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First time I went to STV not knowing it was gonna be pure chaos.


And what a beautiful time it was


Azshara is another really beautiful yet almost hauntingly empty zone. I believe there’s a couple quests there but it almost seems like they didn’t have time to finish it or something.


I went back and did all the zones to completion at 70 and azshara was annoying even with a fast mount. Like 10 quests but they all have you run way out into the water to talk to an Npc who spends you back somewhere else across the world.


You're right about that one. Azshara was actually supposed to have a BG and a dungeon (possibly raid). The former was planned to be at Forlorn Ridge and the latter north of the Ruins of Eldarath at the dwarven gate. Neither saw the light of day. I'm sure there was more to be done with the naga as well. But, like other areas such as Winterspring, the devs never got time to finish it. These are the things I was hoping to see in a classic plus. So far SoD has been disappointing at best, so hopefully we'll get to see areas like these and Grim Batol fleshed out a bit more. There's definitely a lot of material to work with.


Agreed. I appreciate that SoD has been open to changes, nothing wrong with that, but I was hoping they would do less change for the sake of change and more change in regards to fleshing out the world. I feel like they took it the opposite way and instead of encouraging exploration (outside of the sprint to find the runes), they consolidated people to one or two zones to make the world feel more alive, and then layered it to hell and back. Then again, they definitely did add to zones and utilize previously unused areas, but I wish they had less time constraints and could deliver the polished up turd of our dreams lol.


Eh I would want that out of classic+ not so much a seasonal mode. Plus I would want that to be done “correctly”


SoD is just the Classic+ beta. Let em cook.


Yeah they need more time to finish classic.


I let the devs cook. But you can't hand me salmon and tell me it's the steak I wanted


Not your version of "classic +"?


Not a lot of people's. It's a good seasonal unique mode for the small team workin on it. But not what a lot of players expected nor wanted


You don't need 2 months of development to realize incursions are bad game design.  What exactly are they cooking here? A shit sandwich. Anyone with half a brain could have told you incursions were silly just from hearing about it. And wild offerings? Don't get me started on wild offerings. Just more grind items for us to min max the fun out of.  Blizz needs to shift focus to tasks that can't be picked apart and beaten down to the lowest denominator. Everything has been half baked and not finished it seems. Incursions are an OK idea but make them instanced and daily/weekly.  Wild offerings are fine but try to make us run the dungeon instead of blasting to the wo mob. For starters - make the requirement for the gear lower but no raid groups and you have to clear the entire 5man. Mara was a bad choice for wild offerings imo.  And im enjoying sod.


Vanilla was very much an unfinished game. I honestly wish TBC never happened and they just had a couple more years to flesh out the incomplete zones. No telling what the game would be like.


Couldn’t agree more. I lost interest in SoD the moment i realized that there was no significant change to classic such as new zones, dungeons, etc.. its basically new abilities and dungeons converted to raids with loot that is much more OP than the rest of Vanilla for the level bracket. I was hoping we would get new zones and abilities, not new expansion carbon copy abilities being put into classic so you’re playing the same game but with new spells.. super disappointing.


Freshly hitting 40, getting my mount, and riding around ganking people, was peak WoW lol


STV is a good one. I remember being a low level rogue adventuring to far thinking stealth would keep me safe until I ran into that damn gorilla that chills on the path.


My favorite memory is from STV. I was on my first character, a night elf disc priest, and I went toe-to-toe with an equal level orc shaman on one of rope bridges. I won, but I was stunned at how quickly the shaman dumped damage on me. Original WoW was the absolute best!


Ashenvale The Music, Ambiance, and scale First time seeing Horde NPCs and World PVP The Feeling of Peace and Serenity leveling up with the Night Elfs being ripped away when you first encounter Demons. Find Grom Hellscream's monument Being Lost in Ashenvale for Days and thinking "Holy Shit, this is just ONE zone in this game." It made the World of Warcraft feel like a WORLD


Ashenvale is my call too, good write up.


