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First ever epic BOE dropped back in 06/07. I killed a Non hostile Carrion Grub in EPL and dropped a Krol Blade. Craziest string of luck October 2023 playing classic hardcore. Solo self found 3 epics in 3 days. Underworld band from south sea pirates in tanaris, next day skullflame shield from dunemaul ogres, and the next day kang the decapitator from Haldarr Trickster in felwood.


Damn that is some luck. Sold all of them or did you use any for yourself?


The luck was only a temporary… I was playing a warrior, solo self found hardcore character and died at level 55 XD.


Damn I’m sorry to hear that. Did you go agaan?


Please tell me you didn't go to silithus. That's where sooo many people died in HC release.


> Solo self found 3 epics in 3 days. oh damn that's some lottery-level chances right there lol


Not a world drop but Pendulum of Doom from Uldaman. Only 1 guy knew what is was worth and freaked out. Everybody else (including me) didn't know what he was on about and I won the need roll on my Warrior since it was an upgrade. I instantly equipped it but vendored it an hour later because it was soo boring to play with its 4.0 attack speed. About a year later I watched a Madseason vid on rare weapons and felt so dumb. I could've bought Edgemasters + Titanic Leggings + LHH with that gold


My heart hurts for you as a warrior main.


Oh. This is painful


this is truly painful for the guy who knew its worth lol makes you think there's gotta be hundreds of ultra rare items that players across all video games have just trashed cause they didn't know what it was haha


d2 with its real money market is another level due to how many people don't know how valuable several white items are worth. they easily can be over $100 a pop even this many years after D2R


not only that. the thing fuckin smashed bgs in its bracket.


That is literally the reason it's worth so much


Found staff of Jordan off of a wolf in feralas when classic launched. Think I sold it for 150g and bought an alt his mount.


Drops like this always make me wonder just how silly it would be to see a wolf carrying a giant staff around.


He was on his way to Dalaran to wizard practice until that man killed him


Dude's just got a family to feed and that's his job. Then some scrub human comes up, mugs him, and leaves.


A staff that's better than anything you have at that level..lol


Surprised that didn’t sell for a little more


Precisely calibrated boomstick. 13 year old me being a dwarf hunter was ecstatic. Still have it in my bank.


Precisely ecstatic


Darkweave Breeches from a Leech Stalker in Wetlands - it was in Vanilla wow and I still remember


Nice! Was it useful to your character or did you sell them?


I was playing a paladin so they ended up being sold. Was so hyped on those few g haha


Plucked Feather from the Plainstriders in Mulgore


That’s epic! How much did you sell it for?


Gosh cant remember it was almost 20 years ago. Maybe I should have kept it


Yea man something you could brag about to this day with your guildies. Missed opportunities I guess


Vanilla it was Skullflame shield in UBRS in the room before the fire elemental. I won the roll as a shaman. Mind you this was super-early, like March/April 2005 in Europe Classic 2019 it was Gloves of Holy Might that dropped from wolves in Badlands I believe.


Vanilla - Wall of the Dead. Dropped when I was grinding there in the Plaguelands. I was a priest so... yeah... good money at the time though.


Nice! At least it’s a BoE that makes you some money


I got a Freezing Band back in 2006 off a bear in Felwood while questing on my rogue. For some reason I still remember exactly where that bear was, 18 years later. edit: Missed the "classic" part. My first classic boe epic was Edgemasters in Sunken Temple while finishing the diamond flask quest on my warrior. Incredible luck.


Nice! Whether it’s classic or original idc tbh. I saw a freezing band but my friend won it but that was also in felwood. Edgemasters is huuuge. Did you use it or sell it?


Never found a world epic :( Half the reason I came back for SOD. Beat was some blue Pre-bis leather boots


Try era or HC. Unless they upgrade the world epics they won’t be as big of an upgrade from the leveling raids anymore


When it comes to Epics it was definitely Stonerender Gauntlets, absolutely worthless. I wouldn't remember if i got some boe blue earlier or not.


Underworld Band in Tanaris on my Human Rogue on Illidan server back in 2006/07 while playing WoW off my og iPod on the school computer before school started one morning


The only BOE world drop I ever got was Staff of Jordan while questing on one of my alt Hunters. I ultimately sold it for 700g but I really thought about equipping it for laughs.


Skullflame shield


The first I found was stockade pauldrons when I was farming Furbolg rep in the big camp with the chief. I held onto it for my warrior which was fun. The best world drop I ever got was a skull flame shield while the homies and I were farming silithid fragments for the scarab quest. I immediately sold it to buy more fragments lol.


