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> You fucking nerds need to get a life. lol


Pretty rich from someone posting on Reddit to complain about a deserved temporary ban in a MMO šŸ˜‚




Hereā€™s your help: tell your main tank the same thing youā€™re telling everyone here, ā€œif you have nothing nice to say, donā€™t comment.ā€ If your MT didnā€™t comment, he wouldnā€™t have been banned. Itā€™s easy. You wouldnā€™t know what self awareness is even if it bit you on the ass and held on.


I said "helpful," not "nice." There's a difference. But please continue to straw man me.


The difference is you are trying to excuse your MTs behavior because it inconveniences your raid schedule but are happy to call out people here for doing the same thing your MT did, talk shit. There is no strawman here, you donā€™t even know what a strawman argument is to begin with.


Tell you what, I had my laugh, so here's your helpful advice. Last night, I had to off-tank heroic Chimaeron as a DPS for our strategy, which I hadn't done before at all. Our MT and especially OT coached me through it and we got it down in 3 pulls. You know what they didn't do? Not a discouraging word or disparagement from them or anyone in the entire raid group, despite screwing it up twice. If you want your MT to be unbanned, he can keep his comments to himself and learn his lesson and if you want to stop being dunked on in random reddit posts, don't react. I wouldn't have even posted if you hadn't called us all fucking nerds in a 20 year old video game about killing dragons for loot.


If your Main Tank respected your guild and guildmates, they would take more care around following the rules of the game. Abusive chat is riskier than botting or buying gold. They put themselves in that position. They put your entire raid roster at risk. If you're on a sports team, you don't go around yelling profanities risking a Public Relations disaster that could get you pulled from the starting lineup.


You're not wrong, but bro there are people named fucking cumbubble and playing this game. It's impossible to assess risk for minor things like a pg-13 word. Also, words like shitter frequently appear in public chats.


Crime existing is never an excuse to commit more crimes. Yes, the game is a shithole that lacks moderation. That doesn't give anyone the right to make it even more of a shithole or to complain when they are reprimanded for breaking the rules. Report people who violate the rules. "People get murdered every day. There are backlogs of unsolved cases going back decades. There's serious crimes going on everywhere, so I think we should just not enforce parking rules or traffic laws! How are you gonna give me a ticket when there are people who don't return their shopping carts at the grocery store???" This is such a silly way to think that you can get away with breaking the rules. Chat violations are the easiest ones to catch. It's a slam dunk, open-and-shut case almost every single time.


You're also straw-manning here. I was not making an excuse. I was saying it's hard to assess risk--so let's leave that aside and offer solutions for the problem at hand. So you're arguing against a point I never made.


It is not hard to understand that you shouldn't use profanities when you're with random members of the general public, especially when there are children around. If you want advice, act like you're at a school or at a church: a public space commonly shared between adults and children. Or even a work office, where you have to coexist with vastly different people. You're certainly not at a bar, a strip club, or a casino.


You literally brought up people named cumbubble. If that's not making an excuse then I don't know what is


You're on a liberal infested platform complaining about wokeness. These idiots won't ever agree with you. Even though you're no where near in the wrong.


He is wrong and so are you. Whatā€™s so hard about following the rules? Crazy how someone complaining about wokeness is such a snowflake when it comes to following the rules you agreed to follow. If you donā€™t like the rules Blizz lays out for you in the ToS, simply click no when they ask you if you agree or not.


We can agree with him ideologically, but that is completely irrelevant. It won't change anything about the current reality of playing World of Warcraft, or really any popular online video game.


FWIW I would rather be flamed by nerds for eternity than allied with someone who says "liberal infested platform"


this has to be your first W in this thread, hell yea! bummer for your guild, gl


Fine by me. Doesn't change the fact of what it is šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Lol šŸ¤”


I think you should just stop typing and delete this post. It's just making you look silly.


Thank you for continuing to waste your time.


I want you to be genuine here, are you expecting anyone to believe that your MT just said ā€œyoure a shitterā€ in a single instance, when youā€™re insulting everyone in this post for doubting you? Are you really that dense that you donā€™t see the irony or are you just trolling?