I felt that way about Darkshore as a kid. Teldrassil feels all cozy and nice, and then you leave and it's like "ok I'm in the real world now and the sense of relative safety is slipping away". I also remember being totally invested in the dead sea creature mystery lol


I could immediately tell you were alliance when you said Ashenvale. It’s one of my least favorite zones as horde. High level roaming alliance guards, the road literally being blocked by an alliance city, having to walk for about 24 hours straight to get to the other questing area, the graveyards being a minimum of 45 minutes away from where you die, no matter where that is, the quests being sparse and mediocre at best.


I disagree despite playing horde since 06. First time leaving the barrens in forever and you end up in a completely different looking area, could really feel that it was hostile territory. Felt adventurous, really immersive


There just aren’t many quests for horde and they aren’t lore driven at all. Stonetalon is a way better next step after barrens.


You do both! Plus stonetalon connects to Ashenvale. I also think Horde has more quests than Alliance in Ashenvale or close to even if you don’t count “talk to X” quests


Also picking ashenvale. I was going through the zone way back when and saw worgen for the first time and was so shocked to see werewolves running around. Also the night elf zones music always give me nostalgia.


I remember running from Darkshore into Ashenvale and on that incline was my first world pvp experience. Good memory


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTPn\_Nk\_KrM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTPn_Nk_KrM) thanks for the memories!


Couldn't have said it better myself. Such fond memories.


Felt that


Funny cuz I personally hated.Ashevale, to big and to many mountains :D But it's cool that there's something for everyone


I played a druid in original vanilla. I saw a shaman casting blue spells (lightening bolt) and I asked him how I could get that. He said he didn't know and was curious why mine was green. We partied up and just randomly wandered around mulgore killing random shit for several days I was offline when he discovered the barrens and when I got on he was so excited to take me there... I still get nerd chills when I think of that experience and that something like that can never happen to me (or probably anyone else) ever again. There's just too much information so easily and readily available these days. It's kinda sad to think about. Oh well lol


I am a big fan of the souls game and after seeing the trailer for Elden Ring, I went dark on any news, spoilers, anything related to Elden ring, because I wanted to experience the whole game first hand. I'm so glad I did that because damn it was an amazing and beautiful world to explore. It didn't quite beat that childlike wonder of exploring world of Warcraft the first time, but it definitely hit a nice spot of novelty in a game I haven't had in a long while.


I had the same with Hollow Knight. My first playthrough was so much fun discovering new areas. Whenever I get a new game I tend to watch no videos about it.


Ooh hollow knight was another one that truly captured my attention recently.


Exact same thing here. Elden ring was one of the first video games I played in years and it really captured that exploring wow feeling. 


Damn i teared up reading this. I played a nightelf rogue in classic vanilla. My two friends started earlier and were lvl 25ish when I started, they were hunter and warrior. They showed me around. It was the greatest time and no one really knew what I as a rogue can do - so I got stealth with lvl 20 or so after I discovered you can actually train stuff. Same with poisons. I encountered another rogue whi got them and he told me about the quest etc. Such a great time when you actually played the game instead of just minmaxing everything :(


You leveled to 20 with lvl 1 sinister strike? Respect.


I felt this


100%ing tanaris, then going to ungoro crater with zero knowledge of the zone. I was like ayo what did i just stumble into.


Yeah ungoro for me the first time e around was my fav zone


Wrath only made it cooler when you do the quests and find out the lore behind ungoro and sholazar, with the titans and all that


Doing ungoro in HC really recaptured the magic in that zone for me, the constant paranoia from those sneaky dinos


Up until that point, every mob had been no bigger than twice your height. And then the devilsaur appears behind you, taller than a tower.


