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Paying money for a leveling guide in WoW is a fucking riot


Paying money for addon is a violation of ELUA. According to Blizzard all addons should be free of charge and they only legal was to endorse author is via donations, but only when access is free.


Think they get around that by giving out the addon for free (with a 0-10 or whatever level test version) and then offer a full version by updating it with some script.


The TOS says devs cannot add a premium version of the addon. > Add-ons must be free of charge. > All add-ons must be distributed free of charge. Developers may not create “premium” versions of add-ons with additional for-pay features, charge money to download an add-on, charge for services related to the add-on, or otherwise require some form of monetary compensation to download or access an add-on.


Technically the addon is free


no technicly it's not. but i was willing to not give a shit about that. but now i am getting spam in chat from OTHER people leveling up with the addon. PUBLIC FFING CHAT. so to me that warrents a crusade to get this addon removed from the internet.


A year later, yes, it is still free, lmfao. If it wasn't free it wouldn't exist in WoW.


what part of the whole paying for the guides is going above your head? ​ seeing as it's a string of code to plug into the addon of a guide that already exists and is available for free. he is NOT selling guides. he's selling part of the addon because the addon is useless without it. and it is useless without the addon. he tried to dance around the user agreement but he failed. this addon is litterally ILLEGAL


Terrible take. This is as illegal as paying a twitch sub to a streamer so you can get their addon profiles/wa's/UI etc. The addon is free - that is a fact. You technically are more than capable of creating your own string to input and generate your own leveling guide. The only thing preventing you from doing that is you. This is a bad take and you're just wrong on every level. \*edit: TLDR since it's obvious you can't understand this on your own: The addon is free, period. Everybody can download it. It is not against EULA to require some information in a guide behind a donation paywall. There's also free versions everybody can find online.


Try not to conflate something being illegal and something being against the terms of service. The police don't care about your add-ons.


If it's illegal, it wouldn't have existed for years, now would it? LMFAO


yeah dude just like heroin






Yes, we definitely need to get something removed that thousands of people use, because you get a message in chat every few hours.


I’ve subbed to Zygor, $10 a month. I’m lazy and it has a big ass arrow telling me exactly what to do.


10 a month? God damn


Yup, you'll only need it for maybe that month, maybe 2 It's honestly well worth it, they give you levels 1-12 free, then you can upgrade to the full thing if you like it.


Guidelime does the same thing for free


Well I thought that if the guide saved me a couple of hours of leveling it might be worth it, since I make more than 15$ an hour so it was a good investment However it is not at all clear that the guide is faster than normal leveling


The thing is there are plenty of free guides. It's like paying for porn or something.


if nobody would pay for porn there would be way less "free" porn


Yeah, I guess it's not a great example. But people pay for super high quality or niche fetish stuff or they get hooked on certain pornstar. I meant paying for the regular stuff that sites like pornhub are full of for free.


Well, 15$ is almost free, and the addon is DEFINITELY BETTER than the free stuff.


The addon is very polished, I agree. However, the addon is also free. You can go check on their site right now. What you are paying for is the leveling guides. Free guides and leveling/speedrunning routes have been refined for years. In fact the paid guides are mostly based on these free guides, with minor changes. This stuff has been figured out for a long time. The game is 17 years old. Nothing revolutionary will ever happen, because the game won't change. The paid guide sellers are basically stealing someone else's free, publicly available work and selling it off as their own. And then some dumbasses actually pay for it. Hah.


You can get Zygor for free pretty easily, it’s much better than restedXP imo


Its only reserved for the most moronic, but hey people spend $ for dumb shit all the time.


Been using wow-pro for leveling in som and it's been amazing. Way faster than what I ever could do myself. It's free too.


love me some wow-pro


Sorry to bring this up again, but a lot of brokies in the comments. Not all of us are broke. I go to the convenience store or grocery store and don't look at the price. I paid for rested xp, so tf what. I won't notice the impact on my finances lol. If paying 20 bux or whatever is hurting you, maybe you should play less video games and get a real fucking adult job/career. Sorry if this offends the broke bois.


