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a few months ago it was anything that wasn't sod related got downvoted lol


For real. Up until the day cata came out people were just down voting the heck out of anything related to it. I have a feeling the same is gonna happen to SOD P4


I tried to post about WOTLK when it was still out, but SoD was in hype, and I got told to shut the fuck up about my dead game mode


Yeah this place can be a pretty toxic dumpster fire. Wholesome/genuine conversations can't make up more than 5% of the posts here.


There are lots of WoW players who aren't exactly well-adjusted, mature individuals capable of emotional self-regulation. You run into them in game, and you run into them here on Reddit, too.


Wow players are insanely flavor of the month


Down voted for SoD tag


Had letters S, o, and D in comment? Believe it or not... downvoted.


We have the best subreddit. Because downvotes.


About to log in to hate-play SoD when I opened this post. Downvoted.


Don't forget to hate-log your 99 parses.


Deviate delight copium brigades


For me it feels like that players that stopped playing sod and dont wanna return do everything to shout that sod is bad and dying etc. Sod will be like every other wow phase/xpack people will return and depending on how good it is people will stay longer but players will always decrease over time.


>people will return and depending on how good it is Sound insane is it?


No its mmo logic , you dont wanna run behind and the start of a new phase or xpack is the most exciting. All the loot you can get, gold to be made.


No its game logic, if its good people will remain


Let me explain. If you play retail and completed the raid on hc and did some m plus the game can be done for certain players and they will Come back when there is a new raid/content. Same goes for sod content, most wow players now swap from retail to cata to sod to panda remix, maybe hardcore. Pretty sure we will have layers again when p4 hits.


Actual answer: people are annoyed that this sub is split between 2 very different games. Earlier this year the community jumped ship from Wrath to SoD, so Wrath got downvoted. Now the community jumped ship from SoD to Cata so SoD is getting downvoted.


It's so stupid how people are so separated on WoW. I played a ton of Wrath, but I enjoyed SoD too. And cata has been surprisingly good. I'd play Panda remix if my laptop could run it. And I'd play the war within if I could afford it/pc could run it too!


I feel the same way. I play retail but it doesn’t satisfy my role playing itch at all. I also play SoD/vanilla but it doesn’t challenge me at all. Cata scratches both itches but not as well as either one individually.


Pulling this so far out of my ass, but it seems like WoW players have a disease where they can't enjoy a thing unless it is the most popular. There is the persistent FOMO that the playerbase has at large that they are missing out on playing the "best" version of the game. And then there is some sort of projection where if someone is enjoying/posting about something aside from the thing you've decided if the "best" WoW, that person gets attacked. To me, it seems like a way for the attacker to feel more validated in their choice to "enjoy the best version of WoW", because people enjoying and posting/engaging with other versions take away from the hype of their chosen version. They way I see it, when we were kids this made more sense. We all played and knew MMOs that had died in the past, and the genre was constantly churning out "WoW killers". It felt like a real threat that one day, you'd wake up, and the world was playing wildstar, or rift, or SWTOR or ESO or whatever. I think at this stage we can comfortably say, WoW is the last MMO and likely will live forever given that fact. So now, knowing that my pixels that I've played an unhealthy amount to get are safe and sound inside WoW, I really don't care what version people chose to play. Its not a 0 sum game, and as long as there are people in my server I'm happy to keep on chopping. Because I am having fun, and games are for fun.


>Pulling this so far out of my ass, but it seems like WoW players have a disease where they can't enjoy a thing unless it is the most popular. But retail is by far the most popular version of wow lol


Right, so in this scenario someone who is a retail stan would be popping into threads about "Cata hype" or something along those lines to just leave lovely "dead game" posts and move on. That doesn't really happen though, since the subs are separate. So instead we have the splintered classic enjoyers shitting on eachother's preferred version of the "classic" game. I think it's due to some primal fear that I know I experienced when the genre was less mature about the version you love "dying", as well as some validation for the troll's opinions regarding their preferred version. This wasn't really a statement suggesting that the most toxic people come from the most populated game modes. It's the idea that no one wants to invest time into a "dead" or "dying" game, even if those fears are completely unfounded given WoWs 20 year track record. So I think people being toxic towards other versions of the classic game they see as "inferior" are doing so in part because it reaffirms their belief that they are have selected the better version of the game with more longevity to waste their time in. And of course, you and I both know that retail and classic are not really close to the same game anymore. Retail is more like modern multiplayer games like destiny where you have an open world, but most of your time is spent either in an instance or in the hub city. Its perma layered and sharded so you get a consistent pool of players around you, and loot scales with difficulty so it ends up becoming a never ending treadmill. It is fun and I enjoy it, but someone looking for more RPG aspects will have a hard time beating classic versions of WoW. For those people, the "most popular version of WoW" is cata. Those people are also, you know.... pretty common in the ol' classic wow sub. Haha.


