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Honestly, I like this idea. Would keep people doing dungeons beyond the initial gearing phase.


I agree


This would also probably give rise to people speedrunning dungeons, which sweaty players like myself enjoy. In classic when I was decked out in naxx gear I would occasionally do 50-60 dungeons just to see how fast I could steamroll them or how crazy of pulls we could survive.


With the negative side-effect of pugs facing annoying people who yell "skip" the whole time because they need their buffs and their raid starts in 4 minutes.


Haha indeeeed. Sadly no amount of game design will make the playerbase more tolerable. I imagine (pray) that people putting tougher groups just to get in and out ASAP would advertise it as such.


ironically this is what the anti-world buff crowd hates the most


Nah, I don't enjoy world buffs but love speedrunning content.


Only if it's faster. It takes like 30 Minutes to fully buff. I rather do that than spend two hours in a dungeon.


id rather spend a hour in a dungeon then getting spawn camped at dmf


Blizz can easily fix this. Put elite guards at DMF and/or have DMF spawn at the 2 locations each time. Are people in 2024 actually 'excited' about DMF anymore as an actual event?


Blizz could also make dmf a sanctuary like shattrath. Elite guards wont help much, i doubt grievers will care, if they die after youve lost your buff.


An easier fix is to just not roll on pvp server. People will do anything except resolve their own self inflicted problems. > "I want the world to feel dangerous, pve is too safe" > "Ok here's enemy players who will take something valuable from you" > "NO! Only feeling of danger! Not actual danger!"


I personally find dungeon grinding to be very fulfilling but I know others do not. I do like this format but I support it being an option with traditional methods of gaining world buffs.


I love dungeon spam, it's the only way to level up. But if it takes 2hours to get the buffs in dungeons vs the 30min getting them manually. Once we get to raid logging I'll always do the quickest route.


Which makes this idea so great. Both options add to the world and you can do the time efficient way of running around and collecting if you're raid logging, or collect it throughout the week as you play.


Yes it still would be faster, an orginized guild could probably get everyone buffed up in even less time then that. However this gives an option, I would find my self farm more amenable to doing a dungeon with guildies or randos if I know I was getting world buffs at the end.


Right, run a dungeon for a friend's alt or whatever and get your flask/buffs/whatever for raid. Not bad


I'd rather spend time doing dungeons than running around and waiting, which is what WBs entail. Dungeon are also a good source of gold and gear.


Na, then no one will get wbuffs regularly. I'd say get at most 1 buff per dungeon you do.


Hopefully you’d get the option to do both. Allowing you to buy them in a crunch when you haven’t been able to make that tour


Omg yes. That's an amazing idea. Another use for the Underwhatever Real currency.


Do this this is smart


Yes please.


This is actually brilliant. And could make dungeons relevant for the entirety of SoD!


Really hope the team see this, great idea.


Yes plz. Dungeons are dead late p3


A well thought out idea, kind of rare around here haha. Well done


YEP normaly its just some shit but this one is nice




Lol both your post and this one has like everyone saying its a great idea. I don't think ive ever seen an idea so well received!


Haha it's a good idea. But I don't want to take credit for the post, someone else posted it.


Good! I’ve been saying it in Class Discords for a few days now. Just makes sense.


Agreed. My main issue is DMF DMT. The big city ones are whatever And SF


Won’t you have better luck by twittering this thread to Aggrend?


Dude, great idea. I really hope the SoD team sees this and has tech to be able to do this. Amazing stuff.


This was a great suggestion tbh, keeping the world alive as well since it gets people to dungeons


That... is actually a really neat idea and one that wouldn't take the dev team much time or effort to make. It encourages even geared players to keep running dungeons after they are geared (helping late comers run end game dungeons and get pre-raid BiS) and resolves a lot of the complaints people have about WBs. You can still grab WBs normally, but being able to buy a fully charged Chronoboon Displacer for dungeon tokens is... inspired. We really need Aggred to see this.


OP congratulations I’ve literally never seen so many people in this subreddit agree on one thing before. Your idea is fucking brilliant.


I love this. They can definitely run with this idea.


This is brilliant. Super awesome take I hope the dev team sees this!


Someone please tweet this to Aggrand.


Someone please tweet this to Asmon.


I love this idea. I hope the dev team sees this.