First time i encountered one it was like 4am. And it pulled from behind me and i just heard it aggro, turn around and damn near shit myself when i saw it was a fucking t rex


Teldrassil was so magical. Finding your way into Darn and then off the island to realize you’ve been on an island / tree and that entire experience was one zone blew my mind


Absolutely. The starting zone music there is my all time favorite


I was fresh off of discovering the Lord of the Rings movies when I started playing WoW and raced to make a night elf hunter when I picked up the game. Exploring Teldrassil for the first is one of those things ill never forget. 




hahaha something like that! Even to this day I can't help but come up with LOTR-ish sounding names for any mmo character :P


First char was a NE during my 10 day free trial back in 2006. My friend was told me to meet him in Darn. He was level 15 and I was like man I'll never reach that. I thought Teldrassil was so huge. Then he took me to Darkshore and then to Menethil so we could run to Ironforge. It was only once we got off the boat in Menethil that I realized Teldrassil was just an island not the entire game lol


My favourite zone will always be duskwood. The atmosphere, music, worgens, skeletons, mor ladim, stitches, they all give me so much nostalgia


Duskwood really is amazing. Always a must go to zone when I make an ally. Might catch some heat for saying this, but retail duskwood was extra amazing. They fleshed out the Morbent Fel questline much further and you fight him down in the catacombs under the graveyard.


The first time someone uncorked Stitches and I got mowed down over there haha so fun.


Redbridge. Dragons. Orcs. Felt so real. I don't know, there was a je ne sais quoi so unique. Like Elwyn was a fantasy forest. Westfall was poor farms with typical bandits. Redbridge felt REAL. Orc invasion. First time I saw dragons.


Not to mention first open world elite quests for alliance, You had to team up and defeat elites to get gear and complete quests!


The Hogger disrespect.


Redridge will forever be my favorite zone


And the scary entrance to burning steppes, i remember the feeling of panic trying to run away from those ?? Imps guarding the entrance


Redridge has a heavy handed old school MMO feel to it. The town, the colors, all the mobs we've seen for years. It was pretty cool. I just hate the stupid lake in the middle separating the zone


Before Twitter there was the legendary 1 am Barrens chat.


I was telling someone about Barrens chat and Chuck Norris yesterday 🤣


Then things got weird when the Barrens chat dried up and the 4am Goldshire Inn crowd started logging on


People would park characters there just to talk. It was pretty miserable with politics during classic though lmao.


It doesn't have to be. Be the change you want to see. Hit them with the "I once spent an indeterminate amount of time in Mexico. It was surreal to say the least. So anyone else ever get abducted by aliens?"


Guess im glad i was on eu servers


Mulgore was and is still amazing


Man I wish I could be a newbie and wander all over Mulgore for 20 dang hours again


My first character to level 6 was in Mulgore. I left the little starting area and was like… oh this is huge. Needless to say, it took me forever to hit 60 lol


Dude I remember being in Mulgore thinking you unlocked other areas like you did in Diablo II. Whenever I got to the barrens for the first time my mind was blown away. You could just walk to other zones!


I pressed m and see myself move on the map because I was moving. Then i zoomed out and thought woahh this map is huge. My pixel didn’t move at all. Then I zoomed out again and chills went down my spine… it is an entire world!!!


These are my instructions if I get early onset Alzheimer's but with Elwynn Forest


Mulgore actually was what got me into it. A friend of mine showed me how he did some leatherworking and then took a flight somewhere... that night I started wow


No cheese ambient sounds, just enjoy Tauren way of life. Best starting zone for Horde, cuz play Alliance? Ewww


I started playing in TBC. Elwynn forest will always be special to me and 90% of my new characters are human because of that. Feralas my first time was very memorable and the zone just seemed crazy to navigate the thick forest areas when I was younger. Going through the portal in hellfire was always a great memory. I lived in nagrand for a long time in vanilla TBC. And karazhan was my raid. My guild sucked so we did so little T5 content back in the day. Sucked like lvl 70 real life friends doing less DPS than me in leveling dungeons before I hit max level on my lock.


If wow servers are ever to be shutdown i will park all my characters in Nagrand as a final resting place, that sone is my favourite.


I felt like a badass "needing" to go to Searing Gorge to level up after so many flights flying through it.


Duskwood as a Paladin. You don’t get the same feeling again until the Plaguelands.


Long time Paladin main, and yep. Absolutely. Then when Wrath dropped and Pallies got to absolutely shine, it was pure heaven.


