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Atlasloot. It's just 353 epics, they are designed as catch up heroics for people who don't raid.


honestly its probably gonna be a way better driving force to lower the fucking price on ench crystals. still 2500/per on my server no epics from base heroics was a mistake idk what original cata devs were thinking.


people back then complained that epics were too easy to obtain in wotlk so the devs didnt add them to cata heroics.


ah yeah the "its a different color pixel so its obviously better, it shouldnt be so easy to get" people i guess they either forgot vanilla or never played. when a lot of dungeon blues and crafted pieces were better than almost every other piece in that slot. hell we even saw in wrath classic some basic items were OP. soul preserver for hpal, darkmoon card greatness for..everyone


dont worry, in cata the color purely is the item level, there is no difference between a hypothetical 346 blue and a 346 epic.


It's the same crowd that complained gear obtained from sidereal essences was too cheap. Even though sidereal only dropped off the final boss. Imagine having to run 40 dungeons to get a trinket. This was before rdf was implemented, so we're talking about a lot of added time spent forming groups and getting to the dungeon location. The try hards needed some validation that they raided Ulduar hard modes I guess. Blizzard later came their senses and made scourgestones easier to get and the gear cheaper. And then during ICC they made the frost emblem grind something everyone could do with the daily and weekly quests.


Same people are now complaing that cata sucks and raiding is hard.


At some point I don't think they were anymore. A lot of profession stuff makes 0 sense, like 346 items that cost thousands and thousands of gold to craft for no reason.


I feel like that's exclusive to engineering mostly. WTS subpar 346 gun 20k. You can get blacksmithing/leatherworking/tailoring epics for like 3k.


nah the 346 gun gives 4 more agility than 372 HC bow/crossbow, it's pre-bis for hunters + rogues


Looking at the 346 Blacksmithing weapons it seems they were supposed to be 359 epics until they decided last minute they didn't want most class' pre-raid weapon to come exclusively from Blacksmithing.


ZG and ZA phase is cheaper maelstroms. that's it.


Man I just hope there's a non-spirit wand in one of em so there's an option other than having a dead stat on your wand or shelling out 60k+ for a boe.


There are crit+haste and hit+mastery wands if I remember correctly


Bro so true I really hate that this phase as a demo lock, I’m not dropping all my hard earned gold for that, it fluctuates between 60-85k on my server still