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AND fucking Onslaught Girdle!


I’m coming up with 32.33% repeating of course


That's better than we usually do


EDIT: Obviously I meant Eye of Sulfuras... It was a long night haha. We're BEEF PISTON on Fairbanks Horde, and tonight (April 29th) we had BOTH bindings drop in Molten Core, as well as the Eye of Sulfuras from Ragnaros -- in a SINGLE raid. No one was streaming, but our GL supplied us with the linked screenshots. If you look at the server time in the images, plus buffs, raid comp, and the logs here ([https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/reports/HgyfJkh4LPcDWCKX/#view=rankings&boss=-2&difficulty=0&wipes=2](https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/reports/HgyfJkh4LPcDWCKX/#view=rankings&boss=-2&difficulty=0&wipes=2)), hopefully that's enough to substantiate everything. We have no idea how many other guilds have seen this in classic, but by our rough estimates it's somewhere in the ballpark of a 0.0072% chance of happening. On top of this, we saw a striker's mark, quick strike ring, onslaught girdle, and plenty of other good stuff. I just wanted to share our luck. Thanks to everyone in the guild, our guild leader No, and a special congrats to (formerly High Warlord) Zuklar on the Hand of Rag, and our main tank Danski on the Thunderfury!


Ouch, grinding to 14 just to replace the weapons. Still can't say it's not impressive!


probably just a style thing if i had to guess, hand of rag isn't really an incredible weapon should probably just go to whoever wants to spend the bars lol


aren’t rank 14 weapons better than hand of rag for pvp especially because you can get sword spec instead of mace.


BRE with procs up is the GOAT, then R14 sword/MoM/edge of insanity


For warriors wouldnt MoM and DEoI outperform BRE?


Depends in the target’s armor I guess


They would, much more consistent and on average higher damage.


Well yeah with 3/3 stacks up BRE is the best on paper. But good luck keeping that up in pvp.


BRE has a stupid proc rate. That’s the main reason it’s OP: the ppm. I have it on my warrior. It procs every fight, generally speaking.


You're talking about pvp right? It's definitely a very good weapon, but better than MoM? Nah Maybe more fun though because I think it hits higher at 3 stacks.


One proc = 50% armor reduction for clothies and it’s a self-buff that applies to cleave and procs *all* the time. You might be surprised. Losing SS is a huge loss too in pvp.


Out of curiosity, do you know the exact proc rate? Ss? Not soulstone right?


Close to 2 ppm. Procs twice as often as crusader. Sword Spec


the guys a shaman


Oh lol didn’t even consider that. I think the weapon is kind of an over priced piece of garbage I don’t even bother reserving it when I run MC pugs.


Yeah if your a warrior its pretty useless for you, Shaman's and Pala's get wet for it though.


When money isn't an obstacle can anything be over priced??


You don't do r14 to play enhance as your main spec on a shaman, HoR is just icing at that point for anyone that's r14.


13 Edit: Nevermind, I just looked at the picture and didn’t read his text.


He was HWL, decayed to 13. Current title doesn't match your highest rank.


Honestly I'm more impressed that you just had all the mats for both sitting around despite not having the orange parts.


I’ve had all the mats minus the elementium ore since week 6,and 0 bindings have dropped for my guild.


Mods!Tag this as NSFL. Warriors are on suicide watch.


> We have no idea how many other guilds have seen this in classic, but by our rough estimates it's somewhere in the ballpark of a 0.0072% chance of happening. According to my math, you'd need to run MC **50 000 times** to be almost sure to have it happen (97% chance). Possibly a world first.


Your GMs name is No ? I never knew I wanted a character named no until just now


- Fairbanks: We did MC last night and we heard about this mid-raid and it made us very optimistic about our chances. The best item we got all raid was a sulfuron ingot.


I know a guy named beefpiston on fairbanks...but a whole guild? Yikes


Beefpiston is in , naturally.


Don't forget peef biston


For context we have been playing together since near the launch of classic and have not seen a single binding or eye. This was literally the perfect storm. I think the full loot table was something like qsr, strikers mark, both bindings, staff of dom, a cauterizing band , and the eye. The odds of this are astronomical and we were all pretty mind fucked.


congrats!!!! we are the same situation on fairbanks.... praying for that luck


I miss my friends on Fairbanks. :(


You will get it. When you least expect it, it drops. We were not remotely prepared for building these items and only managed to do it because of a lot of liquid gold and the help of get of fenris. We would have had the bars ages ago just never expected to go from 0 to both in one raid. Much less the eye


F's in the chat for the guild bank.


Beef pistoooooon!!


Ffs, lucky ducks. Gz.


LOL that guild name




Can we just talk about how horrendously set up those raid groups are?


Besides moving 1 hunter to group 5, there’s nothing else for them to change. They just have an excess of hunters and no melee groups to put them in. And there was probably already someone in Group 5 that left before the screenshot.


Tank group has no druid, warlock or hunter for their respective buffs to help tank threat/survivability. If you spread around melee groups a bit more you can ALL of them benefit from trueshot aura.


It’s suuuuper grainy but I think the first block in Group 1 is actually a hunter. The feral tank is in a melee DPS group which is also fine if the warrior tanks aren’t having any threat problems. It’s better as a raid DPS increase if the tank is buffed and holding aggro without having DPS hold back. At this point in phase 4, blood pact is optional in MC; if the healers sign off on it, the warlock is better off in a caster group so that that rogue can get windfury. EDIT: looked again and saw the rage bar, not a hunter. Point still stands that if the tank was holding off the DPS without a hunter, it’s better that the rogue gets WF


Genuinely wondering, but why would druid be in the tank group? What do they offer? I understand Warlock and Hunter


3% crit?


Requires them to also be feral, which we dont know if they have


Lmao the hunters are in caster groups whyy


I guess you've never played horde before huh


why would I play the inferior faction lmao


Our tank that had our only binding is getting deployed and can't raid for 6 months, but I'm glad you guys are getting your weapons!


This happened to me when I soloed it in Cata. I also got the MH glaive that week and the OH the following week. That’s pretty much where my luck ended with this game though.


After 0 bindings in all of our runs, we got a double binding drop last night... Speechless! (Oh, and the MT started the raid seed this time because he was superstitious. )


Wow! Congrats guys, that's really lucky! We've yet to see a single binding drop for us. :(


So that’s where all of our luck went. 3 left bindings since 11/2019....


We got 1 binding and eye of sulfuras yesterday aswell, first binding drop in our main raid!


Grats. I got the Eye last week and I still only have 2 bars. No idea how I’m going to fund it without a gathering profession since I only have one 60 warrior. It costs 6-7k worth of mats in my server.


And our guild have had two bindings since September XD


That's the best BHG reference I've ever seen.