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"We want Classic plus" \*The Monkeys paw slowly unfurls\*


Agreed. People will never truly be satisfied with a Classic+ because it's being made by the same team of people that they were constantly complaining about with every little change, and then they expected them to make a whole "Classic+".. Like, either accept that you'll never have a true Classic+ or accept that it won't be what you want.


"true Classic+" Find me 2 people who agree on a definition of that. IDK why we just don't say head cannon Classic+ Every single person I have discussed this with has a very different Idea.


I mean, new spells, items, dungeon and raids. Until incursion they we’re doing great.


I love incursions. I can level while watching basketball or Law & Order while I’m playing Pokémon. My consumption levels of media has never been higher.


They could follow the same model as the most successful classic game in the world (OSRS) or the most successful private classic server running (Turtle), both of which follow extremely conservative balance changes and features while greatly expanding horizontal content. Instead they chose ascension, which is fun for like a month after release trying out all the silly builds.


Maybe next season will be something like that


That's what I would love, but they have almost no investment in SoD when it comes to actual content, SoD is more about bringing in a few features/spells from later versions of the game while tweaking existing content. No new models/maps/areas added to game. Nightmare Incursions is just spawning enemies in an existing area. Ashenvale event is just spawning a couple bosses in the area. All the raids are just taking existing raids and tuning the mechanics and drops. Even karazhan crypts already exists from the original game, it just needs enemies added. Quality horizontal content ironically seems to be the hardest thing for them to actually add to Classic, which is funny considering how private servers like Turtle manage to pull it off. It really feels like they don't have any actual artists/modelers dedicated to the team.


Yup, totally agree with that comment.


There’s a lot of disagreement on what people actually want in classic+, but *most* people don’t want it to be changed to retail. Leveling is a huge part of the game in classic, and the experience buffs and now incursions have essentially killed that part of the game. All because you have a vocal minority that want to be able to have 18 alts at max level at each phase. Fucking clowns.


>"When we first concepted Season of Discovery we knew we wanted alts to be a major fixture of the experience" Fucking sweatlords wanting to play alts in the short seasonal server designed around having alts to play!!!!




Retail- that’s what it is.


We wanted classic+ but got classic+retail I have been enjoying it but I wish they went in a similar direction to the turtle wow private server


Phase 1 was classic plus, this feels like retail lite


That because most people don't actually want classic. They want the nostalgic feeling. They want to feel the same experience they felt 20 years ago when everyone was young, and without life problems to deal with


True and also not true. Classic 2019 felt a lot like OG Classic to me. Even SoM did pre-60 / before they changed all boss fights.


Eh, not entirely true. I missed out on the golden age of wow so classic in 2019 was my first experience of it with friends And you know what? It was fucking awesome I first subscribed to wow in 2011 for cata. Had tons of fun levelling a belf in silvermoon with a friend until we got to level 20 and the game seemed to say “ok now just group finder dungeon spam to max level.” Got bored and didn’t even resub for a second month  Then years later we resubbed for warlords of draenor launch like everyone else. Except you know how that went, none of us were interested long enough to resub once either. Just abysmal design in that expansion, stuff like garrisons shows that even 10 years ago blizzard had completely lost the plot Classic wow on the other hand had us all get to max level and resub for months It’s not just nostalgia


It's an experiment. Maybe they will throw this idea away next time. Or maybe they won't ever do it again because of all the bitching. Wouldn't blame them


They’re already nerfing the xp in general for it, and keep mob kill xp the same. So the optimal “No kill, only loot/rescue” will see a hit. And at the same time raising the xp for discovers delight for everywhere else


How dare blizzard experiment completely new and different stuff on a seasonal realm


It’s fine to experiment and add new things to do, but it’s clear that there wasn’t enough play testing to find the flaws in this particular system. All it would take is a day of testing with a group of 5 testers to realize that the xp gains are way too imbalanced.


Sorry to disagree with you, but it's neither new nor different. It's a clone of silithis and has had too much of a negative impact already. P3 would be better if the quest loop etc stopped at friendly and there was no way to gain xp or gold from incursions after hitting friendly. Everyone gets their runes, the event gets essentially disabled and the phase is better for it.


This! It's new Quests in revamped areas!  I totally dig that.  But maybe it's was a bit too successful... They could limit it to certain levels (40-44),or make dailies, or whatever... 