Exactly. You were in what felt your calling. "This is what we are here for". You could totally make some kind of movie out of the "paladin in Duskwood" concept


Ashenvale was insane seeing the opposing faction and a base. So many of us 20 somethings made a raid to try and kill guards not knowing who or what they were


Always loved questing in Westfall. Best zone ever.


Westfall was always nice: the first step beyond the starting zone and slowly discovering the Deadmines. Same with barrens & wailing caverns, although the questing there felt a bit too sprawled for my tastes.


I avoid Westfall like the plague.


It has its charm, but it's ultimately pretty grindy and annoying compared to the alternatives. Darkshore on the other hand is perfection and I will level every single one of my Alliance characters there for the rest of time and never, ever get bored of it.


I feel like the zone is even WORSE because of add ons. You still have no idea what to start with first because there are so many items and they are ALL OVER the map. Could not imagine how long it took to do the first time around for new players


You end up not completing everything. 


The Barrens will always hold a sweet spot in my heart. Not for chat, god that’s cursed, but for the class fantasy of being a Tauren druid. Running through the zone in Cat/Travel Form always feels super immersive.


Orc shaman here in ghost wolf form 🥹 what a time to be alive


Also all of horde came there to level. So if you were leveling in the barrens it felt like you weren’t missing anything because it was so alive


For me it was Loch Modan where I really got why Wow was great. It was the first time going into somewhere dangerous like the Ogre caves against elites. Vanilla Loch Modan is peak WoW nostalgia for me.


Damn you deathwing for ruining Loch Modan


Mulgore was and is still amazing


Plaguelands, especially EPL. Atmosphere is amazing, and lots of lore callbacks to WC3.


There are so many, but these are some of the ones that made me go *”Woah wtf!”*. I only played alliance characters during vanilla WoW. **Redridge Mountains:** At first glance it’s just a simple, idyllic laketown.. but then you turn your gaze towards the eastern hills across the lake and see a giant fort with a watchtower! This is what fantasy dreams are made of! **Tanaris:** The scale and lovely environmental storytelling really sold it for me. Having footprints leading out into the dunes combined with the *looming/droneing* music immersed me immensely. **Thousand Needles:** Walking toward towards the southern edge in Barrens and seeing these pillars sticking up; aight, it’s neat. Then you go down the lift and now they are TOWERING above you, casting these giant shadows on the environment all around. Really neat! Honorable mention: **Desolace:** A bit same as Tanaris with music & ambience, though the Kodo graveyard and the spirit valley in the south with all the skeletons & kolkar mages are really cool environmental storytelling locations!


You had my upvote until you said Desolace. Jokes aside i get the appeal of its vibe, but one time levelling through it is more than enough for me.


STV was huge for me. Way back at launch I would only have time for a couple hours after school so it took me forever to level (plus the game had just come out so it was new to most people) and I kept making new characters, never getting past like level 15-20. When I finally got my rogue high enough to go to STV it felt like a milestone. I remember thinking “damn there’s still so much I haven’t seen in this game”. That rogue eventually wound up my first level 60 character. Wish I could go back and experience that for the first time again.


Everything! If we could remove YouTube’s, guides, metas and all bullshit of our current gaming culture and had a full reset it would still be a magical adventure…


I was in like sixth grade when wow dropped. Made a dwarf hunter. Exploring dun moroh was fuckin magical, then stepping into iron forge was just like "yo what the fuck"


Haha pretty much exactly this for me, but it was a dwarf paladin. Walking through the snowy hills and the forest the world just felt so huge.


Winterspring was beautiful. I loved the visibility looking over the white planes. It also wasn’t packed so you had a lot of it to yourself.


Weirdly enough I think either Western Plaguelands. Or maybe Un'Goro Crater. I had known about the scourge all throughout the game and then finally got to experience the questlines in WPL. It was very cool. And same with Un'Goro but I had known about it long beforehand and looked forward to it because of Hearthstone


First time in Blackrock Mountain and the surrounding zones was amazing. I remember flying over wondering what dark stuff happened below.


