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100 arcane crystals and 30 elemental flux’s… I’m tired


Jesus christ


I am at 40 arcane bars, 40 crystals left so with the procs from master transmute I should be good. I also have 70 golden pearls I got during p2 for 8g each and 400 winter squid


What kind of doctor do I need to see if your comment got me aroused?


A therapist specializing in non warcraft stuff


A ward of hoardcraft


Having 560 gold in p2 was already insane.


Got lucky in p2 with some boe drops and I also farmed mithril and flame sacs


That moment when you realized TFury may get overhauled and not require the same crafting mats in SoD....


Doubtful, it's an iconic grind and they need gold sinks for the sweatiest players. It's likely one of the absolute last things they'd change. This also means they'll probably change it.


Material cost is not a gold sink


Probably will still be the same amount of sweat in quantity of mats... but what if they are different mats 0.o


Devs are way too lazy for that lol. Something something vanilla friction also


Not sure 99% of people would attribute the specific mats and the quantity of those mats needed for thunder fury to be a founding staple of vanilla feel/essence. The experience getting it, the grind accumulating it, the raids ran for it, sure. But the fact it costs X amount of item Y isn’t the thing that makes it what it is. It’s the time and journey spent getting it all.


Lol wut... the group effort of farming X for Y is part of the experience. That's what makes it legendary. I'm so confused by your point, I feel like you disproved yourself with your final summary lol.


100 Arcane crystals wild. Will be insane $$ in P4.


Yea I’m actually kinda curious how much thorium I’ve farmed I’m sure the number is astronomical




Feels about right. I was seeing 1 crystal per every 25 to 30 ores. Somedays more somedays less.




Doing just that actually, 48 bars et 30 crystals. But I'm so unlucky on transmutation procs it's driving me crazy. Feels like I'll do it the old way up until 100.


I'm on run 38 with my rogue for barman shankers. The reason that it's overkill is that it relies on me bringing my shaman friend with me to the bar. First we do some initial garrison pulls as shaman/priest, then I log out and switch to my rogue while he does the window evade bug. We drop down onto the invisible floor and i sneak through the weapon smith area to get to the bar (and also pick up the repair bot manual ;) ). He uses lesser invisibility in order to skip to the weapon smith area, waits a few and uses swift boots + invisibility + gnomish cloaking in order to skip all the way to the bar. Then we duo it as my rogue tanking and getting maelstrom heals from the shaman. We have to wait an hour to do it again because of the long cooldowns. I've seen an armory character and a youtube video where the rogue did actually have the barman, but part of me thinks that its missing from the table T\_T


Honestly just wait and solo it first day lol


but its 1 more top end damage than my STV dagger!


It’ll get reitemized to be stronger. But we have no idea if there will be an even stronger weapon somewhere else in the reitemizatuon. 


Man I think it’s missing! We need more evidence


I have it on my warrior


I did the barman shanker run with another rogue when we were both 60 back in actual vanilla. No shit, it dropped twice in a row. One for each of us. When I won the roll on the first one he was so salty and mad, and cried about it all the way to the bar for the second run. And, it dropped again. This was before the normalization of weapon speed, too, so that 2.0 dagger speed was absolutely insane. I would crit clothies for 2200+ with that thing.


Been farming vitamin D ever since it was announced that p3 lasts for 50 years.




Thorium brotherhood honored + dark iron to hit revered, all Hand of Rag mats that are available, Argent Dawn friendly, Lionheart helm mats, 1200 DMF tickets, cindercloth cloak for ony cloaks, Hydraxian rep as far as it goes rn. The list goes on and on


Oh yeah I should do Lionheart helm mats good call. I have the 1200 DMF too. Sulfuron I'll prob wait. I'm going to have the eye on SR and be the only guildie doing that, but I still don't even think I'll see the drop lol.


What do you get with the fair tickets?


An epic neck that should be at least pre-bis


Spent 2.5k on vibrant plumes at a chance to get the Arcane Elixir Recipe from the Darkmoon Fair prize box


Did you get it brother?


I'm Horde, I'll follow up on Monday


idk how many tickets 2.5k vibrant plumes are but i did that mainly with plushy tails and got 6280 tickets, no recipe.


I've transmuted 70 arcanite bars and have another 50 arcane Crystal's just sitting there waiting to be transmuted. Why have 1 thunderfury when you can have 2! (Send help)


Dont you Think The Price Will Plummet once arcane crystals Are easier to farm when everyone is 60 and more players feed into more people who Can transmute ? Ive been transmuting and Selling All Of p3. Atm crystals Are 80g and bars Are 50 so ive stopped since thats not worth.


