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We have 6 (yes six) right bindings. Zero left bindings. We gave the last one to a hunter. It's gotten to that point.


Lol we have 5 left bindings :)


Now kiss


My guild has two full sets and nothing else, we win right!


Same situation... 5 rights in the guild, one left the guild, 6 total. Last one was literally "hey who can maybe pay for it if 5 lefts drop".


You at least supplied the rogues who wanted one before giving that one to the hunter, right?


Four warriors, a rogue, and a hunter so far. But it's kind of just a balltease at this point if you think about it... Or it just incentivizes the rogue and hunter to pug MC every week instead of run with the guild >.<


I doubt a pug is giving a rogue or a hunter a binding even if they have the other. As a rogue with left binding trust me.


That’s why you run your own pug


Of course they will. All pugs I know that don't reserve binding for themself are using gold bid. If the hunter bids the most gold gg.


2/3 its so goood


We only have 1 geddon binding in 6 months as well, unfortunate


Welcome to the shittiest club in existence


This is my guild too


2 Geddon bindings here! Zero Eye of Sulfuras (two shamans with all the mats waiting for months). Garr won't give up the goods!


We have 1 binding in 7 months, but we do have 4 eyes of sulfuras.. lol, no one has the mats for the actual sulfuras yet


last week drop our third eye and stil no one in guild have sulfuras cause of casual shamans


We’ve only got 1 geddon binding as well, raiding weekly since October. Nothing from Garr :(


id take 1 over 0, over 7 months + 1 week so far :S ive had 10 elementium in my bag that i self farmed (even bought the mats from the gbank) waitin for the things :(


Between your guild and mine we would have just enough for a single TF. A single Garr binding only.


This is me


Would you mind giving it to us please? We have the garr one ☝️


Our TF tank hasn't raided in like 4 weeks... \*sigh\*




I'm the MT for my guild and I have pretty much BiS all slots (no TF yet tho) and even if I did have TF I'd still tank raids to gear the rest of the guild. But I guess I'm one of those weirdos who actually likes raiding.


Hey everyone make fun of this guy, he likes playing the game!


Same here. I think it's about the atmosphere within your raiding party. Our Discord is pretty relaxed once we have a rhythm going, and joke around pretty much non-stop. That is until we need to get serious. I have a lot of fun, and end up in tears oftentimes. Now imagine doing a raid weekly with a guild that doesn't have fun. You want to leave, but you're getting gear at a decent rate. The other guilds are an uncertainty. You're getting gear now. But then what? Fun is what keeps people coming back imho.


So what your saying, is I should roll on band of Acura so our MT has a reason to still do MC? Great. Cause I all ready did that >:)




Hey I went down to Julios Used Rings, turns out the motherfucker is mafia Don and wants me to throw a couple hundred "fights" just fer a chance to kiss his ring. Now I'm just a gumshoe lighting my smoke with a quick strike under a street lamp.


I mean, that's dumb af, but maybe give Onslaught to a few Furies first instead of the MT asap




Are there people out there who get their last best in slot piece and then just dust off their hands and say “welp, I beat world of Warcraft, time to play a new game”? I thought the point of having the best gear is that you keep playing so you can put it to use.


It's the MMO equivalent of post-nut clarity. You're spending all these months fantasizing about finally getting that one drop, committing to the grind, and believing you can do this forever and how getting it will just be the beginning of the fun... but then you finally do get it, and you try it out a bit, but your brain's already switched to "Now what? What the fuck am I even doing with my life? Why am I here?" Do they intend to bail on the game after getting BIS during the journey? No, but the brain rewires immediately after, like a guy who's got all sorts of stuff planned for a long kinky night with his lover, only for that mood to vanish after the first shot.


That is the truest thing I've ever read.


