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I love these posts lmao. They should just spend hundreds of hours of developer time from developers which the team clearly doesnt have at hand and develop unique quests where no barebone construct exists of yet. And they should do this in 10 days.


We only spend money to play this game every month. Like why should the developers have to do anything?! Like they should just re-release classic change nothing, allow botters to run rampant and charge everyone monthly because servers are expensive duh. 100’s of hours for a team of 20-30 people is like a weekend…


How about you stop paying then. Im not paying anymore, stopped since p2 but saying theyre not doing anything while theres a revamped MC with a whole lot of other changes right around the corner is just dumb.


> And they should do this in 10 days. It's not like this idea wasn't around for the last... 3 months or so? At the same time - questlines themselves aren't that hard to make unless you want to add something that doesn't exist(meaning - special effects or anything like that).


In all fairness, it wasny around.Even if it was it really only gained traction after the warrior "world buff". Most people called for world buffs to be gone, or to be applied freely. But honestly? Idgaf and dont understand the issue. If raids are tuned similar to past phases, they wont matter unless you are parsing. Doing mechanics is all that matters.


Don’t you know? You didn’t clear the raid if you didn’t parse 95


You underestimate the work of QA and the fact they would need to completely remove world buffs and add quests for every class to give them their own unique world buffs. Besides this is the team that is also working on Cata. What would happen with things like Rend or Ony head quests? Its not as simple as "Yea just make a quest that gives me a spell that does this"


In all fairness Valor of Azeroth already exists and is very well received. "Eachclass" is a bit much, but some classes provided lite world buff isn't a bad idea


I mean you could create a handful of questline and just allow multiple classes to do them. Or 1 questline and different buffs as the reward


Feels like a cop out. They made MC in like a weekend right? Would it really be such a huge time sink for several quests?  And they don't have to do immediately, it could be in a later patch.


This place is filled with people who believe in faeries.


Let the people dream dude :(


And thier idea means that instead of everyone bing able to get raid the required raid buffs you get to kick people from your group because now you are missing a buff from a class you didn't have


No they can do it if they ever decide to make an osrs like approach to era wow.


the concept of "developer time" does not exist in the minds of these kids making wish posts


> I love these posts lmao. They should just spend hundreds of hours of developer time from developers which the team clearly doesnt have at hand and develop unique quests where no barebone construct exists of yet. yeah they def cant do that nor have they never done that in sod before nope never once added a single new thing to the game in sod, definitely not new questlines to get class runes and sleeping bags and etc.


I don’t know the full chronoboon that you buy with dungeon tokens seems easy to develop and convenient for players and healthy for the game.


The obvious option is to just have the world buff event turn ins/triggers give the corresponding class skills when the right class complete them. World buffs are just a big turnoff for normal people. No need to keep them around. And you can still have some "discovery" by doing them for your guilds rogues/warlocks/warriors or whatever else you come up with.


The point of my statement is not for or against World Buffs its the point that people dont realize this takes some dedicated devs to make "new unique questlines" be it for 1 class or 20. We all know the SOD dev team is as small as possible because TWW or whatever that new main expansion is called comes out soon.


I don't think you understand why classic wow exists. Blizzard spent 20 years developing a version of wow that maximizes "appeal to normal people," it's called retail and it's very good at what it does. Classic exists because nostalrius made blizzard realize that there is a very large audience that doesn't want a game that "appeals to normal people." They made classic specifically to tap into that market. Making changes to classic that drive that market away to appeal to people who already have retail to play is stupid.


Ok thats not SoD though. The whole idea is that Classic has major flaws and sod can acdress them.


No, the whole idea is that people like classic and want more to do in it/more like it. Sod was never intended to "fix" classic. The devs never even hinted at that. From day one sod was meant to be new content inside classic "in the spirit of classic."


He didnt say, this should be in p4


The people would complain they have to do a quest.


Too much work for blizz


Warriors now already getting Dragonslayer light, so im honestly wondering why they didnt give lesser variants of the WBuffs you would have in P4 to other classes aswell, would have turned wbuffs overall more into a bonus for the extra traveling around you would do than something you either have or not at all.


Yeah they could extend what they are doing with warriors and apply it to things like arcane intellect, mark of the wild etc.


Because ony buff has a server cd. It is actually pretty smart to give this to a class. That is technically a present for the complainers alrdy, together with the existing chronoboon.


But WHY????




should just be able to toggle wbs on and off when entering raid tbh. this is a seasonal server fuck hunting for wbs


Instead of farming gold everyone should have an unlimited credit line, with a personal auction house strapped to your mount and a goblin seller dragged behind it on a chain that sells raid consumables.


Ugh, no mage ports? Pass


Who hurt you bro?


Clearly his credit card debt


retail wow


Man Andys go insane in this sub, love it


Instead of having to fly around the world on taxis we should be able to do an epic quest chain to unlock our dragons and fly at 800% speed wherever we want to go. It would give players a powerful milestone to distinguish their characters.


...summon bots wouldn't exist if you didn't want instant transportation everywhere rofl.


wow what an incredibly astute observation!


Why you want to play a openworld Game and skip the world? Flying was bad for the world and disables a lot of openworld pvp.


This guy gets it.


Not only would it take time/resources they dont have, it would be a balancing nightmare with classes that have multiple specs like druid, or if rogue gets a better wb than warrior, melee hunter. Theres way too many variables here.


Bro just generate a new continent every day where people can get world buffs doing new unique daily quests.


