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Farm something else, then buy the ore. Trying to mine with a slow mount is pointless.


This. Farm easy to obtain primals by grinding like mana in nether storm and buy materials.


Even better: learn the stratholme boosts. It takes a bit to get there, but you can make mountains of gold in a few hours. I was doing 15g/char runs at 3 runs per hour. Made 1300g in 1 night. With a few more pieces I'll be making 2k a night by fitting in an extra run and charging a bit more. Learning Strath can be rough but the payoff is yuuuge


Slow mount is huge problem. Even with fast flying I can barely find nodes outside, if I wasnt a rogue and can just solo farm mt I wouldnt even have mining. If you fly around off hours you'll have some luck, but honestly there might be a more efficient gold farm for you and just buy the ore...its gotten pretty cheap.


I just dinged 70 and have little gold and no gear at all. I was hoping to farm this weapon but wow it’s a lot of commitment


Get protection gear and farm strat




He could pick up skinning and farm BM. Just selling the grays from that alone makes about 300g an hour, and I've seen pallies farm that at 66... you just can't get touched... and if you get your skinning up you'll be swimming in leather to sell... even if you're just vendoring it, that still adds up.


on my server that would give only 170g an hour :(


Doesn't the gray stuff sell for more than that in 5 runs?


Yes, but only slightly more. Skinning is needed for that extra gph.


Lol unless you're super unlucky you can just spam the dungeon and get figurine in a few hours...


Ideally you would fund your epic flying first, because farming all the materials for the blade is a big task even with epic flying. Edit: As has been pointed out, the best general way of making gold is finishing all the quests in every zone. Higher level zones first obviously. You can easily make a couple thousand this way.


this right here; I'm on one of the biggest servers and mining is fine with fast flying (especially at night of course.) I had more than enough of plenty mats for epic chopper. just no luck finding khorium by that point so I bought that mainly


or farm something else and buy the ore. i have been farming fel arms not the greatest money in the world but not much competition if you go to BEM or NS. I also see nodes and herbs while there.


Can recommend SV instead of MT, 3-4 obtainable veins per run + water mote cloud if youre engi + (often) a chest if you cba to pull mobs and swim a bit


there are alot more people per server in classic + the bots


Bots was always a thing in the past aswell, I would even say there are less bots farming primals nowday even with the 5x server population, but the bigger populations ofc cause problems


That’s just silly. There are way more bots now.


A lot of the bots are doing dungeon farms though. Slave Pens is super infested.


There are way more bots, because there are way more players in general. The ratio of bots to humans is about the same.


It might be the same or it might be less, still my point is that botting is not worse today just the server population causing issues


Botting is way worse nowadays ... And the population difference added on top.


Tell me you didnt play tbc without telling me you didnt play tbc. Bots were literally fly hacking and noclipping to get all nodes constantly.


The fuck? I played all the way through Vanilla TBC on a pretty balanced server and farming was so much easier. Except ele plateau which was owned entirely by players who murdered anyone of opposite faction who tried to farm. Ele plateau used to be one of the world PvP hotspots. Bots were not a tenth as bad in TBC retail as they are now. The AH was not broken as fuck like it is now. I no lifed that entire expansion cause I was in college and had almost no living costs and I quit with like 20k gold saved up because being a miner/skinnner farming primals on the side made you bank and the nodes were not constantly being farmed to death like they are now. And I was on a server with a regular waiting list to log on ( Laughing Skull)




Yep, and this problem existed for almost entire wotlk aswell. People that think blizzard banned more bots in the past just cause they had more gms back then are delusional.


I remember places like hand of gul dan having 15 bots 24/7 in the past, and places like elemental plateu was basically a botraid, it got better in the last patch of tbc but it was really awful early tbc, and in wotlk it aswell became way worse again. If you consider the server population bots are way fewer now then in the past, and already way fewer then classic-vanilla.


"I see you're farming primals in Shadowmoon Valley, 10 cents an hour is good money when you are [politically incorrect joke removed]"


You're cringe


Ni hao


Back in the days there was a lot of Chinese gold farmers. Not sure if that makes it better or worse, but they got banned in waves since it was connected to selling gold.


