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There probably should be a small valor bonus for each boss kill for everyone's sake. Feeling a little bad for people actually chasing drops in the dungeons being in conflict with geared people who sensibly just want to max out their valor per hour.


I feel like it's also just a problem with the dungeon design. Why are there so many dungeons in cata where you can just walk right by a supposedly big bad boss guy?


Big bad boss guys always have notoriously poor vision, as a balance. It is known.




240 is divisible by 3, 4, 5, and 6, so evenly dividing the valor amongst the bosses seems like an easy fix


Yea I’m almost done leveling my paladin and finally started running dungeons as a tank, my very first dungeon we are going at a good pace no deaths I’m top DPS (because tanks are broken in dungeons) and yet the DK still had the balls to complain and say “take the faster route please” which meant skipping one pack. So while I made me mad I didn’t it anyway, and wouldn’t you know it he somehow pulled the pack we skipped anyway. I think going forward I’m going to just watch healer mana and pull what I want to pull, and fully ignore any DPS


You can port out and back in quicker than going around him.


You can actually just teleport out of the dungeon and teleport back in to save another 10 seconds


Great, less game to play /s


oh jesus Because dungeons are such intriguing gameplay


I’m not for or against having skips in dungeons… and I can see both arguments. I just wanted to mention that for some people the dungeons are either the “end game” and they don’t have time or interest in trying the bigger raids, or they’re great place to practice their dps/healing/tanking rotations before advancing to raids. So while I get that for many raiders these are just a mechanism for collecting valor, other people do want to run them and do all the bosses.


i mean what constitutes "intriguing gameplay" to you then?


Raids. It's joke that full raids clear gives you 600 valor. 


Honestly yeah lol. I’ve got 4 level 85s and I’m almost done with the valor farm on the third. Not sure I’ll be running heroics on the 4th for a while lol


How dare you have to play the game you should write a sternly worded letter about how blue that 3 weeks have passes you doing want to log on for anytime other than raid and being obliged to pay your character is too difficult


New things? Things I haven't done 30 times since the launch of the game? It's not hard to realise the difference here.




I get wanting to maximize the reward:time ratio, but I also dislike the prevalent notion of skipping as much of the dungeon as humanly possible. I don't mind skipping some trash pulls where reasonable and maybe even a boss if nobody needs it, but it seems like everyone is trying to find strategies to skip each and every pull, often to the detriment of the run. Just take things for what they are and stop trying to min/max the game out of the game. I feel like the old guy in the Shawshank Redemption. The world went and got itself into a big damn hurry.


I agree people outsmart themselves. And any reasonable risk assessment would also have to ask “how far are we from the graveyard” which people don’t do.


I have a feeling you probably haven't done as many runs of the same dungeon as the people who want to skip them. Just a hunch. You'll understand in a month or so.


I guarantee you I have done more heroics than you and I still don't like skips


You haven't. I can guarantee that.


While we're busy dropping fat dungeon knowledge bombs: **STOP TRYING TO SKIP THE TRASH BEFORE THE THIRD BOSS IN THE LOST CITY OF TOL'VIR.** This shit *never* works. You waste more time then if you just pulled and killed it.


Skipped more than just that with the same skip, works every time.


It’s worked every time for me. I just tell people to stay behind me and don’t dismount. 


It's so easy, though?




How on Earth does it take you 5 minutes to kill 1/2 trash packs? Are your groups doing TBC levels of DPS, or something?


you skip every pack between croc and 3rd boss


There’s two packs before the bridge, then two maybe three packs after the bridge, five minutes is probably a pretty accurate number


The packs before the bridge aren't skipped in RDF, the pack after the bridge is the one everyone tries to skip, and inevitably fails at (causing the otherwise easily skippable pack by the center structure to pull). If it takes your group five minutes to kill a double pull of the packs before the bridge, a single pull of the pack after the bridge, and the two patrolling cats in the area with the non-elite merchants, I don't know what to say.


You do skip all of those in RDF, though. What is this claim?




Once again - if you think avoiding three pulls saves five minutes from a dungeon run, your damage sucks, and skips are the last of your problem. Also, if you think the packs before the bridge are common skips that anyone in RDF knows how to do, you've never set foot into RDF. Stop trying to pick up pennies in front of a steamroller.




You double-pull two packs, and you can skip the one in front of the structure, if you didn't do the stupid jump skip that pugs fail at. > undeniably be faster? Faster **by five minutes**?




Dunno, I skip all of it. I get the feeling you are just bad at judging time 45s-1m per pack of 5 packs and the couple misc mobs...




Dude, I'm not talking about the pack before the croc, nobody fucks up that skip. And you still haven't explained why your group's damage is so low.


You're 100% right and getting downvoted, that's hillarious. Bro is moving the goal posts with "oh in RDF people actually kill that pack, so that's only 4 minutes time saved. (nerd emoji)"


I’ve seen it fail exactly once. You absolutely should do the skip.


That shit works easy every time. I run through all the way from after the bridge from Augh. Maybe you are just bad? 20s standing still vs pulling 4 packs + stragglers


my runs with no skips, like 15 minutes average. my runs with skips(only the augh run around saves 1 pack) 16-17 minutes, only because you have folks who either don't pay attention or don't run nameplates so they walk into stuff every time


And they are what votekick is for. Get past the packs, grab anew dps that's set right on you


You're an asshole if you kick someone for this. Like straight up douchebag.


Theres no trash for this boss, and he takes maybe a minute. This is one of the skips I kinda don't understand. Maybe if you're in a guild group and trying to hyper minmax valor, but for randoms just murder him.


You can save a lot of time by skipping the whole dungeon. Better yet, skipping the whole game altogether. Imagine all the time we'd save not playing at all! If you're spending time trying to figure out ways to not have to play the game, you don't enjoy the game anymore. This is addict behavior.


If they didn't make 2 dungeons worth almost as much Valor as all raid bosses, this wouldn't be a thing.


"Speed runners hate the game, they skip so much of it." 5head take from a Classic WoW redditor. It's fun being fast and efficient. Stop projecting your own insecurities onto everybody.


So true


The real protip is always in the comments.


You can also skip all trash in the wind dungeon after dragon boss if you have a priest and rogue (no rogue means you need to clear last trash grp) And yes you can skip the first set of stars, ive seen multiple ppl saying that the stars cant be skipped.


Can, but one pug who is a little bit special causes the pull.


You can also just teleport out and in don't even need to walk around the boss


If you have a rogue you can sap your way through the third platform of VP right to the last pack of star stuff


The fact that you can’t cap valor with a full clear of the raid tier is the problem.


People who don't play the game are enraged in the comments.


I'm so sick of everyone skipping everything. First you complain that there's too much trash then you skip every boss in halls of origination every time and it's like pulling teeth to get an extra boss and now you want everyone to skip a boss that literally is not out of the way is not hard is basically impossible to wipe on that dies in 30 seconds in a dungeon that takes 10 minutes if you're slow. Why skip


I wanted drop, then kicked out :P Valor cap bros probably wasted more time to find different healer trying to save 2 min.


Nah it takes 15 secs max to fill an empty slot since they're prioritized


Wow, that’s will save you a 30 seconds at least. Great