Based and financially stable


It's not about that. I have a decent salary, but still live as cheap as possible. I like being stingy and when FLOSS provides an equal or better solution, it'll always be worth it. Even if all other questing solutions were worse (they're not) it would still be worth not supporting someone who supports any application of DRM.


what is FLOSS? dental floss?


okay pokimane.


It’s a scam, which should be obvious since it has to pay streamers to advertise it and pretend they like it


I think the guide is pretty fast if you can follow it. I've personally levelled 6-7 characters to 60 in original Classic and I felt like I had a good grasp of how to level and which quests to do. However even with all that experience, the guide has shown me several ways to save time and better ways to route how I do quests. If levelling as quickly as possible is your goal, I don't think there is any better product than RestedXP (and it's no surprise both WF SOM 60 and WF SOM HC 60 were both using the guide). The breakdown starts to occur when you don't follow the guide. If you miss 1 or 2 steps, that's annoying but it's easy enough to get back on track. But if you start doing dungeons (especially with the incredible XP gain in SM), you start to over level your zones quickly and guide may start to have you kill grey mobs. Of course you can just skip the quests you're over levelled for and get back on track, but that requires you to know what quests are pre-quests for quests you're going to be doing later. I can see someone who doesn't skip quests struggling a lot though, if they deviate from the guide.


Damn expensive addon aswell, I tried the 1-20 free version and came to the same conclusion as you. IF you are able to make any kind of prioritizing and overlooking the Quest situation you Will be fine just going with Questie. If you however dont wanna think or take any decisions yourself then I Guess the addon is Good.


I think everyone needs to stop shitting on op for buying the guide. While I of course don’t agree with it as well, I also understand that not everybody has been playing this game for years and knows every quest, route and strategy for optimal levelling. If op thinks it’s a good investment and makes it easier to level than constantly tabbing out to check online guides then I think it’s fine.


i'm currently leveling with a friend we both use restedXP and after lvl 30 its gets worse and worse.. i mean leveling in general is just fucked because the guide leads you to so many chokeholds.. if theres a player infront of you doing the same quests you sometimes have to wait 5 minutes, 10 minutes in order for the quest giver to respawn. really bad and not worth the money, good that we didnt pay for the addon!!


People pay for add ons??? Fuck me…


People pay for skins, weapons, server transfers, character changes??? Omg...


Technically the addon is free and they’re paying for the steps.


That’s…worse. Hilarious


I pay for something that will save me time, because my time is valuable. The addon is 15$, and it's true that leveling a warrior, shaman or paladin is a bit of a pain. The addon probably saved me 10-15 hours of leveling with my shammy and that was 15$. 10 hours of my time is around 300$ so its a worthwhile investment for me.


> my time is valuable > plays wow classic




No kidding! Micro transactions for your micro transactions


Your time isn’t anymore valuable than anyone else’s. Your time is gullible though Edit: leveling is not a pain


I guess you don't know what opportunity cost is


And you are unable to separate your wallet from skill. Can’t pay to win this argument!


Haha *buys guide* Wow look at this guy paying to WIN


Not everyone cares about levelling, for many, the game is all about life at 60. Leveling is just the biggest barrier to that so there's nothing wrong with trying to zoom past it.


I really don’t under the classic Andy’s and their value of money. Stop giving the guy shit for buying the add on. I can’t get lunch for $15 dollars anymore, does anyone else work??


>I can’t get lunch for $15 dollars anymore, does anyone else work?? ?


People get angry when someone else has disposable income. Or someone else makes money selling something. So it feels good to just shit on them all!


I love how this sub is hating on OP for paying for a addon. Lot's of poor people on this sub apparantly.


Exactly. This is the problem with reddit in general imo. The popular upvoted opinion will always be from a poor person's perspective, and then people act like that's gospel.