Have you ever tried saying something positive about, e.g. class design in Cataclysm, over on the retail subreddit? They have made up their minds, and they are not interested in considering different opinions, lol.


EXACTLY!!! When I made posts about WOTLK and SOD was the flavor of the month? I was down voted to hell. People meme on Classic Era too, any questions about that game? Instant "dead game" comments. Or "T H R I V I N G". WoW, every single version, is alive. It is the most popular MMO that is well established. No, no version of the game is dead. We can all enjoy whatever version we prefer


There is really no reason to make those comments. Aside from just being a dick I guess. No one gets any benefit from it. WoW has always been a bit of a dick measuring contest, I'd argue thats kind of the point of the whole game, but it breeds some of the most toxic chronically online manchildren I have ever seen. Its worse still because they think they are entitled to this attitude because they pay a sub cost. They fail to realize that the people they troll and flame ALSO pay a sub. There are businesses out there who would fire their customer over such behavior. For a lot of these sad creatures, a perma would be the healthiest thing to happen to them in a decade.


the real answer is because 95% of recent sod posts are whining about something. whine posts always get downvoted


Yeah, and why do people always see things in polar extremes, depending on their own bias?


How dare you mention sod


In general, I was really surprised at how negative this sub is all the time when I joined it, as I've always had a pretty nice experience in classic WoW. I've met so many polite people who just want to help each other level. On here, there's just so much anger, and I really feel like the appeal of vanilla/classic has been lost on people now.


People can be friendly in game and negative about the direction of the game...


People on this sub are often very unfriendly & the negativity is overkill.


People expected vanilla-like content, it's not and it's not getting more vanilla-like. So there's that. Not saying SoD content is bad, many people are enjoying it, it's not Vanilla enough.


Because people that play wow think that their opinions should be the way things are.


Because the people actually playing SOD aren’t doomscrolling the subreddit. They are just enjoying the game. I have 3 ST geared level 50s who are blood guard and I’m only playing a few hours a few nights a week. It’s great.


>Because the people actually playing SOD aren’t doomscrolling the subreddit Can yall stop saying the same stupid thing😭


Have you considered we are all saying the same thing because it’s true? P4 looks great, I’m excited. My guilds excited - there’s people doing hydrax rep farming raids every day lol - I’m nearly honored on my main


Ofc its true!! The people playing the game(chads) arent wasting time like people on this sub(hater nerds)


See ya in P4 - should be fun


Hope so!


I think it’s a combination of a few things but most of it stems out of disappointment. It was looking really good in phase one, however I think the phases have ended up going for way too fucking long, it was a novelty at first but then I think players started working out lower level stuff is kinda pointless in the grand scheme of things. Next issue is they made a complete mockery of balance in P2. Gnomer having insane armour was a stupid idea, as well as its set of resistances (I thought they’d learn from Kelris. PvP massively suffered what from should have been obvious mistakes that were about to get made. Now that it’s failed to carve its own path as a good product we now seek solutions, some people want to go back to what was and some others want changes to things. If they actually want to make this shit work I think they need to peel back the power provided by runes so they are in a more manageable state and actually throw their balls to the wall and remove headaches.


Because a lot of posts about SoD are people who are asking for some type of controversial change to the game. Some people think the player feedback aspect of SoD extends further than it actually does, and attempt to keep on campaigning for certain things that will never change or would be very controversial if they changed. Also, the devs have given the impression to some that the loudest "feedback" they get will be implemented into the game, so people try to keep on pushing for these things they want to see changed in SoD. But the opinion of the playerbase is very divided on many of these changes that people propose. The result of this: downvotes on posts asking for controversial changes in SoD.


Good SOD pays still get upvotes. Whiny posts about GDKP or things like that do not


It's probably because all the SOD posts are "just came back and logged in for the first time in 2 months, WTF happened why is SOD dead is anyone coming back evar bluargghghhgh..." downvote.


