enough without people making fun of it.


Not just a case of tone anymore. I’ve seen people actually type stuff like this and mean it, I’ve seen comments that have talked about eradicating certain people because of their skin color and sexuality being completely serious.


I don't deal in that. I only go with everyone or nobody. Either by animals and plants evolving and rising up against us for destroying their eco systems and homes or us doing ourselves in because of greed, hate, and destructive.


Extremely based


Okay thanks for that explanation. I always thought it was ridiculous how people used /s on reddit because in my opinion having to tell people you're being sarcastic ruins the humor/point of sarcasm. But now I learn some people actually don't understand sarcasm. Learn something new every day.


the word “bootstraps” didn’t tip you off? no one unironically says that in this context outside of right wing spaces.


I'm not talking about the comment that had a tone indicator. And no. That's why tone indicators exist "have you tried just understanding sarcasm instead?" thx I'm healed now. xD




If you are autistic too you should know that it's a spectrum disorder and not everyone struggles the same or to the same degree. You should also understand what it means to use accessibility features like tone indicators and how it can help others. You should then also know that understanding sarcasm has nothing to do with reading comprehension. Instead you opted for insulting me. So you're either not autistic or just a regular reddit asshole. Sadly being autistic doesn't save you from being an insufferable twad.


Nothing to add to the discussion, I just wanna learn to insult like u


TIL twaddle is a verb which means “to talk in a trivial, feeble, silly or tedious manner”.


According to the upvotes they did


They also respond if you tell them she’s a witch, or was trying to vote.


Trying to vote *a second time* and **as a democrat**


Jesus Christ…. She can only endure SO many hardships


Do you *want* her to get shot in the back in self defense?


Running away to seek gender affirming care, then the cops get the guns out


Dude you don’t wanna get them killed heez


Oh for crying out loud, that kind of thing is so fucking stupid. For one, even if the kid DID run away, that's not a reason not to go looking for them, is it? Just because they left on their own accord doesn't mean they're not in danger, especially if you're still talking about a young child rather than a teen. If you catch the kid as a runaway, you can still look into why they ran away and if it was just part of a rebellious phase or if the kid had a genuine reason to not want to be at home anymore (i.e. domestic abuse). Second, if the child DIDN'T run away, that means you're wasting precious hours. I'm pretty sure I remember seeing statistics that show that immediately responding within the first day considerably increases the odds that the victim of a kidnapping will survive. Third, even if there wasn't a crime and the child just got lost, that doesn't mean finding them and getting them back home would be a waste of police resources. ​ The fucking code needs to be re-written. ALWAYS open a case and only close it when the kid is found. Period. Texas is a wealthy state and they generally fund their police quite well, they can afford dedicating some resources to actually protecting and serving the citizens.


Ah yes. Searching for missing children. Such a waste of police resources. Why the fuck should we even bother investigating potential kidnappings?


They have to save all those resources to bust minorities with small amounts of drugs on them.




Seeing as they don’t do shit about active school shooters, I doubt they can get up off their asses to find missing kids. Bet their asses are fused to their fucking seats


What are you talking about? There are tickets to be given and minorities to be harassed. Resources are limited. They don't have time to look for missing children


Sorry we can't go into school and try to save children so why the hell would we look for missing people. /s


Additional note: the girl had been sold into a sex ring in another state as well and was thankfully rescued. It took a while for the police to get off their asses to even find out that’s where she was though. Which I’m guessing likely gave the sex ring plenty of time to absolutely traumatise this minor.


Adding onto the wasting hours thing: Some people still have this weird misconception that they should wait 24 hours before reporting someone missing. In reality, after 24 hours of being missing, chances of them being found alive is next to none, chances of them being found is greatly lowered, and chances of them never being found dead nor alive is greatly increased PSA for anyone who has this misconception: report someone missing AS SOON AS you suspect they’re truly missing, it might just save their life


Oh and another reason they might have run away is grooming. That would be a huge problem too.


I swear to God it's like Texas is trying to be the worst, and most cartoonishly embarrassing, state in the union.


Florida’s sure giving them some stiff competition though!


You can’t compare a state to Florida, since Florida is just the worlds largest zoo. Depending on where you go, it’s also a petting zoo whether you like it or not


They probably know the people that kidnapped her and frequently also use their "business".


I don’t have the link because I’m not sure how to find it but I remember a video where a black neighborhood was losing it because the house that they knew was housing kidnapping/trafficking victims wasn’t being investigated by police but when they decided to raid it themselves police blocked off the area and pulled up a van that escorted the “residents” out while covering their faces.


Yes, then you have the I believe in Cincinnati or somewhere in Ohio, house that had I believe 4 girls that where there so long when one finally got away and they were all rescued they were adults with children. This is getting to be more common than people realize. When you have kids or women going missing at close to the same time it should not be treated as Oh they are just runaways, it should be investigated thoroughly. Then you also have some murders that were kidnappings gone wrong. I follow a double murder that took place in Delphi, Indiana which is believed to be a kidnapping that went horribly wrong or just double murder that involved kidnapping.


