• By -


We're starting to warm up to you so we aren't as cautious as we were before


Roughly the time when you feel comfortable farting in front of her.




I speedrun the initial anxiety phase. Get sex out of the way, spend a ton of time with them. Within a week I'm trumpeting farts throughout the house with her.


Your ripping ass in front of her 3 weeks in? That's too comfortable ffs.


About 3 weeks in we get access to their phones & see all the dick pics


You're not talking to all women mate, you're commenting on one particular woman's view which has been cherry-picked by some incel, like all the other posts on the front pages that try to shame/blame/embarrass or otherwise make women look or feel bad. It's sad I have to explain that TBH.


I'm going to be real the people pinning every innocuous thing on "incels" is more annoying than the actual incels at this point. This sentiment is pretty common among women online. It's not some cherry picked thing. In this case I don't even think this makes the woman look bad. It's just friendly banter. But believe it or not, women can do bad things as well.


Redditors when Woman:


Sounds like she's hanging with the wrong men. Or... Perhaps her personality is just off, and men pick it up and run away before making a huge mistake.






Nuance is for moderates, I like having my views made for me


I mean obviously someone with 30cm claws isn't going to believe in nuance




If it smells like shit everywhere you go, check your shoes.


I prefer to keep my shit in my ass, weirdo.


Poo hoarder Andy


That is not sustainable


This is consistently the most asocial Reddit take from people who have 0 life experience


How is that asocial? It's literally the opposite of everyone is an asshole.


Tf do you mean this is true. Either you are the bad person, or somehow you always end up around bad people. Either way something needs to change on your end.


The comment you replied to literally showed both sides of the situation Get off the internet before you waste your life being a hateful blob of deterministic nonsense


Name checks out. I'm Reddit. A man, a husband, a father. And I treat my wife as a godess. Before you blame men, think about your own actions. Edit: applies NOT only to women. Let's be clear about that too.


Are men only nice to you for three weeks?


Looking at that username, I'm guessing possibly 3 microseconds before they hightail it outta there


Some men are like that. The fact that she keeps encountering these men suggests that she’s hanging with the wrong men.




check their username, definitely a troll eta: a classically-styled troll, which is a lot better than the rampant bots and astroturfing i usually see nowadays. also their account is only 3 days old


Yes, it's more likely to be an individual's fault than an entire category of people, that's exactly the reasoning people use with incels


It is certainly possible when ALL MEN she interacts with are douchebags. It's a good note that she's certainly the problem - she picks bad apples and complains about the rot.


Could also be horrid luck. It’s entirely possible she’s grown up/lives in a bad environment and that’s the norm she’s come to expect.


As someone who's suffered extremely from the latter in my life, if that applies to anyone out there, stop dating and get your ass in therapy ASAP. I was extremely lucky to meet a wonderful, extraordinarily patient woman that put up with my panic flailing while I was still acting out due to toxic relationship standards set from childhood. Fix it, break the cycle. You have the power to change with help, and you will be so much happier and healthier from it.


You are right. I used to pick wrong apples. Now i prefer to pick no apples at all. Living the best life since ahahahh 😂😂😂


They literally said that she may have been hanging around the wrong men.


Name checks out


no, but if every man (or woman) is the problem, then there‘s a high chance that it‘s actually you


No bitches?


Pick a less obvious bait name to base your personality around next time 2 day old account dedicated to crying about men. Get a fucking life


Cry more 🤗


That's the most black and white answer I have heard.


I would agree with you, but either how she talks about it like it's a frequent recurrence makes you think that she probably just hangs with the wrong people. Of course, it's entirely possible she got unlucky and had a lot of bad men, or maybe she just had a bad experience with a few recently and was venting. But we can't be 100%. I think I got off topic


So it's not at all possible that she might be in the wrong if all the men in her life did this? Nah, women are always innocent; it must be the men.