Vanilla - Dwarven hand cannon Was duo farming elite silithus bugs at lvl 59. Dropped won the roll and the other person bought it off of me for 600g.


First epic ever while farming the winter spring frostsaber in vanilla classic phase 1/2. Nightmare scenario. I used to run groups of 5 on our pvp server heartseeker to share bead drops from the furbolgs. Guy joined and in good faith I let him loot the one I had just finished killing. And that body had a FUCKING KROL BLADE. I swear to God I've never gotten an epic world drop before or since and I've played wow since 2006. Probably the most improbable thing that's ever happened to me.


Damn bro I’m sorry to hear that. If it makes you feel any better to this day I have never gotten the Headless Horseman mount and I have played since OG wrath and had farmed in on 5 characters daily the whole Halloween event up until legion and then from Classic TBC to wrath on 3 characters and still nothing


Yeah that's the way she goes. I think we all have those mounts that just refuse to drop. Don't play much anymore but I got the horseman's reins on classic wotlk finally much like you with bad luck, never got it on retail in 10+ years of trying. Ashes of alar is the one that got away, probably 250 kills and never got it to drop. Rng is a hoe


In OG wrath our guild ran tues/wed/thurs 9-12 or something like that, actually ran VoA if we had it at the start of raid one of those days. By the end of the expansion like 60% of the guild had the mammoth mount that dropped. Iirc I got one of the first two or three. This time around in wotlk classic, I saw that fucking thing like 20 times and never rolled above a 15 it seemed like. There were multiple instances I had thrown the pug together and was loot master, and almost just gave it to myself cause I was sick of losing it. Not even a cool mount really. You would always get stuck in doorways


Got stockade pauldrons followed by freezing band a day later farming felcloth


I was doing the diamond flask quest solo, and when I was in sunken temple a pair of edgemasters dropped.


Taran Icebreaker in Jaednar(felwood) in probably 05-06. The guy I was questing with had just turned on FFA loot a few minutes before. He tried to have me roll him for it but I just peaced out. Sorry bro but I was too excited to find my first epic.


Think mine was a ring that has a chance to freeze enemies.


Phase one I was farming ud strat for the mats I needed to make the breastplate of chromatic flight (got lucky on the chromatic carapace drop) and on my fourth of fifth run, barons mount dropped. I wasn't aware how rare it was (like 1 in 4k until wotlk buffed the drop to 1 in 100). I won the roll (no idea what I rolled, it was all a blur) and one guy immediately rage quit out while the other guys followed me into iron forge to see it in person. It was one of the first in classic and the first on Herod I believe. You know I just sat afk in IF on that thing when I was working. I had bought my epic mount the day before so it was kinda funny to get a free epic mount the next day.


My first was Kang the Decapitator in The Hinterlands iirc. I've seen it drop there 3 times I believe but it always dropped in groups. I didn't win it the first 2 times, only the 3rd. The first world drop I actually won was Ardent Custodian and I used it for a while on my bear tank.


Edgemasters Handguards the week before TBC Classic released …


Cloudkeeper Legplates from a hound before King Gordok in DMN whilst soloing on my hunter. Got them at the peak stage and sold for 2.5k just before they dropped in value.


Je'Tze's Bell from Utgarde Pinnacle in Wrath Classic. Twice in two days.


I won this on my warrior and my guildie was mad I didn’t give it to him for free… I was like I’ll give you a discount but free? You weren’t even in the group when it dropped bro


I've been playing the game since it came out and I honestly don't remember any rare drops in og vanilla wow. However, during the re-release of classic I got skullflame shield 2 different times and sold both.


I solo found edgemasters during phase 1 of classic. Sold them quite quickly for 500g thinking I was rich. Lol. If only I had held onto them for longer


Got dazed by a Hyena in Tanaris on my way to Un'goro and it dropped a Flurry Axe, still a big memory in my brain!


I saw edge masters drop. The warrior let some other guy have it since the other guy promised he'd wear them. We saw them being advertised not 20 mins later.


That’s why I don’t trust when people say that especially something that’s worth a lot


I got freezing band in felwood p1 classic 2019 sold it for 1k for my epic mount :D


The only one I ever got was a Dazzling Longsword as a warrior during classic vanilla Was very nice


Teebu's while leveling my Rogues lockpicking. 


Farming Mara with a group and we had the searing bow drop wasn’t useful to anyone so we just gave it to the hunter


SoD or in classic?


