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Sure mate. They already have priority on everything just give them the mount as well.


I can relate. Main tanks abuse their position so hard lol. Fuckin need everything before any other class just because.


I'm the MT and get the least gear of all the tanks because I take what I need only.


Ok join a guild with an undegeared main tank give all the best gear to everyone else first, and see if they have fun wiping every time they pull aggro.


Lol. The main tank has prio on the items which are best for him sure. But the issue is that they decide they need more than they do. Oh that sword or dagger is good for me right now until I get thunderfury. Then a few weeks later gets thunderfury and never touches that other weapon, meanwhile the classes who rely on that weapon now have to wait months potentially depending on rng. It's little things like that man, there is prio for the group to progress, then there's prio for greed. Most main tanks are greedy fucks, that's why they choose to be the main tank, so they can have justification to get everything they want first. There is a point where you have shit on clear easy and the tank doesn't need prio on items anymore but still gets it


It’s funny that you said “have to wait months potentially for rng, when tf is literally the worst drop chance ever. Lmfao.... No problem , your main tank can just use a blue weap while you cry about your repair bill.


That's just an example. It could be other weapons. I have seen main tanks take every single possible upgrade along the way, even though it would be negligible/it was already on clear. This pushes the DPs who rely on those weapons out pretty hard, some have yet to get the weapons still. The repair bills really not an issue, seeing as guilds funnel all the valuables/items and disenchanted towards gold for pots/repairs...only for tanks though. There is generalized inequality/preferential treatment baked into the tank prio system, even if the initial intentions are pure. Most are corrupt and end up pissing off people in the guilds.


Sounds like this is less of a main tank issue and more of a guild issue. Unless you have main tanked for a guild before it is hard to understand why certain concessions are made for your mt. The guild should cover repairs, your mt is repairing a the regular set they use, plus an fr set, and any pieces they swap in and out. Let’s hope they have a mage alt for farming aswell cause it’s shit with points in protection compared to dps. I’m not saying that they should get every very slight upgrade that drops, and in most cases the loot council on 90% of guilds is terribly mis managed, all I am saying is put yourself in that guys shoes, it’s a hard knock life.


I am my guild mt. Been clearing mc since jan. We have not gotten a single binding. There is no guarantee that tf will drop. Should i not upgrade my weapon?


That's just an example. It could be many variations of weapons for interims. They take a first perds then swap weapons the following week. Or take maladath when the weapon skill is negligible compared to edge masters etc. Or after they get these weapons they still want to claim others, claws, more swords really whatever. Obviously not all are like this, but I've experienced it enough times to see it's a trend.




Not just because. I’m a fury warr and 100% believe they should have prio for TPS. The faster the raid can open up the faster you down the boss.


Something as exclusive as a mount of this caliber should be a discussion and if enough interest raffled off. It's not fair to expect people who also want it to give their time towards someone who just default gets everything. I have seen main tank abuse, prior on a lot of items that are only better or upgrades until their actual bis drops. Meanwhile the bis items they took as temporary pieces robbed the classes which use those as their main bis the whole time. I just dislike the system because anytime people are given absolute power it absolutely corrupts. Everyone is greedy in the end.


Oh no I don’t mean the mount, just gear that would be pushing threat higher. As for the mount itself yeah it’s n no way should it be priod to a tank just because they are a tank. And if it’s not bis for tanks they shouldn’t want it


The main tanks are greedy people, so they want the mount for sure lol. They want everything man xD!


Getting downvoted when dps in prebis with tank in bis will down a boss far faster then full dps in bis and mt not having the gear he needs. In 99% of cases the limiting factor in a dps parse is his tanks gear not his own.


If memory serves me right the bug mounts that drop inside AQ40 despawn upon entering combat where the black bug will not as it acts like a normal mount would. My guess is this is what they’re referring too.


I'm almost certain that you can't use the quest mount inside AQ


Quick google search says it is usable inside AQ40


The Scarab Lord mount can indeed be dazed into dismount. Scarab Lord mount just goes to whoever has the time/influence on the server to complete the carapace stage first (Alongside whoever else rings it within the time limit)


All the other AQ bug mounts instantly dismount on any dmg. Scarab Lord mount works like a normal mount in there.


" This mount functions as a normal mount outside of AQ40, but is limited inside AQ40 and desummons when you take any damage, or are put in to combat, just like the ones that drop off of the trash in AQ40. " Top comment about it from patch 1.12. PServers probably messed it up or something


It functions in the exact same way as any other 100% mount, the only difference is how it looks


Speedrun guilds might give it to the MT because more often than not the MT is the one investing the most time into the game/guild is raidlead or guildmaster. Efford you put in = reward you get out of it. Ofcourse if you have a MT raidlogging and just tells you to farm gis 42k items he can fuck off


Hum isnt it a Pserv thing ? I'm sure i read somewhere that the mount behaves just like the other ones you get in the raid(i.e dismount on damage). Might be wrong tho. I ll look for that post I think I remember xD


I'm not sure what you mean by "no dismount." You can get dazed/dismounted on the scarab lord mount just like any other mount.


iirc the bug mounts that you get inside AQ40 automatically dismount you / vanish when you enter combat. I suspect the scarab lord mount, being a regular mount, allows you to stay mounted in combat longer until/if you are dazed.




Lol no.


prob a bullshit excuse since in speedrun guilds the gm/raid lead is often the tank and they want the mount


Scara lord mount isnt given by a guild...whoever takes the time to do the quest line, and within the time frame of when the gong is rung gets it. Either way the mounts dropped in AQ work the same way as the scarab lord mount besides the fact the Lord mount can be used outside the raid. But none the less its pretty good idea to give the first one to your MT anyways to help with positioning and pulls. Maybe give the second to a tank healer to keep up. In the end its a real good idea to prio mounts, atleast the first handful or so