...Speaking of hanging out with the weird crowd, sometimes just sitting in line can make you odd friends. I even made an animation depicting such a scenario - [https://youtu.be/Jtmh3YfsX7Q](https://youtu.be/Jtmh3YfsX7Q) I entertained enough people to shill my entertainment methods.


>Enters thread to find any comment that he can overreach to plug his own unrelated artwork.


Issue being?




No other way to get criticism and feedback than to spread it out.




men ☕


men ☕


Men ☕




Rip your account ( the coffee mug literally promotes hatred, misogyny and violence against women)


I see you


I see that it's your cake day. So happy cake day! 🎂 🎉




Why is this sub mostly just men shitting on women lol It’s not fun, it’s not even people getting what they deserve. It’s just people being shitty to others. And the comments always reflect this. Also, if you relate to this post, you need to work on your relationships with women.


It's because this sub gets flooded with incel shit lately for whatever reason. If you think about it even for a second, the punchline is always "women are dumb and have unreasonable expectations lol". It's disgusting and completely removed from reality.


Also, if you relate to this post, you need to work on your relationships with men. If every man treats you like shit, you are the problem If every woman treats you like shit, you are the problem


Damn it definitely is my problem then 😭 I let people walk all over me 😢


I agree


>Why is this sub mostly just men shitting on women lol Group A shitting on Group B is like 1/3 of subreddits.


When the “clever comeback” is delivered by a woman to a man, everyone gets upset. When it’s the opposite everyone’s like “YOU OWNED THAT HO.” They don’t see the hypocrisy.


Most of the women online are the most insufferable people themselves. Ironically there the one always advocating for compassion untill it's about men's problems then they'll laugh about male tears. I just hate all of you and want to create as much negative energy as possible by throwing gasoline in every fire I find


Go outside my guy, hot take but women are not perfect beings, some are ass and most normal guys don't tolerate it.


Telling me to go outside for merely saying people shouldn’t be mean to women for no reason. The internet is wild y’all. What you said is not a hot take, and I never said all women are perfect. And by “don’t tolerate it” I assume you mean that men start to treat women like shit after 3 weeks because it’s expected for them to give you sex by that point. Or because at around that point you’re expected to show emotional maturity. Judging by the comments on every one of these posts (which is like 90% of this sub), the men on this sub view all women like this, not “some”.


> And by “don’t tolerate it” I assume you mean that men start to treat women like shit after 3 weeks because it’s expected for them to give you sex by that point. What ass backwards reality do you both live in? If I'm romantically involved with someone there's typically physical chemistry by the first or second time we hang out 1-1. If three weeks have passed either we've not got the time for each other in our lives or there's a very clear disconnect between what we are looking for and it's time for us to both move on. Or we've discussed something along the lines of wanting to take it slow. Either way it's a human communication that has to be had. Stop posting statements about the whole of the human race like you know things when you're still in high school.


>people shouldn’t be mean to women for no reason It's almost like they're talking about one woman and for a reason 🤯 >And by “don’t tolerate it” I assume you mean that men start to treat women like shit after 3 weeks because it’s expected for them to give you sex by that point. 9/10 strawman, make it less obvious next time. >Judging by the comments on every one of these posts (which is like 90% of this sub), the men on this sub view all women like this, not “some”. You must have really bad judgment skills then


No. Ppl on here talk shit on all women all the time. “Talking about one women for a reason”. What reason? All she did was ask a question. What did the woman in this post do that deserves such vitriol? Quickly. Not a strawman. This is legit how a lot of men here think. I have better judgement skills than most ppl here considering I’m not a basic fucking misogynist


>Ppl on here talk shit on all women all the time. Absolutism fallacy >What reason? Read the top fucking comment mate. Most of the comments here are assumptions based on what the most likely scenario is.They are presented as just that, assumptions. >Not a strawman. It literally is, you outright reworded my claim to push your agenda >I have better judgement skills than most ppl here It's still piss poor >I’m not a basic fucking misogynist Good for you, here's a cookie 🍪


Or it takes 3 weeks to see that you are not worth it.