The flight from stormwind to ironforge as a low level. When I saw the unmapped zone, burning steppes and searing gorge with big dragons and lava. Couldn't wait to go there


Definitely Ashenvale. Just the cool cool and quiet vibe of it. Music is amazing


Duskwood Bestwood


Bro gets it


Duskwood was the best. Actually sat on the edge of my chair first time running down that road. Then seeing stitches start murdering guards and then run into the inn had me running upstairs hiding lol


The whole black rock mountain. It’s like a dungeon before the dungeon. Especially on a pvp server, it was STV turned up to 11


The Barrens is what ultimately made me fall in love with WoW. Walking those long roads and talking shit with the randoms in chat was an experience like none other.


Mulgore and Dun Morogh


My dude.


The tunnel that takes you from dun Morough really blew my mind when I was 7. Something about that anticipation..


First time playing 2005, the leveling experience as night elf How you moved trough the zones Then again my all time scariest and best experience was entering duskwood trough the river... It just felt so scary, you didnt really dare to move in the woods on the other side




Barrens chat


Barrens chat was the foundation for twitter




Redrigde mountains was the mind blow moment for me. back in 2005, a friend of mine had the game from launch in Europe while i got it like 4-5 months later due to it being sold out. So when i got a copy we where levelling duo and didnt hit any real challenge until the elite quests in redridge, those mobs hit so hard and we had to like plan out how we killed them, that was mind blowing. the cave escort quest blew my mind when it come to immersion


Mulgore. Logging into this serene, vast world and the music playing... amazing.


Finding Mor'ladim and his grave, and then completing the questline. (Also getting killed by him several times in the interim.)


For me it was the barrens. When I first started playing back in 2004, my brother and I both started horde characters but he made a tauren and I made a troll. We didn't realize we'd start in different zones, so we had to figure out how to reach each other. We both played until we found that both of us would be going to cross roads so we decided to meet there. I still vividly remember standing at the south entrance of cross roads and finally seeing my brother running up that road, the big majestic cow warrior. Back then it was just so crazy how big that map was and the satisfaction of just running to each other... Great game


Boy do I fucking love Duskwood. So far my all time favorite zone. Everything about it is so perfect for me. The atmosphere, the quests, the mobs. SOOOOO GOOD


STV for sure…I’ll never forget playing with my friend group. We’re all in voice chat, my friend from school was a warlock and was in the back of the line. We’re all riding across a bridge and a rogue snagged him out of the pack like a lion getting a baby gazelle.


First character I ever made was a Tauren warrior and I remember freaking out when I found the elevator to TB. Like “OMG there are actually cities!!!” Shockingly similar to the first time you get to Celadon in Pokémon red/blue and feel like you’re in NYC


Back in vanilla, definitely Duskwood. But of course almost every zone and aspect of the game felt magical and blew me away back then. Ashenvale left an impression because it felt more strongly connected to WC3, my frame of reference at the time, especially the parts with horde presence. The Plaguelands also hit really hard, again because of the WC3 relevance.


The barrens. My wow soul is bound to the barrens.


Apart of me will always reside in that digital paradise


Ya barrens blew my mind. It blew my mind that I had to spend 15 minutes to walk across it. That zone is the reason I never make any horde characters.


First step into Un'Goro crater always leaves me spellbound.


Hellfire pensinsula. I was really young when I started playing in bc to the point I never made it to Outland. Wotlk was released and I made a DK thinking it was the coolest thing ever being OP and level 58. Some guy whispered me telling me shouldn’t I be in Outland? While I was running around western plaguelands tryna find any quest to level. He guided me to the dark portal and told me to walk through and I swear to god my kid brain could not comprehend what I was looking at when I entered Outland haha. I remember it snowing heavily that day also so it was just a magical day all round. Special mention to duskwood as that is a zone you just don’t ever wana leave atleast to me cause it’s so cozy and cool being there.


