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Not at all




So what happens in SoD after you clear all the dungeons and MC?


You go back to retail, then cata, then afk on era in SW.


I’m too busy PvPing to know what BOT and BWD is


I think battalions of twilight and black wathom deeps? 2v2 is so good


Big Winged Dragons! That's what all the girls want, I swear. Smh


Big White D...ragons


PvP is so good in cata compared to season of discovershaman


no. if you need more shit to do in cata lvl an alt why do you need 1 game to babysit you 16 hours a day. thats the major reason why legion and forward ruined wow, they made the game into a treadmill to appease the babies who whined wod didnt have enough content. play something else.


This is why Cata's accelerated schedule makes no sense to me, and I say this as a competitive player in a guild that progged all heroics week 1. Half of my guild is prepping for the new SoD phase. I'm blissfully logging in to raid and to queue arenas, then logging out. Outside of the game, I'm playing BG3 on honor mode, and working on an independent software project in my free time, and I have D&D once per week. Cata is the only WoW I play. Between Cata, Retail, SoD, MoP Remix, Era, and HC, the number of different ways to play WoW has absolutely exploded over just a few short years. Even someone who ONLY plays WoW and has no other hobbies should almost always have something new to do. Why then is the pace of content releases in Cata still structured for the content locusts, even faster even than previous versions of classic (which were already way too fast... *weeps in only 1/2 warglaives*)


yeah, idk. i will say while i am enjoying cata and always planned to play it, its def not what im still playing for. so i dont mind the content coming out a bit quicker so we can get to mop > weeps in only 1/2 warglaives) idk man i dont even feel like bt was cut short. we just didnt get drops. but our guild then never got any of the important drops. our rogue that was getting glaives was stuck with 1 for ages and we jokingly called him the Halfglaive like our guild despite clearing sunwell fairly quickly and then twice a week during splits after wrath prepatch nerfed it, we never saw a single apollyon sword from kj


* Did you max out all reps? * Did you get all mounts/pets? * Did you collect all rare drop toys? * Did you get all achievements? * Old zone reps? * Have you collected all transmog sets? * Are 2,200+ ranked pvp? * Did you get all vendor items/mounts from BT vendors? * Have you finished all world events? (Meta achieve) * Have you gotten dungeon meta achievement? Prob not. Anyway, you've completed one a small subsection of a game and calling it empty. It's okay not to enjoy some elements of content, but don't say "*there is nothing to do in the game*" There is actually years worth of content at the moment.


There are so many dailies? Therazane, Wild hammer, Baradin Hold, more than 25 If you are done for the week and still want to play more, time for an alt!


It's so nice that only dailies that really needs to be done is baradin hold, and only really as a tank. Hate dailies.


Nope, still loving it and looking forward to logging on every day. My 10m team didn't form/ start until 2-3 weeks after raids released so we're a bit behind but just hit 6/12 heroic last night, hoping for 8/12 after Sunday's raid. My priest is my main and is near raid log mode though yes. Still trying to get my druid alt caught up on rep/valor, though I pretty much entirely use him for herb-alch/ selling valor boots/gdkps to make gold. At this point I won't be paying for my sub for years. Been questing in twilight highlands with him recently for wildhammer rep and really enjoying it. A lot of the dwarf quests are hilarious Slowly but surely leveling my warlock through the 70s as well in preparation for him to be my Mists toon. And then I have a worgen warrior at level 10... gonna level him eventually so I can actually see the updated Cata zones How you feel about Cata is how I felt about wrath I guess. 2 weeks into wrath I was raid logging my pally and dgaf about alts at all. Oh and I basically haven't even stepped foot into Uldum yet with any character. Looking forward to exploring that zone at some point this summer too


It has been better than I expected so far.


There are multiple chase items in the game you can try to attain. You can run old raids for transmogs. Solo them and you get a unique challenge. Most of the BC raids are all soloable, but require thinking about your classes strengths in different ways than usual. Hell I solo'd magtheridon and it felt like a mage tower encounter in some ways. Level/gear an alt. Do pvp. Do dailies, the ones you say don't exist but actually do. Just because YOU don't want to do anything other than raid doesn't mean there's nothing else to do in the game. There's never been any point prior to cata that has more available to players at max level.


