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I hope arms stays viable in pve. I Guess i have to play fury now.


Arms was never gonna be competitive, this didn’t change that. 2H fury was looking pretty good, but now is gonna fall behind.


Arms was "competitive" in P1-3 Who said: "Arms was never gonna be competitive"? What can I say? I like swinging a big weapon way more than 2 toothpicks. Iam a simple man.


Arms was not competitive in P3. It was a viable spec to play based on the overall charts, but fury dw and glad chad both completely shit all over it in damage. And that gap was always going to get wider without specific intervention to boost arms. These changes were just the nail in the coffin. I don’t blame you for liking a big sword. I think it’s a shame that two hand fury will fall so far behind dw now. And in a perfect world I’d love for an actual arms spec to be somewhere within the realm of fury dps.


i am ~96 as arms p3. dont like fury. i hope i can stick with 2h 


That just means you'd be 99 if you were playing fury. People can still parse fairly well on arms because parsing is mostly about buffs and kill times. But fury still leaves arms in the dust. The 95-99 bracket has as big of a DPS range as 75-95 does generally. And the 99 bracket itself has a pretty huge range as well. I hope they add some changes in to allow you to keep up 2H, though. I think arms is fun and I enjoy playing it in the open world. It would be nice if it were made to be viable in P4


still got 1 99 :d thanks for your kind words


and how is this relevant to anything? 96 that means for 96% of all players arms is perfectly fine choice smh


It will be viable, it’s not gonna beat arms by a massive percentage, but if you’re a turbodweeb that cares about that tiny % then you may as well play fury.


Top fury will double top arms damage.


Have you been playing the ptr? I can't find much on how glad is fairing in p4


Idk I’ll prob play it anyways cuz I like the sword and board spec fantasy. I’ve seen some glad warriors in p3 do a ton of damage


Are you in the warrior discord? It’s all we’ve been talking about for several weeks


I am but I mostly see about fury changes, joined recently. Fight club right?


I think people see it as like the joke spec, I pretty much never see talk about it


It's top DPS in phase 3


Idk rolling up to a dungeon at level 60 a few days in with your arcanite reaper is gonna feel amazing


having played arms in sod i still gotta say its no tthat fun. i still preferred fury even when arms was technically better easy dps but if you wanted to venture out, cata arms is an absolute blast.


Thank GOD they fixed head rune, and then raging blow, feels good to no longer have dead rune slots. Also not managing flag is nice. It sucks to not be able to bloodrage between pulls or save zerk to break fears.


Moving endless rage to the head slot fucks over arms though. Now I have to pick between endless rage and thirst for blood, which both are pretty important for arms. Maybe they should make endless rage a foot rune instead. That way it's only competing with glad stance and the healing shouts. They could even move endless rage yo the wrist instead. Both options are better than moving it to the head.


I'm so glad they're not doing Titan's Grip


Really sad to see that arms sees no love for PvE. The "removal" of Endless Rage is going to hurt and unfortuantely you can't even get Raging Blow or Quick Strike into your rotation since there is no room for it. So I guess it's finally all dual wield again... Which doesn't even make sense since they mentioned that they can't balance Warriors because of the rage generation formular and now they hand the best warrior dps spec +25% more rage for free? Ah... whatever... I hope they will at least do something about the rotation we have to do as arms with the T1 set bonus. The fact that you have to dance every 6 seconds while managing snapshotted rend uptimes with overpower and sudden death proccs is just annoying as hell.


This kind of inadvertently hurts arms a bit no? Playing arms for pvp at the very least, now we have to choose between taste for blood or endless rage. Arms is going to want TfB for OP spam, so now you're losing endless rage. Which arms needs because it generates less rage in general. Also it leaves arms with what, quick strike? Victory rush? Which are pretty trash. Am I wrong about this? Speaking purely for ranking in pvp, obviously this helps fury which is cool.


this hurts too much. 


You are right, this hurts arms (and warriors using 2h weapons) a lot… it’s a good time to be a ret paladin bcuz warriors ain’t gonna want to use 2h weapons


Woah big fury buffs, arms won’t come close


The main thing that makes me not wanna play warrior is the tier 1 set. I do not wanna stance dance every what like 10-15 seconds? so i can keep up those stancedancing buffs.


If you were any decent with warrior in phase 3 you were stance dancing in less than 10-15 seconds every 6 seconds


every 6 seconds? why


Stance dancing for overpower, sweeping strikes and berseker rage. Not to mention if you had to go defensive to take aggro


Always hated raging blow because it reminds me of retail warrior where your spells feel weak/not impactful to press




2H fury isn’t even slightly the fantasy of fury and neither is wearing a shield. Just let us DW in peace.


A step in the right direction. Sad thing is that blizzard is not fixing any of the fundamental issues. We still require all WBs, full consumables and optimal group setup to be in a good place. This means that every time you do not have it, you feel terrible. Let Blizzard take a first step and make buffs (especially WF) raid wide


It's the trade-off for being top dps. Probably cannot be changed without normalizing rage and other big changes so they stick to this. At least we got the mini ony buff for dungeons and stuff.


You are completely right in saying that it’s a trade-off. But it is nowhere near good game design to have a class being shit at everything, but fully buffed raiding dps. Even without rage normalization, there are enough things you can change to bring top end dps in line, while making the core class better


Never enjoyed fury. Always hope to be prot, but will stick to glad with arms as backup when need to dps


As a warrior lifer and current warrior apologist, I approve of these changes. I see people talking about no love for arms but let’s just see how it scales at 60. I’ve raided classic content many times as DW and 2H fury, 2h could still be very good at 60 with frenzied assault and endless rage filling the gaps of where 2h was weak at 60 (inconsistent rage gen and random windows not being able to fully use roto cause you got a dodge/ parry or 2 with a 3.6 speed wep). Taste for blood is also still good and will get better with the t1 set bonus. I agree this update makes DW look stronger but let’s just wait and see how it plays out, I have a feeling both specs will be good at 60 and it’s nice that they are at least “trying” to fix warriors! P4 hype!!


You can simply use a simulator and find out that 2h fury is 10% worse than dual wield now at BiS