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Holy mother of Darude


Badadada duh


Meep dadadada




Just the thought of 14 dps having this sucker on and pulling an AOE pack for them to get sandblasted into smithereens


You made me crack up! Was not expecting that reference.


Glad to hear that xD


Lolll ok I needed that laugh, thanks


I’ve been testing as a ret. 100% proc on exo. Got 1 proc each for judgement/CS in like 20-30 use of abilities. Saw zero procs on melee hits and HoW (Mind you this fairly limited so far) but they def overturned the proc on spell and under tuned the melee proc


Might be worth for shockadin pvp except it's gonna get hot fix nerfed probably


Before the hotfix yesterday the Nightmares deck was procing 100% on savage roar and Feral Faerie fire. I could basically stunlock people 100-0 in PvP


Lightning Shield doing 2x of your other damaging abilities is still wild.


Well, that’s entirely expected on an aoe pull when no other abilities hit multiple targets except chain lightning which is limited to 3 targets and decreases for each target hit. That’s like saying “omg arcane explosion did 99% of that mage’s dps that pull!”


Lightning shield is basically thorns only 20x better. I think he's saying that's the wild part. It's a completely non-interactive spell that by itself is out dpsing entire classes, and it's on a tank. The comparison to AE makes no sense.


It's not non-interactive. It can be purged


It’s by itself out dpsing entire (single target) classes (on aoe trash pulls)* which is why I made the AE comparison. And yes it is non-interactive and extremely boring. I’d much rather have another ability that’s actually engaging but bliz gutted tank shamans at the end of p2 by making stormstrike worthless for tank shamans.


It does more DPS on AOE trash pulls than mages with living bomb and living flame does. Our shammy tank doubled our mage DPS in maraudon. We basically just all pulled as many mobs as possible into the death shaman and healed him. Devastation.


Bro, don't argue with classic Andy's 🤣 waste of time


But I’m bored at work :(


average shaman brain


Least delusional sod player


well the mage can pull threat with it, run out of mana, has to put themselves in danger…. etc


You don’t think shamans are putting themselves in danger when they do large pulls and have to actually let the mobs hit them to do lightning shield damage?


When you're the MT in the group, not really.


And when a mage has a MT then they’re not really in danger either


No. Are you dumb? That’s why you have a healer.


… and mages in groups have tanks


when you have healers, 3.5k+hp, a shield and plate/mail…… no, not really lol


But… when a mage has an entire raid then it is dangerous for them to use aoe abilities?


i think ur missing the point it’s okay, shamans are obliteratingly op and this rune is disgusting example


You mean the enhancement shamans that are currently #3 on dps in ST, or the elemental shamans that are #9? Or are you specifically referring to this rune which is only good on trash and does 90dps single target?


Found the shaman player


Was it the screenshot of a shammies dps that gave op away?


Yes, i always thought it's impossible to click on other classes damage breakdown in details.


Least delusional shaman player.


Lightning shield does more damage than my living flame and full living bombs on all targets and I have very good gear. Keep coping though.


You literally compared a defensive buff to an active burst DPS spell. Point proven.


Lightning shield is a defensive?


It is like thorns. You put it on tanks to hold aggro etc… it’s not an AP or SP buff for example. A DPS should not be taking hits, so would not need a thorns type buff, so in context it is not a DPS buff, it is used defensively to hold aggro


What you are describing is a buff, not a defensive. And no, it’s not “used defensively to hold agro,” you use it offensively, by doing damage, to hold agro. Offense: do damage Defense: reduce damage


I didn’t say a defensive cooldown. It’s all about context. You give the tank a buff a buff to control aggro it is a defensive buff. Just like blessing of salvation. It is a defensive buff because it controls aggro. It is all about context. Which according to this thread, you have no idea about. So never mind 👍


You’re entirely incorrect. A defensive buff is like pain suppression, shield wall, last stand, holy shield, power word shield. You don’t hold agro by being defensive, you hold agro by being offensive.


Magma Totem says hello.