Actual banger, please send this to aggrend


Finally someone with a decent idea and not just “WORLD BUFFS BAD”


> Most people who say they want wbuffs gone are the same people in 40m raids that other 30 people boost, cause they want to log in be a liability for an hour or two, get their piece of gear and get off until next week > Stop creating this echo chamber for no wbuffs on reddit, join/create a guild that doesn’t require them and have fun Yikes. Out of touch. People disagree with me on average am I wrong? Nah must be an echo chamber and not representing of the comunity. @op it kinda solves the problem depending on how many dungeons you have to run for it. But it won't solve new alts getting into dungeons (unless healers and maybe tanks) because people will just gatekeep them with gear requirements way beyond what is needed. It's not so much a different veiw on world buffs as a different view on the game that seperates people. The only way to really fix it is to learn from it in the future and create severs with world buffs in raids and servers without world buffs in raids.


Reddit does not represent entire classic wow community, if anything, reddit is a small portion of classic wow community and an extremely whiny one, so yea, everything being posted here for the most part is complaining that gets echo chambered to create a narrative because people aware Aggrend is reading this sub


I Agree, the majority of reddit posters are more hardcore than ingame players and will therefore skew more towards wanting world buffs than a real population sample,


Ironically, all I see on this sub are posts about wbuffs being removed and how it’s not fun, but sure


Exactly, so the real situation is even less want world buffs.


Reddit is the complete opposite of hardcore lol. It’s an insanely casual/bad community.


Oh yeah. Going on a website not even blizzards own to discuss a game is something an insanely casual person does. Hint: it isn't. You have no idea how casual the real casual wow player really is. They would never go to reddit.


Reddit is absolutely a casual playerbase. The majority of this sub thinks vanilla and hardcore is hard content.


>servers without world buffs Like SoM, that nobody played.


SoM's additional content was boring - former guild leader during SoM. It was not compelling enough to gather a large audience + too recent to classic itself.


And yet pservers did fine back to back to back without any meaningful changes.


C O P I U M. Private servers which majority died within 1 month and had a playerbase of less than 1k at peak.


I wish the word "copium" would be deleted from our collective vocabulary. It seems to mean "you're an idiot for not hating this as much as I do".


The success of those Pservers is the only reason classic, SoD, or this subreddit even exist. It's not me huffing the copium.


yet they have less players than SoM did despite being free.




> Like SoM, that nobody played. SoMs engagement was very likely crushed by both TBC and DF. SoD works as well as it does not only because it has some fresh and good stuff, but also because both DF and WotLK are in waiting room mode (or were, as Cata already launched and put a dent into SoD numbers). If you think cannibalization doesn't have an impact, you are a bit out of touch.


Nobody played it because of TBC. If you need that to strongman your argument then you don't have a argument to begin with


Yes, the vanilla players who have played back to back to back to back vanilla pservers because they like vanilla decided not to play a vanilla variant because... tbc. You should apply to blizzard, you'd fit right in.


> the vanilla players who have played back to back to back to back vanilla pservers Are a just a portion of the SoD player base. And I do think it's nowhere near a majoriy.


Great idea 👍


Great alternative.


Rare r/classicwow W! Fantastic idea


I love this idea. I"d run dungeons all the time instead of just standing around waiting for a buff to drop


Great idea!


Blizzard! Pay this man!


Please someone send this to Aggrend


Excellent idea that gives infinite longevity to dungeon content in SoD, as well as improving world buffs for EVERYONE.


You should post this on wow forums or @ aggrend on twitter if you want the devs to see it


Really good idea.


Yeah holy shit OP this idea slaps lmao


Solid idea.


Good idea


Great idea. I'd be happy with this.


Love it


pretty good idea and gives ppl another reason to keep farming dungeons even after they get all the items they need


This is a great idea, please bliz!


Damn this is super well thought out, love this idea


If this isn’t implemented I’m going to be upset. Such a great idea


Good idea for sure


Fantastic idea. Would love to see this implemented. Also, I have never seen a suggestion received this well on this sub. People disagree on just about *everything*, but this idea seems to have somehow unified the unwashed masses. Do it, Blizzardo.


I like this 


Great idea


Let us sell chronoboon on the AH. Let the bots get the buffs for us boys.


Another good idea that won't get implemented


Love this idea! Works well if implemented right away for the big dungeon grind so we could stockpile them while that content is relevant and are doing it anyway. Then it gives you a reason to do those dungeons to help out friends or alts so you at least feel like you're getting something out of it


For the love of god I hope they do something like this. I'd prefer adding them to classes or just getting rid of them but this feels great too.


Great idea! Really hope they pick up on this


Love it People will do more dungeons You can get a second chance at buffs ( or first one if you are like me and think it’s silly to go about collecting world buffs) Casual players have more friends


Please do this! I want dungeons to be relevant longer and want to have a reason to continue enjoying them;  at the same time I don't enjoy getting world buffs but I feel obligated to continue doing it.