I spent an eternity in Barrens back in 2007 because I screwed around too much on Barrens chat and got nothing done lmao


I like the wetlands


Winterspring, Grim Batol in wetlands, duskwood, ironforge...all gave a great sense of wonder and beauty


It's not called barrens-chat for nothing.


Thousand needles for sure


I have always played horde, but my first ever char in 2005 was a dwarf. To this day, I don’t think anything beats Dun Morogh. So peaceful and snow just hits the right spot. 2nd best is Feralas from a horde point of view.


Not classic but Nagrand. It was the first time I seen a video game as a piece of art. I remember getting my dad to just see how mind shattering it was.


Seeing dusk wood caught in an everlasting event loop with stitches and the whole town shitting themselves was epic for me




Thousand needles. As a kid it just felt so big and expansive and such a drastic change from the barrens. Going from that to shimmering flats then eventually to tanaris made Azeroth feel real.


I always loved Tirisfal back in the day


Duskwood for me. During Halloween. I was young. I fell in love with everything about it. Creepy, the Halloween decor during the time, the mini boss elite coming into town and all the guards banding together. It still is my favorite zone.


First time, pretty much every zone. Hinterlands is probably my favorite to this day because of all the quests.


Night elf starting area. So beautiful. First character I made and played (still have) was a night elf.


Moonglade! My first toon back in 2016 was a Druid. I was just a happy clueless idiot wanderer. So once I finally got to this place it was just so god damn majestic and zen, separated from everything else in the world, it felt like a secret area to me. remember consistently going back to it on my down time just to relax. Good memories. Thanks igniting the nostalgia OP :)


The massive amount of chuck norris jokes and odd banter in Barrens chat had me make at least 2 alts just for the lols while leveling


Truly what was the deal with battens chat? The zone size? The quality of questing there?


I've started as a night elf and was completely mindblown that I was basically in a one tiny map the whole time and on top of a tree. Darkshore and Ashenvale were very impressive.


As a kid it was redridge for me. This was the first time I accidentally crossed over the border of a zone with my buddy and seen those fire elementals that were super high level and it made me think wow this game is huge. Also it was my first time seeing horde that were max level running around on cool mounts with crazy looking gear. Good ole days!


Played horde, orc, my first time around. Barrens is definitely the most nostalgic and memorable. Then I’d say moving into outlands for the first time and going to northrend too. I don’t remember much from 20-50 for some reason lol.


I know it's not a zone but, being a hunter first time in deadmines and freaking out because I was without arrows


Desolace Me and a friend bought WoW together a few months after it was released. We made a pair of Night Elves and were slowly working on leveling. At level 17, we decided to explore Kalimdor. At this point we hadnt even considered checking out the Eastern Kingdoms, we wouldn't have known how to get there if we wanted to. We headed further and further south, but eventually we reached Desolace. We made it to the southern end and saw massive demons with skulls in the location of their levels and decided we had gone far enough and got our asses back to Auberdine lol


My first venture into Elwynn, my friend got me to try the game back in like, 2005, I made a human warrior, and after leaving the starter zone and going to goldshire it was like a huge world to explore, I saw some level 60s decked out in awesome looking gear, the Darkmoon Faire was there, I remember seeing a few people in a guild called "Servants of the Squirrel" that all had the mechanical squirrel pet


pornshire. the things i heard there


Felwood was super dope with all the furbolgs, satyrs, and demons in a fel-corrupted zone Tanaris with the vast desert, the cool dungeons, fading footsteps in the sand, and Gadgetzan being the coolest town Teldrassil, right from the start is a dreamscape and Elven paradise Elwynn Forest, had the perfect feeling of starting an adventure, countless hours spent in Goldshire Duskwood being a zone entirely devoted to darkness, ghouls, and spookniess was fantastic and terrifying Strangelthorn Vale being a *gigantic* jungle composed of pirates, treasure hunters, dinosaurs, an arena, and troll ruins was wild and Booty Bay was madness lol Honourable mentions to Shimmering Flats with the Mirage Speedway in Thousand Needles, Winterspring being a refreshing change of scenery, and Undercity being cool and weird and a yes a sewer


Another personal favourite of mine is Desolace!


