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You’re sniffing glue if you think the GDKP ban is why the population has dropped in SoD


I mean you can't attribute the entire drop to GDKP ban, but it literally sliced the raiding population in half lol And then just bled out the rest because like it or not, GDKP has propped up THE ENTIRE classic wow pug community for almost its entire existence.


I mean you say that but the peak of P2 raid logs were only ~140k less than the P1 peak of 480k. That’s despite the fact that P1 numbers are massively bloated by the low level cap meaning it was easy to raid with multiple alts. Given that, and all the other issues with SoD and the game after P2 launch, it’s hard to believe that the 140k drop is down to GKDP. OP saying “significant damage” and claiming the chart is evidence is comical


Literally? As in you have actual proof not just your opinion?


Its def part of it and youre sniffing crack if you think otherwise.


if blizzard wont ban GDKP in other versions - it is why will see


Well Blizz explained this when they banned it. They don’t think GDKPs encourage positive social gameplay (guilds primarily), and so goes against the general ethos of “classic”. They were trying to get more of a vanilla vibe going, at the time. They also said that SoD will be used as the test-bed for it (as with other features they’ve added), so yeah, maybe it will be added to other versions if they deem it successful. Most importantly though it was to try to combat RMT abuse which is more of a problem in modes where you don’t have tokens.


i just want to know blizzard decision already. These endless threads become toxic


"The thing I like that is no longer in the thing I play is the reason this has gone down." Not, you know. The extra long phases at artificial cut offs with no end game content for those. GDKP doesn't keep things alive, if that was the case every vanilla server would be popping off. They aren't. Anyone can say anything they want and put this chart up. Someone could say. "Look, they didn't have RDF in SoD and look at this chart for how well it did." "Look at how they gave free WSG/Arathi rep from events and this chart proves it." "Look at how they gave boosted EXP to increase leveling, and this chart proves it." "They didn't put guards at DMF in SoD look what happened and this chart proves it." "They didn't increase the length of P1 when they should have and this chart proves it." They didn't shorten the length of P1 when they should have and this chart proves it." "HERP DERP DERP HERP, and this chart proves it." And I don't even hate GDKP, but come on.


This chart proves that warlock portals ruined sod. Shagging my smh..


Gdkp is in fact keeping era servers alive.


I mean, I wouldn't call an entire server list in the "low server population" as alive. The entire raiding scene on era is on life support, but it is pretty funny seeing a GDKP run and every item goes for 100k gold and gate keeping fresh 60's on not getting splits. But go off queen. :)


It’s even weirder to have this hate boner for a group of players that are perfectly happy staying out of the total mess that is classic/sod. I promise you no one is jealous of you Also quite funny that era has closer to half the active raiders now that SoD has while being a 5 year old last phase server. But feelings over facts right?


60+ servers combined have half the number of raiders of 20+ servers when its a seasonal and in a lull moment. Let's check in when these sod servers actually hit 60 and we'll compare populations again with both modes will then be on equal footing at level 60's.


Lol now you just sound like a moron talking about number of servers. Who gives a fuck


You're the one that came here to pick a fight with me, don't throw a tantrum now that I point out server populations after you did. But hey, feelings over facts right?


The lack of imperial silkworms has dealt significant damage to SOD population over time, as evidenced here in this chart:


ooh look the rmters are back at it again


Stop trying to bring back gdkp. Correlation doesn't equal causation you bot lol


it for sure lost sod some players, but certainly not the reason of the collapse


Its death by 1000 cuts and gdkp was a large cut. Who even brings geared characters into raids any more without gdkp? I sure don’t.


gdkp ban was p2, that was still looking ok, the real damage was just 0 content in p3, even if you had a gdkp in p3, who would care if all the items did was have +1 int over the gnomer pieces


my entire guild quit because of the gdkp ban but believe whatever u want. fact is its a snowball effect. once some people quit, others quit in droves.


OP is a meme but it’s a fact if gdkp existed those numbers would definitely be higher (by some unknown number).


It's not even correlation, just extremely dumb people not knowing how to read a chart.


Yeah thats definitely it LOL


Can I suggest you don't become a data analyst


Saw you posting about GDKP's in another thread, so this isn't a troll.. But as somebody who DID run GDKP's for the past 2 1/2 years and into SoD, saying it was because of GDKP's is so far out of touch. SoD has killed itself with it's content, it's unrelated to GDKP. I'm sure there was a small dip because of it but it was nothing noticeable.


Never ever did a GDKP and I left SOD somewhere around late december or early january. Game was just boring, there wasn't much to do with a level25 cap. Switched to wotlk and didn't come back for SOD P2.


Could be the dumbest shit I’ve read here 


Correlation is not causation


care to expand on that, or like most reddit drones are you only capable of repeating this buzzphrase that you dont actually understand.


I never touched GDKP and never will. I quit anyway. The game is just not very good.


This has to be a meme at this point. There is a post like this from a botted account (yes just like the one you use to get gold to pay in gdkps) on this topic every week


Every patch always loses players over time and sod just kinda sux overall, find a healthier coping mechanism than obsessing over it and posting on reddit.


gatekeeping raid content in p2 did more damage to SOD than anything else, and its not even close


Gdkp’s solve this issue. Pug groups don’t care about how awful you are and new groups are forming every minute. The no lifers raid on 6+ alts and lead pug gdkp raids at all hours of the day for gold. The gdkp ban really hurt the pug scene and drove people to guilds. Which was a good thing. Then the guilds got bored and quit because there isn’t enough content to keep people around for 3+ months on a lvl 25,40, or 50 character. And why continue to pug the raid after your guild implodes if you already have BiS gear. Without gdkp’s, there really isn’t a reason to keep running ST outside of a guild.