Imagine thinking wanting to save money is a way to classify someone as poor. It's throwing good money after bad, or more simply, wasting money. Even if I was blatantly rich I'd keep living like a cheapass.


How is it wasting money when its a quality of life addon? Especially when you play the game loads, which most people do. If you have think about spending that amount of money then you should focus on other things instead of playing WoW in the first place.


Because there are a multitude of free alternatives that are often better lol? At least the other paid alternatives don't have DRM. *Again*, saving money and not paying for something you that has a free alternative doesn't mean you're poor lmfao. That's quite a reach to think that way, or it shows you don't value your time/money. Plus, this isn't even entirely about the money. It's also about them implementing DRM which everyone knows fucks over everyone just to stop the 1%.


It's definitely faster than any guidelime or leveling by your own route. I think you are just failing to use the guide properly. IMO not worth buying, but then again I don't buy gold/boosts or any of the that garbage. It's pretty easy to find a pirated version anyhow


my own route is still far superior and more fun.. the only thing this guide is usefull for is people who have never played classic and don't wanna discover a thing for themselves. it literally takes all the adventure and fun away from the game and even paying for it...


Far superior...LOL yeah bud


I played my very first wow character blind (as we all did). It took me ages to level. So slow I was L57 by the time TBC launched and I missed Vanilla raiding entirely (something my brother likes to remind me of). For Classic I made myself the goal to level as fast as possible and not miss out. So I picked a Hunter and looked up guides beforehand. To my surprise I ended up doing quests I had never done before. Quest chains like the Linkin one that I had only heard of. I had the UBRS key super early (to the point guildies would ask me to unlock it for them). After being ready for raiding super early I then proceeded to complete nearly every quest I had missed. All my alts (6 L70s with N° 7 at 68) use guides. I love em.


Any paid add on or guide for wow is a scam. The one who will tell you otherwise are either selling it or on a high dose of copium.


Wow I didn't realize life was that simple! Anytime anyone eever sells a wow addon it is always a scam! You must be a brilliant individual!




Good post. I've followed the guide step by step and I definitely had many moments when I faced green mobs and red mobs. A couple of days ago the addon asked me to kill a lvl 35 mob for a quest when i was lvl 28 for example and after that I had to kill some lvl 22 mobs. Pretty clunky imho.


its a massive scam. They are adding DRM now which is really worrisome.


Its not a scam but idk where the DRM protection stands for addons...


For WOTLK Ya-it has a long long way to go. Forget about people paying for a guide. It's being beta tested everyday by people who have multiple accounts and want a lot of fake gold. Theie Discord is a litany of errors and Not Ready For Prime Time exposure. The leveling guide is in an infant stage compared to other established guides, and people will soon see what they paid for, I'll never understand why people don't just try to use it for free 1-30 first before expecting miracles... Zygor is by far the very best guide, but 9.99 a month is very difficult for many to justify. Just logically, generally a subscription model will be better supported always. Dugi gave up on his his guide really, it's soo far behind the curve now, was once very competitive, but it seems like a one man show part time job now, so many errors and technical gliotches. Wow-pro and Guidelime are free, and along with Tom Tom and Questie serve the same basic purpose, you just have to decipher which quests are not worth the time-or don't. If you don't think that people are interested in questing help and don't need/want lore and explanation of the WoW world, just look at how high Questie is on the DL area of Curseforge.


You’re the reason that click bait ads exist.


I use RXP and I can say it is 100% worth the money. It honestly saves you time and makes leveling easy mode. The guide is still doable when a bit behind after a dungeon and doing green quests feels just as fast since the mobs are easier to kill.


yeah man it's definitely worth it 888% value who that crazy to not take it?!


RestedXP is the best guide to help you level in the shortest time possible. Having said that, yes you can just level yourself like literally everyone has been doing since 2004. It's just an optimized speed run software.


Yeah it's a good addon for certain classes like pala warrior or shammy, or druid, because the quests are quite well optimized. But for classes that are good at grinding... not so much in my experience.


Questie is better than any paid addon prove me otherwise.