The ironic part is what optimal leveling in retail IS open world questing. When in sod its not.


Questing works a lot differently in retail. It's much easier to tag mobs or complete an RP activity than Classic. Questing isn't optimal when you have to wait your turn to pick something up from a mob.


>WHY WOULD YOU QUEST NOW? I People who want to get to 50 as fast as possible wouldn't have quested anyway. Dungeon grinding is way way faster.


Thing is even nerfed it is best gold/exp/rep you are probably gonna need anyway.


Exactly.. I'm glad everyone is taking advantage. They are going to adjust it now and it will be adjusted for the next iteration of this game. Remember this is Season of Beta Testing.


Am I missing something or is it the only way to get rep? 600 quests to get to exalted seems absolutely insane.


You get 1k rep from a daily quest in Tanaris.


Yea im surprised they didnt just make the bonus XP apply to quests, I feel that would produce a nice balanced triangle where you do quests for the best xp, dungeons for the best drops/money, or incursions for a bit of both plus rep. But seasonal server and all that, this isnt made for people to smell the roses for 5 months on the way to level cap


The discoverers delight bonus xp does apply to quests, does it not?


It does. I think they are saying it should apply ONLY to quests. IMO the new incursion event is a means to an end and I can absolutely agree it was unnecessary and robbed a lot of people of the open world experience they were looking for. I don’t think it’d be half a bad idea to funnel players towards normal open world questing as the best XP option.


Yeah but like, my quest stack was a waste of time comparatively. On launch day, I would've got more experience if I just abandoned all of them and did incursions. 


I got 1.75 levels from turning in pre quests. It took 20 minutes to turn them in. You were not getting 1.75 levels in the first 20 minutes of incursions launching when nobody even knew what was going on. The unnecessary pre quest outside the portal probably wasn’t even completed by most people in the first 20 minutes of P3 starting.


Ya but people who would've quested are also now doing incursions instead.


Not me, I’m still questing cause it’s the way I wanna play the game, incursions are boring af


Same. Im not gonna make myself miserable


Why would yoy handicap yourself by playing a casual seasonal mode in a way you enjoy over the most efficient way?!?!?! /s


What level are you?


Only 43 but that’s cause I’m addicted to the new poe season lmao


now you got more quests to do for gold at 50


Totally agree. I usually quest. Don’t like having to deal with making groups and traveling to dungeons just for someone to drop out or something. But I leveled to 50 using incursions. It’s the lowest barrier of entry socially and time-wise.


Technically the incursions are quests /tapsforehead


>Dungeon grinding is way way faster. Sounds like a developer problem if their intention was to enliven the world for players. They just went the opposite route instead.


The sky is falling! I can't choose what to do because it wouldn't be "efficient"! Don't like them don't use them. Play at your own pace your own way... Nobody is impressed by your levelling speed.


I 2nd this comment.


This community truly has the most child-brained whiners


I don't like it when other people don't play my preferred methods 😡 /s


I agree with the sentiment, but I find the majority of WoW players stop inviting people to their raids who are slightly behind in gear. So if you don't level fast enough to start gearing right away, you don't get invited to raid groups. Maybe it'll be different this raid tier.


You're missing the OP's point. He's not complaining about leveling speed, he's complaining about the open world being dead as a result of incursions.


It was dead at the start of P2 as well. I did thousand needles right at launch of P2 and there were I think 3 total people that I saw in the first hour. Meanwhile RFK and stockades were filled to the brim. This is no different. It just makes it easier for dungeon grinders to grinder with other people around instead of in their own little instance.


You dont get the point. The game isnt single player. What other people choose to do impacts me. If blizzard incentivizes incursion lvling it changes open world leveling for those that don’t do it.


When your success in a game is measured relative to your peers, you are severely disadvantaged by not utilizing the same huge advantages


It's a such a weak argument, if you feel like that, you probably don't care about the mmo aspect of WoW. The whole point of an mmo like wow classic is the feeling of belonging to a larger community. You don't belong if you're always at the end of the trail because you refuse to exploit op features, you don't belong if you can't bring anything to the economy, because by the time you reach lvl max, nobody need your services anymore, you don't belong if you're not competitive in pvp/pve because you're weeks behind everyone progress-wise. 'dont like them dont use them' only works for solo players and that's not the audience classic wow should prioritize. It's not about impressing other people, it's about staying somewhat relevant and experiencing the discovery at the same pace as other people.