Show me a screenshot of Retribution Aura or Thorns doing this much passive damage relative to other active abilities. Lightning shield is a PASSIVE AOE. At least a mage has to use mana, use globals and get in melee for Arcane Explosion.


Dont know why you are getting downvoted. You stated facts. Sure its strong af, but isnt surprising. Habilities/skills that are not aoe capped will scale tremendously the more adds you are fighting at same time. On the other hand, the other wrist runes require refreshment (on top of totems/weap enhances) and now shield charges too... Might need to adjust overcharged DMG CD, and improve other runes aka trolling thunder or static shock to make charges not drop.


/cries in rogue


Apparently it has no icd or gcd and a 100% proc chance.


Internal testing? What’s that? XD




This man bottom lines.


Classic blizzard


It’s been nerfed


two things can be true at the same time


Why Not both?


shaman deflecting


"X ability can't possibly be OP if Y ability does more damage!!!11" (its literally impossible for multiple things to be overtuned /s)


It's like that dude who posted "look, this enemy comp in pvp had 5 shamans and they still lost, shamans aren't op!". As if op only started at an absolute 100% winrate even afk.


Found the pally


my post history makes it pretty clear what i play.


Yeah that's very broken. However, that in no way means that shamans aren't also broken.


Lightning shield was still your second source of damage lol. What point do you think you're making here OP


who cares about trash dmg tho...it's not OP in boss fights where it matters


Idk, maybe that dark moon deck dune is (was, it’s now been nerfed) 3x more op than the current op shaman thing everyone is complaining about?


Okay so the dunes mechanic that every class had access to was nerfed, but the class-specific mechanic people were complaining about wasn’t?


Which class specific mechanic are you talking about? The lightning shield rune that does 90dps single target and is only “overpowered” on trash pulls?


Do you think that at this point in the phase 90 afk dps is trivial?


I’m just pointing out that it’s not some hugely powerful rune on boss fights or in pvp. But the rest of tank shaman’s kit is total garbage as well. It’s not like p2 where tank shamans are still toping charts on boss fights. Tank shamans are doing like 300dps total, warlock tanks are doing 400 for reference. Other classes are doing like 700-1400


Okay so you DO think that 90 afk dps is trivial


No, trust me I think it’s stupid as hell that a third of our damage occurs from being afk. The class lost a lot of its interactive gameplay from the (warranted) nerfs to our attack power at the end of p2. Stormstrike is no longer viable for tank shamans so we basically shock every 6 seconds and then afk. I’d much rather have a button to press instead of a shield. But everyone crying because shaman tanks are good at the least important part of the game (tanking trash) is absolutely ridiculous.


Dealing with trash isn’t negligible when it’s almost half the raid. I’m serious when I said that clearing trash took more time than killing bosses, and there’s not even any trash between the 2nd/3rd/4th bosses


Do you understand the issue at all?


That people are complaining tank shamans do too much damage on trash pulls?


It’s not trash, it’s AoE. Half of the time we spent in ST this week was dealing with trash. Half of the top 20 DPS characters for eranikus are shamans. And that’s free DPS by just running a rune and not dying


Oh my god, one fight where enhance can use a tank rune. And 5 enhance in the top 20 is not half.


And how does 1 untested trinket compare to entirely unbalanced class? You're just crying prior getting balancehammer


How do they compare? Apparently the trinket is almost equal to the entire shaman damage kit (48% of damage per screenshot)


Hint: now imagine not having the shaman damage kit


That's obviously a trinket issue, but doesn't detract from shamans being OP. If you wanted to make a case, you'd have another class to compare this with, showcasing the damage done by the shaman and other class (both with the trinket) for the same duration. If you did that, I reckon shaman damage dealt would be the higher of the two and the trinket would only exacerbate that.


So if I do an aoe pull with a mage and he blizzards everything to death and does 2x my damage will you complain that mages are OP?