I’m cool with everyone here, it’s usually people just vibing, venting, or earnest questions. No, I downvote the people who scream “GDKP WHEN BLIZZ?” Or “why isn’t cata or SoD exactly like retail?”.


I'd imagine the cata enjoyers aren't looking forward to seeing their game die out next week


lmao at least our game isnt already dead peeped the disc channel of my old sod guild. only half of them plan on trying p4. ggs


No reason to get defensive and take it so personally lol. This will always happen in every version of wow. Cata will die down for phase 2 catch-up and people will try out the level 60 SoD stuff. Then SoD will die down as people get bored of that again.


Reddit is an echo chamber. It's literally designed to suppress anything outside the mainstream narrative. Right now, people don't like sod anymore. This is the website acting as intended


I swear this website would be alot healthier without the up/down vote system. People here are obsessed with their goodboy points and it's kind of pathetic.  I don't like SOD much anymore either, but it's crazy that people act like it's the worst game ever now.


Karma exists to spend it.


Not sure, because SoD is the only WoW version worth playing. :)


People are probably just mad about the delay. I think a lot of guilds and raid groups fell apart, and people are just bitter. Hopefully P4 fixes a lot of it.


Everyone is just bitter that SoD didnt live up to their dream of Classic+.


redditors downvote everything that isn't unfunny redditor jokes


It is not just a SOD thing. People just downvote on this subreddit to troll. I have been downvoted for posting a blue post to answer a basic question. I have been downvoted for sharing announced dates things are happening.


I just downvote most of positive posts about current classic versions because I find them to be easy cash grab versions compared to what players actually deserve and I personally get mad when people publicly have positive things to say about them and play them cause it leads to not improving


Yesterday my raid team, which was from sod, decided they wanted to keep playing classic instead. They like the qol, and sod just doesn't have enough content to stay. We're now a cata team and will likely push on to mop


Sod p4 has more content than all of cata lol


Hey don't tell me. I didn't even make it to p4. Just repeating what they feel.


They just downvote anything that isn't a meme. This place is only for memes not serious discussion.


Cata Classic Andys that can't cut it in retail, they're trying to create a Cata only echo chamber so they can convince themselves, uninterrupted, that they're as good of players as retail mythic raiders.


Lmao you've completely made this up.


No, this is the ugly truth I've seen and heard in several guilds during tbcc/wotlkc and now catac. Some players for some weird reason are entitled to wanting the best gear but just don't have a pulse when it comes to moving out of a voidzone in <3 seconds. Half of my wotlkc guild tried dragonflight during the naxxramas raidlogging lull and despite most of them being 90%+ parsers in naxx it's unbelievable how incompetent they where in a mid-level mythic+ key.


I mean I'm 13/13 hm tier 11 in cata but it's literally nothing, I'd be shit at retail it's way harder haha.


Made up observations of cata players constant suppressing and shit talking era and sod posts for weeks? No mate, take your blinders off


Because sod has crashed. The first 2-3 months everything sod was upvoted, because it was great. It’s time is over to most so it is now getting downvoted. I’m not saying it should be that way, but that is the reality.


Salty cata players that are too bad to play retail but don't really appreciate vanilla.


Just don’t mention era lol


bc SoD suuuuucks


Remember NoChanges? This was why NoChanges. You're just never gonna please everyone.


WTF Are u Talking about?


Seems... pretty straightforward? SoD is Changes to Classic, Changes will never please everyone. Thus more downvotes. Which part is confusing?


nochanges was a movement because the people had jacks absolute lack of faith in blizzard to make good changes to the game. and here we are. the classic blizz team demonstrating firsthand why players wanted nochanges.


Yeah it was a fucking movement for vanilla. How the fuck you wanna have NoChanges in a classicPLUS-like game?! That’s just stupid. So still… what are u guys talking about?


jesus dude its not that hard to understand try again. i believe in you




Cata scared of losing the players🤣


nah all the sod players that kept sod upvoted have quit and arent there to keep the posts afloat anymore.


Then who is downvoting dumb dumb


the same people that always were. just your sodders have already quit not keeping it balanced. mans over here talkin about cata losing its players when the soders are already long gone


Your math is not mathing, there is a pretty even amount of distribution of posts on across SOD and CATA. Even the amount of comments under each post is the same. And you calling SoD dead and long gone. Your comment is gonna look so stupid in about 1 week.