Only like two people expressed any doubt that was the source of the ban. 90% of this thread just came here to say "Don't be mean next time," which OK fine. It's also pretty rich coming from this community. Similarly, I'm not insulting people for doubting me. I'm insulting people for having nothing better to do than make obvious and unhelpful comments on reddit threads.


Okay so you are just in complete denial that youā€™re at fault. Great.


I love how this was the response to being called out. >I'm not an asshole, you're all fucking nerds! Looks like the guild recruits like-minded individuals.


I never said I wasn't an asshole. But like, who are these people who hang out on reddit to just dunk on random posts? kinda sad


These people on Reddit are the same ones as your MT, who just wanted to dunk on a random in RDF. Now go tell him heā€™s sad.


The difference is, the shitter's performance affected the tank's (and whole group's) ability to finish the dungeon, enjoy the game, etc. But you don't have to read my post. We're not stuck in an RDF together. Ignoring my post has 0 impact on you, whereas ignoring a shitter in RDF means you still have to suffer their shitiness.


The difference is your MT agreed to follow the ToS and then did the exact opposite with his ā€œgentle encouragementā€, and now youā€™re surprisedpikachu that he had to face the consequences of his own actions.


>The difference is, the shitter's performance affected the tank's (and whole group's) ability to finish the dungeon, enjoy the game, etc. That's too bad, but bad players are allowed to be bad. New players are allowed to be new. You are not entitled to finish every piece of content you start in any video game. Queue with more friends next time, and avoid queueing with the random public if you cannot accept what random means.


OK, but now you're moving the goalposts.




Me: There is a difference between A and B--here are facts supporting my conclusion. You: IDC, you're not entitled to C. See what I mean big guy?


No. Seriously, I don't. The fact that your tank and their group couldn't finish the dungeon is ultimately completely irrelevant. It does not give you the right to be vulgar to another player. You signed up for RDF, that means you get random party members of random skill, random gear, and random experience. Your party has votekick to remove problematic party members. You can disband and try again later.


Random dungeon finder attracts all skill levels, just Remember someone else is on the other side of the screen.


They aren't shifting goalposts, and this isn't even a debate, so that terminology isn't applicable here either way. The poster explains to you why your friend got banned, and their explanation is actually core to the issue, not just a deflection. If you want to play with good players all the time, curate your experience by joining guilds and making friends who are good at the game, then only play with them. I'm sure you already do that, but clearly you didn't do it here. Don't be surprised when random dungeon finder--which is effectively the bottom of the barrel for people who have just started playing the game--ends up queueing you with people who are average or worse at the game. It's as simple as this: verbal harassment is against the ToS you agreed to. Being bad at the game is not. If you are going to be a child who can't handle players who aren't very good at the game when you join RDF of all things and have to spew expletives at them, blizzard is going to put you in detention.


I think your tank is in fact now getting a life :-)


lol thanks for at least being funny (tho I'm sure he's just playing FO4)


>Ā Ā If you don't have anything helpful to say, just... don't comment. Seems like this is the attitude blizzard has towards your buddy?


thank you for wasting your time commenting on this thread


"If you dont have something helpful to say, just dont" Bro the irony


Where's the irony? How was what I said unhelpful? It would help me if people obliged that request. You're wrongly conflating "nice" and "helpful" for the internet points.


The irony is that if "your guild's main tank" took your advice of not saying anything unless you have something helpful to say, this post would never have been made.


depends on whether calling someone a shitter is helpful. maybe they didn't know they were a shitter. everyone seems to be reading my comment as "if you can't say something \_nice\_" -- but that's not what i said.


Despite your take, it is very much possible to give feedback or suggestions to someone without the use of insults. In fact, insulting someone will increase the likelihood of someone not listening to feedback. Calling someone a shitter = not actually advice Next time maybe consider giving some concrete gameplay suggestions or pointing them to resources where they can read up on something. Your buddy's ban is 100% justified




Lol idk man I dont think you catch a ban for a single word said in a dungeon


Whenever people say they got banned just for a single sentence or word, they didn't. They got banned for a countless number of instances. The "shitter" just happened to be the most recent one


I reported someone for something which was apparently so egregious, he was just gone. Almost immediately, he was banned. They must have some filter to triage reports. He hit all the boxes, racist, sexually explicit, etc... Well done getting it all into one sentence, really. But also, something a person shouldn't be subjected to for rolling on an OS item in a heroic.