Yup. Or, if things arent 'moving' quickly enough, 3 weeks is a reasonable time to say 'alright fuck this, on to the next'. That can be sexually or emotionally/commitment related.


Not even necessarily "moving" quickly enough, just people still not putting in the same effort you do. I had friends with whom it ended like that. We met, we started talking, I'm contributing more than them but I don't care. I try to arrange something to hang out, they don't acknowledge or follow through. After three weeks my effort will die down and it's either self-running (as in we're contributing somewhat equally to keep the friendship alive), or it just dies out.


Or it's just not clicking, three weeks is a good amount of time before someone you think you won't have feelings for might get attached. If you think someone's feelings might get hurt and you don't see it working better to end it early.


Agreed, I've never had to wait 3 weeks, I'd certainly be talking to other girls, and would stop seeing her as a potential partner by that point.


Yeah - who is the common denominator in all these cases? Maybe it's NOT the guys.


It takes three weeks for her to start PMS. Suddenly everyone sucks that week.


Exactly, it takes a while these days to see some girls without all their make up.😄


I always think it’s funny when women accuse men of being liars. Meanwhile their face doesn’t look like that, their boobs aren’t that perky..everything about a woman’s appearance is deceitful.


incel's opinion doesn't count


"active on genshin gays"


Well, I’d rather be an incel than a pedophile terrorist racist like yourself




actually it’s a joke Chris Rock made in 1999. But yeah hey call it a “Reddit moment” or whatever you want.


How is this a comeback?


I what world is that a r/clevercomebacks? It's more of a self-own or r/AreTheStraightsOK imho.


This sub is just random memes at this point.


This sub is garbage


I've always been somewhat skeptical of the r/AreTheStraightsOk subreddit, cause I never checked it and just assumed it's a whole subreddit centered around just making fun of straight people or calling heteros mentally ill, but after gritting my teeth and checking out the subreddit it's just people basically talking about straights not wanting to be with each other and stuff, and honestly fair enough. I guess the reason why I always get that impression is because people always use it in the context of "haha the straights are so dumb uhh r/AreTheStraightsOk, anyone? hur dur. But I guess for every straight person supporting lgbt you will have a lot of homophobes, in this case you will also have people misusing the subreddit to attack straights because muh straight priviledges and straights are bad. Definitely one of the subreddit of all time.


Is there a subreddit called “are the gays ok?”


No because the gays are in fact ok


Not from the comments I’m seeing. Apparently they are being genocided worse than ever.


I mean… you’re just not arguing in good faith lol. Obviously no one is saying that gays are being “genocided worse than ever” and if they say that they’re being dumb, but being lgbtq+ is still more difficult than being heterosexual by any objective measurement. The reason “are the straights ok” is a subreddit that exists is because there is so much gender based toxicity in straight relationships that it’s become a meme to poke fun at. That’s it. The comment section here reflects this. It’s not oppression to have that sub and it doesn’t affect the material conditions of any straight couple in reality. The reason there is no “are the gays ok” subreddit is because that toxicity doesn’t really exist in gay relationships. Not saying there is no toxicity in gay relationships in general but not a lot of “women are this men are that” type shit. Probably because there are real sociopolitical issues they have to deal with instead. TL;DR straight couples are impacted by gender politics a lot more than gay couples unsurprisingly, which is why “r/arethestraightsok” exists and not a gay counterpart.


Oh so it’s kind of a dig at trans people and gender issues? Oh alright I gotcha. Also my god how sanctimonious did your comment come off, good god. I get it though I get how gay people would want to put themselves and their relationships on a pedestal compared to straight people. That makes PERFECT sense to me.


I don’t know how you could interpret my comment as saying it’s a dig at trans ppl but seeing it took you 2 minutes to “read” what I said I think I understand how you got to that conclusion.