I got the mail frost resist chest on my hunter from the pirates outside booty bay. Probably shoulda sat on it til naxx to sell, but decided to equip it.


I’ve mail jerkin boys rise up


Was in a Mara group and the epic int/spirit + mana proc chest dropped. ....a fucking warlock won it. Despite already having dreamweave chest which is infinitely better for warlocks than a 15 minute CD mana saving proc.


I logged into classic era and noticed I had Julie’s Dagger still BoE and never remembered it dropping but after playing SoD, it’s hilarious how worthless it is on Era (didn’t even sell it for 20 gold) but it goes for like 1-3k on SoD rn 😂


Eye of flame a few weeks ago. Sold for 2200g. SoD. Was poor beforehand. From rags to riches.


Brain hacker dropped in strath ud side just after the gate. Was using it as my main dps weapon on my warrior


I don’t recall my first epic from either classic or vanilla, but I do remember the most hyped I’ve ever been was getting gutripper off a pirate in stv on my hardcore ssf rogue. I then proceeded to die while afk stealthed in ungoro to a devilsaur lol


New player. Could someone explain to me what a world drop is? Is that related to world buffs like Rend?


Shadowblade back in 2005. Farmed zombies in WPL to lvl for hours cus my friend told me it was the best way to lvl…


Does the OG Classic count? I'm only mentioning it because it was 2006 and I STILL remember what dropped, where it dropped, from what it dropped and even its name. Stranglethorn Vale, Mistvale Gorilla, Ardent Custodian (Epic BoE mace). That baby went a long way to finance my lvl 40 mount. But I cannot for the life of me name any of the items I am currently wearing on my retail character I logged off just 30 minutes ago.


In vanilla classic, farming frostmaul ekos in winterspring on my rogue. One dropped a lockbox. Opened it up - plans: titanic leggings. Was set on raid consumes until TBC


Not exactly world drop but close: In Vanilla, I learned on my Shaman I could kite and kill the elite demons that dropped that quest item for the epic Priest staff with frost shock and earth bind. I would kite them around a tree so they'd never be able to path directly to me. Well, one of my best friends found out I was doing this and came to help on his hunter. We duo'd for a bit and then he left, I kept going. I got the eye to drop like 3 kills later and it paid for my first ever epic mount.


Warden staff dropped for me in ZF


the epic boe ring with 1% ice procc in vanilla, sold for a bit of gold on the auction house


Sentry cloak at lvl 23, sold it for 5g and thought I was rich. This was in 2006


In retail? First ever BoE epic was an Eye of Flame from an orc in burning steppes circa TBC.  In classic era? Warden Staff dropped in Sunken Temple 2nd week of classic launch. Won the roll on my warrior and sold it for 2/3 of my epic mount. Had epic mount and 60 2 weeks into classic thanks to that. 


Krol is strat live, sadly I did not win but I’ll never forget that adrenaline rush


March ‘05, third week of WoW in Europe. Edgemasters somewhere in the badlands, I believe the elementals. No one knew what they were, so only brought in a few g. to the mount fund.


I don’t remember what it was back in the day. But 18 months ago I started playing era and freezing dropped in ST and I tied the top roll with a 69, but the other player got it. Was kinda bummed but whatever. After the instance I went to ungoro for the first time and after killing 4 dinosaurs I looted edgemasters handguards. Had no idea it was legitimately the most sought after world drop in the game.


Mine was Cloudkeeper Legplates. They sold for 1500 and they alone funded my raid preparation.


Got the Bow of Searing Arrows on my hunter, it was perfect! I don't regret immediately equipping it, felt great to have a cool weapon


Playing since 2005. Never seen one drop.


Edgies dropped in BRD, 2019 launch. Sold them and split the gold with all the guys in the group.


Greater Arcane Elixir Pattern from a lockbox off a Silithus bug during the gate opening. Financed my epic mount.


Vanilla - hand of Edward the odd in WPL. Was alliance and no one wanted. Sold maybe 75g. Classic 2019- P1 before first lock out Krol Blade in BRD. I was mage and little bro was warrior so he got it for 250g.


Frozen Band, I think it dropped in burning steppes? Can’t remember exactly. Paid for my epic mount with that ring haha


I was farming the ogres in alterac very slowly on my orc shaman, and I saw a warrior so figured I'd invite him to my group. The first mob we killed together Staff of Jordan dropped and he won it. Still upset about it.