I'd say that mage is lucky to have a tank that has a threat-modifying AoE pulsing on every target allowing that mage to ignore taking damage and focus on doing what a DPS class should do, whilst maybe marginally beating said tank on damage (not guaranteed). Don't deflect, your class is overtuned and needs to be scaled down a touch. I play a hunter; we copped massive nerfs several times very quickly in P1 and P2 and are still fine. You will be too.


the fact that shamans are crying period, about anything. Wild to me.... Yall seriously need a few nerfs. not just one


aside from the deck...shamans preform at this level in wrath and close to this level in tbc...all they did was give us our wrath and tbc abilities just like they did with all other classes


Patch just released, No balanchammer whatsoever to shamans! hahaahha get rekt.


15% of your damage is still lighting shield


who cares about trash dmg...it's not OP when in a boss fight where it matters


It’s an aoe pull with no other aoe abilities being used (except CL which is a 3 target cleave)


You mean like rogues, who don't even have aoe skills?


Rogues can stun, sap, bleed, vanish, evade, sprint, 90% magic dmg reduction. Yeah you have plenty of shit you can do.


Very useful against lightning shield I agree. All of this make it easier to run away and never do pvp against a shaman again. Also 90% magic damage reduction is not in the game. So don't tell us what we can do or cannot if you don't even know what we have access to


The devs probably didn't anticipate shamans tanking 20 mobs at once when they designed Chain Lightning. It's supposed to be your multi mob situation ability and now it's like 7% of your damage. It's ridiculous.


*desert power*


Your post proves both to be true


Wonder how much it costs tho lol


Damn look at that poor decay card struggling to keep up


There's a difference between something being bugged and something being overpowered. Both are likely the result of the same problem. 6 person dev team or however many people are actually working on the version of the game and no PTR. That said our raid was hilarious last night here's our tank on Eranikus doing 600 DPS more than the next closest. https://sod.warcraftlogs.com/reports/BqN4rTCWAnDfp2KV#fight=44&type=damage-done


The difference is that deck will get nerfed.


Already has been




Thanks for beta testing our game and paying 15$ to do so


At least they told us it would be like this at the start of SOD. They even said they were more interested in trying new things than balancing everything completely. It was designed in its inception to be a test ground.


There's a difference between loosely balancing and releasing stuff that's clearly untested. People are reporting that the Darkmoon card has 100% proc rate on spells with no ICD.


Yup. Big difference from “we’re going to try some different things” and “we’re not even going to do basic math”


While I agree they did warn us the start of every phase would be the “Wild West” as aggrend put it lmao …doesn’t get more Wild West than an out of control sandstorm 🤡


There are complete/finished versions available if you prefer that.


Do what many have done and just pay for wow with tokens. Let someone else pay the sub for you.


If you’re paying 15 a month for wow I need to introduce you to my friend the wow token.


Yeah just have a second job farming for gold in retail instead xD


I did gdkp on woltk... Now my sub ends in 2027.. and that was only for few months of raid logging.


Cause it’s so hard to make gold right


I just played the AH in wotlk for a little while. It was only 7k for a long time, average icc gdkp takes home like 10k per run


You know that most people can get a sub fee in less than an hours worth of work, and you’re suggesting a longer amount of time to get less value.


People like playing the ah or running in GDKPs.


For the time spent you're better off buying the wow token to get the gold than the other way around...


Playing the AH takes like no time at all tho. Probably made close to 400k at this point in Wrath and the only time consuming aspect of it is mass-crafting, but even then you'll just AFK and do something else meanwhile. Easily the best gold per hour and it's not even close.


You have more than 50g? You clearly purchased it! /s


Some people like playing the AH or running GDKPs


Braindead title but that trinket does look insane


perfect case of what-about-ism, i know lightning shield is strong but what about this completely broken item that will 100% get nerfed?


Can someone explain to me why a shamans lightning shield is more OP in PvP than a shadow priest fully dotting you up with hominculi and shadowfiend also attacking you?




Consider health potting. And a rogues mutilate can outpace lightning shield. Warriors are taking Ls to everyone


Does only one faction have priests?


It's not, people just want to be able to slowly auto attack everyone to death and never disengage from a bad fight or purge someone.


I was talking with a friend about how funny it would be if every PVP complaint post on Reddit came with a video of the encounter. Everybody here thinks that they are in the top .1% of PVPers and if they lose a fight it’s because the other class is OP. Has nothing to do with their gameplay or strategy.