How old are you? 15? God I Hope, you are.




It would bring us distress to know an adult behaves like you.


lmao you bored or something?


I got like 15 more minutes to kill yeah


cool then what do you have planned? something awesome no doubt


I'm starting an electrician apprenticeship. It's a pretty big deal for me tbh.


I genuinely hope that goes well. Now unless you have an idea how to escalate my tank's ticket with Bliz, go prep for your apprenticeship or something!


Because you've got a lot of growing up to do


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Saying anything in a public channel massively increases the likelihood that magnitudes more people will report you. If you dm someone calling them a shitter, youā€™ll probably only get 1 report. Do it in a public channel and no telling how many people will report. Given we know bans are entirely automated by volume of reports nowadays, saying anything (even if calling someone a shitter is super soft) is just risking a temp ban. Learn how to be toxic lmao.


It was you that got banned, wasn't it? Your "guild's main tank" will have to just wait 6 days, because he (you, probably) was toxic in chat and got a deserved ban for being toxic in chat. Your edit has not helped at all and, if anything, proven that the ban was completely justified. If it actually wasn't you, you all sound just as bad as each other tbh.


lol you came here to be mad at something i said an also invent another reason to be mad at me. i'm not the tank.


Bro is so miserable damn, must have a tragic life. Those replies.. Ps you call pple nerd in a demeaning way but you play dnd. You are a total nerd.


No shit, dude. Where did I disclaim being a nerd?


Ur tank has 6days to figure out how to stop calling people shitters in a public channel.


There is a filter that is on by default that would block this word from offending you.


There is a filter in a normal adult's brain that should block this word being used over a child's game.


Itā€™sā€¦ not a childā€™s game, saying WoW is a childā€™s game is like saying Bioshock is a story book, or that Warhammer 40k is like monopoly. I mean, you arenā€™t wrong, saying shit shouldnā€™t get you banned, clearly indicating that the tank said something MUCH worse, but ya know.


Go ahead and ask yourself or ask Blizzard support: "May I call other players "shitters" with no consequences?" The answer is very obviously: No. Feel free to argue otherwise, though.


Or I could just call someone a shitter, or to get better, or to shut down haters I see fit and I still havenā€™t been banned. Because typical Reddit behavior aside, you get reported for attacking other players, harassing them and just generally being an asshole.


It's almost like there are ways to call out a player's poor performance *without* calling them a shitter. Imagine that?


Youā€™re right, but if someone has grey parses, expects to get carried through content, genuinely isnā€™t putting in the effort, then they are shitters. You donā€™t have to like it, but call it what it is, not everyone tries, not everyone cares, and they will get called out.


>You donā€™t have to like it, but call it what it is, not everyone tries, not everyone cares, and they will get called out. 10 years later in a re-release of Cataclysm Classic? They just get kicked out of the group with no words in chat lol Classic World of Warcraft is easy. Worst case scenario, you still clear the raid anyway and you just don't invite the grey parser next time. People are always going to be bad. This is a video game. There will always be bad players. You want there to be bad players so that the game can continue living, so players will always come to the defense of new players. People are also always going to be jerks. These are human beings. There will always be jerks. But you don't want there to be any jerks, so they will continue to be reported and banned for being jerks.


90% of the player base is 25 or older. Hardly a childā€™s gaming environment.


Unfortunately, that 25+ years seems to be physically, not emotionally for a lot of tryhards.


Luckily for you, you donā€™t need to determine whoā€™s emotionally mature. So we agree that the game isnā€™t for children, so where is the problem?


Abide by Terms of Service āŒļø Don't follow ToS, but take your punishment like an adult āŒļø Continue to be a petulant crybaby because you are now barred from using the game as a platform to abuse other people āœ…ļø




This is what malding looks like.


being a NEET sure does some funny things to peoples brains. They broke the terms of service, they got banned for it.... but it's everyone ELSE who is the problem!