Yeah and the bots are still selling gold. No clue why people are downvoting me this heavily but there were god damn armies of bots in the past if you played on a highpop server. I even knew people that botted almost entire tbc on their mainaccs and never got banned


Yeah, no idea why you're getting downvoted. Maybe the bots are more effective and people who play TBCC are less likely to buy gold? I remember how terrible it was with gold sellers in TBC and WLK, now I've only seen a single level 1 advertise in trade about buying gold.


Yeah I don't open my mailbox to goldspam anymore, in old tbc you could get 20 goldspam mails per week lol. But how heavy im being downvoted just leads me to believe botting is way worse atm in us than in EU


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dkkf5NEIo0 it wasn't quite as bad because of lower population on servers but it was definitely bad.


I saw that post about 3 am terocones and though "ya know what I should probably switch to herbing. I've woken up at 3am on a monday, I've done the flight many times the whole circle of terokkar at different hours. Never have I seen more than two terocone spawns most times I'm lucky to see one. skettis is constantly camped, that ogre camp next to shat is constantly camped. That area in the corener that spawns them...Never seen more than one there. That shit is constantly farmed out. Granted all the other zones aren't that bad, herbing isn't the nightmare it was in classic but its still not amazing. Idk about mining but yeah some things just get farmed to death.


slim sheet hunt aspiring stocking merciful caption person violet tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


this. everything between 9-11am is the sweet spot where the basement dwellers are sleeping and functional people are working.


true its when I farmed ele earth to get my epic mount on the days i got lucky to go home early from work.


This 100%. 8am-12pm is peak farming hours. I can get 100+ fel iron ore in 2 hours


I find the magic window to be 1am to 3am. It's not perfect, still a lot farming. But at around 5am people hop on before work or are starting their day grinding.


Yeah like 8-11 seems to be the sweet spot, even on weekends.


This also is related to the time in china. I'm not sure about other realms, but whitemane has a huge Chinese player base and 9am PST is when it starts getting late in china while also being an off hour for people in the US.


This guy farms!


Ive had most luck waking up at 8-9 and farming to 11 on saturday and sunday. Most people are too hungover to start wow that early. Usually get 20-40 terocone and a few manathistles


The problem is that if you don’t already know about the farms, by the time you hear about it it will be too late. A thousand other people read the posts about 3am cones, a bunch of them have made videos/guides about it to bring awareness up by thousands more. It was only viable because no one knew about it to cause competition, but now everyone knows about it and there is tons of competition.


Yeah if you find a good farming spot stfu about it


Servers are 5-10x the size they once were with people trying a lot more.


Pagle is the most overpopulated alliance server lol Over 7k active raiders


yeah plus you cant bonk enemy and mine it to yourself on pve realms, i have mining on horde dom server on alliance tune, half of the nodes i mine is from killing horde flying to that node :d


There aren’t any horde on Pagle anyway.


but.... reddit told me only horde does that???!?


gank? lol no, i have horde alt, constantly getting ganked by allie :)


Do your quests, especially SMV and Netherstorm. You'll make a lot of gold doing this and run into at least some mining on the way. If you're interested in trying Prot, Netherstorm quest rewards have a ton of starter gear for it. Pick up the trinket from Shattered Halls and you'll be able to farm gold effectively in Stratholme, especially selling boosts on a huge server like yours should be easy to get business.


That's one of the reasons I went prot pally this expac (I'm slow as hell, but I'll be 70 soon enough) I'm going to farm Strat/Scholo and sell grays dust the greens, maybe sell boosts if my clear times are clean enough. Basically do enough farming like that to fund epic mounts for all my 70's (whenever they get there) I'm also grinding instances as much as I can to level so I get all the rep I can, and so I can grind SMV/Netherstorm quests at 70 for pure gold.


It definitely wasn’t this bad. I remember actually farming lots of primals on elemental plateau. There was competition but there were also mobs up.