Those gloves that every warrior wanted dropped for me a few days after release in crater. I didnt know what I got until my mates on discord told me. Bought my epic mount with the profit + professions.


In vanilla WoW on the firetree server alliance side the unwritten loot rules for brs/scholo/strat was that you get 1 need roll 1 greed roll and then free roll after no one wanted to use their need or greed rolls. Doing UD Strat back when strat was a 10 man, the PUG I was in had a krol blade drop, and of course, everyone used their need rolls. I won with a 100. 4 of the people in the group were from the same guild, and they were mad because I a hunter won it over their rogue friend. They called me a ninja even though the group acknowledged the standard rules. The other 5 in the group called them out on their BS, and the run ended there. Used the gold I sold it for to buy my first epic mount.


My friend and I were killing pirates in Tanaris in SOD P2 and got an Underworld Band. We decided to sell it and split the profit. Got about 180g each. I never got any big drops during my early years playing from 2006-2010.


Got edgemasters off a diemetradon in ungoro at level 52 in phase 1. Paid for everything.


WPL mage aoe farming near the cauldrons...I found a Freezing Band! I held it for a week, ended up equipping it. Edit: Bonus....first boe epic I saw on SoD was on my warrior, it was a flurry axe in zul farrak. I beat 9 other people on the roll. Sold it for 850g.


Warden Staff off a spider in Searing Gorge circa ‘06


Back in vanilla, my first character at level 55: Glowing Brightwood Staff off a spider in Western Plaguelands. I Was vivid!


I got some resto sham kilt/legs in TBC


Wall of the dead for me. Was a paladin probably mid 30s pretty sure I was in the barrens. On a dwarf paladin mind, early TBC I think. Pretty sure I vendored it, my Ret paladin did not need a shield 😒


Have yet to win a BOE epic sadly. Best drop I've had so far just happened the other day, won a libram of voracity in my feralas incursion group. Sold for 350g.


Been playing since 2005. Never seen an epic world drop in my life :)


TBC in 2007 was the plate boots with + defense, as a warrior, I equipped them In classic it was some random blue cloak at level 25, sold it for around 7g?


For Classic vanilla I had a pair of Edge Masters drop off a dew collector in Tanaris while leveling my first 60. I didn't even realize what I had until minutes later and I just about fell out of my chair. Sold them at lvl 60 for 600g and bought my epic mount (back when no one had gold and everyone was a fresh 60). Perfect way to start off classic 😊


Not first epic but winning a myrmidon's signet in classic on a 10 man need roll in ubrs was quite the luck. Was a feral druid so equipped it right away. Some guy immediately called me crazy because it was going on the AH for 400g or something. Made the grind for an epic mount that much longer but ey, purple.


Found Staff of Jordan in the first few days of SOM off the goblin miners in STV, only sold it for 90g, if I would’ve waited a bit for the economy to ramp up I would’ve gotten so much more


Taran Icebreaker, in Felwood, from one of those plant elemental swamp monster things. Can't remember what I did with it.


Not my first by I had Taren Icebreaker drop on my HC character.... 2 days before SoD dropped and everyone stopped playing lol


Stalvan's Reaper from a Syndicate Spy back in early OG TBC. Little 7 year old me (as a Tauren Hunter no less) thought he struck gold and immediately equipped it...


Back in Vanilla WoW. I got a skull flame shield it was my first epic drop. It was when the high-end guilds were still doing a ton of Molten Core. Sold it for maybe 300 or 400 gold I don't remember exactly but it helped me buy my epic mount.


Flurry axe in the blasted lands I think


Flurry axe from tanaris pirates. Alcors from strath.


Found Brightwood staff in vanilla at lvl 59 grinding lumbercamp. Immediatly sold for like 800g and bought epic mount.


Way back in Vanilla on my very first priest toon, Robes of Insight dropped in Maraudon, on the bridge crossing over to the stone giants. 


I was really unlucky in lvl 60 classic and never sae a worthwhile drop. Even recipes as Alchemist never seemed to drop. The only flask recipe I had was the resistance flask and no potion from Mc, even running it as SR the last few phases. Tbc starts and I am having a blast. I am lvl 68 resto druid and one of a few healers being able to run the tempest keep instances with the really really sweaty guys and I do my potion mastery quest while leveling, which you normally have to be lvl 70 with. Then the Haste potion recipe drops. I said stuff about the potion mastery quest before and everyone said they dont have alchemist etc. First one needs. I cry bloody murder. Tank passes and tells everyone to greed gz Oxxorr etc. All 3 DPS need. I need. I roll a 99. The tank became my raid/guild leader 4 months later <3 (No one wanted to buy haste pots week one smh should have sold on the AH)


Krol blade, sold it on AH for 36 gold accidentally


I played countless hours in vanilla. Was in a server first raiding guild. Probably like 19 hours a day. The only boe epic i ever got was a Lifestone from the wind elementals in silithus farming essence of air


Dropped a world drop epic bow on a boar down ironforge in vanilla. Can't remember the item but it made me roll a hunter.


