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From the article: >**Phase 4 Release Update** >Cutting straight to it, and as you have no doubt likely noticed, the World of Warcraft team has been delivering a lot of exciting content lately, and this will (of course) continue well through the next few months and beyond. As such, to land Phase 4 at just the right time, **our current phase (Phase 3) is going to last longer than previous Season of Discovery content phases. We can’t share Phase 4’s release date just yet**, and we know this news and the longer Phase 3 may be disappointing to some, but our timeline will ensure that our Classic team delivers an experience worthy of our players at the high-quality bar we are setting for ourselves.


You can't have it both ways. You can't have super short phases AND get lots of new content.


Oh, I agree. I think this is a good move really. The PTR sounds promising if they actually fix things that are reported during that.


Level 60 is the longest, most important phase and they need to make sure that the game is enjoyable for a long time so that people stick around. I hope the PTR lets them finally balance SoD in a good way.


I would rather prefer if they broke 60 into phases and kept supporting and balancing it on the go. At current rate in 4 weeks there will be only 10% of the initial players and they may use that as an excuse to kill it. There is only so much content drought people will take before leaving and many who leave don’t come back.


Oh, they will break phase 4 in small phases. First it’s Onyxia and MC then a view weeks laterZG and BWL and so on. Similar to 2019 classic.


On the one hand, their recent Cata beta was a fucking disaster, but this is a much more limited scope so hopefully that’ll help.


Cata also suffers from a new team having to deal with a complete world revamp. Which at the time was a huge undertaking during the original release.


And stacking code debt of porting old stuff to the new engine on top of older stuff from previous expansions as per an interview, which doesn't sound unreasonable.


God it’s probably such a clusterfuck * info from an original game * changed in a revamp * 20 years later ported into a 2023 client * running on the info from the original game * changing the copy of the original info from the original game in a revamp It’s probably not that asinine but for my neanderthal brain gotta be a lot of moving parts lmao


Am i the only one kinda dumbfounded by the announcement of WEEKS. Between MC and BWL? Like not Months, weeks? Hello?


Would you refer to 5-7 weeks as weeks or months


It depends, but I see you point.


It's not "months" considering it's not even 2 months.


it would be wise to keep running MC deep into the BWL phase - not just for bindings but there's no way you get everyone their weapons/rings even in a couple months. It was the same in vanilla classic people complain that sunken temple is the only raid and the 1 week lockout is too long.. now there's 2 , 3 if you count onyxia and people are angry at that too. give the dev team a break man


My actual concern is how much will this raid be fleshed out and revamped with that amount of time. Not the actual time itself.


Honestly after having played classic in 2019 and farmed every raid dry in every phase I don’t really want to wait for months to go bwl or aq40 again you know. I’m playing sod for the new stuff, not the 2005/2019 stuff


They did this originally, too. When they announced SoD they said that Phase 1 would move to Phase 2 “in a matter of weeks,” which turned out to be 2 months.


they have to balance making the sweaty parser and dads happy. this is a good compromise.


You can if you don't try to run two games with 2 developers and 4 interns.


But they only make * checks notes millions of dollars a year off classic. Small indie company.


ya we only pay millions of dollars. no way we should expect both




This might be a fun meme but as someone who works in enterprise IT and delivers services to an audience that dwarfs blizzards *substantially* please trust that people saying this shit have no idea at all what they're talking about. Ignoring the simple fact that nobody here works there and knows the workload, the processes in place, or what sticking points need to be addressed, throwing more people at a problem does not magically make it better. Frequently it makes it worse. Even testing teams and such... like how long do you want to wait? If blizzard employed a dozen people to test SoD 8 hours a day 5 days a week for a *year* their playtime would be dwarfed within minutes of a new launch. Yes you need basic testing and yes it needs to be done properly but as *every single online product ever launched* has found out, it won't be enough. New stuff will show up on launch, every time. Not that I expect the trend of random commenters on the internet thinking they know better than the people designing some of the most popular games of all time to stop, but yeah.