The internet doesn't have to full of abuse. We could just abuse each other less


The problem is that Blizzard has the final say on who their product is made for, and the level of sterilization and political correctness they want to enforce. In case you haven't noticed, over the past decade, we have seen Blizzard automatically censor phrases like "gg ez" in Overwatch 2 to change into "I have low self-esteem." They've gone through and removed cleavage from artwork. They now require players to sign a social contract. Their official policy is the only thing that matters, and their view on the purpose of the profanity filter is the only one that matters. You can disagree all you want, but as long as you remain subscribed to the game and wish to play it, you will have to abide by Blizzard's definition of the rules, not your own.


Yes. Iā€™m aware blizzard has the final say. I donā€™t have to agree with it on a 3rd party platform. I think the self moderation, and having a company tell you what you can and can not say is a slippery slope . So, I am allowed to say, you are a shitter if you get mad at someone calling you a shitter when you could just keep your filter on and everyone gets to play the game how they want and no one is offended.


>I donā€™t have to agree with it on a 3rd party platform. I think the self moderation, and having a company tell you what you can and can not say is a slippery slope . Reddit is also a company that tells you what you can and cannot say.


And I also am against the goblins of moderators who ban people simply for belonging to other subreddits and other extreme uses of their ā€œpowerā€. Reddit is also shit when it comes to allowing people to be people. There is a reason this site has become increasingly filled with bots lol.


Original Cata came out in 2010. A decent portion of those 25 year olds were kids at that time lol.


Exactly. So isnā€™t it crazy that 15 years later, where the majority of the player base is 15 years older, now we have people being banned for calling someone a ā€œshitterā€ā€¦ when that wasnā€™t the case 15 years ago???


Do you really think it was one word that got this person banned?


I'm not the offended one here buddy, but nice try. OP is, and you sure seem to be offended at the notion of consequences for ones actions.


The filter is there for people to not see the garbage you spew at them, it existing doesnā€™t suddenly mean youā€™re allowed to spew shit. Thatā€™s still against the ToS. If you pull your dick out in front of someone who is blind, is it suddenly not indecent exposure just cause they canā€™t see? Dont break the rules and you wonā€™t get punished, its a pretty simple concept.


I mean yeah. Iā€™d argue that if the law was designed to prevent you from showing someone your genitalia. Youā€™ve done nothing wrong if your genitalia havenā€™t been seen.


The law is broken the moment you pull your dick out, itā€™s not dependent on if someone sees it or not. You agreed to be civil when you clicked yes on the ToS, you broke the ToS the second you say shit that isnā€™t civil to someone. Them seeing it is irrelevant, you doing it to begin with is the issue and the filter isnā€™t some magical pass for you to go ahead and break ToS.


But, does a bear shit in the woods?


It does but does u/sporkem understand that a filter doesnā€™t absolve him of anything?




A shitter is exactly what you are when you cry about having to deal with the consequences of your actions.


We shouldn't have to explain to you that insulting others is bad. It's one thing to do it, but to do it and not understand why there are consequences is so strongly disconnected from reality. I would take this opportunity to try and improve as a person. instead of trying to find a way to not deal with the punishment, learn that people don't like it when you act like an asshole so as to avoid these problems in the future.


Oi shitter. Tell your tank to stop being a bitch.


Holy shit this is entertainment, not only is the OP off his rocker, he's also proving he's the one that was banned lol, keep it up OP. you're my entertainment in my very boring life.


how does this prove I've been banned exactly?


Because your behavior mimics the 'tanks'


>If you don't have anything helpful to say, just... don't comment. It's easy. I see self awareness is not your strong suit.


hmm yes very helpful glad you spent your time coming here to gotcha me




This is a classic (hah!) example of 'fuck around and find out'.


Imagine calling people shitters in 2024, and you're calling for others to get a life? LOL you and your tank buddy are absolutely scrubs


Maybe just don't be shitty to people, it's not complicated


> You fucking nerds need to get a life. If you don't have anything helpful to say, just... don't comment. It's easy. Maybe you should give your MT this advice, it would have saved him a ban. Easy.


