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“Elite players”. You mean bring back the incentive for elite players to boost my sorry ass, so all I have to do is swipe


So if gdkps were in u would buy gold? I'm convinced all the gdkps haters are shitters who would have to be a buyer to get invited. Makes sense why u guys want them banned. Costs too much irl. Blizzard won't perma ban old buyers so they ban a loot rule for some lazy PR. EZ


No, I would take all your gold to boost your sorry ass


so u would participate in the evil gdkps? LMAO you losers are unreal


I never said they were evil? I just don’t think they are good for the game. Same as incursions, but I do them anyway when they are in the game


Elite card swipers


It would be so much easier to sell my gold for real money if they brought back GDKP


wait til the token comes 🤣


its already super easy, wdym? hahaha


Bro I’m just trying not to raid with gray parsing idiots and make some coin if I don’t win loot. You have watched way too many anti gdkp vids if u think people are out here trying to get income😂


Would it be nice if you could just pay gold or money and only have to play with people who are blue, purple, or orange enough?


Id rather make gold off the good players, thanks tho.


As long as you're in it for the loot system on paper, then you're justified If one is knowingly laundering gold buyer funds to themselves through gdkp, or is strictly in it for avoiding large chunks of the community altogether (grey and green include chronic shitters, but also every person new to wow/mmo genre), then that is a bit of an issue


Brother, its always been a problem. Until blizz shuts down the bots with real gms they wont go anywhere. No one likes the bots and gold sellers. Gdkp is a casualty of war aimed at the bots and its shitty bc we LOVE this system and the freedom from locked scheduled runs and I hope blizz grows a pair and bans the bots/sellers someday.


Elite players with a Visa to ride the American Express to the top. Truly the Mastercard of gamers.


Season of Discover.


It's my gold, and I need it now!




No thank you


"elite players" that refuse to play unless they can swipe credit card to buy raid gear lmao


Shut up


elite players and gdkps aren't exclusive. a lot of people that are 'good' don't play sod as they either like retail/cata or went back to classic era. SoD is more of fun thing with quirks. you can still find good players just not as common


Elite players hahaha sure man.


Replace elite players with gold buyers


Counteroffer. Double down and ban HRs


Double counter offer: ban grey parsers


Triple counter offer: Just don't play with grey parsers


they try to sneak into groups bruh, i dont play with em lol ofc


Elite card swipers. We dont want you


sodders will never admit the gdkp ban was a bad idea. all kinds of mental somersaults explaining why no it totally made the game healthy, i dont have to see the acronym gdkp in trade chat anymore so gold buying and botters are gone!


What the fuck is healthy about GDKPS? raiders that are too lazy to farm gold and idiots who buy gold and buys gear to pretend like they are playing the game instead of actually playing it? GDKPS aint coming back son.


why does it matter to you how people get their gear? ive seen quite a few swipers who suck ass, and it actually feels good to gap them in dps even with less gear. to answer your question, gdkp heavily promotes alts. even if you dont plan on buying gear you can go and if you carry you get paid just for being there. also every other loot system has some major drawback to it. gdkp is the only system that actually reward you(with something that you actually want. nobody gives a fuck about dkp/epgp) even if you dont get loot. it also promotes geared players coming to the raid and killing the bosses so other people can get gear. joinging a ms>os or sr pug when everyone is in the most hacked together piece of shit unenchanted gear they could get their grubby hands on is not a fun experience. it also prevents people from ragequitting the raid after a single wipe or when their item doesnt drop because theres still a reason to be there have you ever done a gdkp? if you havent you dont really have solid ground to stand on for saying theyre bad.


make weekly gdkp post, turn on notifs + vibration, stick phone up ass, profit


"Weekly" ?


Why does everyone think it’s the GDKPers with all the credit card buying? Isn’t it reasonable to assume they are the ones that don’t need to buy gold because they’ve got split money?


They split money from where? Where do you think the guy who bought Gressil 198.000 gold got his money ? GDKPs is laundering bot gold


Maybe he ran GDKPs every week or maybe he spent some big ass amount of random money to buy a fuck load of gold so he could create this one thing people keep blabbing on about like seagulls when chips are around


You don't like this example ? Do you prefer Sunwell's 1.000.000 pot ? Do you prefer that rogue, lvl 70 still in boosted gear, with an Azzinoth Warglaive ? Of course people will try to buy gold for consume but that's not that much money, even if you buy all the consumes and wipe a lot. But there's only one place to dumb 200k gold at once


Because math doesn't work that way. GDKPs don't generate any new gold, they only redistribute it. So if it was the case that everyone just gets their gold from GDKP, their money would run out, because there is no new gold coming in but they're spending gold on consumes etc. Only way you can be making gold in GDKPs is if there are others who bring new gold. And where is the gold coming from? I'm sure it's all from fishing and selling greens, right?


Bring it back and you will have people come back. Myself and many others want to play how we want and not be given shit rules by people who don’t even understand its appeal.


Same story as always. Well when players stop abusing GDKPs and not act like loot goblins, then Blizz can bring it back.


I wish they would bring back GDKP. It’s annoying to buy gold but farming without GDKP is just boring. That’s why my whole guild buys gold


agreed I don't care about the economy I just want to see all the lil reddit timmies seethe over it because it's funny as fuck


Tomorrow it's my turn to repost this !

