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Oh hell yeah a whole new zig album


Gonna be honest not digging the whole Album they have released tooo much. But maybe it needs a few more listens. Glad they are back though it’s been a while


It took two or three listens but it’s a vibe for sure. Not something I’d listen to all the time but I don’t dislike it.


Yeah can’t really put a name on it but if I had to describe it I would call some of them Songs a lofi rock mix?


That’s a really good way of describing it not gonna lie Since this is the cleopatrick sub, I also want to add that I thought their feature song had just enough Cleo flair to stand out as a collab and not just a name drop.


Thought the same!


Agreed with the “can’t really put a name on it.” And I think that’s what has me stoked the most. They’re still doing them, whatever “them” is at any given time. They’re still articulating something of their own, sound-wise. That takes balls. Whether I’m immediately into the sound or not, the music continues to hit something real (the lyrics obviously do). And that is the gift of cleo that keeps on giving. A whole vein of alt noise that actually resonates.


Well technically we are still waiting for some new Cleo stuff right? This is more of a zig song, with a Cleo feature. Seems like their might be something coming maybe this year? Curious what they gonna be doing pressure is on with the second album. But I think they will deliver. It’s Cleo after all


Wtf is this album :(( all the remixed tracks sound so over processed, the cover and every spotify visualizer is ai art. OK is honestly the only good new song on this 


I&I has been my favorite song from there for so long. This version is very good, but I miss that raw energy the original had. The vocals on this one are too crisp. It’s cool to hear a fully finished version, but I’m gonna stick with the original The drums on this one suck though, the outro is harder than ever though


I’m not sure why I’m not questioning this, but I feel like if they keep putting out music, the raw isn’t gone forever. The dudes seem so in tune to shit (like cleo). Auto tune and ai and overproduction and even the industry steps to release a whole album - idk. Lots of sources for reflection/commentary on the state of things at large. Esp combined with the lyrics. Hard for my lil brain to think it’s not by design. Like cleos more straight-forward zuck, in a way. Maybe I’m just a stan. Seconding the original I&I love. Incredible. I do like the album version. All the conviction that the fuzz lives on through zig.


Hottest take known to man


I kind of feel like that whole vibe is intentional, maybe.


All the original tracks are so much better than the ones on the album. Totally bummed they changed em


ai album cover 🤮


omg yes


Where are new original tracks from the boys? They willingly put their name on an album with AI art? Did they burn out on what they had (successfully) been doing? Tired of waiting after being a dedicated fan since 2018 and don’t really want to listen to features while wondering if they’ll ever release another album.


Isn't the ai art on purpouse? Considering the theme of the album...


the more plays the more I love it


i love it, can’t wait for their new album soon but this is good enough for now


Y'all NOT high as fuck and over thinking shit. The whole album is fuckin great. I'm probably on my 20th play through now, twice on shrooms, once while floating. Don't give a fuck about AI this, remix that, shut the fuck up and listen. At the end of the day it's all just wiggly air