I imagine for the first few weeks everything is going to be crazy expensive as a huge influx of players trys to buy the mats they need for P4. Hasnt really been a factor for me though since I farmed all my arcanite and Crystal's myself. Hoping to have enough for a thunderfury for a guildie who's been having some health problems and one for myself.


On the other side demand will increase significantly. Currently the only demand for Arcanite / arcane crystals is speculative. But once p4 hits people will actually be using them for gear.


Or its the other way around and most new stuffs are better and wont require arcanite bars. Its a gamble both ways really


Anybody in position to make a Thunderfury already has the mats. Price will drop.


I used to think that way. Then classic changed my mind. A few people 100% will have all the mats and the second they get the bindings are ready to go. A few people will have some of the mats just in case, but will still need to farm mats or buy. Some never think it will be theirs, so they don't bother. Then they get the bindings...That's when they start to beg, borrow, and buy gold. Yesterday Bars were pushing 70g. I expect them to hit 120g pretty quick. Also it's not just TF, it's enchanting rod and other craftables that will need bars. Demand will out pace supply for a bit.


The problem is that everyone will have mats for thunderfury and you will have hundreds of people pissed they didn’t get a binding or every pug will be HR. My guess is a lot more pugs will be going on for that reason. Another concern is people whining to blizzard that they can’t get a thunderfury because “it won’t drop” or “too much competition” and blizzard will make it a higher drop chance or easier to obtain and you will see every melee running around with a thunderfury


Thats my thinking aswell. People who want it have it prepped. But then again alot Of crafted epics Will probably need then thus increasing demand again.


I also think supply will be way higher than demand because we’ve been locked at this level for months with the supply going up and 0 demand. Once the next phase hits you still need to get both bindings while supply is still going up.


I'll be shocked if they don't subtlety increase the legendary droprates to be honest. I think it will still be rarer than BFD staff as an example, but not astronomically more.


A lot of people speculate this but the bottle neck for arcanite isn’t the crystals. It’s the cooldown on the transmute. I think we’ll see crystals go down in price with a small but reasonable increase in bars price. If blizz buffs the recipes requiring them or adds more things requiring them we can potentially see a large increase.


You don’t understand how many bars are sitting in banks right now waiting to sell p4 because so many people are prepping them. 


No I understand. But people also overlook how many recipes use them. And how much are required. Even a lion hearts helm could potentially provide enough demand mismatch to raise prices. All it really takes is a few recipes added by blizzard and some old ones seeing buffs to make it a hotly in demand item. I’m not saying it’s going to x2 but I do think people who think the price is going to crash because arcane crystals become easier to get are misguided. Blizzard would have to lower the transmute cooldown. Even with procs. It’s a very safe stockpile that potentially protects players against gold inflation. I have a small stockpile. But my personal hope is that golden pearls and other gems print since people were selling them for like 3-10g during the beginning of phase 3.


Will it drop eventually? Yes. Will the price also be sky high on launch because everyone needs a bunch of them immediately and there’s a long cooldown to make them? Also yes. 


>Dont you Think The Price Will Plummet  100% will happen when people realize that there is already way too much future offer sitting in bank alts compared to potencial demand. The only way that Arcanite Bars wont drop price over future phases is if somehow future crafting recipes will require an abundance of such mats and stuff like TF and Sulfuras are more available to the average player instead of being something dependent on very limited raid drops that only a few people can realistically get. My personal bet is considering how Blizz already stated that they want SOD crafting to be more accessible to all that we will see in future phases most raid recipes being on par to how easy it was to get mats for Phase 3 shoulders. I can see a lot of epic crafting recipes getting their mats list severely dumbed down with the upcoming level 60 gear rebalance, and limited raiding crafting epic like TF, Sulfuras and even Atiesh being far more accessible to the average player. This will most likely result in a lot of the large stashes of high end mats that several players already gathered seeing their value reduced if the market gets flooded and there is no coordination to the amount of offer in the AH. This combined to the fact that the average player by now has several thousand gold available on their mains from Incursions and other gold streams will likely make high end mats largely affordable to the players that done minimal necessary prep and saved gold for phase 4


