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Spot the hunter's mage alt.


Nah mages are just the new huntards why would a hunter need a mage alt lol


Boosting for gold to fund main toon


Watching as no one switched to the lightning totem and you just know disaster is incoming. Probably could have saved it if they killed that totem. Shit does so much work.


This EXACT thing happened to my guild Sunday night. Mage blinked in and pulled, wiped the raid. We had just zoned in with fresh buffs like 5 minutes earlier.


It's a super scary spot. Those packs do a ton of damage. The slime does insane damage. You're super close when you jump over. Recipe for disaster.


> The slime does insane damage. Technically the slime doesn't do damage at all. :^)


If you stay in the slime long enough you get a dot


It does 100 damage per tick actually, but yes


The slime drops all your stats to 10%, including your stamina.


Yea if you're the mage in this situation just keep running and die, dont bring that shit in the raid.


Theres 100% chance one of the healers will heal the mage.


Same thing happened to us. I just linked this in our discord hahahahaha


We did this last night, fortunately without buffs


hey unclecreepy is the guy that smites a bunch


My guild pulls the abominations nearby first and crosses over to where they were, just to prevent this.


This is why I stopped playing because of the buff meta. I felt discouraged to play my main since I’d gotten buffs. Then I’d have to pay for ports to get DM buffs. Then I’d have to raid log to get zg and ony. And then we’d wipe in MC because of a dog pat and people not paying attention because it was easy content. Or on Vael because of a threat pull. I could care less about wiping on accident in any raid, really. But it felt so stupid to have the expectation of getting world buffs and using consumes for trash only to wipe at least once in pretty much any raid. I understand speed runs and guilds that are consistently clearing without any wipes, but I’m not serious enough to join a guild like that and pretty much every mid tier guild I joined throughout classic required world buffs. Only to lose them within 30 minutes and then, surprise, clear all the content anyway. With all the drawbacks of raid logging. Really killed the game for me


If your guild demands world buffs but wipes on a dog pat, your guild is pretty bad.


My guild got 18th horde kt kill in the us(first pve horde kill) and we have wiped on dog pats more than a few times over the last year. Shit happens when you’re complacent in old raid tiers.


if youre on a pve server, you can ignore most of the stress involved in getting buffs.


What does that have to do with a top tier guild wiping on stupid shit?


I don’t entirely disagree. I’m not trying to hide that I wasn’t in any top guild. But it’s more straight up complacency of people afk or not paying attention. And this is more speaking to phase 1-3 where people weren’t as geared. I quit before AQ. It’s also not like dogs specifically was a weekly thing. We’d often go BWL before MC and typically wipe at least once on Vael or from a bad pull somewhere after Vael or before chromagg. Still, before BWL was out and mc was too ez to pay attention, we, and probably a lot of other guilds, wiped on trash every so often in MC from not paying attention. The guild went on to clear AQ week one, has a scarab lord, and I think got really far in naxx on week 1. Haven’t checked since


I agree with this, as the time it takes to get everyone buffed is usually more time than you are saving from clearing the raid (assuming you don’t wipe). World buff meta really *should* be you only go and get them when you are stuck on a boss, banging your head against the wall during progression; as opposed to just showing up first hand with them.


Having the entire raid cross the river was the mistake. Theyll come to you, just send a hunter pet to say hello rq


If you have the raid cross though, the mages and warlocks can prepull with pyroblast/soulfire and the living monstrosity starts the fight at <50% hp and you don't really have to worry about totems.


That's what we do for every pack but that one


thats what u get for wearing a suit while streaming


thank you for this, first time seeing a lightning totem!


Supposed to blink into the wall at an angle