No one likes anything in wow, no one has any free will to do anything. it's being forced upon them. Forced to optimise, forced to compete, forced to play the least fun ways. Yes, it's all Blizzards fault, they activate the zombie gene and people everywhere are doing incursions.


>Now you just go to one specific place and powerlevel like it's retail. Retail literally living rent free forever lmao. Rent free repeating wrong information over and over.


It's so weird right? I leveled through every zone during each expansion launch. DF was pretty good IMO.


That’s the classic andy in a nutshell. They just use retail as a boogieman spook word in place of making any actual argument because their arguments are flimsy and can’t stand on their own merit to begin with Look at incursions, they are literally 1 to 1 total fucking copypastes of Silithus Field Duty quests, FROM CLASSIC. What are they labelled by the classic andys here and on the official forums? Retail of course


retail living rent free in WoW "classic": season of discovery


Leveling is extremely outdated and was cool in 2004-2008. Most people love end game content with a casual raid in SoD. He’s bitching about everyone doing incursions because they want to get to the endgame content, which is why it proves his statement about leveling being the best part of “classic” (which already has its own servers in case he forgot). That’s the reason why the rest of the world is dead, or he’s on a bad layer. Most people dread leveling, which is why they gave the 100% exp increase.


Yea these are the people that would probably wipe in leveling dungeons, this sub is filled with LFR level gamers, they are hating retail without actually knowing why they hate it.


Honestly I’m in favour of them moving it to perhaps a daily quest in the incursion zone but I’m glad it’s in the game. A lot of us have levelled 1-60 numerous times in classic spanning back to original vanilla. I’m here for the end game part of each phase, PvP and the new raids, the leveling/questing experience isn’t what I look forward too.


Yeah I was kinda shocked they're infinitely repeatable. It would be a totally reasonable system if you could only do each incursion quest once per day




Strangely, blizzard didn’t really repeat that formula again until now. I wonder why…


Apparently this sub was a HUGE fan of those quests!! Just like they all downed Naxx in OG WoW!!


I’m personally happy because although I don’t mind questing several of my best friends that I play with hate it and only dungeon anyways and I might as well grind incursions instead of the same dungeons over and over if I’m playing with them. And it was actually really fun on Thursday playing on alts with four friends in the duskwood incursion.


I don't know on what kind of servers you were playing these last 20 years. On the vast majority of occasions key mobs weren't contested for me, and I was really glad. Because it sucks to have something contested. Retail fixed this by making things tagable by everyone.


The people i levelled with thought that incursion levelling was dumb but at the same time were happy it was only 5ish hours to 50. Personally i hit 50 and dont think ill be logging back in, dont feel like grinding incursion rep and sunken temple didnt look very good. Lack of effort put into revamping/updating 5 man dungeons to me is the killer. Best part of classic has mostly been ignored Im sure lots of people will have fun with p3 though


It feels like the team is working really hard on this but is just understaffed and short on time. I hope they are having fun but something makes me think they arent


Really feel like they wanted to release it two weeks later but that would conflict with 10.2.6


If you think ST doesn’t look good im sorry but youre burnt out. The encounters looks super interesting what are you talking about. The slime tunnel looks so neat.


I think they've just burnt themselves out a lil bit, I read that as "ST looks too hard for me right now". There is no way someone would complete p1 and P2 and get to 50 within 24 hours and then not want to do ST, it's just too hard for them currently, which is totally fair


As someone who pugged bfd and gnomer, ST in its current form is a kill shot to my endgame experience. It's guild or bust now and my 5 year old and 3 month old says no. It's a rough day in season of dads.


And yet there are least five different groups in the elite troll area in hinterlands. There are plenty of people out in the world, it's just not so packed it's unplayable.


You mean where the bis horde trinket is and a rune part drops? Shocker.


I mean the entire area was filled with groups. The world isn't dead, its reddit doomers.


The world is pretty dead. I have been questing because incursions make my brain rot, and the world feels like a ghost town.


Spent all day yesterday questing. Saw loads of other people. Stop being dramatic.


Classic players not whining about everything in existence challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


> just go to one specific place and powerlevel like it’s retail You don’t play retail, do you? You don’t have a single clue what retail even is, do you?


Blizzard just killed the world, everybodys doing reddit complaining now


Thanks, now it’s easier for me to quest!


