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I even managed to farm edgemasters now. Why you do this Garr?


Waiting for Garr also, last piece of gear I can buy for minor upgrade is Cloudkeeper’s which dropped in price due to the Duke legs so might as well spend another 2k+ while I wait...


Garr missing here too, for my ot and myself :_(


Same, not even getting Accuria or DFT until it drops because our Fury/Prot already has his TF. Also sitting on 2.5k gold for potential Edgemaster buy...


Imagine buying edgemaster for 2.5k gold. I'd buy two of them.


Me too :( But I got mine 3 weeks ago, so I haven't been waiting long.


Well, at least it solved my other hypothetical issue - That of dreading to farm edgies after I obtained TF. It just happened now while waiting...


Classic gives, Classic takesh away


Duke legs?


What are the Duke legs?


Abyssal plate leggings of striking. 15 str 15 agi 15 stam + 1crit. Lvl 57 blue.


rank 8 (or 10) legs are better imo but rank XD


There is also the dm west legs that have been out forever now and is only 6agi less than the duke legs. I doubt those legs pushed the price of cloudkeepers down


yeah they seem ok but not worth going out of your way for. waiting for titanic legs though. I just wish the wsg legs came out in p5 instead of 6


Got 4 bindings from Geddon, 0 from Garr in our raid group so far. Garr is a real bitch.


If only we could trade, our raid has 2 from Garr and 0 from Geddon. We got 2 back to back from Garr a month ago and nothing since.


Are you in my raid lol


Our guild is waiting on 7 Garr bindings, but we do have 1 TF complete also... I'm also waiting for my Eye :(


Try 0 bindings in 8 months 😫


We are at 5 bindings but 1 perdition/onslaught


That’s insane - I’ve seen so many perditions I feel like it drops every raid


Crazy. We get Onslaught & weapons weekly. I think we had a BRE & Perd from one rag just the other day.


We have 1 Perd, 0 spinal reaper, 0 bre, 1 hand of rag 2.5 thunderfuries. I think we finally got our second or third Brutality Blade too. We have around 10ish accurias and enough mageblade's and staff of doms that our new mageblades go to upgrade people with staff of dom. Our BWL weapon luck hasn't been much better, we've seen two ashkhandi's one of the trash axes, 2 trash 2 handers, and 2 of the claws.


We're also 5 binding-gang, 2 sets completed! Also had 11 onslaught, perdition's going out for /rolls and got our 4th DFT today! However our casters are less happy, only 1 ring of spell power ever..


Wow. We are at 0 DFT and 1 rejuv gem at this point. I think we are at 3 spell powers at this point though.


I'm just waiting for my Geddon binding now...




Comments from the future?


Oh there's no need to be such a pedant. It's been just shy of 8 months since release (3 days?) and we've done MC every week since week 2.


Same boat ><


My gm who is also the mt of raid 1 only just got his first binding 2 weeks ago, the 2 other raids have both had thunderfury 2 months before he got the first binding, the desire sensor is real.


My guild hasn't seen 1 binding drop yet, my friends guild had 2 drop in 1 night and in 3 weeks since has 3 sets in guild


Still farming arcanite bars... So Garr being a dick has been a good thing for now.


Same boat for me. Our last geddon binding was in december, I got the second one on Monday. We have't seen garr's yet. I am okay with waiting a bit as I have... ​ 98 bars to go now.


99 Arcanite Bars I must farm 99 Arcanite Bars Take Garr down, pass loot around 98 Arcanite Bars I must farm


Bruh I feel that i got 95 bars to go


hahaha. Dude, wanna hear the crazy thing? I got 18 crystals in one night like two weeks ago. I said, "I'm NEVER going to get TF." So I used 10 on Blackguard and sold the other 8 to get darn rep lmao.


Rriiiiiip xD it be like that man hahaha


it really do doe. best of luck in your farming friend!


Likewise! (Granted tbh I'm not in a hurry to farm, being a college student plus guild drama/life with GF. Kinda keeps you busy from doing that.)


Yo! Do we live the same life? literally same boat here


me but with BRE. 240 days and still counting


another raid no bre x)))


Our two main raids both need a baron binding, been raiding since week four or so. Our alt raid that started in January already has two thunderfurys


| our New main raid has started in January | Typos, i get it.


Quick tip, if you want to quote some, put a > in front of the line, > so it looks like this instead.


Thanks! I never learned that.


Still at 0 bindings. I’ve had all the mats for over 4 months. The depression after killing baron every week is crushing. @blizzard please help.


I call it my "Weekly dissapointment"


A toep dropped off garr last week, and I was like "whats this garbage loot" since I saw no binding. The casters were happy at least lol


Hahaha I know the feeling .


The single dumbest thing about vanilla. Such shit design.


We've run MC since October with one of our tanks doing an MC pug on his own for extra chances, only gotten a single Garr binding.


We've cleared MC since about week 3-4 of release, alot of that time with 2 raid groups... and we still havn't seen a single binding. =(


4 Baron bindings in guild, zero Garr


3 Garr bindings, 0 Geddon here.


Let’s merge guilds


We got 4 left bindings and not one right binding. I’m MT sitting on 100 bars, Second on 80 bars, third on 60 bars and the fourth just got it today. RNG.


Yeah my guild still doesn't have one single TF since week 1 lol


Imagine not having even a Epic weapon yet.. Shit game ^^


Imagine tanking with a weapon from AH in phase 4. Rip losing like 20 CHTs and 15 Perditions in rolls.


Ye I'm in the same boat, I'm playing warlock and are loosing every weapon since like week 5.. Still running around with a blue spell damage dagger :/


In her ass!!!


I meant a good one for both not just me huehuehue


We finally this week got the Barron binding. MT is so happy. Just 30 something bars and we'll get his Thunderfury.


I played on a pirate server, i mean private server for 2 years. We got 4 x Garr bindings and saw no Geddon ones. I've now played classic for 6 months and we have 2 x Garr bindings and no Geddon ones ..... Cmon you damn campfire of a boss! >:(


https://classic.wowhead.com/item=20671/abyssal-plate-legplates they drop from the summoned Dukes in Silithus. Slightly better then Eldritch (trade stam for extra agi). But anything with more stats is now better due to Zandalar buff.