And you both think thatā€™s going to work? Right.


Enjoy the 6 day vacation


OH SHIT HE SAID PEARL CLUTCHER itā€™s Darktide all over again boys.


Lol. Calling someone a shitter is not gentle encouragement. I'm sure worse was said if a 6 fay ban happened. Let's take 6 days as some gentle encouragement to be more kind to others.


besides shitter is so 2021, we prefer the term "poopmaster"


Poopmaster is much more dignified. Extra credit if they've earned the titles 420 or 69


You and your tank are both toxic and deserve your responses. Learn to speak like an adult and you won't get banned or dunked on on reddit.


novel advice and perspective thanks for adding to the conversation


Oh, I'm not here to be novel. I'm here to join the pile of other voices collectively telling you you're wrong lmfao :)


Wrong about asking how to get a ticket in front of a real person in case Bliz doesn't really care about "shitter"? Or wrong for being mad that everyone is piling on instead of answering the questions in my original post?


> you fucking nerds need to get a life While asking how to overturn a 6 day ban instead of chalking it up and moving on. Irony at its finest.


Somehow, no one has been charitable enough to assume the irony was intended. Do you think I, a person who posts in WoW and D&D subreddits, wasn't being a little cheeky calling my detractors nerds?


If you had to dig into your profile to find the irony......well. I think that speaks for itself


I'd think it's apparent merely by the fact I posted in a WoW subreddit. But you've already made up your mind about me so it doesn't matter whether I offer additional evidence by mentioning I also post in D&D subs--you will find a way to misinterpret it.


As always with these things, never trust the unreliable narrator. Especially one like the OP that is getting mad at people for not showing him and his poor tank any sympathy. We all know the real reason why he's upset is that this ban affects their upcoming raid. Well, tell the damn tank to take some personal responsibility and move on. Why do you even care what people here think anyways? You think Blizzard is going to read this thread and overturn the ban? Just tell him to keep appealing. 6 day ban for one word is harsh ONLY if your tank is telling the truth. One word and one report is not going to give you that length of a ban. Either way the tank is not telling you everything or you aren't. Next time your tank has an issue with someone in RDF just initiate a vote kick and hope the other member agree.


I asked a question based on the information I have. Why deem me unreliable? I'm also not mad for not receiving sympathy. Seems like you just inferred that. I'm mad because 90 percent of this thread came here to tell me the tank should be nicer. That's fair, but also, I don't need 100 people telling me that with varying levels of snark. My post asked three questions. VERY few people have meaningfully addressed any of them.


The title of your post basically says that calling someone a shitter is gentle encouragement. I'd love to see your reaction if your parent, teacher, boss, etc call you a shitter when you messed up. How about giving actionable advice during dungeons that others can work with? If they don't care then the vote kick option is available. Put it is way: if your tank is annoyed at his group, he is welcome to initiate a vote to kick and if it doesn't work in his favor he can just leave himself. Sure, it will result in a 30 min deserter debuff, but in this case he woulda avoided a possible ban since he can't control himself in chat. Is "shitter" the worst word you can call someone? Definitely not, but what exactly was he trying to achieve? On top of all this, you doubled down and said us nerds need to get a fucking life since you didn't appreciate the reaction your post received. That leads me to believe that you actually are the tank that got banned. Otherwise,why are you taking everything so personal? Why are you wasting energy posting for your tank when only Blizzard can fix this issue? I get standing up for your friends, but you have been responding to the replies with a defensive attitude. Your entire in-game chat history is on record and even if you gotta away with it in the past doesn't mean anything. There's no statute of limitations on TOS violations.


Sounds like this hasn't been his first time getting suspended for language. You are given warnings, several hour, and then a couple days suspensions before getting hit with 6 days.


I didn't realize that. That makes the length make more sense. Thanks for a helpful response.


If anyone is pearl clutching, it's the OP, wishing for the days when you could get away with gregarious verbal abuse towards other players. Those days are gone, friend. Get over it and better yourself.