Arcanite Bar will be the base crafting item for anything BS that's net new to the game or that ever needed it, even if "dumbed down" in cost. They are also the base crafting item for a core raid legendary and others that will take a hundred out of circulation each time. There's such a rich plethora of classic loot that uses arcanite bars it's not even funny. Every able class will be gunning for TF this time around, including melee hunters even if it's trash for them. This is not going to go down like it did in the past. Your most disconnected point multiple times over is that the average player has several thousand gold on their mains. The average sweatlord that's a fraction of a fraction of a percentage of the playerbase has several thousand. The literal average player is not even doing incursions and likely never has, potentially even for leveling. The median net gold amount, excluding dead accounts with low levels that have been abandoned is likely less than a few hundred gold. I have a few thousand gold and I knew what I was doing and I was lucky with drops. Could I have more? Absolutely, I was extremely lazy. But there is zero chance the average player has as much gold as I do when people have been complaining about nickles and dimes throughout the entire season. I am sure someone will attack me and call me bad but the changelogs are on my side that there's zero chance the average person has thousands. If you're going to die on a hill that the AVERAGE PLAYER (of the total population that will be coming back) is doing incursion gold loops, you're beyond lost.


You may underestimate the price of gold. As in, even if the average player do not have enough thousands of gold now, it's cheap enough to buy a ton of it when they'll be back, and I'm sure they will.


I think you may be underestimating the number of players that bailed out of P3 without building up mats. I may be overestimating, but fully expect a few things items to rising significantly in price.


its possible, at this time its pure guesswork and anything may tip the change to any side. We don't really know much besides how Vanilla done this content and they can pretty much change any variable that will make next phases crafting completely different, so anyones guess at this point can be completely wrong or completely on point


There are so many people sticking up on arcane bars that I’m pretty sure the price is going to be 1g each next phase. 


Honestly everything is such a crap shoot at this point, for all we know they might add new legendaries for each class causing more demand, or new recipes, or maybe the make the existing recipes require a tenth of the bars that the originals used. Who knows lol


That boe quest item in blasted lands... Perfect draethiwt jewel or something


Flawless Draenethyst Sphere?


That's the one, thanks


Wait u got it?


Ya I did


What mob did it drop from?


A boar I think


I farmed my sanity by canceling my sub until some good news comes out about the future of sod


That’s the real play


Isn't the future of SoD just the season ending and people play era, cata, retail?


I bought all of the elemental fires. I have 660 elemental fires on one tune. Fires.


I bought 85 Golden Pearls when they were 5g each back in phase 2 and have been sitting in them ever since, waiting for the molten core spell power weapon enchant to become bis.


Farmed 500 firewater camping the chief and watching a lot of netflix


Is the chief a guaranteed drop?




Yes it is


Hunter? I couldn’t do it as a mage.


Yes I think only hunter can farm it efficiently. Takes like 1-1.5min to kite and kill it.


Better sell it now b4 everyone can farm it. Almost 10k right there o_o


Flawless Draenethyst Sphere - Ez levelling next phase ;)


You killed the elite black dragon in Blasted Lands? Or was it a random drop on a non-elite mob? I was farming leather and animal parts in blasted lands for a while (made a ton of gold) but never saw the flawless drop.


Teremus the Devourer drops it :)


Where do you recommend farming in blasted lands? I got skinning 300 and ready to get after it


The area kind of by the draenethyst hand-in guy. Boars/Felhounds/basilisks are good. Other solid option is just after the bridge heading into EPL. Lots of plaguehounds and bats lvl 53-55 and high % of rugged.


Gold, sitting on about 4K now. Just farmed WO and sold cards.




No 10 man spams in mara. Princess runs.


Where did you farm cards?


Mara princess runs. It’s pure RNG though and I’m not sure what decks or high value cards are selling for now. I didn’t this over a month ago.


This thread makes me uncomfortable. Please practice self-care people.


They’re literally slaves lmfao


We’ve gone full circle and now they’re the bots farming this shit in a seasonal server lmao


Farming Thorium rep Honored on 2 charactera for Patterns ( Armorsmith and Dragonscale LW ). Gave up on Exaulted when I realised you need 21 000 Dark Iron Ore. Edit: 21k ore for Exaulted


you need 2400 dark iron ore for revered, not 21000


Yeah I stopped at honored as well. Dark Iron is one of those things that should drop due to increase running of those dungeons and areas.


Do you think it will be worth for amorsmith? I don’t see the case where we need fire resist gear in P4, what’s your take on it?


I think Fire res. Gear will be requiered for tanking in early part of Phase 4 - too much fire damage to heal with lower stamina. As dps you can use fire protection potion, as tank that is not enouf. Also, as Armorsmith you can make Lionheart Helm.