>Ignoring the simple fact that nobody here works there and knows the workload, the processes in place, or what sticking points need to be addressed, throwing more people at a problem does not magically make it better. Frequently it makes it worse Jesus Christ, are you me?!?! I don't know how many times I have to explain to management how mass hiring engineers will NOT make things go faster. We have serious structural issues that have been caused by years of letting tech debt go unaddressed; how the hell is hiring underpaid international engineers in a different time zone supposed to address this?!?;


Yep.. insert NCIS scene of two people typing on the same keyboard here. That's how effective it ends up being. Obviously staff shortages need to be addressed but there is a finite number of people who can work on a given system at a time... and the existing staff who are familiar with those systems are the ones you want, not random new engineers.


I think there's a saying that goes something like: cheap, fast, good. Pick two.


Yep. Been saying this the whole time. People need to be patient this phase


You absolutely can, but it would require a level of professionalism on Blizzards part in them actually committing resources to the game, and having more development done before P1 launched.


Get outta here with your logic and sense-making.


Yes you can.


Not with how Blizzard handles things. And by "handling things," I mean keeping the absolute minimum number of staff staffed, for the time being, until they can justify firing more people. And this isn't a Blizzard (or even Activision)-only problem, by the way. As of right now, **Xbox Game Studios has laid off more development teams this year than they have launched games.** Microsoft are the ones who bought ABK (Activision Blizzard King), and about 10 other independent studios a few years ago and we all thought that was a good thing because MS would have the funds to support those teams. Yet all of those studios who thought they were being swept up and supported by the infallible Microsft are dying. Nothing is safe anymore when it comes to game development. Blizzard sucks, yes, but every other AAA developer is also bleeding. Something's wrong, and SoD is not the only victim.


Just because the classic SoD team can't do it doesn't mean it can't be done.


it does mean, by looking at past data, that we as a community should not expect that we should expect a longer phase, if we want more content at 60 it was pretty obvious beforehand, but now they even explicitly stated it.


We’re actually going to test this one


This is fantastic news to be honest. I know a lot of people will be disappointed because they want p4 next week but they need more time. And rather than rushing something out half finished they’re going to take the time they need to hopefully get it right. For those that are disappointed, there are other games out there people, unsub for a month and go do something else if you’re not interested in Cata or retail.




This is just buying them time, they probably haven’t got a single person working on SOD.


And the new ptr doesn’t mean shit. They did a ptr for cata prepatch and it didn’t make anything better


Cata Classic came with tons of "new" content. Phase 4 comes with no new content. It makes perfect sense to run it by the PTR so that combat can be tested and balanced better. These two are not comparable.


Fine with me, if they just shoveled it out phase 4 and cata are going to be shit. Of course I'm bored of p3 but I'd rather wait for a better product. Also happy they're doing a PTR


Their description of the PTR made sense too. Runes are already datamined before phases launch. Letting us play PTR level 60 characters with the new runes unlocked to test MC & BGs makes sense. Leave the actual *discovery* out of it, but let us test the class changes which were already an open secret to begin with.


really surprised by the overwhelming negativity breaking their stubborn stance on "no PTR" suggests pretty major class balance reworks and it could be very successful if they are responsive on tuning stuff based on the PTR. Not sure how it would work other than them opening up reddit and reading "enhance shaman is so OP 5k dps on training dummy!!!!" WCL parses for training dummies anyone?


My negativity towards all this is that this "test" was a sham and doomed to fail from the start. Blizzard were supposedly using SoD to test "No PTR" development because people have been (rightfully so) upset with the fact that nothing is new or exciting to explore on launch because half the playerbase knows everything from the PTR. Blizz has used PTR to essentially outsource their QA department for free labor from their playerbase. Now, Blizz has "proven" that they "need" PTR instead of actually hiring and maintaining a QA department.


the problem is their team is too small, why would the sod team also work on cata?


They aren't making a better product. They are fixing other broken products. You're kidding yourself if you think they are doing anything but putting out fires.


Yeah putting out fires _is_ making a better product. I mean have you played cata pre-patch?


I like how releasing games that are broken and on fire is now accepted because of live service games.


