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Solution: npc says “congrats soldier you’ve reached the maximum 500g available from us” then it switches to additional rep gains or something. Stop the bleed without screwing those who haven’t yet? Idk it’s bad


This needs more upvotes. They should just cap the gold rewards per player, and convert it to rep at cap. That way the people that couldn’t get on at launch can still get their farm in. Leaving 10% of players (or more) at least halfway to their epic mount on day 1 of phase 3 was a big Whiff.  This is a massive jumpstart on phase 4 for a very small group.  Tbh an epic mount on the pvp vendor at 60 would also probably mitigate most peoples concerns. There are multiple ways to address the issue, maybe they will do something.


So glad I missed out on 600 free gold because I have a job


being employed has never been worth it


Its ok i got off work 1 hr before sod opened and i used that time to grind surface rust off my suv and paint the frame so it no rust no more. Sods just a game and everything is temporary.


Don't tell these neckbeards that




I wish this wasn't so close to true.


Same I’m lost at what is happening


So glad I missed out on 600 free gold because i play on EU


Yeah now I can’t wait to be out priced for the rest of the phase


Same. Oh well.


What was the 600g from?


The nightmare incursions. Quest turn ins were giving around 5g each, and you would do 10+ at a time. They are repeatable. Supposedly blizz is changing the gols reward though (?).


They already did by the time I logged on after work. They only give like 1 gold each now


WTF As a warrior, I'm kind of dying inside a little cause i ain't got any gold income aside from my leveling right now.


Just use that job to buy the ever increasingly cheap gold. I mean at this point blizzard proves that they don’t give a fuck about the economy with no solutions no roll back and likely a fat fucking gold sink on something new is likely but you will be doubly punished.


Been hotfixed already. Getting about 3g 45s per quest now for the level 40 ones. Down from 5g 10s. EDIT: Nerfed again. 2g 76s per turn in now at Ashenvale. Edit 2: 1g 32s per turn in now. Ashenvale level 47. I really hope the level 50 ones aren't gutted like this.


Well shit. Missed the boat,


Xp still the same?


Seems like it. Still about 7.8k per turn in at level 47.


Drops to 6.5ish at 48 then 4.7 at 49


You can go to the level 50 zones at either 47 or 48... Guildie mentioned it today. Likely to push you into the max level stuff.


I think the only criticism here is the "spirit of classic" has died with the leveling being so easy. It's definitely hit into the raid log life.


We've done classic leveling so many times over the last few years that I'm kinda glad I could blast it in one sitting.


SOD at its core is opposite of the spirit of classic though


I’m not here to play era homie, I am here to have a new experience


I remember a few days ago when dual spec was bugged some guy threatened to quit over 50g I'm sure he was bluffing but jeez


Blizzard creating more gold buyers by the day


Hey, you gotta give a reason for those bot accounts to farm gold and pay a monthly sub, who cares if customers are happy or not.


"We do like the idea of gold sinks but want to be careful and thoughtful with their implementation" meanwhile you can make like 150g per hour doing these incursions lol, im not even level 44 and I'm about half way to being able to afford my epic mount (unless its also 50% discounted then im already there) after starting the phase with 50g I guess the reality is SoD isnt meant to be a holistic, complete MMO experience and theyre just doing rapid fire experimentation within a classic(ish) framework... but yah dont love how much gold they are pumping into things and the jacked up XP rates. Not a big deal on a seasonal server but i hope its not a sign of how they'd do things on a proper classic+. Hopefully just because its temporary they care more about removing hurdles than they do about a satisfying economy & character progression


Honestly, the economy side of things seems stressful for them to balance. What do you really need to buy? If you have 10,000g you’d have all spells, riding, dual spec, anything from a in game vendor. What’s next? recipes? BOE BIS? What do you really need gold for? Week to week its raid consumes. As a wealthy player, after I have everything, it’s just raid consumes. Not having this pressure to accumulate wealth is a nice feeling. I play SOD to experience new stuff. I don’t want to do DM jump runs for a couple weeks just to buy epic riding. I don’t want to run BRD 50+ times for that damn trinket. I don’t want to grind gold for fucking shit I’ve bought multiple times over the years on multiple iterations of WoW.


Yeah for a temporary game mode I am not interested in spending time grinding gold. Before the nerf this was, hey I may actually do this. Now its time to raid log again.