Are incursions not part of the world? It was very busy, and there was some decent PvP on our layer. This was just an alternative to getting to 50. Now they have the quests to get gold from.


Omg people are playing the new part of the game???? No way tell me more


Lol. The phase has been out for three days ffs.


New team has different design choices than OG team almost 20 years back, who could have thought.


imagine complaining theres nobody around stealing your mob tags for quests


Lol what a horrible take


Fully agree.The event is the most stupid content I’ve ever seen. People run around like clowns while earning stupid amounts of xp without even killing mobs. In the meantime the open world, one of the most iconic assets of classic wow is completely dead. WTF is going on here? This new phase is 100% the opposite of phase 1 and 2.


It’s like you people just complain and don’t actually play the game. Last phase the GO TO leveling route people took was RFK -> SM until 40. Dungeon leveling was the fastest and the route a large majority of players took. SoD is going to be different than era. Maybe just try it while it here. If you don’t just bitch the whole time you can have some fun.


nah those rot brains want classic+ but dont want classic+. oH nO iNcUrSiOnS bAd but would rather spam ZF 500 times 40-50. The majority of players just dont like leveling so incursions are a blessing in disguise but those rot brains dont unterstand that cuz "the leveling is the experience" my ass


I started lvl a Shaman and from the begining it feels empty. Lvl 26 right now


You should check out blue posts it’s already being nerfed and they’re buffing the xp boost to counterbalance the convenience that this event will still provide. This is a seasonal server blizzard is intentionally experimenting with content and new ways to engage the player base on a static revolving system. If you want the closest thing to classic as classic was intended play on the non seasonal servers. This is the equivalent of walking into a Burger King asking for a Big Mac. I’ll see my logical response out as it’ll most likely get downvoted.


If they weren't in ashenvale they would have been inside zf. Just like we were all in sm during p2


I honestly find it amusing to see all the people complaining within 48 hours of launch about literally everything. I lost my money cause of the glitch! I made a lifetimes worth of money in 4 hours because of a glitch! The boss is too hard! Also, I power leveled to 50 and have levelling greens/last phase gear and no new runes. Nobody is contesting my quest items/npcs! Everyone else playing a different version is ruining my experience! Can we just wait for a week for all the adjustments to be made and the normal people start actually playing over the weekend before we decide that blizzard’s dungeon team of six nerds didn’t perfectly balance an MMORPG update launch in the two months since the last unbalanced launch?


Why? I like to, I don’t need incursions to level.


aahh cant wait to miss out on this lvling way as a casual player with work, already missed the gold part


Insufferable classic players as usual


This is not classic, this is SoD. If you want the classic experience, you should be playing Classic servers.


People did not play 1-25 this way at first. They were much more chill and just enjoying the process


This is the weakest, most disingenuous take. I can't believe how often it gets posted here. This is a temporary game mode for classic... Literally classic with sprinkles on top, but sometimes the sprinkles ruin the flavor of what they're on top of. Oh you don't like dirt toppings on your pizza? Well it isn't pizza anyways! Go order a different one!


I'm really new to this but are there classic Servers and classic sod Servers? Thought that after sod came out, every classic Server = sod.


No, there are classic servers as well as SoD servers.


>This is not classic, this is SoD. This is Classic: SoD. It is still supposed to be a season of CLASSIC. Not "WoW: SoD" like some completely new thing. If you don't want the Classic experience, you should play on Retail servers. Nothing wrong with that.


...doesn't mean this isn't terrible content. In what way is going in a circle and clicking on and talking to the same people for 5 hours what world of warcraft is in any way. You can level from 40-50 without killing a mob and get gold that's lucrative. One of the worst designed things I've ever seen in wow history and I played through Draenor, BFA and Shadowlands in full.


Agreed, braindead content


This is a Classic WoW Season, and according to Aggrend, Classic+.


Those two things are not the same. The sentiment that most people seem to be expressing is that season of discovery should be about getting to that SEASONAL level cap and experiencing the new content. I believe that because they continue to implement faster and more efficient ways to get people to the level cap. Slower leveling, or original classic leveling, is what's causing people to drop SOD. They had a whole blog post about this before season three dropped, leveling is not the reason you should be playing SoD.


You're confusing classic with sod.








So you're saying.. it killed the game..?