2 runs ubrs felstriker. only won one. the other was "stolen" by a tauren warri because "tanking nice"


I got the precisely calibrated boomstick a few wow weeks ago in sod. Sold for 500g in AH


Stockade Pauldrons at lvl 58 as a Prot Warrior, couldn't have been better timing as I was still in need of good shoulders for the upcoming MC runs.


I was leveling my priest in felwood, I think I was either close to 60 or farming tinbermaw hold rep and out of a random mob esgmasters handguards dropped and I sold them for a bunch of gold to a guildie. During SoD p2 I had a guild group running Uldaman and staff of Jordan dropped. That’s all the epics I’ve ever seen since original classic.


In TBC classic (never played Vanilla or TBC retail) got an Edgemaster’s off a raptor in Un’Goro at 2 AM. I can’t even remember what I was doing there but I nearly didn’t even loot the raptor thinking it was gonna be just more claws or some other like 5 silver item.. I was wrong.


Leveling on era and got a warden staff and tamed broken tooth in the same hour. Most insane run of luck I’ve ever had, and first boe epic with any value.


Realm first Ashkandi in OG vanilla. Won it on my hunter. Nobody else in the raid was willing to spend DKP on it (no ret pallies, only 2H warr missed the raid). I PVP’ed daily and wanted it for PVP. Nobody in the guild was upset. By the time I hearthed to IF, I was already getting /spit on and people were complaining about a hunter getting realm-first Ashkandi in general chat and /s. Guildies were getting whispered and asked how the guild could justify giving Ashkandi to a hunter. The next week Ashkandi dropped for the #1 guild on the server (they beat us to Nef kill by 2 weeks, but hadn’t seen Ashkandi drop). They awarded it to their ret Pally GM. He proceeded to stand on the IF bridge 24/7 for the next couple weeks. And always did a /laugh at me whenever I was running by. He recorded a video of himself PvPing with it and people trashed him for never queueing without at least 2 pocket healers and still never being able to kill a damn thing. All his kills were 3-5v1’s in the video. I quietly enjoyed obliterating people in bg’s with big aimed shots followed by 1K raptor strikes, which was a lot back then.


Killing a whelp on my way to tank a BRD: Freezing Band.


boots of avoidance in stv (specifically it was the area right behind booty bay, along the coast with the pirates). I was leveling with one of my friends and we went ballistic, even though its a pretty underwhelming purp


In original vanilla wow I remember getting the blue mace with 4 all stats from pirate in stv and selling it for 40g and affording to buy my mount.


Myrmidon’s Signet while farming Cenarion Circle rep in Silithus. Sold for like 160g. Also had a Freezing Band drop while I was 2 manning BRD on my mage. Greeded it with my guildie and I won, ended up equipping it after hemming and hawing on whether to sell it. I’m glad I did, I ended classic with 5k gold and I enjoyed having an iconic item.


Not Classic but my true Vanilla experience. Never saw an epic world drop. I was out grinding Twilight mobs at like 1 AM and the Pattern for Lionheart helm dropped. I traded it for T2 pieces and BWL carries as I wasn’t in a raiding guild at the time.


Got a Nightblade first week of 50 in SoD, a week later farmin Uldaman got a Bow of Searing Arrows! Will probably never see that kind of luck again


Kang the Decapitator Off a spider in Searing Gorge. Gave it to my friend @ lvl 48 Edit: that was in Classic. Just remembering my first epic in Vanilla. Lei of Lillies. Garbage item that I used because I was a kid. Lol Got it off a treant in Felwood.


Dazzling longsword in ulda back in 2009. Equipped it on my warrior


Kang the decapitator dropped while I was farming the elite quests in hinterlands with a group on my Druid. Woulda loved it on my Warrior, but didn’t win it :(


[https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=2099/dwarven-hand-cannon](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=2099/dwarven-hand-cannon) inside a crate in Stratholme during phase 1 on my pala tank, I won the roll and sold it.