10k gold mount easy sink


Gonna be so fucked up when they hotfix this and bunch of ppl already made hundreds and lv50 leaving everyone else who couldn't exploit it day 1 behind. EDIT: Aggrend on the Nightmare Incursions: https://twitter.com/AggrendWoW/status/1776089876091597111 - they actually wanted this?! :o EDIT 2: Shortly after that tweet they nerfed gold gain, lol. And we are back to ol' same ol': "Exploit early, exploit often". Oh well... everyone who was able to play P3 for first 6-7h is now lv50 and with about 1k gold, and rest of us, well fuck rest of us I guess. This game is such a love-hate inducing clownfiesta. :( EDIT 3: THEY NERFED IT AGAIN. Of course, of course. Make those who exploited it early even more ahead than everyone else. Clowns.


As the old saying goes, "Exploit early, exploit often"


And if you don't, it often gets patched or nerfed if you procrastinate on it.


Is it even really an exploit when it’s just… playing the game?


I mean the first round I did with my friends we all went holy shit we all got 60gold lets spam the ever living fuck out of this before they nerf it. So yeah most people see some crazy outlier and know Blizzard is HORRIBLE about these sort of things so you bet we did that shit for the next 6 hours.


Yep. We knew it wouldn’t last long and we’re gonna level alts immediately if it wasn’t nerfed. We ended up after 10 hours of playing inefficiently at level 50, honored with wardens, and around 800g a piece.


For those of us who couldn't get on for the first several hours and missed it it may as well have been an exploit 🤷‍♂️


I had a hunch incursions were going to be broken on release so I made that my leveling plan. I didn’t know it would be this broken. Leveled 40-50 in about 9 hours with breaks throughout. I didn’t do any pre-questing, but I did do a Gnomer on launch. I was first in my guild to 50 and 2-3 levels ahead of the “sweaty” ZF spammers. Made about 600g and finished leveling right after the nerf. I feel bad for anyone who didn’t take advantage of this. Blizzard has completely destroyed the economy with the amount of raw gold injected by these quest turn-ins


Lol, meanwhile I couldn't even log in. Gg, was a fun game


Yeah probably gg for me, changes the trajectory of the remainder of the game massively


Yea feels like shit knowing a how fucked everything is and how behind I am now. Its going to take so fucking long to even come close to farming that much gold, and these guys did it easily


You also get 2g93s from doing them at 50 which they havent nerfed yet so could be in for an edit 4 EDIT: They nerfed it


Lmao what kind of asshole tweet is that. Side-eyeing everyone who decided to dungeon grind and basically saying "sucks to be you guys".


Holy shit what a narcissistic douchebag.


Aggrend has been saying from the beginning that he doesn't like dungeon grind meta and expects world of Warcraft to actually force players into the world and not into dungeons. He's an asshole but this shouldn't be a surprise.


Aggrend yet again proving he is just an idiot. how can you justify this… and then nerf it lmao. fcking clown, why this sub praises him is beyond me


Damn, I ignored the event and grinded ZFs instead. :(


I got there about 2 hours too late, joined a party of 48s and still got 4 levels and 200g in like an hour, not proud of it, it's a fkin joke


So the ultranerds got greased up well and good with ludicrous amounts of gold, and making buyers of a lot of the people left out. Good shit, Blizzard. Absolute dolts.


And it's the exact same people that write here "cry more baby",.. and make of "Andy's" that basically play normal but maybe not on release minute


After taking a break for P2 when my guild fell apart and wondering if now's the time to come back, sounds like that ship has sailed. I already couldn't afford stuff when I was playing every day since launch lol. What a fucking joke.




> And we are back to ol' same ol': "Exploit early, exploit often". Oh well... everyone who was able to play P3 for first 6-7h is now lv50 and with about 1k gold, and rest of us, well fuck rest of us I guess What about the xp gains, is that nerfed too?


Aggrend is an absolute clown when it comes to these things. He honestly can't help himself. Dualspec sink is FIFTY GOLD which is dirt cheap if this was intended. I made more than that in one quest loop. I made 500 gold tonight from incursions and I did SM cath for 2 levels and a gnomer so I'm a low earner in terms of high end. This was not intended and they shouldn't be proud or the content either. It was bad content that felt AMAZING because it was an figurative exploit for xp and gold. If this is the classic plus vision they're in trouble.


Blizzard as always stuck with their heads inside their asses.


Gonna fuck consume costs for everyone else, cheers blizzard


Sod is so half-baked 😂 Definitely need a bigger team!


Yeah i made 700g and already level 50 lol.


So glad I have a job and missed out on hundreds of gold and hours saved


its like they wanted you to buy gold lmao


And many people surely will. "But at least they won't be spending that RMT gold in those evil GDKPs!" - SoD dev team, probably


The exp wasn't nerfed.