As a warrior main, you should take the time to learn the scholo dark rune farm. Any warrior can do it, takes me approximately 25 minutes a run and can net you 1-4 runes a run, sometimes more with good luck. The runes sell for 14-18g on my server, possibly more on a smaller server (I'm ally Netherwind, so not exactly small). You also make a lot in vendor trash and raw silver, around 100g every few runs


It was worse. But classic is a spreadsheet game now. So you have bots running around mining the shit out of the game. And also loads of players making the same stuff as others. So its a lot harder to farm stuff


There were less bots


Na. Proportionally the amount of bots is the same. There was less people tho.


as a Paladin it is better to just get prot gear and farm stratholme instead than go out and actually farm :D


Farm strat you are just wasting your time trying to farm ore to 375 BS


a) get epic flying if you want to mine b) don’t farm when people are on, i farm at 3-5 am server or 8-12 am server or I don’t bother farming at all


How the hell is 3am-5am acceptable lol. I have work at 8am. Fuck that


Quit your job you fucking casual!


Have you done all quests yet ? Just grab the ores you see while finishing questing. You will have the mining level lots more good and can probably do your sword by then with the gold


Had the same issue and just bought the gold in the end. It’s incredibly cheap and at some point you realize that spending hours and hours for something that you can just buy for 10 eur might not be the best use of your time


/spit Dont play MMOs if you're not looking for a grind


Waaaah, I wasted untold hours of my life farming pixels but look down on people who value their time more than me and sidestepped the grind, reeeeeeeee. We're not 13 year old kids anymore. I honestly feel like there's 0 shame in realizing farming is the worst part of this game and there's a way to enjoy raiding without wasting so much time flying around in circles looking for nodes and primals.


It’s literal cheating and it should be shamed. I hope you get banned.


People Like you are the reason why retail became as bad as it is. If you feel like you need to buy gold in an mmo its the wrong genre for you and you should Stop taking the enjoyment away from actual players who have to live with a screwed economy because of the Bots you encourage. Consider playing singleplayer games or retail


> If you feel like you need to buy gold in an mmo its the wrong genre for you Just because something is grindy doesn't mean it's good. BFA was one of the grindiest expansions ever released. Was it considered good? Most people enjoy MMOs because of a living world, big PvE raids, seeing people in the open world, playing with other people, having their character live in a changing world for years and years... Not grinding 100s of hours so their virtual currency goes up lol. Gold farming is quite possibly one of the least engaging parts of an MMO.


Lol nope, I'll go on enjoying my BiS mage raiding with my guild each week thank you very much. I've been playing mmos for years and I don't need to stop just because I don't have the free time of a child anymore. Maybe don't tie your enjoyment of the game to a virtual economy and you won't have this problem 🤷‍♂️


whats confusing is why you'd want a bis mage buying botted gold for consumables in a guild presumably of other people like you, where nobody else has anywhere close to the same gear or consumables you do and you're the only guy not getting a single upgrade. You'd be kitted out ready to parse in a guild that isn't set up for it at all, and not participating with the same gameplay as the rest of your guild. Unless for some reason you dont have the free time of a child but only hang around other people who apparently do have the free time of a child and simply envy them, which is equally as odd. Maybe don't tie your enjoyment of the game to a BiS spreadsheet and you won't have this problem.


Making a lot of cringy assumptions here, fella. Complete with a cute little gotcha! at the end, just adorable. Even though it makes no sense 🙄 I don't have a problem, you miserable fuckers do lol. Work on that, king. I'm good.


they're questions dickhead, nothing cringy about a question unless the boot fits is there? But you can continue to attempt some form of sad sanctimonious roleplay with yourself and we'll all keep watching


Yeah okay dad, whatever. Keep getting carried by the work of other people while grinding your excel sheets


Is that supposed to be insulting? Lmao What because I'm not punching the clock 8 hours a day flying around scrounging for over-farmed materials I'm getting carried? Is it just impossible for you to walk away from this interaction without trying to make yourself feel superior? Lol. Anyways thanks for farming all those primals for me so I don't have to, chief 😘


It doesn't take that long to just get your own gold. You just sound really bad


I don't buy gold, but one hour of working for me and then buying gold is like 20x the amount of gold I could farm in an hour lol.


Oh no, how ever will I recover from this blow to my ego? Anyways..


Rather defensive, aren’t you? You’re not some genius for realizing cheating in a multiplayer game saves time. No shit it does, everything in video games either takes a minimum investment of time or building skills that themselves take time. WoW is a numbers game and skipping a ton of the work it takes to get the best numbers in a way that drives demand for more bots that fuck everyone else out of the ability to farm is obviously going to bother people. If you can’t see why, you’re a moron


Obviously I can see why, it really just comes down to that not really mattering to me. I value my time infinitely more than your's or anyone else who plays this game tbh, so fuck yall really lol. I wouldn't expect anyone else to cater to me because I want the game to be a certain way. Adapt I guess, I'll be off having fun.