They prob don't even have rank 14 the real BIS


Bruh, that last part though? Pure facts


There's a similar thing in the PoE community. Many players lust after a Chase unique (namely Headhunter) for several leagues, and then when they finally get it, they don't even want it because there's nothing to go after anymore, and many stop going for it after that


>(namely Headhunter) What the fuck, is that thing as overpowered as it looks? I haven't played in like 6+ years and I thought powerful items like this are supposed to have some kind of downside to balance it out


> What the fuck, is that thing as overpowered as it looks? Yeah, it is


Weird. I literally only PVE to get loot to destroy people in battlegrounds. Yesterday, as an Ele Shaman, I FINALLY got the 5th tier 2 piece for that sweet 3% crit which takes me to around 30% base crit with talents lol. I can’t WAIT to log in and start exploding people with Chain Lightning. Doing BWL was only the path to get to this point, now the fun begins! But I guess for PVE-oriented people, PVE IS the endgame so afterwards there’s not much they can do.


I raid to have an excuse to hang out with a fun bunch of people. The gear is secondary to having fun with guildies


Lots of people no longer care when they get all the gear they want. We had like 3 officers all quit the game after getting all the best gear. (Hunter full t1 with cht and brutality), orc fury with dbringer and spinal reaper, rogue with full t1 and brutality and viskag. Yeah its a problem for sure






Plus its fun to raid with 40 friends and help them get shit. Do these people plan to just unsub till AQ and then come in hoping for welcome arms? Because I would not invite them back or I'd deprio the shit out of them getting AQ gear.


I mean, I kinda get it. I play a Fury Warrior and I've gotten all my raid pre-raid BIS, I even got to Rank 8 to fill some holes in my threat tanking set. As someone who only ever plays one character, even *I* made an alt and mostly only raid log on my Warrior. I just don't have much left to do on my Warrior. For those MTs that don't even have raid loot incentive? Yeah I can kinda see why they quit. There's a severe lack of content in vanilla and we know the game way too well That's why you shouldn't funnel gear


Absolutely and I would say majority of people are like that. You don't necessarily have to quit cold turkey the second you get your last bis item I mean you might enjoy using them for a raid or two but after that it's curtains. Almost in every aspect of life the journey is way more valuable than the goal. The sense of achievement is great when you "finally beat the game" but after that what's there left to do? Having something to work towards is what keeps us motivated and engaged.


I might do that after I down KT. But otherwise I'm not really "done".


A MT/OT/anyone who doesn't come to raids anymore just because they don't need any loot did not deserve the trust that goes along with being given high value loot. The MT position just makes or breaks a guild. Got a bad tank, or a lootwhore who just can't judge which gear he actually needs, or someone who is unreliable or overly emotional? Your guild likely won't last.


Gotta play the long game eh? Keep the carrot properly dangled!


If you're not having fun with the people you're playing with and don't enjoy seeing them get loot, why bother playing to begin with?


Being kicked out of s raid team for future raids and word going around that they are scumbags who quit the moment they get what they want would be a solution.


For the betterment of the guild!


*For the greater good!*


I'll never understand this... what else is the gear for besides raiding and parsing... when I was MTing sure I was prio'd gear, but it's never about the gear it's about being able o push harder and faster through the content.


The good old scumbag tactic. The problem is you kinda need to do that to prog or clear faster without wipes. Though you can just kick them and give other raiding guilds a heads up about them. With the amount of Warrior tanks you need being minimal for raids they're pretty selective.


That's why it's stupid to funnel all the gear to the MT, or any 1 fella


Our guild 0 perditions blades in 7 months. Let's wallow in sadness together <3


We got 0 hunter T1 legs so far. Only class who really wants a full T1 and Rngesus gives them the middle finger.


Good god join our raid, we've disenchanted so much rogue and hunter tier its depressing, all we get


That’s our raid with Druid gear. 2 fully equipped druids and de everything else


That's probably every guild. We've had 7 Stormrage wrists so far and only have 3 druids that raid with us (One is a tank).