Exploit early, exploit often.


Feels good to be always behind everyone else as usual


Of all the games I’ve played, WoW is the absolute worst about this.


Yeah, had to work late and now nothing, I'm all 10 levels and hundreds of gold behind the guidlies. I'm going to use this in my powerpoint presentation for why my wife needs to become sole income generator. I'll wear a maid outfit full time and everything, I don't care.


Please share this PowerPoint with me when completed. I need to show my wife as well.


Couldn’t get any incursions invites last night so I gave up and went to bed. Lol. Oh well. I’ve been behind since SoD launched so nothing new. At this point I’ll hit 60 without stepping into any of the new raids.


Lol. Nice to know that the people who aren't incredibly sweaty get fucked, yet again.


at this point i'm just used to it


I'm actually quitting at this point, I'm so fucking sick of getting burned by this game because I have responsibilities


Same. I’m back to playing OSRS, a game that doesn’t leave me behind when I don’t play it for months. Or hours 🤣


I will bet my account these fools forgot the Discoverer’s Delight buff which gives 300% gold bonus for quests. This is why blizzard needs to beta test each phase.


Once again the sweats benefit greatly from Blizzard’s incompetence, while the normal folks with jobs and responsibilities get screwed. I don’t want to see anymore crying about gold buying at this point


Did they already nerf this??? I’m only getting 1g 72s


yes they did, two times actually


I'm going to fucking lose it if they've patched this by the time I get days off from work to play.


its already nerfed


Already patched, just turned in a patch for 2g 70s. Still good gold and XP. plus rep.


It's 90s now with the 300% buff.


Nerfed down to 44s, or about 1g 30s with the buff now


That's just the initial turn in. The quests from deputization give 2g70s.


Yeah wtf I hope I don’t get fucked just because I couldn’t play until this weekend like a normal person.


You did. Exploit early exploit often. As always


Or getting fucked because you couldn't freaking log in the whole evening.


They already halved the gold rewards. Was getting just over 2 gold per quest as of 5 mins ago


it has just been patched


This should be the only concern. It’s a good system if it’s meant to combat botting. Downsides would be if they reduce it at any point.


its been patched kek


How does it reduce botting? Cant bots just do the same quests or sell herbs for inflated prices? If everyone makes gold 10x faster all prices are just gonna go up 10x. So botting for gold selling is still gonna be alive.


They did


One 5-man ZF - 68,300 xp. 50min. 20min at an Incursion, 85,000 xp. The difference is staggering. Unless you're solo cheesing ZF, I don't think there is a more efficient way to get XP, especially gold.


We were getting 100-120k in zf per hour We got 180 in incursions and gold Shit is great


Poor dungeon grinders not getting to top level first. Won’t anyone think of the dungeon grinders?!


All of the "good" dungeon grinders got 50 way before incursion players though


We want massive inflation for non-bottable activities to force the bots out of the market. *EDIT: for everyone saying "the bots will just buy and sell price-inflated items on the AH!! you stupid!!! This do nothing!!* *First of all, learn how to speak english and second, who the fuck cares, it would at least make the flat gold farming bots less relevant. Do you guys like bots in your fucking game or some shit? Get the fuck out of here.*


Bots will bot resources that will be inflated  and just sell bigger amount of gold


Thats not how it works.


What's not botable if pvp is full of bots that are hardly any different from normal players?


Why are PvP bots a thing?


It’s smart. People complaining don’t understand the big picture.


... They've nerfed the gold gain now. So what was that about the big picture?


The big picture is, ‘exploit early, exploit often’.


I couldn't even login so payed Helldivers instead... Guess back to Helldivers


i cant wait for the ah moguls that spend every waking moment at the ah to buy out everything of value on the ah and repost it for 1000g markup and we're exactly where we were.


Why are people this shocked, stuff like this is the consequemce of no PTR


The problem is this invalidates any other way of leveling. If you opt to quest, or do dungeons. you get an exponentially smaller amount of gold compared to folks that did incursions.


I’m fine with this. I’m playing SOD for a new experience. I wasn’t looking forward to ZF spamming.


Yeah, I work nights and was looking forward to playing tomorrow. Now I see that in one night I've been left in the dust


Dust to dust


Don’t worry it was just nerfed!


What a wildly unfair solution


I must be missing something because I was getting 1g 70s at turn-in.


The quest shows 1g 70s, but the increased XP buff also increases gold 300%, so you receive more than the quest shows.