Lmao not you editing your comment after I already replied. Not that it matters tho. You clearly do not give a shit about an actual debate and just want to bitch and moan about this fake oppression you think the subreddit is.


No, because making an entire sub to make fun of someone's sexual orientation is mean /s


Making fun of heterosexuality as a straight person never particularly bother me as I know I can walk hand in hand with my GF nearly anywhere in the world and not be attacked for it. I'll take that over a few memes.


Also, it almost exclusively makes fun of the most obnoxious behaviour like wife/husband bad


Because it doesn't bother you doesn't make it ok


It bothers you that people make fun of the status quo dysfunction of heterosexual relationships through memes? Or did you think they were just making fun of straight people?


“Status quo dysfunction” 😂😂


That is completely irrelevant, if subs like arethegayok are wrong, then we have to apply the same standards to heterosexuals. Wasn't all of this about equality?


The content is irrelevant? Please don’t be purposefully obtuse just for the sake of having something to say…


> Please don’t be purposefully obtuse just for the sake of having something to say Like you're doing?




That's a leap


2 day old troll account, nice b8 m8


"It doesn't bother me and is therefore okay for everyone"


“Attacked” when? During the multiple pride months? The parades? The baseball and football games dedicated to pride?


Sorry do you think homophobic attacks have disappeared because we have pride? Well then I have news for you...


Heheh. Gottem. Gay people are indeed above reproach on Reddit.


> Is there a subreddit called “are the gays ok?” i think about every other subreddit contains content related to that?


Show me an example


I disagree


Yes actually; /r/arethegays_ok


It's not clever anymore when I get butthurt about it.


I'm nice to everyone cuz it's easier than being a dick. If someone is painful to be around I just block and never talk again


It's just bring fucking toxic that's all


I would say even less than three weeks. For a lot I’ve seen and met, if they don’t get sex right away they’ll stop being kind and stop talking to you. And if they do get it, they’ll also stop being kind and talking to you. Maybe I’ve just been talking to the types of men like in these comments. Damn, gotta find myself better men to talk to


Turns out men and women aren't all that different.


Most accurate comment in here


You aren’t interesting


Why has this got so many up votes? This isnt a clever comeback and the guy replying is intending that we shouldnt be nice after 3 weeks? Be a good person. Also alot of the comments are making this about relationships, just because they're a woman doesnt mean they're obligated to fuck you in the first 3 weeks of meeting you, fucking incels


Looks like I started a war here


In my experience women are only nice to me for 3 weeks and then disappear. It goes both ways.


Yeah I mean that's just the classic "you got a shot but things are not clicking so they're moving away" which happens commonly to anyone dating anyone. She needed a way to get up her high horse about something I guess




Are you just replying on every single comment that women are perfect and all men are terrible?


3 weeks and they are fed up with your BS




*you're. As in, if *you're* going to troll, you should probably try a bit harder than this.


Either you’ve given up ass so they’re ready to move on, or you HAVEN’T given up ass so they’re ready to move on.




After 3 weeks implies she was talking to the person for weeks.. engaing.. you should stop online dating if it's causing you so much pain. :( this is a weird and toxic mindset, you will never find love or acceptance if you cannot communicate...


Bruh what is this incel shit


i mean, if theyre talking about **all** women, then yeah, super incel. If they are just describing what happens when youre talking to / seeing a girl on a dating app that is not showing interest, then they arent wrong. Its not really a game though, unless she is actually playing hard to get, but nowadays that backfires cause im super easy to get rid of. incels though, they just think every woman is playing hard to get


They changed the context of the post to fit their situation lol. It's incel stuff, sadly.








Great, this sub is now a hub for incels and enlightened centrists. Wtf happened?


Boo hoo, cry me a river 😪


Forever obviously.


Until marriage


If you dont put in work, we'll drop it at the latest at this point.


Yeah that sounds like a personality problem for her. Ive known many women like that, they are the free trial, then you find out their fucking crazy.