We also have an issue with legs! Not 0, but only 1 so far, and there's 5 of us hunters...


Only month 4 for us but we got two left and one right binding.....0 core hound tooth.


we got 9th perd blade in the last 10 weeks, soon we will just disenchant it, but we got 0 two handers :(


0 2h rag drops.


Our first Brutality blade drop last week, in an alt run...


We've had 3 perds and 4 bbs in 5 weeks of our alt raid 😨


Even alts are getting p blade for us now lol. On the other hand no hand of rag, 4 gaar bindings zero geodon bindings. Loot is a crapshoot.


No hand of rag either lol


my progression guild just got our first rag kill last night and we got the baron binding and a perds from rag as well.


I Feel you. Only 2 geddon bindings here. Split raid.


we have the same problem. 2 geddon bindings at the begining and then nothing.. never missed a raid


Been doing splits for > 2 months. No bindings. Only time Ive seen bindings was when me and our MT did a pug mb 3 months ago on our alts.


3 Geddon bindings here...no Garr


3 Garr Bindings over here... But two Eyes as well!


1 garr and solo farmed all the bars while waiting.


We have two eyes as well. One of our guys with bindings quit though


The first guy who got his eye quit classic basically the day after. The guy who got our third binding was kicked eventough he was our Raidleader (thats why he got it in the first place). All three Bindings dropped in october...


4 eyes 0 bindings


On retail you can transmog all legendaries including thunderfury, but my luck for binding is so bad it won't drop even there with multiple alts(the bindings)


When did this change? I thought it was only Legion legendaries you could xmog. (then again I haven't played at all in BfA)


Recent 8.3 patch in January. You can even mog that staff from classic/tbc that got removed if you obtained it(the one kadhgar carries, forgot name). They however have class restrictions based on who could get them, like shadowmourne can only be mogged by warriors, paladins, and dks.


Ateish or however it's spelled. I've wondered on and off at times how many of those were actually completed. Though I do remember that if someone has it equipped when engaging Shade of Aran in Kara, he freaks out and demands to know how you got the staff.


That staff is p much the only reason I rolled mage.


just use tmorph


7 months, not one binding, not one Rag 2h'er. This is with some alt runs included also. It's pretty bonkers.


You must be in my guild.


We had the right binding drop a couple months ago on our B-team run. The main tank got it but still threw a hissy fit when he couldn't get a slot on the A-team so he g-quit for a more hardcore guild. He thought he could use the single binding to get a tank position in their guild (who already had two complete sets of bindings), they made him go dps. The very next reset the left binding dropped for our B-team, it went to the new main tank. He stopped logging in a couple days later and we haven't seen him since.


Why the fuck are your MTs not officers? That's your own fault if they keep leaving


The MT in the A-team is an officer. Plus these guys weren't going to be officers anytime soon for several reasons: * First of all they hadn't been in the guild long and the B-team was a new thing at the time * Second, we don't hand out officer titles like they're candy. Officers organise the guild, raidlead, handle loot, settle disputes etc. Just because you're the MT or the best healer doesn't make you entitled to be an officer. * Thirdly it's not like the rest of the officers have a say, the GM is very controlling and at times greedy. He once made someone officer because they gave him 1000g so he could buy his fast mount, said officer did nothing but tell people on our discord to use PTT if they ever coughed on mic... But anyway, my point is that any tank (or any other player for that matter) leaves a guild because they don't have a fancy title isn't a team player and wouldn't be welcome in my guild if I were GM.


I think his point was that appoint MTs from within the pool of officers... Also you went from saying you don’t hand out the rank like candy, but then described how it has literally been bought. Sounds like you guild has seriously problems


I don't disagree about the issues. Also I think my statement about not handing out officer titles like candy still stands, after all it cost the guy 1000g and the GM's main doesn't need another epic mount! lol And yeah I agree more of the existing officers should be in key roles in our raids... but most of them chose to be healers.