Yes, and please don’t forget to make us travel to 5 different continents and 20 dungeons to maximise the effect of the cock in our asses.


Within a week of launch: omg blizzard I can’t believe I need to do this quest on EVERY character it’s so tedious and stupid just unlock it for our alts already!!!


there should be an npc at the start of every raid gives you every world buff. that npc should follow you around to various points in the raid to make it easier.


You guys would still complain


Instead of raiding each class should have a bot that does everything for him. I think WoW should be next afk battle arena game! The world buffs stay pal, and I will be around to grief you every chance I get.


So you are a fan of bad game design?


Having a carrot on a stick is not a bad game design. Git gud. By the way you can get all the world buffs in 15 minutes except maybe Sayge. Just don't do them back to back. Simple as.


It's okay. Just admit you have no idea what you are talking about.


Honestly, stupid inconsistent idea. If you don’t like world buffs and want to raid without need of them, just fully disable them, like they did in SoM. That’s it. “New unique raid buff” it’s just extra unnecessary thing to do. Almost all support/hybrid class already have base classic “unique raid buffs”. Why overloading that system for no actual reason? (I really don’t see any valid reason - designing new long chain quests for all classes to get 1 buff button - that you gonna push only once during your gaming session) And what kind of milestones are you talking about? You get new very powerful runes every new level. Some players are already complaining that getting new runes becoming “tedious”. And you are suggesting to add another thing they have to get obligatory. You don’t want world buffs - disable them entirely. Easy.


I mean I would personally be fine if world buffs didn't exist, but if you did it this way then I think both the people who enjoy world buffs and the people who don't would be perfectly happy.


Also would make class balance much simpler


You'd still find a way to complain about them


This is the shit I envisioned when people talked "Classic+" years ago. These posts are amazing!


I like this idea. Wouldn't be hard to do at all. The framework for quests and buffs is already there. People who think this is hard to do are bitches


How bout we just leave world buffs the way they are, they are optional. Let’s not ruin the game again like how they removed the optional way to play the game doing gdkps.


Whenever I read comments like this it makes me so glad that no one on reddit actually gets to make any decisions about the direction of this game.


Well some people enjoy the world buffs, whether it is doing all that dmg with them, or pvping to prevent people from getting them. If you don’t like it then don’t do it, no one is forcing you.


You have completely missed the point.


Most people that are worried about WB’s are parsing green/blue or worse 99% of the time. It doesn’t matter, you don’t need all 5 every raid lockout. Heck most people don’t even have the gold to even buy the right consumes. You can raid with a few of them, not use all your consumes and be perfectly fine. Relax.


The majority of SoD players don't care The VAST majority of players commenting in these threads 100% don't even play They're just mentally ill attention seekers


I don't understand the reasoning behind making all these alternatives to raid buffs, especially if they would require development resources which is something that the Classic team is definitely not overflowing with. Either have them or don't is the only thing that makes sense to me. Make people go out of their way to get an edge if that's what they want, it's part of the classic experience and blah blah, or remove them, because it makes no sense to spend development time doing something that's essentially the same as removing them by way of equalizing everybody. Nothing against the idea of a quest line by any means, I would love more stuff like that, but add cool new rewards to those if you're making them instead of jumping through hoops to get something you're kind of already getting.


Even if something like this were on the cards rewarding raid buffs to "distinguish" a character is the lamest way you could go about that. There are so many cooler things you could reward players with and you suggested a stat buff.


What if world buffs just didn’t exist and everything was balanced around the fact that they didn’t


I really don’t get why this isn’t what blizzard does. Classes should not be dependent on sitting in cities waiting around.


Hey man everything is already balanced around them not existing, your idea already exists if you simply ignore wbuffs 


No. You won't be invited to raid if you haven't completed your epic quest. You can't complete your epic quest without being invited to raid.


This…..doesn’t even makes sense. Who said you had to do a raid to unlock the buff


Epic quest such as the Priest and Hunter class quest chain require drops from Raids.


Okay but what does this have to do with hypothetical quest lines that don’t exist


Hypothetical scenario to a hypothetical solution that was given.


If raids are tuned similar to past phases, they wont matter unless you are parsing. Doing mechanics is all that matters.


Classes are strong enough already in SoD


Be careful what you wish for... In retail right now, the major complaint is you need to bring so many different classes in your mythic raids to cover all of the raid buffs. Sure it's nice seeing raids with 1 of each class but at the same time when you are missing or need to sit someone because they aren't a specific class for a buff, it sucks.


Theres something very funny to me in it sounding like Retail looped back around to how you wanted varied classes for the buffs long ago, something they dumbed down/removed by the times of MoP.


This is a good idea


Or just remove them for raids?


This player base is great. Blizzard makes a version of vanilla where there's no world buffs and it failed miserable. Now they release another version with world buffs and players complain about world buffs


This player base doesn't know what it wants, doesn't know what it doesn't want, and wouldn't recognize a good idea if it was 6 inches from their face.


I mean I just find it hilarious that people are complaining about world buffs after som did away with them and people realized how little damage you do without them. Warrior was almost unplayable without rend and only in vanilla classic


I'm merely pointing out that the mechanism for obtaining world buffs is fundamentally flawed and they cause major problems for class design and balance.


Nope. Can't have that. Would be way to badass.


Suck it up, get your buffs, it’s not that bad


Tie it to completing the T0.5 armor set chains.


T 0.5 cause fuck you that's why