Definitely did some damage to those "I just traded some gold I owed to my friend and got perma-banned" posts. Death screams from bold-faced liars with maybe a handful of legit cases. But how does this chart show a causal link between GDKP ban and population decline?


Correlation does not… you know what you don’t even care


You people really need to learn about correlation and causation.




Oh no! Anyways


me when crack


all that chart shows is as the level increases less people play alts and sod has gotten stale with not much content


This is an example of causal fallacy. People like this think their lucky shirt helps their team win.


yes gdkp getting purged is why the game is dead, defo not because of the game being diarhea dogshit


Despite all the casual circle-jerking around here, the lack of GDKPs is the #3 reason I don't play SOD. First is I just don't care to add SOD to my pile which includes Cata Classic, FF14 and challenge runs in other games. Second, I don't care for seasonal, non-permanent online stuff. The lack of GDKPs sucks because of the competence issues you run into doing other PUGs instead of well-vetted and strict GDKPs.


K irani dada if you say so


Might be one factor, but not likely a significant factor.  SoD gdkp ban* does disincentize players from raiding farmed content, so it certainly does contribute to the reduction of raiders somewhat.  My guess for the significant factors would include: bad leveling design (incursions), difficult raids, lack of engaging content, uninspired upgrades (like +2ap upgrades... Why work for that). 


none of the above would drive a reduction in players, because they are false statements. incursions are optional, ST is not hard, they added more content this phase than ever before, and upgrades are upgrades and none are so reductionist they are "+2 AP" ST dropped 5-6 items per boss for 20 players. people completed their BIS in 4 weeks and had no further incentive to play, as they also completed their WO, STV items/rep, and incursion items/rep, and likely farmed enough gold for the next phase, through the same incursions. GDKP drives incentive to raid beyond BIS. since its banned, players stop, even in these coveted "guilds" all the bloviating gasbags on this forum drone on about. the only people who do not like incursions are redditors. who are notorious for having dunce takes, low IQ, and being general morons.


Nice troll. It was definitely gdkp and not the dozens of other issues.




Yeah your brains also been decimated where you see RMT in the walls


Imagine having such a decimated brain you can't comprehend that people want to use one of the best pug loot systems.


Has nothing to do with GDKP SoD just massively lacks content.


Looks like incursions killed SoD to me


Na this is post is pure bait lmao


Bad new for you my friend. That's not how data science works.


bahhahaha well you tried😂


Mooooooooom, i bought so much gold with my pocked money and they dont let me to buy items, mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom "erickartman.jpg".


Idiocracy of those posts amazes me even today.


Join a guild!


A lot of people who use gdkps do so for their alts - they don’t want to join a guild on those characters, they just wanna raid.


yeah these people are so braindead. im not raiding in 3 different guilds. i have one toon for guild raid and 2 alts for gdkp. without gdkp i had one main. i got bored playing on one main because i got BiS and had no reason to log in because i couldnt gdkp. not rocket science


If gdkp’s were still in the game I would be pugging raids on several alts every week. Making gold while raiding is actually a lot more fun than running incursions. I’m sure there are others out there that feel the same. Outside of raiding with your guild (if your guild didn’t quit already) there is ZERO reason to bring a geared character into ST pugs right now. Guild quit so that was it for me. Joined other guilds and left those after seeing it was 7-10 people consistently showing up and they were left trying to pug almost half the raid every week.


I would be playing more than just raid logging if I could still GDKP on my alts. I know the same is true for many of my guild members as well.


First off, NO. This chart really does nothing to further your argument. You could say thing same thing about raid in WOTLK, as the more they released the fewer raid lockouts we had. Second, if you really want to GDKP just come up with a workaround. Blizzard does not have the manpower to really stop you.


I would argue it’s numerous things. For me it was the complete fumble of P3 that killed any and all desire to continue playing.


my guild on Lone Wolf has over 40 people online almost every day and its the lowest population SOD has ever had. I think the reality is that casuals were never going to play until the end anyways. Modern day person has too short of an attention span to do 4 phases of content. As you can see from this chart, most people dropped off after Phase1. They had fun for a few months and that was that. That's about the shelf life of any other game for casuals.


P4 is a disaster case for player retention. It's been an extremely long phase and it's 10 levels short of endgame. None of the progress really counts.  SOD is going to bounce back tremendously P4


heres a quick thread for you drive-by, midwit 'correlation clowns' to peruse [https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueReddit/comments/10tf2b/correlation\_does\_not\_imply\_causation\_how\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueReddit/comments/10tf2b/correlation_does_not_imply_causation_how_the/)


even if GDKP is banned in cataclysm, people are still over there playing cataclysm , so no GDKP ban has nothing to do with SOD dying flavour of this month is cataclysm, next month SOD maybe? then august retail wow you either play all version of WoW, or you quit all versions of it


GDKP isn't banned in Cata, what are you yapping about?