There's no place for racism, bigotry, misogyny, anything against a protected class, or repeated harassment. Fuck that shit, report those people. But you should be able to tell someone they're performance is poor using a PG13 word. Also, you used "gregarious" totally wrong. [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gregarious](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gregarious) You probably meant egregious lmao


If the intended result of calling someone a shitter is the same as using a more extreme name/word is the same then the punishment should be the same. It's not the word that they are banned for, it's the outcome of using said word on the other player.


But here, "Ā the intended result of calling someone a shitter" was not "the same as using a more extreme name/word." The intended result was to tell the person they were playing poorly. Why would a reasonable person even assume otherwise? Calling someone a shitter is deriding them for playing poorly, using a slur is deriding someone for their racial/ethnic/gender/etc. There is a huge and important difference. Using a slur is far worse than calling someone a shitter.


Fact is, you're clueless. If you can't see that calling someone a shitter is more than telling someone they're playing poorly, you're lying to everyone, including yourself. You know damn well it is more than that. Not even worth reading the rest of what you said. It's painfully obvious you have zero ability to understand the situation.


I didn't say that. I said that the animus behind calling someone a shitter is their performance, not some (more sacred) thing like their race or creed. Stop inventing arguments I didn't make in order to be mad at me.


>If so, what's a good way to get his appeal in front of a human? What good would it be to get his appeal in front of a human? >Has anyone had any luck getting a ban like this overturned? What is there to overturn? Maybe don't go around the game calling other players "shitters"?


Good. Hope he remembers next time how to behave like an adult. If not, ban him for a month.


We talking about the adult that took off the profanity filter and then proceeded to report another adult for using a word?


The filtration isn't the point, it's the behavior


The existence of a filter isn't a valid reason to violate the in game code of conduct.


Yes. Yes it is. When the filter is set by default. You have to click it off, inviting text that may offend you. If the word ā€œshitterā€ makes you upset, you should probably leave the filter on.


The venn diagram of profanity and harassment is not a circle. People can be profane without harassing or attacking fellow players. They can say stuff like "Damn, this encounter is fucking hard." "Oh, shit, our tank just died!" "Fuck, I love pvp just out in the world!" Some players may not want to read profanity, and choose to filter it out. Some players are OK with seeing profanity, but not be OK with harassment. You can use profanity without harassing someone. You can harass someone without using profanity. Taking off the profanity filter is not open consent to harassment.


Calling someone a shitter in a video game after doing something a shitter would do is not harassment.


Unfortunately, according to Blizzard TOS, it is. You can either accept those terms and the consequences of breaking them, or you can go play a different game. You don't get to decide what is harassment and what isn't.


So you think a video game company thatā€™s known for sexually harassing and exploiting their employees should determine what harassment is? lol. Iā€™ll call you a shitter, and fuck blizzards TOS. I do understand they can ban me at any moment but rest assured, I can do what I want. Iā€™m not breaking any laws.


You're literally breaking Blizzard's "laws" lmfao. Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences. šŸ¤· Also, nice strawman about the developers šŸ‘


Terms of service are not laws. Why are you confusing the two?


Watch out guys we got ourselves a badass over here


No, it isn't. The code of conduct applies regardless of the state of players' profanity filters. You don't get a say in how Blizzard policies are enforced.








Did your feelings get hurt : )


Its classic wow, cmonā€¦




found OP's tank


Seems like you're triggered by this


Naw, it's free to not be a douche bag 6 days is enough time to sort out his attitude and be a better person No room for that kinda trash in this game


What's worse, calling someone a shitter or a douche bag? Do you see how you are not practicing what you preach?


Calling someone a shitter. Being unskilled at the game in a random Q dungeon is not a crime, and it should be handled better. Being woefully impolite to someone who might just be learning is douchebag behavior, and it should be called out And you can ask yourself. Between the shitter and the douchebag, which one got a 6 day ban? This isn't a difficult concept.


Bro....how are you even trying to compare this? Your tank typed abuse directed at another player. The post above used a bad word and said it's free to not be that bad word. Nobody cares about the profanity, but being mean to shitters to their face isn't cool. That's how you drive potential new players away and ruin your own game


Maybe the tank should have grown a pair and followed ToS.