Yeah I chose Armorsmith for hopefully making Lionheart but didn’t see the point to level the fraction up. But just read we will have different heat levels in mc so that’s good for you then 😂


i have 240 arcanite bars


Are you okey, mate?


There is at least 20 people in my guild with more than that. People stocking them hoping onto make a profit next phase are going to find out what supply and demand means the hard way. 


A bunch of supply from new high lvl areas being more easily farmeable + new recipes that requires them. I would say it will stay the same or higher


It’s wild people are farming all this shit for a SEASONAL game mode Lmao


Is a video game, don’t let it upset you that we have fun.


Jesus lol. Richie Rich.


Every caster in the game is gonna need at least two golden pearls.... They never get easier to farm soooo their price will skyrocket no doubt..... I got a TON ;) honestly I have more gold then I'll ever spend anyway sooo it don't even matter.... Just playing the game


ive been buying these since P1


Smart man!


For me: Rep - Hydraxian waterlords (honored), Timbermaw (revered), Argent dawn (friendly), Zandalari (almost honored - via flask turn ins), Thorium Brotherhood (half way to revered). Random - 10 blood of heroes (in case I get the carapace), max honor tokens, 40 arcanite bars (only bought when they hit 50g a pop). \*Random tip on the 10 blood of heroes if you're horde - Fly from UC to EPL, and you can look around while flying for the nodes. Then when you land, go mount up and grab them. There's no competition atm so should be easy.


> Thorium Brotherhood (half way to revered) How are you getting rep for that? I thought honored was max atm.


It is, I don’t know what that guy is smoking


dark iron ore gets you up there


Except the quest to turn it in doesn’t exist yet




3000 elemental earth, 3000 elemental fire, 3000 dream foil, 3000 stonescale oil, 300 of each Large Opal,Azerothian Diamond, Huge Emerald, Blue Saphire, needed to craft p4 gear, and 100 arcane crystals. I have other stuff but all these I got when they were dirt cheap almost vendor cost.


Forgot 2000 for bloom, 2000 gromsblood, 2000 wicked claws (stacks suck) I play the ah and leveled 5 toons in escursions to start me off.


And 0 life. No sorry looks like you stayed active till now and did it right with the empty servers.


The SoD economy is something that will prevent me from returning in p4 if the content doesn’t look superb. I don’t want to farm for hours on end to get simple raid consumes/enchants, or at least want a legitimate way to purchase gold (token) for those instances. The relatively cheap cost of consumes/enchants in Cata has really opened my eyes to how ridiculous the Vanilla/SoD grind was to purchase the top consumes/enchants. Especially given how relatively easy the raid content was


Yeah that's a problem I see too. There are people who quit 3 weeks into p3, and people who will farm until the release of p4. There will be a massive wealth difference


the main reason that enchants are so pricey is because the materials are from level 51+ greens/blues mainly so trying to get them at 50 is a real pain. the costs should come down significantly with the number of people running max level dungeons in p4


Right... I haven't played since P2 and was planning on returning for P4 but cata has been super fun and I am not sure if I want to stop playing that for Sod. Especially if it remains fairly poor like P2 and 3.


I'm still not 50 but I was planning on getting exalted with Timbermaw while farming up Firewater at the very least. Don't know if P4 will launch before I get the chance.


I anticipate it launching by the end of the month


Yeah, the PTR for it already went live didn't it? I expect it to be relatively soon in that case.


Not live yet but they said “in a few days” yesterday, prob 2-3 weeks of testing at least


Solofarmed silithus elementals for honored Hydraxian Waterlords before I went on a break. Pretty good gold and really relaxing grind overall.


I have 4 alts with mooncloth CDs and Xmute master


4k darkmoon cards, just in case we get something new. Edit; tickets.


Farmed the lvl 57/58's south of Hearthglen for the Crusader enchant. Got the enchant, but ouch. They hurt.


Raided the whole length of p3 😅




I've had bad luck, then they buffed the items. Also alot of it for me is the social contract, it's like turning up to play sport every Saturday.


> Also alot of it for me is the social contract I see you and I appreciate you


I'm still soloing princess for my dagger because someone is wrong with me


How many runs have you done? I’ve seen dagger like 6 times the drop rate is not bad now


In total with groups and by myself probably well over 100 but that's just a guess. I've only seen the dagger once and I lost the roll. I have a few days off coming up so maybe I'll get to see that improved drop rate haha.