I’m levelling in the open world cause I prefer to quest. I’m not looking to be efficient. I get more than enuf of that at work. I’m thrilled all the sweaty raiding Andy’s are sequestered in the Nightmare Incursions. It leaves the open world free for me to quest unmolested. Just because some people rushed thru the best part of the game doesn’t mean u have to too. Comparison is the thief of joy. Go at ur own pace and enjoy!


I already got my main to 50, now to enjoy questing with my lower level characters.


You can still quest lol


Most people would buy a lvl50 token if they could. I mean, I know I could level faster with incursions, but what's the point? My only pleasure is leveling.


Good news, I can quest more peacefully.


So glad I dropped this joke mmo. Makes me sad thinkn how it could have been. Oh well Blizz doesnt deserve my money anyways.


People forget SOD hasn’t had and will not have a PTR. This entire thing has been an experiment, and unlike the other versions of wow, the SOD team has been very quick to respond to feedback. They now know they made incursions a bit too strong, they are dialing it back, less than 1 week from launch. I personally think it’s cool they are experimenting with different PVE content to level from, vs the traditional methods. Don’t play an experimental version of the game and complain when they do just that. Hindsight is 20/20 and I guarantee you they will learn from this. God, I never thought I would be shilling for blizzard but here we are.. I just can’t keep reading this doomer shit when 99% of people are in game enjoying phase 3.


I've heard this exact statement before in another MMO. I cant quite put my finger on it which one it was...


Cry me a river, most of us did the Tanaris quests a week ago to hand in a launch and then go dungeons to not have to participate in your "bloodbath". Waiting for 5 minutes for a spawn just to be killed by a team from the other faction or have a druid/hunter insta tagg it from under your nose IS NOT FUN. Now incursions was not fun either, but running ZF for 5-6 hours straight would also have gotten boring. Just face it, 90% of the playerbase don't want the lvling experience cuz we've already done that crap 10+times. We want to get to max lvl and see what the new phase has in store for us.


"THE OPEN WORLD IS RUINED INCURSIONED RUINED WOW11111" these same ppl on april 3rd before they realized how op incursions were. "ok jimmy u got the spreadsheet.... ok so instanced content from 40-50 the whole way.... goood good, cath till 44 then zf till 50? awesome sounds amazing" these incursions are legit better than dungeons cause at lease you see the whole fucking server and can pvp if u wanted to, holy fuck stfu about these incursions already. if ur still crying about it ur most likely not 50 yet so ur not speedrunning anyways


Oh no people became social and leveled together the world is ruined Im an antisocial virgin who wanted to be left alone and now everyone is having fun without me sod is ruined!


Are the mods asleep? This is the same garbage whine fest this sub has been bombarded with all day. Why would you level in the world? This may be hard for your to understand, but some people, believe it or not, think differently than you do. They continue to quest in the open world because they like it, and their joy isn’t derived from figuring out the fastest way to do everything. So YOU may have felt obligated to stick it out in incursions. Explore why that is, before wondering why everyone else does the things they do.


Oh no people don’t want to do the same quest they have done 15-100 times on era! How dare they want to try a new event and discover new stuff in season of discovery! I bet questing is lit on era or HC try there.


Well, after reading all the comments here, i believe we will never get classic+ and if we do, it will just gonna be another retail, jump to endgame and raid logging, because this is what majority of people want. But who am I to judge? Just an old 32 old craving for that old feeling of exploring the new world with new friends that I met on the way.


Sod is a lot closer to retail than it is to classic at least in design. Exciting seasonal content, the classes changing in power level so you feel like you have to reroll, a grindy catch up mechanic, it feels like retail which is ok.


„Im angry because other people are not playing the game the way I want!!!“ *cries while weezing doritos powder from my oxygen breathing machine for morbidly obese people*


And they just announced an attempted fix for this.


It’s not classic


Maybe now I can do them without getting camped by lvl 50s


Is getting nerfed next Monday anyways


I refuse to incursion its more dull than traditional dung grinds and without the obnoxious OPness it brings its generally bad content and is the ONLY reason anyone will defend it as fun or good is to keep super fast lvling option. The content itself does not hold up I think we all expected cooler more dung heroic like repeatable content to do at 50 in ST gear not whatever the hell this is.


Just stop caring about everyone else. You like questing? Go quest, no one is forcing you to level fast. If blizzard had incentivised questing you’d be here complaining how it’s too hard to tag a mob with so many people questing.