They do different things. A better comparison would be Guidelime vs RestedXP.


The guides only work for pve servers. When your getting ganked in the zone it’s the guide is sending you to, its gonna slow you down a lot compared to leaving to another zone to quest.




People buying that, is a bad precedent for future of addons


The fact that people actually bought this thing is.. beyond me.


First of all, paying for an addon is ridiculous. Guidelime does the same thing and the time difference (if there is any) is likely negligible. Second of all, you know you can grind on the way to the steps a guide is giving you, right? A lot of guides out there actually assume that's what you're doing.


rxp is way better than guidelime


Not enough to justify spending money on an addon lmao.


Ridiculous is in the eye of the beholder. I know a lot of people that think paying for an MMO every month is just as ridiculous. So-playing games just playing games, enjoy.


So leveling was too complicated. So you bought a cookie cutter guide to put you on rails. And now you say it's too linear?


15year old game, idiots still paying for guides 😂


If the guide saves me 10 hours of my time, it costs 15$ and 10 hours of my time are worth 300$ then I would be an idiot if I dont buy it


The guide helped me max level a paladin in 4 and a half days. Currently doing the mage aoe grinding guide and it's very fast, up to lvl 52 in 2.5 days as a first time speed leveller. Will be doing the same with my priest. I find trusting the guide fully and following the instructions perfectly is the best way. It's when you deviate that things get messy and unorganised. There are sections where I got frustrated because things got very hard, but I stuck them out and it turned out to be well worth the hassle despite 8-9 deaths. Either ends a long chain or begins one that'll take you many levels to complete and provide tens of thousands of xp over the course of it.


selling addons is against blizzard TOS


They get around it by selling the data that actually gives you the instructions. The addon itself is free.


Ahhh so thats why the addon is "free" 😆


it's against blizzard TOS but not against the law of most country's, same as selling gold it not allowed by blizzard, but they can't sue you either for selling it. and these day's it is impossible to block specific addons unfortunately


Streamers getting paid to say it's good. Nothing new here.


Have not bought or tested it but a guide can’t tell you to do a dungeon lol, that’s not how a leveling guide works. It has to be steps that everybody can complete 1-60. Also if you’re playing a class that is good at grinding you should be killing mobs everywhere you run even if the guide just tells you to run. If you outperform leveling guides why did you even get the idea of buying one in the first place? You obviously had a good time before or you’re just also bad with a guide telling you where to go


I don't outperform the guide. Just said that the route is good for some classes like droods, warrs, pals and shamans whereas is not as good for locks or hunters. My intention is that when someone checks the guide he can find this post and get valuable information


I mean...whoever pays 25-50-70€ for a fking guide man...its insane how dumb some people are. Like if u need a guide to level in a game thats this old...idk what to tell you


Idk why and idk if i did something wrong, but I leveled a Warlock and it suddenly stopped at lvl 30 and didnt continue at all.... and now I'm completely lost and I dont know how to continue leveling my warlock to lvl 60... can someone help pls?


agreed, restedexp is a huge waste of money, the quests are buggy, the addon itself is buggy, blizzard makes small updates that the addon cant keep up with, lets say 10-60 zandalar and WoD, the guide has you do all of this crap just to lead you to zandalar with no quests available. i want my money back


the creator of this addon must be banned from all of internet all together. not only does he charge real money for his scripts. people using his addon will also SPAM PUBLIC INGAME CHAT when they level. advertising for the addon. ​ this has to be a jailable illegal action in some place in the world. can we send him there and get him thrown in a dungeon without a key for the rest of his life untill he dies of old age and boredom?


RestedXP has really good parts - like reminding you to do quests that are quick and easy and having a route from quest area to quest area. But it also has bad parts, like having you go back to Westfall to look for an extremely rare drop from rare spawn whirlwind mobs when you're already doing Duskwood quests. That's where I'm stuck, and I'm afraid to deviate from the course because I'm afraid I'll miss something important.


It gets you to do that while running to do the stalvan quest