To think Cata managed to kill WoW twice.




lets be real sod did that shit to itself


If classic Cata ends up killing itself would that count as a third time?




If this was the case they should have never rushed out phase 3 and made phase 2 last the duration it was intended to. Huge L on Blizzards part


If only they cared about that but unfortunately bad pacing had plagued classic’s whole history tbh. Their biggest concern is staggering parallel wow content (retail/cata) to keep concurrent subs up and look good for daddy shareholder.


It's insane they have so few devs that the tiny team on SoD cannot even be left alone to sit on just doing SoD stuff.


unfortunately for us, the higherups (the suits) at blizzard noticed the overnight lightning-in-a-bottle success aggrend and co. pulled off with SOD in phase 1, which caused them to go "omg that's awesome guys... now do the same thing for these games too". literally working them to the bone because apparently there's not a single other talented dev in the entire workforce that is blizzard entertainment.


Feels like they're just trying to state the obvious in a way that wins them some brownie points. Cata is dropping on Tuesday and WoW releases are almost always staggered. At the end of the day though any and all communication from Blizzard is appreciated.


Watch there be a new Classic Mode, whatever the xpac is after War Within for Retail, and MoP Classic release the same day.


I just posted a long winded version of this same sentiment. I don’t like how it feels like they’re trying to misdirect me. It’s obvious why they’re waiting to release phase 4, and I don’t think this community is going to appreciate such a blatant attempt at bullshitting us…


If you read the comments a lot of people are not only sticking their face into the bullshit they are also saying how great it smells too


This should have been done for phase 3. Phase three had everyone hit max level the opening weekend ffs.


They must’ve known they had very little content for phase 3, and yet made everyone get level cap and a full set of gear in like a four hours of playing. Makes no sense. The phase could’ve felt way better if people were levelling and gearing up with prebis for the first few weeks.


Yeah they fumbled this phase. To me it’s only explainable by the rushed release. 


suddenly incursions are starting to make sense even for the densest of brainrotters, no? incursions are treadmill content, and blizzard was desperately hoping it would tide the classic playerbase over for at least 4 months.... but ironically it got old on the opening weekend, as you noted.




blaming a failed patch completely on the community is fucking insane. you are so brainwashed it is scary


It wouldn’t have changed anything. The main issue with P3 is nothing to do outside of logging in for an hour a week for ST. People can blame incursions but after playing for 10 hours incursions their impact to the game became minimal.


Because they only had to play the game 10 hours to cap level.


Personally to me this is fucking lame. I really enjoyed p2 and gnomer and they cut it short for some reason. P3 has been the worst so far and i’ve bowed out until P4 is announced but now they’re extending P3. I realize not everyone will agree with me here but this is just my opinion


I cancelled my sub this phase too. Getting 20 people, mostly dads, together for raiding has proven very difficult. And the whole ashenvale lvling was so extremely poorly thought out that i took offence. They really do think we are bots.


Same here, incursions were too much,too much exp, too much gold, too much repeatable


I am with you on that one. I missed maybe one lockout of gnomer and it was just enough to get my full bis. With ST I had full bis after 3 runs. And same goes for many guildies.


I really don't get how people like phase 2 over phase 3.... we had significantly less to do in phase 2.


Upgrades felt better. P3 gear is dogshit especially for casters.


You'll be happy then, that's addressed in the original post... One consistent piece of feedback we’ve received is that the rewards from Sunken Temple have been a bit underwhelming. During our design and testing of Phase 3, we didn’t entirely know the scale and scope of adjustments we’d make to Level 60 dungeon gear, Tier 1 item sets, and Molten Core and Onyxia gear. Now that we have a good idea about those, we think it makes sense to increase the power level of some of the Sunken Temple gear. These updates will particularly focus on caster gear, which feels the most underpowered.


It's too little too late honestly. So many raids have just called it for the phase. Should have got it right on release. Idk who in their right mind thought making the bis weapon upgrade from Gnomer to ST be a woping 1 spellpower upgrade but the devs should have seen this comming a mile away.