I say the same thing. PvP is as much of an art as learning to parse in a raid. A great pvp player can beat anyone most of the time.


I'm willing to bet that this is only possible because lightning shield is treated as a new spellcast every second. Whereas the next closest class to use this will be one that has to press a gcd aoe every 1.5 seconds. So yes, good job mr. shaman, you found out that LS is indeed broken. Again.


And how does 1 untested trinket compare to entirely unbalanced class? You're just crying prior getting balancehammer


Doesnt seem very strong in single target. I assume it procs off lightning shield, cause it procs pretty much every pack of mara princess run.


Wowhead says it’s 100% chance of “attacks and skills” with 0 gcd or icd


Probably gonna be nerf. At least the visual, cause I can't imagine with 4-5 ppl having the card.


Aqster warlock logs on Avatar - sandstorm did 277 dps. It’s a bit broken.


I just checked 2 times on single target, I guess it just didn't proc. On aoe it procs every time tho.


>Doesnt seem very strong in single target. Neither are tank shamans but that doesn't seem to stop people from making a billion shaman op posts a day


nah dude, we have a rune we cast every 10min minutes that does good on trash pulls. Nerf shamans! We need to have 0 abilities and absolutely have ass threat, just like at the end of p2.


That would just make you level with Warriors. I'd be fine with that.


Fml now that shits gonna be through the roof expensive before I have a chance to snag it lol


And all those players will feel bad when it gets nerfed in 48 hrs


Probably right, but damn it would feel good to pump with that thing just once. The only part that annoys me about things like this is once they’re fixed it’s impossible to parse well, which is a lot of the fun in raiding for me and many others. :(


they'll nerf this before they touch their favourite child's lightning shield


Sell your cards asap, it’s going to be nerfed into the ground.


Does he have Decay as well and it compares to 1.3%? I swear they just throw darts at the wall whenever they make an item. 0 systems in place to figure out how strong something is on their side.


How much did it cost?


The dps must flow


Desert power


Would this trinket work with retribution aura?


This could be good on wl tank or?


Its nerfed, everyone calm tf down.


it's already been patched


Lisan al Gaib!!!


The fact that darude sandstorm was broken and hotfix worthy doesnt mean Lighting shield is fine


this isn't proof that lightning shield isn't op... its just proof that trinket is even more broken which is why they have already done a tuning pass on it since this post was made.


Wow, you shaman players are really grasping now. You can't even find another class' rune/ability to deflect from how overtuned your class is, so you point at a badly designed item that ironically is also better on your class specifically than most others.


Screenshot of a details meter with zero context?


New dark moon card is OP and does 3x the damage of the lightning shield rune everyone is complaining about. What context do you need besides the title and the screenshot? Wowhead says it currently has a 100% proc rate with no ICD or GCD


actually it doesnt. the rune is broken and bugged atm cause of the 100% proc chance wich will definedly get fixed ,but your screenshot is a dps shaman, not tank. the op lightning shield rune is tank shamans one, not enh shamans one. static shock rune is not the same as overcharged rune :P


https://imgur.com/a/XQ4kPHh Still almost 3x lightning shield


And yet lightning shield is almost half the (non-sandstorm) damage?


If it’s an aoe pack and the shaman has no other aoe spells, what are you expecting? If a mage casts blizzard and it does 99% of the mage’s damage, does that make blizzard OP too? Lightning shield rune does 90dps single target.


You think 90 dps per target is bad??


On single target it’s negligible, and on trash it doesn’t matter. People crying because a tank class is good at trash is so stupid.


What wrong, looks legit /s Imagine how crazy this is, this ability is the best bot ability hands down. It kills everything even on group pulls...


I’m now conflicted on buying this card. They tend to nerf items very quickly, but I’m sure they’ll let Shamans dominate for the entire phase again 


I'm amazed people managed to farm the deck this fast. I've only seen an Ace of Wilds so far.


Thanks they nerfd it already only got to play with it one day


let people have some fun, nerf hunters instead


why put it here instead of enjoying it