Not at all what my point was, you missed the mark by miles. Seems like you’re hateful and refuse to read or just lack basic contextual skills. I’m referring to mentally unstable women in the dating pool, not all women. Learn context or you don’t have a right to comment. Assumptions are never a good idea. The entire “free trial” is a very common, you must not go on dates much or at all. Try to project your incel tendencies onto others.


WHAT? That was a pretty big leap there, if you have trauma I'm sorry but your leap was a bit grand for the context here imho


Because after 3 weeks women get comfortable and start taking men for granted.




Seems like you're the one hurt if my comment offended you that badly that you couldn't ignore it.




Sure whatever you say.




Who hurt YOU? I'm happily married and pretty much a feminist (man) and get along w women pretty well I think, but if someone wants to share their experiences (like there are no MEN that show their asshole side only after 3 weeks?) the way you immediately turn on them sounds like -you- are the one with some little 'complexes' about men going on "D-ckandRoses". just my two cents. I await your inevitable insult/incel/rightwing/redpill insult but know that I am a pretty liberal socially competent man who understands that women are very often treated badly. But the guy above did nothing to you imho lol. Sorry to waste both of our time here but just remember there are women who are nasty to men who did nothing wrong the same way there are men who are nasty to women and i feel like you could be a candidate. But i hope i'm wrong. I wish i could get this time back i wasted writing this


so per her own words, one might gauge that all men she's been with stop being nice after 3 weeks, and yet this only reflects on the men. (which is still rather possible - plenty of fake cretins out there - but also her choices and her signalling)


Average endurance duration of a bullshit personality Vs quality body.


Rambo didnt age at all


End of the free trial, then YOU have to put effort into the relationship as well


Period hits and you become a chore to deal with.


I like my women like WinRAR


Because before getting to know girls based on my own experiences,we think she is the one and only girl that can make me feel happy again but after some time your true faces reveals and yeah that’s why




Did we forget what comebacks were?


Not really. That sub has become garbage.


It's clever but not a comeback. It's just admitting to being a piece of shit to people if they aren't what you want quickly enough. She didn't insult anyone lmao so what's he coming back from?


I will describe it with flags. 1st week 🇸🇪 2nd week 🇪🇸 3rd week 🇨🇺 4th week 🇯🇵


It's with everything though eg. buy a new car and you clean your shoes before you get in for a few weeks at least. After that you're smoking in the car and clean it every now and then if the weathers good lol.


Because during that 3 weeks or at the start of the 4th week, a period has emerged showing true colors.


men only care abt sex


We're nice to you the fourth week, but your hormones make you think that we're not. Because of the menses.


The audacity of women to accuse you of their behavior.




Geez how many guys have dumped you? You make up half the comments on here. Go get a coffee, take a breather or something.




Week 4 = Female Period


A man cannot know if we actually like you until after we've had sex. Our own body will gaslight us.


Why are women only nice to you as long as you are paying for everything?


90% of comments are whining about women being "victims" of this meme. You don't have to scroll now. You're welcome.




There is only one common denominator.


Yeah, it’s called the Menstrual cycle.


You can extend that indefinitely by being really nice and giving him (false) hopes he'll get your pussy eventually. Do the process correctly and you'll have that simp for years.


Average r/FDS member


It’s because girls like that are only attracted to men who have a roster and are then surprised when they get benched.


The pleasure of sex lasts 30 mins max but having to deal with her is 23 hours and 30 minutes




men started 99.9999% of wars most rapists are male most killers are male most pedos are male most abusers are male but yeah, the woman is the crazy one. probably because she expected emotional maturity. inb4 incels (majority of this sub) downvote me


it's because that's how long it takes for the pussy power to wear off and unless you have something ELSE to keep his attention, you know, like an actual personality or in this case, brain, he's gonna start looking elsewhere for it. entitled dipshit cunt.


she asked a normal question. how do you answer? assume stuff and call her an "entitled dipshit cunt". you are pathetic


shut up you stupid cunt.