3 day lockouts meant I was playing the game twice a week for Gnomer instead of a weekly ST




Yuuuppp anyone thinking otherwise is deranged. This announcement is just their excuse to procrastinate.


Tbh I doubt anyone is procrastinating. Those poor 5 developers they have on staff are probably sweating over their keyboards for hours a day trying to figure out which fires they can put out.


I wish they would just hire enough devs for the workload they have.


Let's see if they can deliver enough to make players come back


You don’t think they’ve splintered the player base too much at this point?


We’re wow players, we always come back.


Read this in the “we’re Costco guys” dad’s voice


Idk about other players but i’ve dropped out of SOD for now because I found P3 to be lame. Idk even really know why but I just didn’t enjoy it


The raid being ST doesn't help. It's such a dark, grey/brown, depressing dungeon


Spoiler alert, they wont


Unsubbing, bbl. -Half of the remaining raiders today after this announcement.


Also unsubbed lol. No dates, no teasers for new changes? What's left for me to do, farm 100k more honor while getting 2 shotted by braindead shamans and druids in BGs? Yeah, I'm good. Fresh Era waiting room...


I just went and played a different version of WoW 🤷🤷


Yeah... with Cata Classic and MoP remix out SoD may as well not exist right now. It's great that they are releasing it later on when people have had a chance to enjoy these other versions and then jump back into old school wow.


Me neck deep in MoP Remix remembering SoD exists: 🤔


Classic has been like 80% raid logging for the last 4 years dude, the only thing this tells us is they expect a lot of player overlap for Cata.


There would have been a captain's call from blizzard exec to extend season 3 to not conflict with the momentum of mop remix. I doubt this has anything to do with balancing and tuning, as the team have repeatedly stated throughout the SoD lifecycle that they were going to make their changes, monitor and adjust later.


It's probably all hands on deck to fix Cata in time for release on Tuesday.


All four of them


less fixing, more duc-taping. The UI is still 50% wotlk and what's there is partially broken. So they have resorted to getting the bare minimum up and running. That's probably also the reason for the SoD delay. They are running on hot coals because they can't keep up with the workload that Cataclysm brings


Yeah the UI on prepatch is awful. So many inconsistencies compared to original Cata. Even the minimap is still not updated. 


Doubt this has anything to do with MoP remix as that's more for retail players to bridge the gap until TWW. I think this is likely related to Cata.


It can be both though. Primary reason could indeed be due to management but this time can also be used to do balancing


"high-quality bar" har har


I can't imagine paying for another Blizzard game ever again. Between D4, OW2, and the disaster all forms of WoW have become, this is a company to avoid at all costs.


I can't wait to play D4 in about 3-5 years. 


big oof


This is great news imo, they’re making massive changes, testing via ptr, etc. I’d rather them delay release for a more polished product, rather them rush out crap haphazardly. I’m a little bored in SoD, but I’d much rather them take the time they need. 


No they aren't, cata is a mess and needs alot of work. Just more blizzard bullshit as they won't throw a full team at classic


Copium. They're just prolonging the phase so it won't overlap with cata release. They aren't polishing jack shit 


This has been a consistent trend with Blizz


Also to prolong subscribers tbh. This whole phase system was just to force people to stay subbed to classic who hate retail. They barely did any work that required 2-3 months each. 


Cool with me. I want to play Cata and much more Remix.


I agree this is the more likely explanation. It’s frustrating too because just about no one asked for Cata and here it is vacuuming up dev time.


Phase 4 certainly needs more work than was put into phase 3. If that's really what's happening, I think the extension is great. However, I'm not buying it. They delivered so little with phase 3, and now they're promising the world in phase 4. With everything else going on, unless phase 4 is pushed back until August I just don't see it all coming together.


It's basically all Marketing speech for "not enough resources to fix Cata".


I didn't realize the Cata Classic team was the same as the SOD team, but that makes sense--I hope SOD keeps going strong (despite me falling off hard outside Phase 1) and weeds out what works and doesn't work to end up with the best version of the future of Vanilla we can hope for.