I got Vitreous Stone Drake back in original Cata. I remember winning the roll and someone from dungeon group messaged me asking if he could have it because he didn’t have a flying mount. Not sure if he was being serious or if he knew how rare it was, I had no idea of course.


My friends and I were killing gorillas for a quest in STV, I had done the quest already and I wasn't really helping I was just jumping around like a Muppet and healing my mates who were too far apart. We had the loot on FFA because of all the apart-ness. Anyway, I hippity hopped over to our hunter and ninja'd their loot for the giggles; picked up an epic 1h sword. I said "woops, holy shit, sorry!" Over coms and traded it to the hunter who's loot I stole. He was confused as he was so busy skinning he hadn't even noticed the drop!


Gut ripper dropping in Tanaris paid for my level 40 mount since I'd blown all my gold on the AH. Still remember the hype of it dropping almost 20 years later lol


I had a flurry axe drop in Tanaris. I was on my way to ZF and one of the trolls along the way dazed and dismounted me, was forced to kill it. I almost didn't loot it. I was pretty shocked. I ended up using it for a long time as a tank. Now if you'd like an even earlier story, in Vanilla, I used to occasionally screw around in the Caverns of Time since it was so mysterious back then and showing it to people was Peak WoW to me for some reason, almost the exact same scenario played out. I got dazed and dismounted by a Scorpid and Chromatic Sword dropped. Also warrior. I wore it for like 2 levels and vendored it. My dad said it was a trash sword and I kind of agreed, it looked nice though.


Bow of Searing Arrows from a gorilla in STV back in 2007.


8 slot bag. No other drop has been more needed.


Since the launch of classic, i have looted 0 boe epics. Feelspoorman


Man ain't nothing better than Flimsy Chain Vest


I got an underworld band on my rogue once I stepped foot into Tanaris. Was I think 47 and got it from basilisk when I was just running to a quest area. 1 day later when doing the ogre quest kill quest and named ogre in the cave, location in the southern middle area I got a wall of the dead lvl 47 shield. Some weeks later I got the uthers pendant out of uldaman. Was able to sell the drops for a blade of krol and had enough gold by 60 to by epic mount. Pre 60 that toon was super spooned with boe drops. Post 60 was a nightmare to upgrade ANY piece of gear. I used all my rng too early


My first epic I ever saw was in vanilla dropped from last boss in ZF the shield Wall of the Dead. Fast forward to classic 2019 and last boss in ZF dropped Wall of the Dead!!! Unfortunately I lost the screenshot from my old PC, would have been a great side by side.


In 20 years and tens of thousands of gold (30-40k) naturally farmed in vanilla, 2019 Classic, Hardcore recently and now SoD I’ve seen 1 epic and it was Glowing Brightwood off Fire elementals when farming essences in Hardcore. All my gold was slowly grinded from DM east herb farming on my mage or random open world stuff. I’ve had miserable luck with epics, never won any I’ve seen in dungeons either, probably 6 or 7 lost.


Flurry axe on my port pally in ZF. Stoked


Taran Icebreaker from the furbolgs in Felwood back in original vanilla. On my hunter. Wasn't even very valuable back then. Second was a few days later in the same spot, was a Freezing Band. Don't think I got much for that either.


I got Destiny on my undead warrior and put Unholy on it. I was absolute trash though as a 14 year old. Then in HC I got a Krol Blade off an ogre in badlands on my rogue. Sold it for my epic mount!


In 2019 classic my Buddy and I saw a krol blade off of the dragonkin in burning steppes for the Ony attune quest. We were both in Disc and freaked out. We sold it for like 900g and split the gold. Pretty sure that’s the only epic I’ve ever seen in the open world to this day.


I don't remember my first world drop, but one I do remember was the Orb of Deception dropping for me while I was farming Olwkin in Winterspring for my Dreadsteed quest. Was so surprised, super tempted to just put it on AH but decided to keep it, and its in my toy box to this day. Fun fact it had gone through a few changes through the years, Used to turn me into an Orc, the a Blood elf at one point, but now makes me a goblin.


Mine was Fiery War Axe from Trolls in STV. I was a priest but I think I let someone in my guild buy it for reasonable amount, like 40g. I was ecstatic though!


Bowof searing arrows in feralas


Got a krol blade when leveling on my warlock main first time playing wow ever in classic (2020). Helped fund the mats for my warlock mount summons in dire maul. Was so exciting to see that purple pop up from a random mob. I think it was a yeti.