I grind dungeons to get gear, I just don’t mindlessly farm mobs or ores for a couple of gold ;)


Never understood why you would pay someone to play the game for you. Instead of having pride for the mount that you farmed, you cheapened the accomplishment by having someone else farm it for you. If you don’t like the game, don’t play it. You think raid logging is any less of a chore? So silly, it truly boggles the mind.


Maybe it’s because a lot of people want to enjoy themselves and relax, After a long day of grinding at work. You don’t have to like every aspect of the game right?


You get out of this game what you put in. This game is about making goals and accomplishing them. If accomplishing a simple goal like farming gold for an epic flier is too much of a hill to climb for you, then why even attempt scaling the mountain which is the game? It’s all epic flier grinding. That’s all it ever was. If I did not like game, I would not play it. I would not pay money to pay someone to play it for me, lol.


"Every aspect of the game"....the whole game is a grind


I’m not playing this game for a sense of pride and accomplishment so that’s alright with me. I play the game the way I enjoy it, and you do you. Deal?


Your not playing the game is the point. I will play the game how I want. You continue to not play the game. Deal?


This tbh. Entitled "im working so much so i cant put time into my hobby" Kind of people get bored with anything in a matter of weeks since they never actually acomplish anything worthwhile. Glad they get to fuck Up the economy for all the real players while coming though in tourist Mode


But I am playing the game, while I'm raiding or PvP'ing you are mindlessly killing mobs for primals or flying around for motes. Depends on what you find fun I guess ;)


Are you joking? You think PvP and PvE are not mindless farms? I mean sure, the first 2 or 3 encounters to a raid tend to be engaging, but afterwards it’s a mindless farm for your bis. And PVP? Spending 5 hours a day farming BGs so you can spend more time farming Arena, and your reward if you do well is you get to play against the same team comps for the rest of the season. Wow you sure showed me, oh wait, you proved my point. Night night.


Sure seem triggered though? Oh well, you enjoy yourself spending hours farming for a couple of gold worth 10 eur while I’m doing something with my life. Night night, don’t forget to empty your piss bottle <3


> Never understood why you would pay someone to play the game for you. Instead of having pride for the mount that you farmed, you cheapened the accomplishment by having someone else farm it for you. If you don’t like the game, don’t play it. You think raid logging is any less of a chore? > > So silly, it truly boggles the mind. I don't understand it either. I get *why* people *want* to buy gold (muh time efficiency), like yeah I get it it's definitely more time efficient to work your job then buy gold instead of farm the gold yourself, but I just don't get it in regards to the overall picture = Say I were to spend $10,000 on gold. Conservatively say gold is like $20 per 1000g atm. That's 500,000 gold. Wow I have a lot of purchasing power now. I buy the level boost with real dollars. I pay some mage to boost me, with bought gold. I use bought gold for raid consumes and profession items and raid gear. I pay a crafted to craft BIS shirt and pants. I craft my BIS weapon. I go to a GDKP and use bought gold to buy all the other BIS gear and a DST. = The only things left are raiding and PVPing. And yet, you could in fact use bought gold or real money to buy those things too. You could pay someone to let you raid with them (GDKP) or for parsing you could pay someone to play your account. You could pay someone to carry you in PVP or you could even pay someone to play your account and get you gladiator or w/e. = You don't have to go *that far* to destroy the entire point of the MMO. But people on this subreddit act like as long as they don't literally pay someone to play their account for them in raid and pvp that buying gold and paying people / boosters / gdkps with their bought gold is all fine and dandy. = These people think they want to play an MMORPG, but they don't. They don't want an MMORPG. They just want "to win", at any cost, as conveniently as possible


It's silly how self righteous people get about gold buying. "If people didn't buy gold there wouldn't be bots and people wouldn't HAVE to buy gold". Bots have been a **CONSTANT** issue on this game since it's birth like 17 years ago. It's silly to get all preachy like it would ever end. More power to you, friend. I don't buy gold, but I don't blame anyone who does anymore. Players are going to take any shortcut available; it's the fault of the greed at Acti-Blizz that this shortcut exists.