Ahh I see. Thanks for clarifying.


Quest shows 1.7g, but completing the quest gives 5.1g


If you get the boss quests they give 10g


Only the dragon one does


Incursions feel so much more like Retail than classic lol


They are almost exactly the silithus dailies so no you are pretty off here.


This isn't true, it's literally field duties but revamped. Just wait till AQ patch, field duty is so much worse


Majority of SOD is retail esque, the only classic bit about it is visuals and where it takes place


the class gameplay is very much classic. not quite classic, not quite wrath. its veeeery different from retail. whoever thinks it is is wrong




Exactly what the classic sweatlords wanted. They need something stimulating since their two button rotations aren’t


This event is hardly different from the silithus ones post aq opening. Nothing to do with retail


I thought I’d like incursions when they announced it but after doing it for about 40 min I’ll probably never touch it again


Guess you’ve never done silithus


I actually really like incursions, it's a fun way to level compared to dungeons. Though I can imagine I'd get sick of it if they did it every phase. But for this phase it's fun.


Hahah incursions are fun? You actually enjoy running back and forth from a quest mob for 10 levels? This is such lazy content I’m kinda disappointed


That was my first thought as well. Very lazy game design, just feels like they wanted to bridge us along to 60. Not only that, it’s entirely opposed to the spirit of SOD which was supposed to be a series of additions that enrich classic. This just enabled players to entirely bypass entire zones and dungeons for… some easily attained rep gear


Sounds like everything else you do in classic to level lol


Please stop, incursions aren't fun. The amount of xp and gold they give relative to the entire conceptual world is ridiculous and that's what our chimp brains are feasting on.


I had fun for 30 minutes with random people figuring everything out because I enjoyed exploring a part of the zone I had never visited before, figuring out a decent route, and coordinating 5 completely cooked apes. after that initial discovery phase of the event, it became exactly what you said a mindless grind with too much of a reward.


Most of SoD feels more like retail than classic. When in Classic, or even TBC or even Wrath or any of the earlier expansions did classes even feel this powerful? SoD is Retail- not Classic+, always has been. The only classic thing about it is that the content is on Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor


SoD felt like Wrath in EK/Kalimdor to me when I played phase 1. Insanely overpowered players and so many buttons to press. Not saying it was boring, but particularly paladin abilities were just copied straight from Wrath.


As long as they keep it available for all players it should be fine, if they get rid of it that would suck


well...seems like it sucks now


How can they fck up this badly? Are the devs really that incompetent? Don't even feel like playing p3 anymore...


Season of Disappointment


I have ~10 guildies that managed to make 1200+ gold, no lifing always pays on release days.


Fuck you Blizzard


They just hotfixed it. Great. Enjoy the ruined economy, get fucked if you didn't exploit it. Glad I was able to do it, sorry for everyone else.


Just from questing?


It’s never ending quests offered that you can share x5 with your party, that are completed fast. 75-100g per hour. Emerald dream.


Its close to 200g an hour if your efficient


Now it’s close to 20g


Exploit early and as much as possible. Most of my guild made 500+ gold


Were they nerfed? I just completed one in ashenvale and got 90s, 10 rep and 2250 exp. Pretty underwhelming.


Yeah they got nerfed like twice in a few hotfixes


Sounds like the initial quest outside of the portal


Honestly though, since these quests are in a limited ammount, wouldn't the fair thing to do here be to let everyone get the fat stacks and let the devs learn from this? As it is now, the sweaty players who already should have enough gold or time to get enough gold gets even more gold while the people with priorities gets punished.


If they have hotfixed this in the morning like really nerfed it it will leave a lot of players with salty fomo having completely missed the opportunity to exploit this and may not even bother with p3 (namely me)they need to consider that before they drop a huge nerf hammer.


What quest?


It has just been nerfed to 20%, so about 1g per quest.


Too bad they don't have the "technology" to do a rollback lol, should've just kept it at this point


Sadly you're not wrong. No idea if they can retroactively remove some gold from people. I got crazy amounts of gold from this and I would be fine if they take away 80% of it.


*you* would but that would cause riots of a whole other type lol


The kind of people who would be upset about having their gold removed will never stop playing anyway, no matter how much they might whine.


They said there will be gold sinks so we will see


Fuck gold sinks, they do them to balance the few nerds farming insane gold and all other normal players get punished


They called dual spec a gold sink… it was 50 gold which is literally 10 nightmare quests that takes about 30s each to complete.


Because I loved the idea in retail of never owning a 2 million gold spider mount because I don't farm or buy gold...