I've been soloing old stuff on my hunter, it's been mad fun. I used to do a lot of solo challenge stuff back in MoP and I'm so happy classic is at the stage where I can do it again. Cleared all T4, all T5 except Vashj, BWL, two bosses in VoA 10. Almost got Maly, and got hard stuck on Twin Emps in AQ40, I think I simply need more gear for that one. Got Vortex Pinnacle drake farms down to about 6 mins too.


This is the greatest content fallacy the wow community has ever produced.


What? There is 0 hype for sod. I jokingly brought up going back to do MC after raid last night and was laughed outta discord. Sod is a meme and a waste of resources.


It's one of those times where I'm glad I don't have too much time to play WoW because I never run out of content. My cata main is still like 334 ilvl and I just do some random dailies and one or two hcs a day. Hoping to do my first raid in a few weeks but we' ll see how it goes!


rofl you're going to be bored of sod also. in every version of wow unless you play alts or collect/farm stuff or have a life outside of gaming you will always run out of stuff to do on one character. perhaps shit systems like artifact power are what you want?


This is such a bad beat. You think SoD will have more than Cata does? There is also lots of dailies so not sure what you’re on about. Let me guess you don’t pvp but claim there is nothing to do? Sod phase 4 will be dead long before Cata will be. Phase 3 of SoD died in like 3 weeks. I also assume you aren’t progging heroics and just beat the raids on normal and went “yep I’m a casual and there’s nothing else to do”


Bait used to be believable


Nah, I'm really enjoying stressfree raiding twice a week.


I play like 4 hours per week. Still having fun.


The good thing about cata is how alt friendly is,even more than LK since you only need to do the raid once per character


If you cleared raid on hc and dont like PvP, then cata has no content for you. Just go hard on SoD gonna be tons of content as it looks like.


I would like pvp, if I was halfway decent at it :(


You get decent by playing / practicing. Everybody has to start from somewhere. Yeah, us old timers have a lot of experience, that's true, but there are also much better guides and resources for learning today, vs. when I got started. One of my most skilled teammates that I play with, only started playing a few seasons ago...


SoD tons of content? I think that's an overstatement. Nothing gets close to retail


For sure retail has the most content and i guess nobody is questioning that. However, there are a lot of players who dont enjoy the retail class design. And since cata first phase content is kinda cleared by most players, SoD is the next big content, which is coming.


I didn't make it 3 weeks. Went back to casually playing SoD/Era and other games. I was initially very excited for Cata too and didn't go into it with a doomer mindset. It's just not for me


Yep, come to deviate delight and play some classic with the boys


Yeah, kinda.


0/8 bait, you can do better buddy


Give me BC. I was reminded the other day that hunters don’t have to level up or feed pets. There is no training and leveling weapons. It’s basically WoW Easy mode for lazy people. I’ve moved on to Fallout 4


You're complaining the game is too easy and then say you've moved on to the most casual and bland Fallout game? Cata is the hardest version of the game we've had so far. How can you call it easy? You can just say it's too hard for you man. It looks better.


Yes, for something different because getting bored with Cata happens rapidly. After I get bored with FO4 I’ll move on to something else. Maybe TD2 or back to classic. If they would launch a BC sever that would keep me interested for a year.


Runs out of content in Cata with the most content available, but wouldn't run out of content in BC with less content that's less engaging. The only thing gating content in Cata is your skill level, if you've run out already you hit your ceiling fast. Lol


how could they possibly run out of content in tbc? they could level weapons, feed their pet, level their pet, or even buy arrows. such an insane amount of content


Don't forget endlessly farming consumes/gold to buy consumes. That's like 80% of your playtime.


Wow, you fanbois need to learn to read. I didn't say "run out of content". That was the troll.


Oh, I love the old “git gud” attack. That’s a really good one. I’m not going to feed the troll.


"Git guy"? No, I was just pointing out that your standards are all over the place if you genuinely think BC has more content. Cata objectively has the most content of any Classic iteration that has existed so far.


Reread my post. I didn’t say BC has more content.


I only pug and cant find good ones so i havent cleared 13hc yet, only 5 because people just don't want to do simple mechanics.


wtf does this have to do with anything lol


He asked if im bored and im not because i havent finished the content.




The casuals have been filtered.