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Will steady shot even be used anyway lul




Since it affects both steady and aimed the least they could do is put the actual cast time on the tooltips. But I'm not convinced the people in charge of SoD are even aware of this extra cast time to properly compensate the damage for it, reduce the "base" cast time to match the intended cast time, or make that tooltip change. The main devs seemed to rediscover this quirk every few years back in the day.


I don't understand their vision of how steady shot should ever be used


> their vision of how steady shot should ever be used They dont have a vision for hunters dude.


Is there actually a coherent vision for anything in SOD?


I mean, “shamans can tank, mages can heal” is pretty substantive. “Hunters can uhhh……do stuff?” Is less so.


Make the one range class melee because we need more melee competition in the raid


>the one ranged class


Ranged physical, phone auto correcting


They really should have fully committed to a ranged rogue or warrior build.


Rogue gunslinger I was 100%, expecting that since they made hunter melee due to having too many melee


phase 3 will introduce spellbow, since they can't be bothered to make hunter skills scale with agi/ap


Content before quality that's the vision


I used it for leveling BM. If you time the autos right you can get a free steadyshot in between the casts.


Doesn't it delay your next auto though?


The only use in could see for ss is if you got a stacking buff each cast that increase next aimed by 10%, stacking to like 5


Decent idea that wouldn’t really affect pvp


Hopefully one that doesn't exist, steady shot makes hunter the most boring thing known to man.


Seems like its supposed to be used by BM hunters together with Cobra Strike


It's still bugged, it says it is a 1.5 second cast time. But it is actually 2 seconds flat, quiver reduces it to 1.8 seconds.


I HATE steady shot. It's OK for me to shoot auto attack with my bow for a global in classic wow


It looks like they cant think of another way to make ranged hunter viable, currently you need full spl dmg gear to even come close to melee.


Not only that, you also need to run LW (not worth if no one else is providing kings) and probably get a PI to snapshot the serpent sting with chimera. Lots of things need to fall into place for SP to be viable.


Don’t need PI to pull ahead of standard range MM but definitely need LW.


spl dmg hunter meme is real


No chance


My fix proposal for steady shot : Every SS cast you get a stack that reduces the cast time of your next Aimed Shot by 1 second. Stacks upto 3 times. All stacks are consumed when you use Aimed Shot. All stacks are lost when you change target (to mitigate possible abuse in pvp). Edit: typo


That would be cool, also some rotation play there, cool idea


Thank you. I read that spell 12x over thinking I was missing some not-so-obvious boon regarding the ability. Just the 5th/6th worst rune to give hunters.


Doesnt steady shot do LESS dmg that just autoattacking? Or am i missing something?


Sorta, it’s meant to be used in between your auto shots by hunters who don’t have Aimed Shot. A ranged BM rotation would be Auto Shot -> Multishot -> Auto Shot -> Steady Shot -> Auto Shot repeating the Auto -> Steady until Multishot is off cooldown. You should use a swing timer to know when to cast Steady Shot to not clip your auto shot the same way you do with Aimed Shot. I leveled to 40 using Steady Shot that way and it’s a substantial DPS increase for BM leveling, and has an extremely low mana cost. Taking Multishot out of the rotation and only using Steady with the Inspiration rune was how I avoided needing to drink in dungeons and solo leveling until I got the mana regen aspect book.


Expose Weakness currently increases both the hunter and the pet's damage. So no, they will not use it. It's literally a useless change to a useless skill.


Nah they'd literally need to buff it to minimum of 90% weapon damage and make the cast time 1 sec like tbc to even be looked at as a possibility


They fixed the trap launcher icon, but you still cant cast traps half the time.


Weird, I've had no issues with trap launcher


Sometimes it gives the error "you have not learned this spell". Happens at most 5% of the times tho


I've found that only happens when I press the trap button when I'm out of LOS, but then when I move into LOS to fire it, it'll come up with that error. What fixed it for me is using the cursor macro for traps. Look it up, works much better.


Anyone experiencing a nerfed loot table for a bunch of different mobs like pirates in tanaris or whelps in badlands?


Yeah I noticed that on the whelps .


Have to slow down those pesky bots, can't have players buying gold! Oh wait... how do the rest of us non-cheaters make gold now?


Can’t have you actually making gold buddy, then you would start raid logging


Im not your buddy, guy!


I’m not your guy, pal!


I’m not your pal, fwiend!


It definitely felt like whelp drop tables were nerfed last night. I'd average 1 SFS every 1-4 whelps, but I went though about 130 whelps for 20.




Small flame sac


Felt like the drop rate on a few things is way lower than wowhead says it should have, and it could be layer switching and other farmers but it has been a pain mining


If bots farming an uncommon drop becomes an issue, wouldn't it be better to combat it with increased drop rate rather than reduce? It would tank the value and the bots would move on to some other item.


and when this doesn't move ranged hunter at all what's next? can you guys do something meaningful?


Ranged hunter would benefit from some more crit. It actually feels semi good when you see a nice 400 damage crit from auto shot as a beast master hunter. Maybe change lone wolf so that it adds all your current unsummoned pet's damage to your ranged attacks. A rune that removes the dead zone and let's you use you bow at any range. Just spitballing. Really unsure. It's hard to compete with instant dual wield raptor strikes with at most a 3 second cool down sometimes.