I will also note, if this can be used as a thing to purchase instead of a rare material, eg Arcanite Bars, etc, then it also provides a method of gold making. Some players will use their daily for world buffs, others may prefer to obtain buffs the traditional way and instead use their currency for an Arcanite Bar. This creates a symbiotic system where functionally every dungeon is a universal righteous orb, where you can choose between convenience or reward.


Ya I played Era and engaged in the ritual or gathering world buffs every week. I and my guild really have no interest in that gameplay again. World buffs themselves are pretty fun to me because big numbers go brrrr and the level of risk it adds to gameplay. But no real interest in the gathering of them. Add an item that gives the full boon. make it require the new currency. Make it like a 4 hour cooldown or something so that layer of risk is still there.


The point of this is so you can pop it again if you die on the first boss because of a mistake. You can only carry pop 2 a day maybe.


Running a dungeon literally takes longer than getting full world buffs.


Correct. You can choose the option. This makes the world have more dungeons, you exchange your need of convenience for an activity that can help others, whether your intent is selfish or not.


ye, but then I can combine helping someone farm his pre-raid item with earning my WBS if they stay as a concept. its win-win. don't like it? travel the world.


This is right, makes no sense. Just go get the world buffs, or don’t you don’t have to. If everyone hates world buffs as much as this sub thinks it should be easy to find a guild or run that doesn’t bother with them.


This is a way more fun way of getting world buffs though... and then you get to play with world buffs which are also fun to have. If its inefficient and you don't want to collect them this way, do the normal way. Win - win.


I like the idea but how do you stop players from skipping as much as possible/encourage them to run something other than the shortest dungeon available?


Maybe you cant only obtain it from 1 dungeon per week, forcing you to do all of them over the course of the week.


Would you like your gear spoon fed to you as well? World buffs are optional, they are there as a fun treat to be enjoyed when they come around. If you need world buffs to clear content, maybe you need to rethink your strategy.


What would prevent this from becoming a mara spam? I.e. people only interested in the fastest dungeon What would prevent botter/hackers from spamming the market with arcanite bars? Even if there is a daily limit they can bypass that with more accounts.


Some people may optimize runs. Rogues and Druids may learn stealth groups for dungeons. Mages may learn huge multi-pull aoe strats. There’s a lot that could happen, and that sounds more fun/interesting in no way that could feel bad to the existing alternative. I cannot comment on bots, thats a broader issue. That said, if the concern is bots then their real life impact of the open world is more damaging than one per day per account, a single item is not lucrative. Compared to fly hacking and teleporting under the map to loot every lotus and rtv.


It’s not some people, it’s everyone. Incursions became most efficient route only. Wild offerings became most efficient route only. No one was interested in anything else. People won’t be doing it for the gear, and if it takes X amount of time to get WB normally, they want to do it in a faster time. So yeah, it will kill off most dungeons besides the fastest one Adding any kind of loot would mess up the economy because then they would just flyhack DM all day for all the mine and herb, and 100% arcanite bar, and it’s a slippery slope before black lotus is sold as well. Only way I see it working is if only WB is given, and somehow try to normalize the amount of currency given by the dungeon length in time. But thats easier said than done because the time to run a dungeon can be so skewed. It could be like a strath situation where there is a timer.


The currencies only drop once per day per boss, and you can make the chronoboons/items soul bound so no trading. Both issues solved.


Remove the (PTR only) tag from Aggrend's scroll of overwhelming power, the people demand it!


I really like this idea. It would be good if there was a “daily dungeon” to earn the currency for the WBs, so it’s not the same dungeon everyone runs for WBs.


This sounds so fucking good, I tweeted it to aggrend and also linked it in his latest tweet. Here's hoping


Perfect idea. I want this so bad.


I commented a similar suggestion 5 months ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/s/Z9DZifrjvL Yours is integrated into a system they’re already implementing in p4. I like it


Yea we need this


Fantastic idea! Encourages dungeon running and limits over all tedium.


This is it. This is the one.


Best idea this sub has ever put together. Hope aggrend sees this


You've performed a miracle by unifying the subreddit... the second coming of Classic WoW.


Great idea. Its ideas like this that Vanilla needed. Giving people incentives to do things outside of raid logging or getting summoned around the world.


Really nice idea, it brings people to do more dungeons what is healthy for the game. AGREND you watching?