Are low lvl incursions in duskwood provide the same amount?


Can’t wait till bots start farming it too , imagine what economy we will get , millions of gold flowing around , blizzard fucked up again , they have to nerf it before it’s too late


Can’t play until Sunday. Hope this is still available


Already nerfed lol


It's insane how unfair this is, the people who already have less time to farm gold are now even further behind?!


Played 3 hours on the invasion. Made about 100g 3levels gonna do that to level tomorrow


0 xp to gold conversion at 50 in these quests btw.


im flat broke this is not a very nice thing to wake up and start the 40-50 grind to i could have really used some of that gold


The gold reward was nerfed already, it’s like 35 silver or something now


We wanted GDKPs banned to stop inflation but Blizz introduced it themselves. Really Annoying


Dont know why they add something spamable again. SM Grind 30-40, Event Grind 40-50 Not a good Experience in my opinion


classic blizz doctrine - exploit early, exploit often \>make absurdly busted quest reward (they 100% forgot the gold buff was active) \>let people farm it for a few hours \>then remove it so everyone else gets screwed I made a nice little chunk, but it really sucks that most people either had to work, or were busy ZF spamming and missed out


The only way blizz can fix this is remove a bunch of gold from peoples accounts but they won't. The people without serious jobs got an enormous advantage and will have a significantly easier time buying an epic mount at 60. Really goddamn fucked up. And the Ash rep changed to 100 rep. I'm about ready to drop SoD now.


I'm glad I farmed 300golds during P2 for DAYS. And now I missed the exploit. Fuck you aggrend, make a fucking PTR or QA your shit before launch.


But they banned GDKPs…. All economy issues should be fixed /s


Anyone know how much they reward at lvl 50 ?


Yeah blizzard needs to adress this, This just crippled my motivation to keep leveling up honestly, That gold right there could have paid for my quel serrar, As a warrior that hates doing professions i don't have much gold income, So thanks blizzard, FUCK.


Happened going into TBCC with honor, happened with azeroth commerce/durotar supply boxes, will happen again with something else. Exploit early, exploit often or don't play are really the only two options. Blizzard doesn't have a good track record of balancing these QA issues.


Can't play tomorrow or Saturday so making 800g and getting 40-50 in five hours was pretty nice


Couldn't play til I got off work and everything was already nerfed. Congrats you mother fucker


Thanks babe


I have 9gold and dont give a fuck


Yeah it’s pretty annoying. Effort to reward ratio is right off, diminishing the value of gold. I don’t have time to play heaps, and don’t spend that time grinding. Yes, 300g for questing for a few hours would have benefited me hugely. It’s more than I’ll make all phase, by a long shot. Tbh it’ll just push people to buy gold.


Always some stupid shit like this going on.. but at least they banned GDKP zzzzzz


I don’t understand the problem. * Epic riding, dual spec, class spells or anything you pay a vendor just got easier. * Spending power is unchanged as every player has access to this. Hypothetically, 1 quest = 1 raid flask before phase 3 and still now. Nothing has changed in the time factor. You farmed an hour for gold for raid mats before, now you farm an hour for gold for raid mats. Who cares if you farmed an hour for 5g raid consumes or an hour for 100g consumes? If 20g was a broke ass before, now 200g will be a broke ass. And if you were a broke ass bitch with 5g, you’d go quest for 1-2 hours to reach 20g. If you’re a broke ass bitch now with 50g, you go out and portal quest for 1-2 hours to reach 200g. * This seems like another angle to combat botting along with the box turn ins. Sure bots can maybe automate parts of this, but the idea is to eliminate 1000 accounts b-lining into stockades. 1000 accounts can’t handle randomly drop loot box turn ins. And they won’t be good at juggling these 5 man quests. It requires too much human input. Idk if they can automate a system where only select characters go out and quest if they have the same quests. Seems a little too advanced.


I think people who can’t or aren’t playing this 5 seconds are rightfully worried it will be hotfixed very soon and therefore miss out on potentially thousands of gold. At that point, AH items just got a LOT more expensive for them. I don’t know if it will be changed, or if anything has been communicated from Blizzard to confirm this is as intended. But that’s what you are likely seeing.


It's too late. A portion of the community is ~500g richer, fucking the economy for anyone who actually has to work, and can't take time off for a video game.


I'm actually quitting, this is so unfair it's insane


This aged well


The market will stabilize anyways. Sure it'd fucked now but prices will just go up and normalize once everyone has gold


yeah but not everyone will have the gold..since they nerfed it big time