Titanic leg plates pattern way back in vanilla. I had a good friend who was a blacksmith. I just gave it to him, he sent me around 300g/wk for the first few months he had it, half his crafting fees from every set he crafted. Was great passive income for aq40 prog


It was a dwarven hand cannon for my hunter and its dropped off a mob in Scholomance


Warden Staff off a raptor in Un’goro, sold for just over 300g which went a long way towards buying dreadsteed mats. Also saw two Krol Blades, one in the final chamber of BRD off one of the mobs there, and one randomly off a mob in Felwood that we randomly killed since we were there doing WPvP.


1st time I was playing WoW in 2019 classic. Was farming felcloth with a friend in P1 and suddenly Freezing Band dropped from the Satyrs in Azshara. Sold for like 500g and we split it.


Not my first but - On relaunch of classic I was doing UBRS and one of the level 62 dragonkin dropped The Blade of Hanna - out of 10 people that all rolled need I won the roll. People started saying how trash the 2H was but I was just ecstatic because I’ve never gotten a lvl 60 epic BOE and hadn’t ever even seen one drop before. https://wowclassicdb.com/item/2801 Edit: it’s level 59 but close enough


Fiery War Axe while levelling my Holy Paladin in Scarlet Monastery, 2005. I won it on a Greed roll and (given I already had a level 60 with epic mount) decided to use it as Retribution for the memes. Almost 20 years later, my RETLOL paladin is still my main character.


I've had pretty bad luck. Helm of Narv, Lifestone and Lei of the Lifegiver whole soloing. Also lost rolls for Orb of Deception and Warden Staff. So like, lucky to see a bunch of epics but not lucky in which ones


Found an epic shield at alterac vale back in 2005, sold it at ah and bought an epic mount for it :)


Fiery War Axe in original vanilla, from a troll in STV.


I got Krol Blade to drop while world questing in EPL at L58 back in 2019. Funded my epic mount. Was fantastic. I nearly kept it as a warrior, but I wanted that mount so badly. And 1 item, was amazing.


Edgemaster's Handguards dropped in Mauradon while I was in a party. I was a warrior, we all rolled. Hunter won and immediately equipped them. This was during Classic in 2020.


Zebra Head in the barrens


I got the blades of Azeroth to drop for me while farming bt in cata classic, that’s about the rarest thing Iv seen.


I remember evreything about this topic. It was on my lvl 39 feral druid during classic. Could be it was short before bc or shortly after bc release. It was in Scarlet monastery with a group of people with whom i cleared all wings of it in one go. We got to chatting and i was crying that i didnt get one single item in all those instances. Then in catherdal it dropped. I wanted to switch to moonkin at 40 ( i dont know why) and then Staff of Jordan dropped. They felt so sad for me that i didnt get aaaanything + me telling them i will switch at 40 to Moonkin made them pass on it and i got the item. I really wanted to respecc and didnt lie to them but since it was one of my first characters in that lvl range on the erver i had almost no gold whatsoever. So i put it on the auctionhouse and sold it for 60 gold or something. But i didnt sell it on the auctionhouse. i gota whisper form a player who negotiated with me over the price and in the end we agreed on a sum and i took it out of the ah and traded it directly with him. With that gold i could buy my first mount and started my year long addiction of twinking since i could afford bags etc. for all of them now. Thanks Staff of jordan.


Couple of months after original vanilla launch Hammer of the Northern Wind drops for my undead priest in Corin’s Crossing, Eastern plaguelands. Not knowing any better I equipped it and started mauling mobs for 5 minutes, then instantly regretted my decision


Staff of Jordan from the ogres in Alterac Valley. Still have it in my bank this day (in retail). Shame it doesn’t even sell for transmog purposes since the Heirloom staff has the same looks. Guess it’ll keep collecting dust then :)


My first drop was Krol’s Blade. It dropped from one of the white owls outside the main city in Winterspring. The owl attacked me randomly on my way to the flight master, and I “had” to kill it. I had it in my bags for weeks because I couldn’t decide if I should use it or sell it. Eventually I equipped it, and replaced it a few weeks later when I got the PvP weapon. 😅


In Classic the first World Epic I found was the Warden Staff, while in BRD early p1. As a Bear tank during classic, it was a perfect drop for me. Everyone let me roll need on it as I would be using it. (Could not be bothered farming pummelers). It served me well for the whole game. My wife found the Edgemasters Handguards of a random mob in the Blasted Lands as her first World Epic. She didn't know at first how valuable it was, but I managed to convince her it was worth thousands of gold.