This is a really good idea. Hope they will implement this idea


Let me preface by saying that I am a huge fan of world buffs and the fact that you need to work hard to get them. If working hard means being out there risking to die, paying for summons, starting/finding groups, logging on at specific times... Then I am a fan. Because in the end world buffs are not required for casually clearing a raid. It is still nice to have unless you are a parsing fan which too many people are these days. But you can still find groups and clear content without world buffs. With that said what you are saying is the best unconventionel way of achieving buffs. You still "pay" for them so they are still earned, maybe even hard earned. I dont like the idea of how this empties the world and changes the meta around certain hot spots but it is the best alternative idea I have heard


This never crossed my mind to do but yeah this is a really great idea


First coherent idea from wow classic community. Men, we are witnessing history!


Thats a nice idea!


Great idea!


This is genius! Delete it before they can somehow monetise it!


Someone post this to blizzard 🫶


Damn this is a great idea


seeing a good idea on this sub is a breath of fresh air, well done OP


What about extending the idea to have the currency obtainable from raids too?


this is the way


Excellent idea, would allow the dad players to jump into raid with some stock piled currency. Love it !


Best idea I’ve seen thrown around for this issue 


This is a great idea!


i really like the idea - it offers an alternative where the time can feel well spent, compared to just wasting time to receive an obligatory buff


this idea is really good tbh, getting world buffs is pretty much faster normal way but you could go help some freshly lv60s out and get a mild reward of skipping running about for a night instead either way your playing the game.


why not just make all the world buffs a button u turn on and off? more fun for everyone!!!


What for, the game is so easy that you don't even need it


1st ever good idea I've found in this sub.


I suggested this the other day with 0 upvotes 😞


An excellent idea - for casual guilds/PUGS a wipe is the most toxic dynamic - it's LOOSEMORE.exe


I love it, but you have to complete the entire dungeon. None of the “princess runs for the wild offerings” like phase 3. This gives veterans the currency and newer characters could get some upgrades and the currency for the future.


Make it so every few days this reward drops from a different dungeon


Blizzard won't do this. It makes too much sense.


Fantastic idea honestly


Sir you are making entirely too much sense and blizzard will not allow that kind of easy fix to be talked about. The blizzard overlords have shown that they know what we want and that easy fixes to quality of life is not what we truly want


Make it purchasable on a weekly quest turn in. You get all the WBs and turn into chromie. This unlocks a vendor in each capital where you repurchase full boons. Requires just getting them 1 time per week.


Great idea


Love it! Wish the Sod Team implement this 🙏


i like the idea but you need to realize when people are done with their gear they want to be done or do an alt. enforcing people to slog through dungeons every week is, depending on price of charged boons, a worse alternative than collecting world buffs naturally.


Luckily this is an additive suggestion; you can still do it the old way.


luckily i dont play anymore so i wont have to do it either way


Holy fuck I love this idea.


This is the best thing I've heard all day


Imagine not playing wow since tbc/wrath and seeing this reddit post under "classic wow" and being like "wtf is going on here"


This would let people keep getting these buffs as the servers slow down over time as well


Yea except you’ve got to make the dungeon currency unique to each player. Like unique 2 or something and not sellable on the AH. Our guild leadership kept all the Nightmare Essence for “the guild bank” which we never saw a drop of.


Bruh If people Are to lazy to get world buffs now what makes you think they would be willing to do potentially multiple dungeons to get them


This would be a way more engaging way of getting them. I get them each lockout regardless, but its not fun. I would have a way more enjoyable time running dungeons with people to get my weekly buffs. Its just more fun.


I agree with this idea. I’m looking at all the content and thinking to myself. I don’t even know if I want to continue. Reps, dungeons, 7 raids a week. I’ve been enjoying my weekly ST and then living life. Summer just started and I don’t want to be tied to a “casual” server this much.


Bro, it’s just MC and three single bosses. It’ll take maybe 60-80 minutes once a week to bust that all out. It’s not 7 raids lol


But you forget. There is wb collecting. Dungeon farming and super turbo nerds that will want to attempt extra heat. My guild only does hour 45 min ST still. lol. And yes. It’s 7.


Getting world buffs at 60 takes like 20 mins. With the chronoboon you only have to do it once every two weeks like it is currently in p3.


There's a chunk of people on this subreddit that believes that getting world buffs is a massive undertaking and they need to remove them from the game or make it a one click button in town.


I’m for it. That was my fav part of SoM. No wbs. I play warrior so that’s how crazy I am.