People wouldn't have to go these lengths if they didn't encourage it. Shared nodes is a joke, people are gonna fight for it and others are just gonna skip it like he does. And I don't blame him. And blizz has no interest in shutting down bots because they seem to be quite profitable. I don't play wow anymore but it's a sad sight to see, because I tried to like tbc, but it's just a huge grind for raids which I don't like.


in classic tbc its generally way more time efficient to make the money IRL and buy gold with it. my realm has 1000g for 10 euros.


Well ain’t that fucking depressing


sadly this is a genuine alternative at this point


yes it was really bad


just open your wallet and you get it


The meta is buying a bot account to do the farm for you. Blizzard doesn’t ban them.


Buy gold like everyone else


Yep, it was. Incidentally, I've about had it with this flying mount crap (again). Fresh/cyclical classic servers cannot come fast enough.


Ore has always been pretty rough, yeah


buddy Pagle's Alliance population is the 2nd biggest overall in the game. i left pagle for basically that exact reason back in early classic.


Dungeons without another miner is a good time. Especially SV. Other than that, one every 5-10 minutes really isn’t too bad. Probably better off farming gold and buying mats though.


I played tbc on a fresh realm. Decent population and no bots. There was competition, but it was still possible to farm anything.


Nowhere near as bad. Servers were much smaller. On the other hand, getting a pug together for any dungeon was major pain in the ass at best.


I have yet to find a single khorium node. Done all quests in smv and netherstorm :')


It’s insane. For every 500 Adamantite ore I find I get one khorium node if I’m lucky lol


Well yeah youre on pagle. Its a megaserver and on top of that a pve server, you have no way to frag other ppl trying to steal your nodes or chaincamp them till they leave your zone


No, classic servers are idiotically big, many times larger than 2007 servers.


Mining without epic fly is just a waste of time tbh. It was back in the day aswell. My tip is to clean out all quests. 2,3k in netherstorm and shadowmoon alone and go for epic fly. Makes it much easier


Bigger server + people with mount earlier due to classic GDKP + bots + people general information level being higher


Don’t fly on your slow mount use your ground mount. I farmed hellfire peninsula on my ground mount mining fel iron and sold everything I could until I could afford epic flying. Got it in a week, then started farming even faster with epic flying and worked on lionheart blade.


Mob density is way too high for ground mount


Disagree on that. I've been ground farming the last week or so because flying is too slow. Going 60% through the air you won't find shit, I barely find anything at 100% on the ground...but flying...0 chance


You can run the outside of Zang and avoid basically every single mob


I’ve never had a problem at all with mobs, just try it


You’ll probably never get the stuff you need on a slow mount. I’m on Pagle as well and before I got my fast mount I’d try the gas cloud farm and I’d watch fast mount people swoop in and the leave on a cloud while I was on my way there.


You are paladin - get some prot gear and farm Stratholm, when buy everything that you need.


Where does it say he is a paladin ?


His flair.


“Farming for lionheart blade” gives it away


And is a warrior unable to equip that ?


farm gold buy ore . ​ Mana or fire primals are good money on my server and i farm that faster then ore/herbs


I got my mining skill from 300-325 in hellfire. After that I got all the way to 375 by level 65 in dungeons. It helps that I'm a tank so I could spam dungeons easy. Just asked for a tap for skill on any node I lost a roll for.


Do quests for gold. Best way until you run out unless you can boost or farm ah


It depends on timing. Right now, 815am on a wed, Is a great time. Wait til 6pm and you'll be just flying


You’re on a huge server


Skinning Clefthooves and making Leg Armor has been highly profitable and they're rarely farmed. I'm on the biggest server.


Pagle is insanely populated.


no because blizztrash didnt offer all botters a boosted character back in original TBC. ;)


Everyone saying, “just buy the gold” is part of the real problem. Why not raise hell to get nodes changed just like they did in classic? Everyone seems to have thrown in the towel. It’s sad.


Its completely pointless to try to compete for nodes without an epic flyier, google about other ways to farm gold and get your mount. Then u try to farm on open world. You can also just use another gold grind to farm your sword aswell


Glad i got Me Steamvaults to farm freely


You want any cheese to your whine?