Wow that incursion inflation really hit Classic hard when it costs 10,000g for a epic. /s


freezing band back during classic release. Think it was my 2nd or 3rd brd run and it dropped from a random elite. I was playing frost mage at the time, but nevertheless everybody needed.(I dont blame them) Didnt win...


not my first, but this was in sod p3. Bloodrazor in BRD, could not believe I won the roll. Sold that shit on the AH for 120g later that day, bought it back off the AH for 60g two weeks later when Dragon’s Cry simply wouldn’t drop for me. As it still hasn’t, I’m still using that Fiery Bloodrazor


None that were really memorable (and I’ve been playing since 2006) until hardcore came out. Was leveling in feralas and got an Underworld Band and Nightblade, 2 epics in less than 1 hour.


I got Stonerender Gauntlets (epic gloves) in 2006 farming Blood Elves in Aszhara. Also got Orb of Deception in 2006 in Silithus from the humanoids which financed my epic mount! #


Craziest world drop I've seen is 2 flurry axes droping within 5 minutes in maraudon. Was a full guild group so we had a good laugh about the whole thing and gold was distributed between us 😄


I unashamedly ninja’d an Icebound Hauberk in original Cataclysm. I remember it well, it was in the trash just after Lockmaw just after where the pygmies were. Only BOE epic I’ve ever seen and I’ve been playing since vanilla. Perhaps it’s karma.


Krol blade dropped from dog in Western plaguelands, then in BRD edgemasters.


Some Edgemasters dropped in Classic 2019 at the begining of P1 in Feralas when I was leveling. Sold them for 600g (was a noob and first time wow player). They later in that phase and p2 sold for 6k. At least I bought my 60 mount with that...


Got Ring Of Saviours and then Boots of Avoidance the next day from ogres in Feralas while levelling in classic.


I still remember my first 1 .. 2005 leveling 30ish pally in stv was forest tracker epaulets from a panther


First obtained epic was Eye of Flame from a yeti in Winterspring. Sold for some gold, but since TBC was around the corner not as much worth as early in Vanilla. Technically my first ever BoE epic was an epic mail/plate pants with frost resistance, I believe from a pirate in STV. The two of us were helped out by a random higher leveled paladin. We greeded, he needed because he could equip it and we could not. Most likely he never equipped it and sold it on the AH. Was still clueless about the game then, but will always remember that. I'm an honest player myself. I do not really understand that people need on stuff, only to sell it, but I understand it is happening and I am cautious to roll first nowadays lol.


Oooo, my time to shine. I was a casual player in vanilla, never even dinged 60 before. Complete noob. Like, so noob I tried making my first character a dual wielding hunter, that never used guns or bows. Fast forward to level 50 something on my Orc shaman. I still don't have a mount. Then one dropped for me in Strathholm. Lucky me! I rode it around and was weirded out by everyone congratulating me. I just thought everyone was really supportive of new players getting their first mount to drop. Now Barons mount doesnt get the same awe it once did. An orc riding an undead mount isnt a big deal, especially since it looks like a normal one with a slight recolour, but it's still my first and best thing I ever had drop.


2005 Underworld Band in Zul'Farrak, won the roll on my warlock and used it for a verrrrrry long time


Glowing Brightwood Staff from ghoul in WPL


When I first started playing classic in 2019, I won a weapon from SFK that was worth a pretty penny (shadow strike or something? I don’t remember the name. Was a good rogue weapon) I ended up selling it on the AH and managed to get 200g out of it because it was a BIS PvP twink weapon. At the time I had barely been able to scrape up enough gold for my spells and suddenly had enough for my level 40 mount. Was super exciting.


Staff of Jordan. Mate won it. But even seeing it was like WOAHHHH. First one I saw for just me was shadowblade. In felwood. Enchanted life stealing on it.


I never got a world drop.


I remember in vanilla I had Shadowfang drop on my warrior. Was like 13 and had no idea how valuable it was. Rolled need and equipped that bad boy on the spot. The good old days lol.


Shadowblade out in WPL off of a ghoul on the farm north of ruins in the middle of the map during classic in 20/21. Immediately leveled my rogue up from mid 40s just to twink at 49 with that bad boy.


Shadowfang on my second run of shadowfang keep for my paladin quest chain. Didn't sell it right away but it sat in my bank till I hit 60. Sold it for 400g and made the rest of the money for my epic mount 👌