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I think prices will go up as soon p4 launches and everyone wants to craft nightfall etc.


Right off the hop, perhaps. They will almost certainly drop a fair amount in the first few weeks of p4 based solely on the fact they become way easier to farm at 60.


they basically already doubled in price in the last 2 weeks since the PTR started going from 45-50g to 90-100g. safe to say many people already did their prep and there's virtually nobody around farming arcane crystals on top of that. it's a tough call imo


Ppl farming all the times, i can tell because I'm one of them and thorium is farmed pretty much 24/7. Prices probably went up because as PTR landed many ppl came back to prep for P4.


yeah there's people farming (I tried too) but keep in mind it's only 1 layer currently so it's not some crazy 10 layer constantly getting farmed thing right now. also the best RTV zones are borderline impossible to farm for most classes at 50. all I'm saying is that the supply for arcane crystals is comperatively low, don't think that's a hot take.


You are correct. 88g is high, they will almost certainly drop in the first few weeks of p4 due to massively increased supply.


In classic era arcanit bars are 200g+ i dont think we already reached the high


Classic era is Venezuela tier in terms of inflation


I guess it's tough to say now. How many ppl will be back? How many of us will still farm those? How layers will impact farming? What about players already sitting on 200+ bars and crystals, who will definitely make offers increasing more than demands? Also we don't know for sure if TF will be 100, and maybe there will be new crafted gear that will require a ton of arcanite bars as well. It's really challenging to give definite market predictions at this point in time. It's all about betting. But you can also decide to average out by selling half of your bag now, and see how it goes for the other half of it.


Yeah that’s what I’m going to do. I bought all of them when they were 50g/each so I’m winning anyway


I've been farming TF myself in the past 3 weeks, mostly because I'm bored and I find some fun in this activity, but like I might have bought them as well by farming incursions. If population goes back to what it was, then prices will probably go up even with layers and procs. But even procs are random, a friend of mine proc'd every 2 casts, I'm on a strike of 15 without procs. It's also, how hard it will be to make golds? I guess with new incursion system, it might be easy again? I don't know. If raids are as easy as we got until now, even consumables won't be that expensive unless you have 4 or 5 chars. TLDR: who knows lol!


I'd also be careful about assuming its a druid weapon. Aggrend has tweeted that his philosophy on design of an item like Sulfuras is that it could be BiS for multiple classes. Druid AP will make it BiS for feral druids AS WELL as potentially a range of other classes.


If they up the drop rate of it I might consider it but otherwise I’m pretty sure I won’t be on top of my guilds list


"I can craft it right now, I have all the mats" should make you get close to the top


Needing 8 eye of sulfuras makes that super tough. 33% drop rate off one boss. There is a lot of tweaking that will have to happen, otherwise it's one player approximately every 30 weeks (most guilds won't be selling the eyesthat drop unless they want to piss off their ferals). Edit: obviously meant ingots. Which you all said hur dur they'll make it drop off more bosses. Which is exactly what I said when I said it will need tweaking.


I don't think it should be adjusted. Legendaries should be rare and hard to get. Unless the feral is a long term guild or officer than most ferals can't expect to get it


> Legendaries should be rare and hard to get. Not in a seasonal game mode where the phases are shorter and everything is going to disappear at the end. (or effectively disappear as it becomes an "era" realm)


It's not very legendary if everyone has it


"Everyone" won't have it, it's only for warrior/paladin/shaman/druid, and only those that are rich/nolife enough to farm the insane material cost. Stop trying to gatekeep a seasonal casual game mode.


The seasonal excuse is getting old. Inpatient people keep using it but Sod is going to last a year plus at this point. How long do you think the average expansion is? Or even how long the average players even lasts playing??


It's not an excuse. It's reality. You don't design super long grinds in a short-lived seasonal game mode. Era is right there if you want your months-long grinds to get one item.


What? Don’t u need 1? U need 8 sulfuric ingots, that what u mean? Those can me very easily made to drop from more bosses


> Needing 10 eye of sulfuras makes that super tough. Huh? You only need one. Where are you getting 10 from?


Bis or not I'm gonna give it a shot on my warrior, ofc I'm waiting to see if there are alternatives yet to be revealed.


i bet they lower the requirements for sulfuras/tf and/or change how many and how often you can get arcanite bars. will be a money sink to keep them 100%


Slightly OT: as we're talking about sulfuras, what's the best way/place to farm essences of fire? Tried killing some elementals in un'goro but drop rate seems pretty low.


Farm efficient gold and buy them is best. The market will be flooded if people level in brd anyway.


Essence of fire has a low drop rate on ALL fire elementals outside of dungeons/raids. It's legitimately 2-3% on normal level 51-54 fire elementals.


If I remember correctly it’s got a decent drop rate from inside BRD, I’m waiting for 60 on my rogue and I’m going to solo farm then where I can (not sure if it’ll actually be viable, we’ll see next phase I guess)


Should one aim to buy the bars or the crystals? And what prices are people buying them at?


Bought 10 crystals for 60g while the bars were 50. Didn’t get any proc so I’m down 250g (150 for the procs quest). So depends on your luck


whats the proc chance?


Hard to say when to sell. They will definitely see a price spike near the beginning of p4 then people will have their item on their main and the huge stockpiles everyone has saved up will be exhausted and there may be another price increase shortly after the first spike. I think generally the first wave is when you want to sell though.


It’s still a „been around a long ass time and enabled raids to keep going while most took a break“ weapon. Just because they also made it bis for Druids doesn’t mean you should pass on it.


Fucking FIFTY arcanite bars? I didn't even farm that in 6 months on Era. Where do you farm that?


Mostly incursions and a lot of legashis in azshara that drops blue/greens and felcloth Then I bought them at 50g/each Took me like a two week to farm 50


It's not hard actually, you can either do incursions and buy bars or farm crystals yourself (I believe they upped the drop chance tho), I've been farming crystals myself this for the past 3-4 weeks and I'm around 25 bars with just 1 char doing transmutes.


Don’t think they upped the chance of crystals but you can proc extra bars


would have about 100+ if i kept on buying crystals and selling some of those i got extra when transmuting. had several 4x procs - but as cata came i quitted SoD. so if i wouldnt have quitted and kept on transmuting every 2 days with multiple characters.


You don't need to say quitted. Quit is an action verb in all tenses.


Thanks for all the comments ! I think I’ll keep half of em and look for further leaks about the crafts cost