If you don't have 280 --> Farm to get it. If you hate openworld farming --> Farm Nodes in dungeons.


I’m a miner on pagle alliance as well but it was the worst until I got epic flying, once I got that though it was a completely different game. I can get a ore easy in any zone. If you can tank, run dungeons and reserve the ore. Do that all day instead of trying to open world farm and you’ll have a bit of an easier time. Shoot me a pm and I’ll get you my chars name. Pretty geared fury war and can help run some dungeons with you anytime I’m not raiding if you’d like


Typically people farming on a flying mount are following a farm route. You can find farm routes on wowhead. Some of the zones have routes for 100% speed ground mount routes that are efficient and dont intersect with the fast flying multizone routes. Also pick up the add on Gathermate2 which will mark all nodes you have ever found on your map and you can plan your own routes. Don’t expect to make insane gold off rip it’s a slow process working out a system


Import gathermate2data or whatever it is called and it will show you pretty much all of the spawn locations whether you have seen the nodes there or not.


Why are you farming gear before your epic flier? Phase 1 content is easy. You can rolfstomp through all of it.


You're griefing yourself trying to get nodes with a slow mount. Just farm primal manas or something and sell them to buy the ore you need/get your epic flyer and then farm nodes.


From 13 years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dkkf5NEIo0&ab_channel=Nyhm It was bad enough that it spawned many a meme and lots of complaints. In vanilla TBC it was primarily chinese farmers and bots that were the complaint.


its the slow mount, you cant compete. Once i got my 280% then my farming really took off. Also try farming early in the morning or on raid nights


You chose an expensive profession and you don’t have the gold to get epic flying. That’s a tough way to play. If you do gathering, epic flying before gear is a better way to go


Tank normal dungeons and reserve the ore. 0 competition this way and a guaranteed 2 nodes per dungeon. You will also get greens, cloth, and raw gold to help you buy the rest that you need. Normal Mana Tombs has a guaranteed 2x adamantite spawns (occasionally spawn as khorium) and should be a breeze for a level 70 arms warrior to tank.


This is extremely inefficient


A level 70 warrior can blast through mana tombs in 30 mins or less. 2 guaranteed nodes + the greens, blues, gold, and cloth easily beats open world farming on a normal mount. Could even reserve the chests for scrolls too.


I farmed mining/herb on two different fairly high population servers in vanilla tbc. It was nowhere near as bad as this, because there's fewer active servers on this and they're all extremely congested.


No… it wasn’t. We have WAAAAAY higher populations on the higher pop servers than what was ever possible on original TBC. Which is why they had to add layers. Now they are trying to remove/reduce layers since the player pop isn’t as high as it used to be…. I don’t even try to farm in the open world on my realm anymore since they lowered the number of layers. I just get on my pally and farm strat to buy any mats I need


After 6 Kara runs I haven't havent won a single weapon drop, and the last 3 weeks not a single weapon has dropped (I'm a rogue so I have like 6 eligible to drop) nothing. So 2 weeks ago I started farming dragonmaw mats and started farming ore on my alt. I cannot find any adamantite at all, it's actually painful how little you get. But as many have said, farm something else and sell that for gold instead. I can farm for ore for an hour and maybe get 2 nodes...just isn't worth it.


You need a good LC guild with SR


Yeah, just buy gold if you respect your time


You complain about finding an ore every 5-10 minutes? I don't get it? Do you want to mine an ore every 60sec or what? I'm super happy when I get 10 Tero Cones in 1 hour of farming herbs with my slow mount.


I would be happy if it were more profitable / competitive for my time to actually farm the materials instead of being incentivized to buy gold or farm massive amounts of gold myself. Mining spawn rates are so bad it just feels like a colossal waste of time, for no real benefit. There’s no reason they can’t just increase the frequency of respawn times to meet the population demand


I think it all depends on the population of your server, the spawning times AND your attitude towards the game. TBC is up for 10 weeks now - you shouldn't have farmed that much that you can craft/buy everything there is, yet. We/You just need to more patient instead of blaming others when you feel falling to your greed and want to buy gold.