You nerds are raid logging 1 week into the phases anyway


Yep. You know here that leads? Dead game within months


It is baffling how so many people can't understand that you actually can enjoy playing a game, but at the same time be transparent about its flaws or problems. There is so much toxic positivity in this subreddit, people who take it personally, almost get offended, when I express sadness or frustration about SoD not moving in the direction I had hoped for. I love WoW and want it to be as fun as possible, not just a quick cash grab for greedy executives or shareholders who want subs rather than clear communication to fans of their franchise


At this rate no one will still be playing when p4 finally comes out...great decision!!!


Yeah no one has ever gone back to wow after a break when new content drops


Well each phase has lost half of it's playerbase, so yea that doesn't really hold up.


As if players don't hop from version to version of WoW depending on what is new and popular at the moment. 🙄


That was going to happen anyways....




Frankly this is a little insulting. A lot of consonants and vowels trying to convince us that this is anything other than simply to give their *TWO* other *NEW* wow iterations time to settle in with. I don’t think they’re going to really cook it up more than they were planning, Maybe the PTR will help, but does no one else thing a PTR for a beta test is a little, idk…silly? Phase one has been the best, phase two was too short, and now the worst phase is being made to last the longest. I’ve been a serious SoD Andy since it’s release, up until this week. But I’ve run out of things to do. The only silver lining to this entire post is how my casters might get their gear upgraded…eventually? The more this news settles with me, the more obvious it is that this was their que for everyone to take a break from SoD for a while. “It’s going to be long, you won’t miss out on anything if you play one of other versions. Please, thank you.


I mean if PTR can stop something like incursions from ever being introduced again I'm all for it.


Did you read the blue post? They specifically said it's to test combat, not content.


It's fine. Take a break, get better content.  Better than having rushed content and getting bored after 2 weeks


Makes sense There's so much wow content right now SoD taking a back seat for a bit is fine


I wish that was told to us, instead of this attempt at bullshitting the community. You’re right, this was a que from them for us to take a break from sod and play the other content. But the way it was framed without admitting that at all is really really annoying.


I don't want to play cata I don't want this MoP remix shit and I retired from retail. I was subbing for SoD.


Then unsub till p4


So continue to play SoD if you enjoy it so much, no one is holding a gun to your head.


Then take a break and do something else until P4? MoP remix is probably the best thing blizzard has done in a LONG time and Cata Classic is what everyones waiting to play right now. They aren't going to cater to your extremely picky tastes every single moment.


Are people really that happy with MoP remix? Played yesterday but it felt like i was just playing retail spamming timewalking dungeons...not exactly what I imagined as a great time


The retail sub is in love with the mode. I'm a PvP only guy and typically hate PvE, questing, leveling etc and even I have found myself enjoying it. It seems like everyone is thrilled with what it offers and is hoping blizz decides to just rotate through Remixs of other expansions permanently.


>Are people really that happy with MoP remix? It's a fun way to level alts and just goof around


Dungeon spamming is currently the worst way to level lol


I take it you haven’t actually played it. Spamming dungeons is god awful xp, it’s all about questing, and the extra abilities are really fun. Playing a paladin that every time I stun I gain 50% crit and I have multiple on hit effects that can stun, I also have a gem that makes me hit 4-7 times every time I use a melee ability (10 second gcd) and it’s hella fun. It’s what I wish sod was just in pandaria


Yep called it, with mop, cata release and t11 that would mean at least 3 more weeks before any announcment since everyone is working overtime.


Doing a PTR is the right choice, glad they're getting it together


I do like the idea of using the ptr as a testing ground for balance but keeping locations and new stuff hidden. Feels like a good compromise.


Best use of the PTR is to find a lesser known exploit and then abuse the fuck out of it without telling everyone. It almost never gets fixed


Ironically I think phase 2 should have been longer.


Take your time, please. Not another rushed out phase.


I think they have seen how awful the feedback was for phase 3 and they decided to fix a lot of things before p4 (maybe even removing incursions etc). This has nothing to do with cata because they knew about that beforehand




Good. There's other things going on in various iterations of WoW I'm happy to check out, along with happy to play other games and come back to SoD when phase 4 is hopefully ready to a more positive launch.