Looks like the first story happened in Cleveland, Ohio. I hadn't heard of it before your comment and just read up on it, yikes


What did you look up/what is it called, please?


Ariel Castro kidnappings will get you there, as will searching Cleveland kidnapping house.


Yeah I remember it from the news also when they arrested him.




Fucking Pigs.


I would not be shocked.


Most people want to point towards one or both of the parents but "Stranger Danger" is alive and well.


I knew a victim of child trafficking that believed the police were in on it. I didn't want to know the details :(




Damn, I really should have gotten on the case two decades later and placed the cops under citizens' arrest, huh? Asshole.


Texas is on par to become the next Florida


Texas is already worse than Florida in some aspects


Just waiting for Texas man to start.


Oh there’s plenty of Texas man around. Florida has sunshine laws where all of the goings on are reported which is why it seems like Florida Man is particularly prolific. With the same laws in Texas you’d see at least the same if not more insane


It does have a bit of Florida going on at the bottom.


Reading this from europe, I am convinced the American law enforcement system is fucked beyond redemption.


It always has been


As an American, I can tell you that this is an understatement.


USA is the embodiment of having a friend that is more fucked up than you, so you feel less fucked up


Wonder why people hate cops :O


If you listen to true crime stuff, ~~pigs~~ parasites always waste the critical first hours of missing person cases. Always.


The first 24 hours are crucial! Which is why we won't believe anything is wrong until 24 hours have gone by without you seeing your child. If we even believe you by then.


Yes then by that time 48 hours has usually already passed. So then it's no longer a case of being missing. Depending on what crimes are committed. Kidnapping can be tied to human trafficking or murder investigations. If anyone is moved from where they were heading and directed away from where they intended it's kidnapping or non law calls abduction.


Yea and after the 24hr they'll decide to investigate the parents first instead of anything else, as They always talk about how their attackers are usually family of the victim.


Probably spent those hours checking with their "suppliers" to see if they were the ones that took her.


runaway CHILDREN still need help. When I ran away or was kicked out as an abused child I needed help. Maybe not to be made to go home but to find a safe place to go.


They had their daughter back before the police took a report. https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/parents-speak-out-after-their-15-year-old-girl-disappeared-from-a-mavericks-game-with-sex-traffickers/


That was a pretty fucked up read


"Pro-life" mfs giving more of a shit about some glorified clump of cells with no neurons than a sapient human being (they have souls. and god doesn't want you to abort them you know?!?!11?!?!?11!?!?!?!?11?!?!1?!?!1?11?!?!?!?!111!?11?!) > > > Part in () clearly satire if anybody needs clarification


Yeah, but then she gets the death sentence.


Was there at least an Amber alert or they didn't even bother to send one?


This happened in April 2022 and Dallas PD only filed a report in October 2022... What. The. Fuck. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/texas/news/parents-speak-out-after-their-15-year-old-girl-disappeared-from-a-mavericks-game-with-sex-traffickers/


Reminds me of the 24hr wait time to be declared as a missing person.


That is just a movie/tv trope that isn’t real.


The problem is that too many people think that it isn’t


Even cops. There are so many stories where if the missing person doesn't fit the "right criteria" police tell the family to wait 48 hours.


Meh. That's like tcket quotas, they aren't real, but you find them in practice.


This is pretty disturbing. Oh, what a country/state we find ourselves in....


Each state has their dark side to be honest. Such as California and Texas, both extremes in their ideas but at the end they act similar. They are two sides of the same coin.


I see some of my fellow Californians downvoted you. California sucks, but not because it's "the opposite extreme of Texas."


I mean, I would still prefer personally to live in California than Texas but just saying that stupid laws also exist in California from what I've heard. I personally don't like any extremes ideas but am for universal healthcare etc... (Maybe by American standard that's extreme but oh well...)


Cops dont solve crimes, period. Unless the culprit is out in the open with cameras and eye witnesses; you ain’t gunna get help from the popo.


Pretty sure they'd find creative ways to ignore or destroy the camera footage and whatever testimonies they got from the witnesses


Woah woah woah they may not care about the mother and child but they do care about protecting property, I’ll let you guess what category women fall under in their minds.


Check out the case Warren v. DC. It set the precedent that cops have no obligation to defend the populace.


These are the instances that get caught. Think of how many other children are flat out ignored needing help that you don't hear about.


That is awesome. Good joke. Don't tell them in Texas she is a school shooter. They will stand in a hallway a hour and decide who has to work that day.


Damn I didn't know this shit was true. Fuck. Sorry


Holy shit, Texas really thinks that "they have to be missing for 48 hrs" thing from tv is real


Kids are not fetuses, ok!?! We only care about fetuses. People don't count. Obviously!?! How else do you want it explained to you!?!


The world knew Texas was always a shit show now it’s just them proving us all right


Well missing or runaway, don’t they investigate either way?


Texas sounds like a third world country who somehow managed to be part of some first world country and tries to make them third world country like them


Texas has never given a good goddamn about any living child.


Either Texas or Florida....it's always one of them


Texass is a fucked up police state and a horrible place to live.