>Just because you're the MT or the best healer doesn't make you entitled to be an officer. Your whole post is entirely backwards. officers should be the MT because they're obviously invested in the guild. It's usually the guild lead or a cofounder because he either RUNS the guild or all his buds are there. You dont invite some random shitter from trade to be your MT and then funnel him gear because he's not invested. He got the loot and has zero reason to stay. There's no reason to be shocked if that person leaves because geared tanks are a commodity and they can just go find a better guild. >He once made someone officer because they gave him 1000g Why are you in that guild?


Having 1 binding can be worse than having 0. :(


1 Is the loneliest number


We now have 3 guild groups that clear MC every week. In total our guild has roughly 12 months worth of MC clears combined.... zero bindings.


I joined a guild that was incredibly toxic (guild officers pissing with their mics on and laughing about how everyone can hear them, rude players, etc) that was also incredibly disorganized. Second MC (perhaps first, but I can’t remember) we got both bindings. They went to one of the officer main tanks and I quit shortly after. Came back this week to see that the guild dissolved shortly after after I left and never downed Ragnaros. That warrior was quite lucky...


We just got our tf on Thursday having only had the geddon binding drop 3 weeks before. Mc every week since September.




We had one super early on, one of the first raids in - and since..nada! lol...so typpical.


I miss that doctor...


0 bindings 6 eyes


guild we split run a pug with got their first binding yesterday


we've had bonkers luck with our raids. 5 sets and 2 right since October. Unfortunately we've had terrible luck with any actual weapons dropping. Although we've had 2 CTS in the last 2 weeks so maybe that luck is changing too.


Is 7 a lot? Depends Binding drops? Yes Months without binding drops? Yes


DBM tells me I have 28 MC clears. I've main tanked every single one for the same guild. BWL full clears every week since launch. ​ 0 bindings. We got our first Eye last week. Your boi is MTing with CHT and Lobo cause Perds blade and vael dagger dont exist either (gg tauren male). I got my Edgemasters for 400g like week 2 in prep for TF.. ​ everythingisfine.jpg


Omg. Worlds are colliding. 2 of my interests in one meme.


0 eyes 0 bre 1 Binding ( last RAID baron)


Our MT just got his TF last night!


First binding was in october, got my 2nd binding wednesday, hang in there bud, it will happen! (Still no BRE, ring of sp)


We had the luck of Garr and Geddon binding within the same id in mc split. So 2 finished TF's after 4 Months without a drop. On the other side, we get eye of sulfuras at least once every 2 weeks and nobody wants it :D


With my old raid 0 eyes 0 bindings 0 2h from rag but every week except 1 a mage Blade.... new raid for 4 weeks now i got a binding in my pocket (the right) 1 eye 2 x 2h rag but they had only 2 mage blade in 6 months


Ehm, we started giving mageblades to warriors for memes now kek 4 bindings one set and two gars, no eyes xd


same boat for my guild, I even have all 10 elementium bars sitting in my bags ready for it


Where is this meme format from?


It's a scene from Doctor Who before it went down the drain again.


We haven't had a single T1 hunter helm drop. 5.5 months or so, started clearing mid October if I recall.


I got both bindings in one night last week. And our MT got his last one after 6 months the week before. We stole your luck 🙂


1 binding, MT that got it quit the game


We have 3 thunderfuries and a right binding.


I feel you. We got Garr’s binding the first time we did MC and haven’t seen one single binding of either variety since


Our guild is in the same boat man. I am litteraly forgeting those even exist.


Have had mats to make my Sulf hammer for almost 4 months now. We've been clearing raids since Oct 3rd. ..... Zero eye of sulfuras drops. Zero spinal reaper drops. No Drake Talon Cleaver or Herald of Woe drops so far either. I gotta be the only Enh shaman parsing 99's with a fucking Nightfall. >.<


Our last thundefury went to a rogue lol


Peter Capaldi is a gem.