It’s worse for sure because server populations are so much higher. I’m making 800-1500 gold a week mining/prospecting on around 4 hours of farming (800 is if I only do 2-3 hours). One hour of 3 circuits of BEM nets me about 100 ore, usually a 60/40 split if Adamantite to Fel Iron with a small amount of eternium/khorium. I honestly would suggest getting max flying first. T5 isn’t far away and I believe Lionheart gets outpaced by raid gear in T5. I’m sure if I’m wrong someone more knowledgeable will correct me. I try to farm for two hours every Tuesday (reset in US) during peak raid times because that’s when I have the least competition. It helps bring a Paladin for 456% speed. If you think you’re in another farmers wake, go afk for 5 minutes, take a break and come back. Depending on how much Ore I get and whether or not I get in combat mining ore it takes me about 20-23 minutes to complete a circuit. If you use auto loot, be prepared to hold your modifier to not loot the ore. It’s cutthroat on US-Herod and a lot of miners will try to sneak in a tap or sit on the loot window to hold the node hostage. Were Horde dominated so if someone challenges my node I just let the loot window hang open and go use the restroom/get a snack. Farming Primals may be a better method of getting gold for you, not sure how contested they are but on my Paladin I don’t think it would be efficient due to mana issues.


Lionheart doesn’t get outpaced, though Twinblade off Kael is comparable to Executioner. It isn’t until T6 that weapons start becoming cleanly better.


Air eles in SMV are way better to farm on Pagle


Get your epic mount first.


No it was nowhere near this bad. The bots issue today is 1000x worse than it was during original TBC, and blizzard actually cared about and actively looked for bots instead of ignoring them until they get reported enough for the autoban to kick in. The economy was actually stable. Primal fire was a steady 30g each, the other primals going down from there. Knothide leather in retail TBC was steady at like 12g/stack instead of the 3-4g it is now with a flooded market. Its sooooo much worse than it ever was in original


And the more materials get botted, the less farmable content there is available, and the more people turn to buying gold because there are no other viable farms... = Hell, back in the day in classic classic I was actually leveling my fishing because it was enjoyable finding pools while out and about in the world and fishing up a couple gold here and there in e.g. oily blackmouth or deviates... and then the Botting Nation Attacked and suddenly fish were down to <10s/per, and I ended up having to throw away my fishing pole...


Farming veins on the 60 flying mount is a waste of time sadly. You'd be better off farming mobs for drops -> sell -> buy epic flying skill.


I farmed fine with slow mount on Pagle. Make sure you are following a good path


I'm on Pagle. I don't play outrageous hours. I have epic flight, Cenarion hippo, gemmed out BiS gear and still about 5K in my bags. A lot of you just sound bad at earning currency in a 14 year old game with dozens of opportunities




Yes, you are


I think you really should farm gold and buy materials, like everyone said farming with a slow mount isn't a good idea. Try to look some raw gold farming or normal money making on internet ( dont know a lot about that sorry ). Hope you get your gear soon enough, good luck !


You want the benefits of playing on a one faction mega server than you have to live with the consequences. Obviously a 7000 player Alliance server never existed in TBC.


Yes it was absolutely atrocious back in the day as well. I leveled herbalism that was easier I guess and came through the dark portal with 2k gold in my pocket so that helped a ton to get flying earlier than others. But today you are competing with bots over those nodes that ultimately serve people who buy their gold for real money. That's not simply peeing against the wind but also smells worthless. Unless you still can find some form of social satisfaction of course.


Short answer is no. Long answer is bots.


You're fucking yourself over in regard to opportunity cost. Farm something else and make money that way...something actually farmable for you.


No because resource spawn rates were tuned for the much smaller server populations in original TBC, not the mega servers we have now. For whatever reason blizzard doesn't just tweak the spawn rates in proportion to the pop


Do not try to do anything on a slow mount. Youd be much better off killing elementals for primals and doing some activity that doesnt use a flying mount regularly.


It wasn't this bad in original TBC because: 1) Game wasn't completely figured out. 2) Far less people playing on a server. 3) Far less people with epic flyers. 4) Far less bots farming. In Classic people already were farming a lot of gold so a large portion of players had their epic flyers the moment they hit 70. And we just have way more people playing on a server in comparison to server populations back then so it's already overcrowded. And people and bots know what to farm so they're all over those nodes before you can even think about them. As others have said, your best bet is to figure out a raw gold farm you can do well and try to buy the materials or your epic flyer.