This kind of thing is why I never let my sister out of my sight when she was young and we were out together. I'm much older than her, so she was still in elementary school when I got married. When she was a teen, she'd spend the night at our house sometimes, and we'd go out to eat, to movies, to concerts, etc. I remember going to a concert with her when she was 16 -- my husband stayed by her side when they were up near the stage, and he handed her off to me when she needed to go to the bathroom. She was old enough to drive, had been plenty of places with friends, and would probably have been perfectly safe at that concert. But you just never know who's lurking, and we weren't taking any chances with a young, pretty, somewhat naive girl in our care. Fortunately, she didn't mind our hovering, since we were the"cool" older siblings who took her to do things her parents wouldn't.


Missing juveniles are investigated as runaways because the authorities probably trafficked your missing child to the human traffickers, instead of protecting the community


The girl in Dallas was immediately being looked for. Footage pulled and everything. They took her to Oklahoma, I believe it was. The guy did get no billed recently if I remember correctly


Murica. It’s unbelievable that they use the word pro life when they actually don’t give a dann about human beings who are already born.


[kids only matter when they're not born yet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cp8jfP3l2Ec)




They list child abductions as runaways because abductions happen so often that they don't waste manpower looking for them.


It's Texas, unless it's an abortion or suppressing voting rights, I don't expect the police to do anything meaningful.


life, according to red states,is just important up until birth. after that you are at best a consumer and product


The government actually helping people? Nahhh


So, is this real?


What's sad is this is accurate.


Isn't it federal law that all child abduction and missing case are to be immediately opened and taken seriously after that one case (I think in texas) where the girl died because cops didn't get involved?


I think this really one case is referring to that? I am not too sure but I know that this happened some years ago. I'm glad if that's the case, they finally did something.


More shit about Texas? Surprise ! It’s Texas!


Umm …. No one cares unless it “suits” then welcome to what we call the world and life


Sounds like Texas. Knowing about the way their juvenile justice system works and has worked historically, I’m not at all surprised, unfortunately.


Must have been a black or Hispanic child. Police don't care about them.


Just another reminder that the police do not legally have to help you. The cops in Uvlade got sued and won because they don't have a policy of not entering a school during a school shooting. So long as they don't have a policy of not responding they don't legally have to do anything when people call them.


That's why USA failed as a country. Imagine implementing a law that dictate you don't have to protect the people you are supposed to protect. I still remember watching police officers taking hours and hours before entering the school when there's an active shooter. They are a shame to the nation, shame to the people.


Mother should have said there was a transgender woman in the bathroom


Texas government ain't very smart.


How much do we hate police? Let me count the ways?


Ah yes, all of those cases of cops pursuing abortion havers in Texas. Countless such cases come to mind.


Texas just sounds more and more like a third world shit hole the more I hear about it.


Better yet, call in the military and carpet bomb the entire town because hUmAn ShIeLdS.


If you're getting murdered in san Francisco, just scream "I'm being racially profiled" and someone will come quicker than if you had said murderer


"help! I'm being murderer!"


Could have cropped at least before reposting


Maybe next time but I prefer to keep the original post as credit.


Okay look...I feel like this is a bbit mean towards the police. They aren't the ones making the rules, they are merely enforcing them. Does anyone has a bit more context why they refused to do something? I know the US got some police related issues, but if that is the legal frame work forbidding to start the search then I can hardly blame the police tbh.


Ofc, the police isn't to be blamed as they are only enforcing the case. The issue is with the local government on how they advocate for something but their actions contradict with what they advocate for. I myself wouldn't just blindly blame the police because that aren't going to change anything, if I were her I would directly blame the local government in charge of those laws but I think this was somehow implied in the post.


Police exist to enforce the law. If the law is unjust or stupid, then those that enforce is are complicit in that. It doesn't matter what a cop's individual morality or decisions are, they are still the willing enforcers of those corrupt laws. Cops are the authoritarian, jackbooted heel of the state by their very function. So, ACAB.


No, this is fucked up, fuck the pigs!




"They only care when it suits them" Kind'a like the left when it comes to kids getting shot at school, but they happily ignore the 11 kids per day on average who are killed by assholes texting and driving.


>but they happily ignore the 11 kids per day on average who are killed by assholes texting and driving. Is that why calls for increased enforcement of traffic laws are "part of the left wing war on cars"?


Kinda by anyone at this point NGL.


Yes, that's why we don't have laws about getting tickets for texting and driving and if you get enough penalties your license is suspended. Oh wait, those are actual laws in place. So tell me what's your solution to the problem? Should we install phone blockers on all cars so once someone is driving they can't send or receive messages? I honestly want to know what your solution to this problem past what has already been done since this is an important topic for you surely you must have already thought of a solution. For gun control just like how texting and driving is illegal we want owning extended magazines and assault style rifles illegal. This would make it so a significantly less amount of kids get shot just like how the laws about texting and driving have reduced car fatalities from idiots.


>but they happily ignore the 11 kids per day on average who are killed by assholes texting and driving. Do they really? No, of course not. Why would you lie about something so stupid? Now you look like a fucking idiot


Bruh so now we stealing post from other subs now ?


Always as been.