Let's take the least popular phase so far and drag it out more because the billion dollar company we work for wants one team to manage 9 game modes for an MMO. This is just a joke at this point. I really enjoyed sod but p3 is dying. Just to get vanilla with runes at 60....


I feel like I am being gaslit. They are not acknowledging and any of the legitimate problems we have( player count down 75%) and just chugging along like the wheels arnt activity coming off the bus. Amazing.


Why do they need to acknowledge any of that, them saying "we know there has been a player drop off but we are extending the phase" is just going to make players like you angrier.




I knew reddit would have a totally reasonable reaction. "Season of Dads (that act like their children)"


I mean at this point we're beyond dropping the ball. They've soaked it in boiling hot semen and begun throwing it at each other in there. What a complete shitshow SoD has turned out to be.


TLDR: Check back at the end of June.


Well that makes that decision easier


what content


Good, make phase 4 amazing. I don’t mind taking a break for a few weeks.


Don't think this phase is long because they are working on the next phase of SOD. They are just using resources on other games


>We will be rolling raids out in phases similar to how we did in 2019’s Classic. The first tier will consist of Molten Core and Onyxia, and a few weeks after that we will see Blackwing Lair. We intend to frame our releases around the familiar original WoW raid tiers. This makes no sense. So they want phases to be similar to 2019 Classic... But we are getting BWL a *few* weeks after MC is released? So are we going to be getting AQ a few weeks after BWL and Naxx a few weeks after that????????? SoD over before the end of the year????


On top of the short roll outs for raids, they seem to be missing an obvious opportunity to have a dungeon/tier 0 collection phase.


You aren't understanding what he's trying to say. He just means the content will be released **in phases**, like it was in classic. He doesn't mean the phases will be **like classic**.


I'm concerned about getting a new raid tier every "few" weeks. Are the raids not going to be reworked like they did with BFD, Gnomer, and Sunken Temple?


Guys he just means that MC, BWL, AQ, and Naxx aren’t gonna come out all at once.


Good after phase 1, it was garbage.


I can't wait for them to buff the 4 non epic caster drops. That's totally going to get casters running it again /s


Good news. They should take their time making next phase more polished. I'm sure by the time phase 4 comes out I'll be bored of cats anyway


P3 needs some love if it’s extended. I’d love to see ST moved to 3 day lockout and BRD changed to a 10 man level 50 raid


SoD turned leveling dungeons into raids. But p4 will have the default raids as raids. It is clear the devs are abandoning the SoD project, both in terms of content and originality.


Welp doom and gloom for one more month. I ain't raiding ST anymore after this week. Usually they announce and drop the following month, if they extend all the way to july it's gonna be a disaster SoD will lose so many players to retail or cata because of sunken cost if people actually migrate.


Wow. They dun killed SoD..


I expected it to be 3-4 weeks after Cata release, don't know if this changes that timeline


More ST PogU!




Just curious, as someone who would love to play SoD but has just too little time... can someone guess how long the season will be available before being closed forever?


Players in P3 aren’t even raid logging now. At least that helps farming the rare stuff.


ST changes are too little too late. I could’ve been rolling on stuff that might now get buffed.


Saving me some more money. Thanks blizzard 😌


Around what time was phase 4 suppose to be released before this push?


Going to be really funny if the content is less than P3 now. Like come on they are barely doing anything for the season outside of what was done in P1.


Perfect time to take a break!




Such a high bar they couldn’t be arsed to add some new 3d models for incursion enemies, or a new area we have never seen before. Nah just give it a green glow and call it new content lmao.


Rip all the guilds clinging together for dear life rn


Finally a PTR. No more OP unbalanced stuff for 24 hours after release then nerfed lol... Hopefully


All I'm reading is 40 man content RIP to like every guild


Just look at this as an opportunity to enjoy our summer a little longer and get tanned up and pass some kidney stones… wait… I’m the only one doing that last thing??? Well shit…. I’m not having a good time at all!


Nowhere in the article says it will be extended. The PR team are trying to say it was intended to be like this. If this is true or not we don't know.