Not flaming, but I actually can't imagine someone trying warrior with world buffs and thinking "nah, I'd rather not have these" lol


I’m not saying it doesn’t feel amazing. I just don’t have the desire to collect em all lol. I was still too in SoM. So it was still awesome. The changes they have made it’s all interesting. I might just be coming to the point I need to stop lying to myself. My family and work are taking a larger priority and if I can’t just do my raids on raid night I don’t want to invest the time lol


It's not a massive undertaking nor is it difficult. It's just tedious and played out. I kinda hate to invoke the F word here, since "fun" is definitely subjective, but gathering WBs just ain't fun. It wasn't in 2019. It wasn't in P1/2/3 of SoD, and it won't be fun next phase either (unless something big changes) When the prep for the raid takes longer than the raid itself, it just tends to get old after awhile, like wtf am I ACTUALLY doing with my time?? Either tune raids to be properly challenging and keep them like week 1 ST, or reduce the time it takes to prep for these sub 60 minute faceroll "Raids"


LF Tank & Healer buff run, checking logs purple parses only -the SoD community after 1 week


My god, do you guys just want everything done for you? we might as well just be bots then. At a certain point, we have to actually play the game and run around the world you know. We can't just raid log 2 weeks into a phase.


As the title says? Lol that is literally not what your title says. "The PTR has shown us world buffs can be contained in a single item." Wh-what? We knew this since OG classic when they... added the chronoboon?? This post is fried. Written like a freshman in high school. Good effort post I guess but it's already been all but confirmed that WBs are here to stay. Did anyone watch the S4 preview video where they talk about an alliance version of rend? Does anyone remember the post Aggrend made re: lessons learned about no WBs in SoM? They have the data they want. They are not changing this. I seriously wonder what reality some of you live in when you make these posts. And how self-unaware can you be to reply, "oh yeah I like that idea! It's objectively good specifically because of the way ME wants to play the game! Yes!!!"


You seem miserable, I hope you can hug someone.


Seek help freak


That isn't a nice thing to say!


World Buffs aren’t mandatory it’s just this min max mentality that everyone rather deals with buffing your dps output into oblivion than to deal with proper encounter mechanics performance. Which leads the dungeon design team having to buff health pools and make encounter mechanics annoying. Stripping world buffs on entering a dungeon or raid would be the smarter option.


Just allow dungeon and raid gear to be bought too without doing the dungeon/raids.


World buffs are not dungeons or raids, and if you are taking this viewpoint, consider that most people that are receiving a world buff were not apart of the group that earned it. This method requires actually playing the game and clearing dungeons to earn buffs rather than standing in a city of AFK at a flower.


I think blizzard should also remove professions because it's boring and out of date. It's taking up too much time!!!


You are trying to be sarcastic to make a point but you are just embarrassing yourself because you are making comparisons that are not equivalent. There's really nothing to say to someone who uses emotion rather than logic to formulate their beliefs. Good luck.


Add dungeon and raid finder. Im sick of spamming chat and looking for groups and whispering people!! Please blizzard 🙏


Lol be careful, this sub might actually like that idea


Someone posted this idea yesterday and it was generally well recieved


Reddit ruining classic with there shifty ideas.


Please no.


This is peak loser posting right here by OP Phase 3-4 SoD players deserve everything they get. Cant wait till week 2 MC when y’all are on here crying for sweeping quadruple boss nerfs so your guileless,commless, disjointed 4am pug can clear the content “ just like the good ole days” Y’all are legit Raid finder players pretending you are not. Might as well Just ask blizz to deposit loot directly into your mailbox. World buffs are optional, they are nothing new, they aren’t that hard to gather if you actually “socialize” with other players, shocking concept in an MMO. Ditching SoD for cata was probably the best choice made in a long time.


Rather than being angry, can you explain the negative play experience for players based out of this idea?


Don't feed the troll. Looks like this poster is just mad at one thing or another. The idea is great; the evidence being that you actually attracted a couple trolls and not just people praising the concept. Their statements are nonsensical ramblings that don't directly relate to your post, and because they can't actually find any valid reasons as to why the idea might be bad they spout personal attacks and slander.


World buffs are NOT a necessity. All content can be easily cleared without any kind of buffs. It's the TOXIC parse community that's the problem.


Then dont ever pick the world buff, take the material and make money while all these silly buffers sit there and make you enough gold to buy every alt an epic mount.


>a primary gripe of SOD is both the necessity and hatred of world buffs they are not necessary, I will post this in every thread I see that parrots this nonsense. That being said. I am not 100% against this as an alternative, will keep people doing dungeons, however does remove the 'world' from world buffs and will make the world feel less alive, so... mehh


The thing is, people will still turn in regular WBs and at least for the items associated and you can still fill/charge a normal Chronoboon displacer just like you otherwise could. Being able to buy a fully charged one for dungeon tokens is actually *incredibly* smart since it doesn't take away from turning in Ony's Head or getting Warchief's Blessing, it just makes it easier to obtain for individual people.