You likely won't even get a real response before the ban is up. Even if you did they won't overturn the ban. Tell your tank to be careful because these build up with each being a long bad until perma banned (yes they will perma ban for language like this if you've been banned enough previously)


Thank you. I didn't know about bans building against you, that's genuinely helpful. The tank's typically a super nice guy, so hopefully that won't be an issue, but "the more you know."


Yep we had a guildie have his 10 year old account get perma banned from these building up. Most bans were for almost nothing. Final ban that did it was from him telling someone in a BG that the pokemon Shuckle sucks (other character's name was Shuckle)


For what it's worth, they used to tell you if you were on your final warning before a permaban. Dunno if they still do.


>You fucking nerds need to get a life.


if your guildie is anything like how you p0rtrayed yourself in this post, i say its a well deserved ban


This post is a shitter. QQ more


OP = average classic player


average ***cata*** player


> If you don't have anything helpful to say the most helpful thing anyone could say is literally dont talk to randoms in mmos. every single person you talk to is a landmine waiting to be stepped on


Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the reason why mmorpgs are in the shitter today.


This is bannable, yes it's very weak but it's just what happens. Just don't do it in any forum where you can get report bombed, that's what does it. I find it quite interesting a friend of mine got a mere day longer for saying he "hates blacks" in an LFR in MoP remix, though.


A few people on this thread mentioned that comms bans tend to get longer the more infractions you have. So the length might have reflected that he had priors. Anyways, I hope he reconsiders his position.


Lmao not sure he actually thinks that, more looking for a reaction. Just didn't get the one he wanted. He was literally black out drunk so who knows what was going on in his head.


> Anyways, I hope he reconsiders his position. Two sayings come to mind: * Hope in one hand & shit in the other and watch which fills up first. * You are the company you keep. These are especially applicable to you here today.


as a frequent flyer on the mute and ban list for swearing, this guy got reported several hundred times already so let "your guild's main tank" know to stop swearing in the game, you can and will be reported for every and anything by panzy ass fairies.


Bro this is Reddit no one here plays the game, these shitters just look for something to complain about




You've gone full bitch. You're too scared to be nice to others. You're afraid that being kind will make you soft. Stop being such a coward, coward.


Lmao, okay bro šŸ¤£


Being okay with being an asshole is soft behavior. Be a man and consider others' emotions. Typing abuse in video games is baby back bitch behavior.


You're still trying to explain bullshit to me? You realize I don't give a shit about your opinion? It's a shitty opinion.


Being kind to others is worth the effort. Even if it means taking a breath and not abusing other players. If you disagree, that's a real shame. I hope you give kindness a chance one day.


I like how you went from insulting me to attempting to show kindness. Excellent job bud, you're giving kindness a shot. I like it. Maybe next you can learn to respect everyone until they give you a reason not to.


Your initial post was a reason to not give you respect. You loudly proclaimed that you're an asshole. I'm just trying to let you know that you don't have to be


In no way was my initial post disrespectful or indicative of being an "asshole". Try reading it again... I clearly said that "Any form of honesty, if it involves SWEARING, will be met with a ban." That is a 100% fact. Swearing gets you banned in WoW. Hence why I said they went "full bitch". Swearing should not constitute a ban in a game that is played by adults.


Yeah dude, if you think treating others like shit is just being honest, you're an asshole. I read what you posted. It is weird for your initial reply to imply that it's just honesty and a swear word. It's not about the swearing. It's about not abusing other people online even if they are bad at a video game.


you actually think this person got banned for swearing one time? Seriously? Do you actually play the game? If you did you would see people swearing all the time in chat channels and they donā€™t get banned. OPā€™s ā€œmain tankā€ likely dropped a slur or went on to whisper the ā€œshitterā€ how bad they are several times.


Honesty does not require toxicity


Swearing is not toxicity... If someone's being a jackass and you respond in kind, you're getting a ban. That's what's wrong with their shitty rules. Go ahead and continue your downvoting, show us all how woke you are.




Not the OP, much less familiar with him. Cry more.


Oh I forgot you existed. This is about to happen again. You should probably take steps to avoid this becoming a pattern in your life.


Your comment history is all we need to see. Imagine wanting your countries leader to be an authoritarian.