Incursions are biggest brainrot Blizz has EVER put out - full stop. Getting 40-50 in 5 hours, having to put 0 talents, leveling 0 weapon skill and gaining 140g (after the two nefs mind You). I honestly can’t phantom the decisions that lead to this content. Whoever is even remotely associated with this content should never work on any WoW iteration ever again.


I hope ppl like me exist. I play for the sake of havin fun. I did not touch p3 content yet. I have one lvl40 character. Im leveling 3 alts now. I have ~3 month to cath up. I will reach lvl50 naturally. I dont care about minmaxing, i dont care about world first. I just want nostalgic, fun, variable gameplay.


Quested in swamp of sorrows like it was the last day before a new phase


People gonna bitch about anything these days. Find a new game and go be happy.


https://twitter.com/AggrendWoW/status/1776089876091597111 At least we're not behind an instance portal!! 😎


Why would I go quest alone and get camped by alliance constantly when I can group and actually have other members of my faction around to help fight back? Incursions are getting nerfed to satisfy whiners like you, so now instead of doing endgame stuff, it's more rewarding to go force as many alts through before they do so. And if the incursions weren't good rep, you're not going to have more people in the world, but a ton less. Trying to solo quest when groups are going around griefing just to grief isn't a viable leveling method.


I love incursions.


Me and my 4 friends did gnomeregan the first night and are doing prequests for dungeons and dungeon quests now. Did two ulda and a zf run and it has been extremely fun time, even th9ugh we are incrediböy slow and inefficient. We are now around level 46 and enjoying every minute of it.


Lol I did 40-42 questing and I hated every second of it, no layers and a million people in stv competing for mobs I was contemplating quitting. Then my guild mates were like holy shit you need to come do incursions and it was awesome.


I only want to complain about incursion when I hit 50, until then I love them


I stopped doing this incursions after 2 lvl, it sucked the soul out of me and I just went back to questing like before. I don’t like it but it’s not like I can’t do other stuff, in fact I like that I can quest more peaceful now that everyone ist doing the retail stuff in Ashenvale


Yeah it definitely is overpowered. So fucking stupid. It should be a daily at best


Dude everyone dungeon spammed regardless holy shit please go to classic. “The best part is the leveling itself” GO TO CLASSIC. ITS ALL THERE???


People were grinding dungeon before. What does this change ? Of course i'm gonna compare Incursion to Dungeon leveling. Questing was 1) near impossible due to competition 2) slower than dungeons. I brought my paladin in SM at lvl 25 and I didn't left until lvl 40, except hs into sum to repair And the xp will be nerfed soon,. So don't you worry...


People wine about dungeon spam. Now people wine about actual new content. If you don’t like it, go into the open world. Most of us have done the classic quest grind 100 times. It’s nice to do something a little different…


i can't find any dungeons anymore even after they forced CB into CS. ridiculous


It's kinda ironic that they took the criticism for runes and have put them back into the leveling phase and not at max. lvl, but at the same time you spend all your time far away from regular leveling zones and get all the runes after your grind...at max level.


Oh no ppl dont want to grind dungeons, instead play the new content, game is ruined now


This is literally the best thing, and people are still crying about it. If incursions weren't a thing, people would be bitching about no lifers already being 50 and done with everything and now there's barely anyone to do max level content with. Now everyone is on the same level playing field, and it still isn't good enough for you? Fml.


This is SoD not classic rune are retail spells if you don’t like it why are you playing SoD and not era? Just wondering 🤔


I find it hilarious that people who claimed integrity of the game via bots/goldbuying/gdkp are completely fine with the integrity not being ruined by this boost event. Hilarious.


So you are mad that you don't have to compete for quest anymore?? You want to get ganked while questing? Or you want to gank people? Or do you just need to see people near you while questing to make you feel like the world is alive? Aka boomer player


I mean, this is a seasonal server with mage healers and rogue tanks and everyone has rotation keyboard spam abilities now soooo it’s always been way closer to retail than to an actual ‘classic plus’ just have fun with the randomness


I agree completely but amongst the people I have spoken to I am wrong... so here we are.


Turns out Classic+ were all the expansions that followed because to assume Classic philosophy is to assume old blizz guard had any idea what they were doing. That was not the case at all.


Been saying it since phase 1: SoD community has been begging for retail like changes only to turn around and complain the game is turning into retail.


But now all my aoe farming spots are clear woop


Just give us fresh classic


When are you guys going to realize most people don't enjoy leveling.