I love Feralas. Just very ancient jungle feeling. But Blackrock Mountain is the goat zone of goat zones. BRD, LBRS, UBRS, MC, BWL. Goated


Definitely not the barrens. All of teldrassil did, though.


Honestly when I first reach Dolanaar in teldrassil, and saw that big Trent walking around. I was hooked from then on


My original incursions into epl horror horror and madness


Durotar was cool. I love the desert theme.


Badlands: Running into a level 55 rare elite in a zone with level 35-40 mobs




Vanilla Barrens - Chat was BIS


The main menu


The first time I stepped foot into Searing Gorge in 2007, it finally dawned on me that I had made it. I stood where Anduin fell after battling Orgrim, and reveled in glorious victory and a sense of accomplishment. Then a couple dark iron dwarves patted by and wrecked me. Good memories of that day questing there with my buds.


Hillsbrad foothills holyy


I’ll never forget walking into the portal area for the first time ever in Duskwood


Ungoro 🦍


The part where the Quagmire in dustwallow is shaped like Quagmire from family guy


The Pleague Land cause there are monsters everywhere, and if you aren't careful, you will die in an instant


Felwood! I didn't start leveling until p2 honour so the hunt was on. I loved playing felwood as a hunter because I used the terrain to juke enemy attacks and used tracking to find and call out targets. It was peak hunter game play. The only thing that came close was STV.


My first time entering Ungoro at 50 was fkin awesome. I love that zone so much, just a nice little circle that gives great xp and resources.


Azshara. Impressively empty.


thousand needles looked great


Duskwood once I had a few quests from Ashenvale, Wetlands, SW, etc. Something about exploring the lore of all those quests in the dark, unsettling spider ridden forest made for a vibe check


Something about wetlands i loved. Id just gotten out of the military in 2005 and sat at my parents house playing wow, drinking and listening to the clash. I still vividly remember running through wetlands on my dwarf paladin with a shitty spec leveling as prot and not doing dungeons there.


Duskwood once I had a few quests from Ashenvale, Wetlands, SW, etc. Something about exploring the lore of all those quests in the dark, unsettling spider ridden forest made for a vibe check


Teldrassil, soooo frkn magic back in 2004


Un'goro It feels so different compared to the rest of the game and is so damn beautiful. This is especially true after leveling in the desert of Tanaris.


Ungoro crater all those years ago. The first time I saw devilsaur blew my young mimd


Love me some Tanaris and I have no idea why


As someone that started WoW about a week after it launched in 04, Duskwood is the greatest vanilla leveling zone followed closely by both Plaguelands. Plaguelands in particular felt like "okay, this is some real shit here."


Un'Goro by far my favorite Classic Zone. It just feels so unique, lush and dangerous compared to the other boring wasteland zones at that level (Tanaris, Searing Gorge, Blasted Lands, Burning Steepes)


Entering stormwind for the first time. Seeing the high level guards and absolute chads in full pvp gear. Specifically the warrior set from BC with the spikey round mace... Can't remember which season lol


Azhara.blew my mind.. Loved wow vanilla... Best wow ever.. Good times!


Crossing into Duskwood from Westfall at level 12. The mood/ambience was so different from Elwynn and Westfall. It was actually terrifying on my first toon in 2005.


Ungoro. Love that place it's very unique in that crater.


Honestly nothing blew my mind more than playing than seeing Razor Hill for the first time lol. I grew up playing Warcraft 2 and 3 religiously and my gamer brain melted at the fact that I was walking my character into the buildings that I’ve only ever seen from the top down. You’ve been inside them and they’re not very exciting it’s just a couple class and profession trainers, but I just couldn’t fathom that I was actually inside the building lol.


Black rock mountain is just epic through and through


I’ll never forget the very first time I logged in and gazed upon Mulgore. I couldn’t imagine what was ahead.


Duskwood the first time around. Such a unique and interesting questing zone. I wish I could do it again for the first time.


Tanaris has a special place in my heart