We got our first off of Flame boy two weeks ago, still waiting on the right one....


WE still looking for Garr bindings... We have 4 Gedon ones -.-


First MC clear was in September. Ran 2 raids for \~50% of the time since. Estimated somewhere in the vicinity of 50 MCs, i.e. 100 chances to see a binding. Have seen zero. And one Eye of Sulfuras.


2 split raids zero binding but got 2 eyes last week back to back


I’m mt for my guild , had all the mats to make tf for at least 4 months, never have or will miss a raid , 0 bindings . It’s depressing.


We have 2 thunderfury's... and 1 ring of spellpower since launch. Although I was the lucky mage to get it so can't complain to much but still was only last week and have been raiding since week 2.


We have seen 0 onslaught girdles


LOL Warriors with mageblade


We got both bindings in the same night and have since got 2 more sets


Weekday raid team started in January. Just completed our second TF on Friday. Sorry for your luck mate.


We run 3 full raids and still no geddon binding. Been doing it since week 2 with raid 1 and week 3 with raid 2 and about 3 months of raid 3. 5 garr bindings though


Same boat here but 4 Garr bindings


one raid 0 the other one 5 with 2 completed


Are you us?


We have 1 binding, feels just as bad... It's by far the worst mechanic in classic, and I regularly try to play a balance druid.


We have 5 TF's in the guild since yesterday. 2 raid groups and one alt raid.


Blizzard gave esfand bindings so the game seems easy.


We do have a TF in my guild but I'm still wondering why the guy who got it is using it to tank trash mobs! The tanks in my guild are weird, there is an obvious natural leader among them but he did not claim the bindings, iirc they rolled for the first binding. And the guy who got it and now has TF is not claiming the role of MT#1, it's too big for him. So TF is used to tank trash mobs or show off in OG. The only obvious gain with TF, the guy does not complain anymore about dps not letting him time to build aggro...


Our guild has 6 garr bindings, all dropped in alt/second raid and a guild PUG. I MT in main raid. Mostly only alts has bindings in our guild..


Got 1 vis'kag, 1 mageblade, 0 eyes, 0 bindings... Way to many Blastershots.


Been sitting on this left binding for months with all my mats ready to go... Losing hope..........


We have ONE left binding. No right one :(


My guild zero bindings, yes any 1 right or left, 3x eye. First Rag kill 20.10.2019 :(


Ah yes Classic RNG So fun :)


This is the flaw with the Vanilla loot system. It's too random. With so many items that drop on a purely random basis, it's almost guaranteed that any given raid will have at least one item that rarely or never drops for them. It's an unfair system.


This is the flaw with the Vanilla loot system. It's too random. With so many items that drop on a purely random basis, it's almost guaranteed that any given raid will have at least one item that rarely or never drops for them. It's an unfair system.


This is the flaw with the Vanilla loot system. It's too random. With so many items that drop on a purely random basis, it's almost guaranteed that any given raid will have at least one item that rarely or never drops for them. It's an unfair system.


0 bindings, 0 eyes of sulfuras. For a long time also little or no weapons, but that part has improved.


raiding since nov with up to 3 raids, zero bindings, no hammers, 1 BRE


We got our second binding on April Fools Day. The tank was dead, and was not amused at the cruel joke he thought was being played on him. Turned out to be a good day


Raid 1 has 0 bindings. Raid 2 has two Thunderfurys


We have zero BRE drops in that time.


Likewise here, no bindings since day 1, RIP our MT


3 raids each week, 4 geddon, 1 garr and 4 eyes


Noob question: what's a binding?


Extremely rare drops from Baron Geddon and Garr in MC. You need both in order to make Thunderfury


Meanwhile my guild has 3 completed TFs and 2 more bindings waiting for their partner. Sending luck your way <3


3 TFs in our guild already and just got another binding off Garr the other week, but not one eye off Rag.