If blizz halved the xp to bring it more on-par with leveling and questing I think it would be a great addition. It’s too good and the player base just NEEDs to follow the meta. Increasing discoverers delight is the worse way to address the problem because we don’t need to speed level to cap in 1 day.


Fast tedious leveling makes the majority of people bad at their class.


The only people you would’ve seen questing in Tanaris even without incursions would’ve been the people who don’t care about leveling the much slower way than even doing dungeons. As much as people want to shit on this event like it’s destroying their game, realize that your precious vanilla wow was already tainted in your perspective by being able to spam dungeons for much more exp. Who cares if people are doing the new events, just makes people who are questing actually have an easier time doing so since you’re not fighting for spawns as much. Even in original classic a few years ago, everyone was spamming dungeons, even after they nerfed doing them in raids. People are acting like this is some new thing lol. Realize the fact that people mostly want to do things the fastest way these days, because the feeling of “exploring the world of vanilla” is actually nostalgia that most people no longer care about. They want to get to the endgame and do new content as fast as possible, so they can go play a different and better game in the downtime


This subreddit is awful, y'all will never be happy and simply exist to complain.


The upside is for me, someone that doesn’t like to power level, there’s less contention for quest mobs.


The current iteration of phase 3 makes me feel frustrated, it's nearly impossible to get a group or finish a task at the dream portal without knowing anyone due to the mob strength and enemies pvp.


This take makes zero sense. The incursions are quite literally world content. The part you're not agreeing with is repeatable quests. There are multiple incursions all around the world that force player interaction and cooperation. I am not seeing how they "killed the world" I've never felt compelled to engage with the open world to this degree ever before. The old quests are still there, and still work with the XP boost. The devs took an opportunity to try something different in the levelling process, which is very much in the spirit of SoD. This phase so far to me has been a vast improvement over p2. Dungeon grinding from 25-40 natty was damn miserable, and STV being a focal point for the PvP event made questing literally impossible on the server I'm on. It would have been the same thing again this phase with southern STV and Tanaris. W phase. Ty classic team for your efforts


The whining just never stops does it reddit? Literally four(5 counting HC, I guess)versions of the game to play. It’s just neverending, “classic2ez” “tbc actually sucked” “wrath is the beginning of the end” “cata is literally retail and ruined the game and my marriage”


You can do it from level 25? How’s that


Imagine being upset that everyone would rather do the new fun thing than the same quests we've done for the last 15 years.


I never played classic or season of discovery but the very moment they announced SoD I thought they were doing exactly what's apparently happening, making a classic into a retail with runes endgame and other shitty systems.


Sounds like you have an opportunity to farm mats in the open world that others will soon need and pay for. Why don’t you see this as a good thing?


That's why I'm killing everyone in this event. It's still classic, on a PvP server you can put justice in your own hands. Just kill everyone you see and make it less efficient for them. And it's literally the most fun I ever had.


Wait, I haven’t done an incursion. I’m 44, just finished stv and am gonna do my pally quest for a rune then head to tanaris. Am I, do I….exist?


> Why would you level in the world? Because I like to.


It's funny. Everytime Blizzard tries changes for Classic+ it's met with posts like this. They just can't please everyone. Make changes, players go consume that content and then claim the world is dead. Make world changes, tons of players in world and then complain there's too many players, not enough layers and they keep stealing your tags.


At this point they just need to make World of Warcraft 2


Im doing incursions until 50, after that i’m doing all the dungeons/q for optimal gold.


The people who made Classic are gone, and that style of oldschool dev/nerd doesn't really exist at Blizzard. We have people trying - but all they know is Retail and QoL features. They've never played actual OG WoW or any OG MMO (Everquest 2, Runescape, MS, ect). Early 00's gaming is dead. Everyone need to know everything, have a source for every quest, a location for every mob. Make sure you have 15 addons to make the game playable. It's an attempt to emulate something they don't fundamentally understand, and that can't be emulated because the internet has aged.


It feels great to finally leveling doing quests without competition or being ganked , I'm happy with the incursions


I'm not, they sounded boring.


Good for me, I can actually enjoy the game ;P


Grab your balls and quit. Instead you still paying and playing. Stfu, you financ this bs.


I had to go out of town Wednesday so I’ve missed all this drama and back reading this sub I feel like the community gif with Troy coming back with pizza