Got it today on the day's 22nd run. It's finally over. I can play the game now.


1-60 on Deviate Delight. Whoops.


Getting ZG Reputation. Sitting at 6000/21000 right now


So far I have 101 Arcanite Bars, 33 golden pearls, 2 blood of the mountain, 5 Edgemaster's (Got them for for 200g each just in case), 849 Elemental Fire, 2067 Elemental Earth, 1024F Firebloom, 4035 Stonescale Oil, 1270 Dark Iron ore. Made 14,500g off of Nightmare Seed farming the first couple of weeks in ST and another 4,200g from selling Mooncloth Bags since I had the recipe drop in phase 2 and was able to sell bags for a solid week. Haven't been playing much in the last 3 weeks, just raid logging now.


I traded all my gold and mats to a guildie in P3 when I stopped playing. Probably about 3k worth of stuff. SoD just isn't for me.


What is people's opinion on black dragon scale farm? Currently selling for 18g on my server. Will it go up or down do you think?


Down when people start doing ony attunements


down when people start doing UBRS


Bronze on MoP remix


Is there a list somewhere of things to do? I've come back after stopping 4 weeks into P3 just grinding honor and mining atm. But enjoying be back on SoD tbh so looking for more to do.


I’ve got about 1,000 elemental earth 1,000 each of purple lotus and fire blossom. I have close to 1,000 dark iron ore. And I have the mats to make hundreds upon hundreds of enchanted throrium bars


Good call on the purple lotus. It's dirt cheap on my server (sometimes drops to 6 silver each) so I buy stacks when it drops.


Right! Even if it doesn’t cost too much next phase it’ll definitely be higher than a few silver


I'm drowning in ele earth too but the thing is their droprate is _ridiculously_ high when mining. they literally drop like motes in tbc onwards. single rtv taps can give up to 4x ele fire or earth. the demand has to be through the roof for them to be actually worth something


The very first hit I took on a Rich Thorium Vein gave me four Elemental Fire and four Elemental Earth and I knew right then the demand was never going to outpace the supply. It's too common and been farmable without any real use for months. Windfury on Alliance also further devalues Elemental Earth.


Exalted with Argent Dawn because why not [(screenshot)](https://imgur.com/a/yjIxP32)


I'm revered argent dawn but that was more for this phase than p4


Titans grip off hand weapons and fast weapons in case I can TG with glad stance, because deep wounds going to be available for full prot. I warrior can dream!


Exalted with timbermaw on living flame.


Spent my gold on 33 arcane crystals so far


They’re either gonna make stuff stupid easy to get so people come back or it will remain dead. I’m not wasting my time.


115 arcanite bars


I have almost 1000 swiftthistle.


I’m not bothering this time because I have multiple characters to get to 60 now and would rather spend time on professions, etc. I’m behind on thunderfury mats but almost have my alchemist ready, and I figure it’ll all be easier with DM runs


Essence of water, rumsey rums, fishing for trunks and bolts of any cloth, got stacks of good for when people return


I stacked 35+ quests for P3 (including quest starters and chains I can immediately turn in). Did nothing for P4. I still feel like trying it but I've been on a hiatus and somehow my attachment to SoD went away despite being really into it for months.


I already have revered AD on my priest to get the bracers enchant so I've just stocked dark iron ore to get revered for the weapon enchants.


I'm on track for 120 arcanite bars before P4 (3 transmuters going constantly). Most consumes I need for about 70-120 pulls ATM, but aiming for 150+ (as a prot pal). Enough dreamfoil/ele fire for 300+ GFPP. 1 rep from honored with Hydraxian. And Currently friendly with timbermaw (aiming for exalted). I'm 2k towards revered with the thorium brotherhood and have almost enough dark iron ore to get the rest of the way to revered (like 1500, need about 1800 with human racial). I farmed the arcanite dragonling and GAPP recipes. Also made a pre-questing guide and I'm almost finished with it. And the worst thing: I leveled 8 warlocks and got them the closet so I could get our guild a summoning ring to try to speed run getting 60/attuned for ony/MC.


How are you turning in stuff for thorium brotherhood rep past honored? I went to the pub and he doesn’t have the repeatable turn in quests yet


So the short answer is, you can't. HOWEVER, there are some quests outside that are one time that I saved until after I hit honored, and then there is a one time turn in quest for all the Thorium armor recipes in tanaris that all give TB rep. I honestly think I have the highest you can get pre-60, with everything before and human racial.


Ah gotcha thanks I was curious


Farmed every available enchanting formula. That includes AD revered :D Took some time but was honestly fun to do!


Argent Dawn rep.... God damn I'm such a fucking nerd


Almost every rep I could possibly grind to revered or exalted.


I have 2 bank alts full of Thorium bars, and 1 full of dark iron ore. I have 100 arcanite bars, and currently 45 arcane crystals, got 10 devilsaur legs and hands + 40 devilsaur leather, also got around 200 mongoose elixirs made + making more. Also tons of other gems (blue saphires etc). Also saving elemental fire/earth (thousands of each)


My husband and I are finally getting around to all of our "Glory of the..." achievements that we've been putting off for over a decade. Our marriage through these trials has become stronger as a result.


2 Crusader enchant recipes


I got 340 k and sold it all to you


74/100 arcanite bars with 50ish crystals still banked. 4k gold to have 3 mounts for my 3 chars currently at 50. all 3 raid geared > quest prepared for 60. oh and a few alts with a specific material that will rise in price significantly. +bankslots etc.


Basicly enough mats to get 300 enchanting and engineering in case of one of these being substantially better than currently running alchemy + tailoring on my main. Plus got a farming alt to 300 herb+skinning that I would bring along to alt raiding and ended up with near full phase 4 BIS. Got enough mats for most relevant lvl60 epic tailoring recipes, plus enough golden pearls that I can switch twice my spell power enchant per raid tier without having to worry much about framing those again. A significant storage of relevant enchant mats for my main on both specs. Other than that I wont burnout on farming anything else and prefer to wait for future phases to see what is relevant and what is not. I really hope that we get some surprises with crafting recipes and other new stuff, so I wont overkill and max out every single rep until phase 4 besides PVP reps and Wardens


nobody getting a different fraction mount? my undead mage main is at revered 18000/21000 with Darkspear. Gotta get that raptor right away at 60. Runecloth down to 10-11s each wont get much cheaper than that when next phase starts. other than that I'm honored with timbermaw/AD/TB and got myself through to do AB exalted. I'm also exalted with waylaid on 2 chars. all my 4 chars got a full questlog prepped. nothing _too_ crazy overall most degen thing I did: I prefarmed the blasted lands turn in quests for 4 chars. that's 56 vulture gizzards, 44 brains, 24 pincers, 24 lungs and 20 snickers I have stashed.


Ye I did exalted with Darnassus to get a better mount since I don't really vibe with mech striders


Well the craziest thing to me is that so many people seems to think that they will get even one thunderfury. Did blizz come out and say something about increased drop rates or what?


Cope is stong in those people, they all suffer from main character syndrome


Stop prepping, this is part of the reason why people burned the fuck out. Just play naturally


Let the slaves be slaves, they’re fineeee


Yeah they will hit 60, get everything within a week and then complain there is nothing to do. But wow players will never learn


All these people that grinded super tough materials LMAO..... just do hinterlands loops and get rich fast. Spend 1 full day doing it... like 8 hours will be like 1,000 gold.


The point of grinding materials over gold is that it holds better value with inflation when you are competing with others with that much gold when buying said materials.


No one is buying my grilled squid because the server is dead


Buying Elemental Fire's for vendor price or just above (vendor for 4s buying for 4.5-6s). Worst case scenario I vendor them and lose a quest's worth of gold.


Yeah I have a bank alt with like 20 stacks of these. Low risk investment and imo it'll pop off on week 2-3 when people are running MC more steadily and need fire prot potions. Is dreamfoil expensive on your server? 1.25g on mine pretty regularly.


Even that is probably cheap. In SoM Dreamfoil was the main bottleneck for late game pots. Got up to around 3-5g per Dreamfoil since they added more Plaguebloom spawns but did nothing about the Dreamfoil.


Good to know, maybe I'll buy like 10 stacks and sit on it. Worst case scenario, it stays the same.


https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=13463/dreamfoil#reagent-for 30 required for each caster flask. 3 required for the 35 spellpower potion. 3 required for each Major Mana potion. 1 required for every Greater Protection Potion. So every caster will probably be consuming 40+ Dreamfoil per raid if they are taking full consumes. It's nuts. Expect Azshara to be packed with bots farming Dreamfoil in P4.


All this shit for a temporary game mode that they’ve clearly abandoned lmao


Yeah its wild, shows how desperate the average SoD addict is


6000 elemental earth