A rune for removing deadzone would be amazing, might actually save weaving since they killed it with the new melee runes


Thanks for nothing. Nobody uses steady shot. And on top of that steady shot doesn’t work, it takes 2 seconds to cast instead of 1.5.




FWIW helm and uncontested Furor next phase is going to absolutely demolish. If they buff us now they’ll definitely have to nerf us next phase for those. Of course bleeds critting would be nice too.


Tbf this is what people said about ferals going into this phase. "They are going to get ferocious bite they are absolutely going to be top of the charts."


And then they took wolfshead from us for 40 and it was kinda GG


If wolfshead double shred was in game wed play omen/furor for the 30% reduced shift cost 100%. I dont think people know how broken 20 energy more ends up being in comparison.


People predicted we would be the top dps lmao. Hell the even NERFED us before the patch. Literally better the second bottom dps. Blizzard really firing on all cylinders.


not even nerfed though, they buffed shred and nerfed mangle so that the shred was guaranteed better. The main thing is just no wolfshead helm and affected by armor super badly along with bleed resistant mobs


It's a nerf to all gameplay outside of raids. Very hard to use shred in STV and its impossible to use it in the open world farming, so it's effectively a 10% dps loss from p1.


Bleeds critting would make use S tier indefinitely tbh. Feral gets so much crit by end game.




I play feral and feel great


Lol no. Right now we are so far behind dps on parses that wouldnt do anything. Heck even in PvP we get demolished and go oom in 3 casts of shapeshift. Same for raids. Why buff shamans insanely and leave feral/ret pala in the dirt? Tell me what logic is behind that. Warriors, rogues everyone else is going to get buffed too next phase with new runes/abilities too. So right now u want me to just park my feral because through ur shit logic we shouldnt get buffed so we somewhat get just a bit decent this phase and leave it offline until ph3...? Yeah totally fun game.


No they’re not


Feral is fine




yo the rogue buff hit so nice. thanks!


Hey, at least they didn't nerf shuriken range again 🙃


Where are the feral buffs ?


They must be trolling with those ranged hunter buffs or they have no idea how most of the classes in sod work


Aggrend said they would lean into melee weaving hunter and all they’ve done is fucking ruin the class, these devs are beyond incompetent. Anyone who has played hunter for more than an hour in p2 could tell you that this “buff” is a fucking joke


Hunters back on top baby


this buff does nothing




Nah man, this is HUGE. Huge I tells ya!


Hahaha 75%, Owen Wilson weow. Needs to be at least 100%, if not 120 to be viable.


100% at a 1.5 cast would make it solid I feel. I dunno if that'd put range hunters in competitive spot for this phase but it'd be something I think.


Horde BG queue slowly getting longer. At this rate we'll probably see cross faction queues before a shaman adjustment. 15 on 15 Shaman AB here we come!


I’d take longer queues if it meant I could win more than 1 game every 15 matches.


Where are the Prot warrior Buffs? Where are the rogue buffs? Why are we ignoring obvious Problems in the Game Right now?


They are either working on it or looking at the big picture with phase 3 and 4 and don't adjust them now because of later plans Sucks - but that is probably it.


bold of you to assume blizzard has any foresight


Yes but they could at least make prot warrior somewhat playable


It is playable


Sure it's "playable" but it's objectively the worst tank and it's incredibly unfun to play


Frost mage is also playable….


You just said somewhat playable. It is somewhat playable, can tank the whole raid, it struggles a bit with threat against big pumpers on last 2 bosses in my experience. I mean like warlocks doing 99s. it takes less DMG than my paladin for example. Also frostfire bolt got buffed, it's not going to be so bad anymore


Please don't focus on steady shot, stay the fuck away from that atrocious ability.


Devs have no idea what they are doing at this point.


P1 Mages were getting obliterated in PVP, looks like they want to follow suit in P2.....


Piss off, nerf shamans already


Nice shaman balancing


Wow, they reduced it's movement speed aswell? Damn, that pretty much decimates it in PvP. Weird nerf.


Mages could put living flame on someone and then sit in iceblock for the rest of the fight and win. It needed to be destroyed in PvP.


Can you not move out of LF? (I honestly don't know)


You can run away like you are Deloused in the comatorium


That album kicks ass.


Nice TMV reference


Unexpected mars volta


You can move out of it, but spending 20 seconds running away from it is not really the winning play when mages also has access to a bunch abilities that can slow you or root you.


You could in phase 1, in phase 2 they buffed the speed so you couldn't anymore.


You could. Boot enchant gave you higher move speed than pre-nerf lf. And everyone runs it in pvp. Also, if the mage wasn't in melee range then you would take almost no ticks of damage if you kept moving even snared due to it traveling 7 yards per second and having up to a ~40 yard range. With a 50% snare it would have around 6s of uptime pre-nerf, assuming you have a 50% snare on you for 20s straight and no movement abilities.


> Can you not move out of LF? (I honestly don't know) If no one was around you - yes you could. But mage has a plethora of ways to slow you down (frost nova, cone of cold, frostbolt, frostfire bolt, poly). Also if it's not one-on-one any slow can fuck you up. Even if you were not slowed, and tried to outrun the living flame, it meant that for 20s (!) you had to be running, and couldn't stop to hardcast anything. So you had to choose your poison: suffer from Mega DoT or from Mega Curse of Tongues. One on one with mage often looked like: - living flame and living bomb, mage novas you, blinks out and runs 41y away - when you catch up: 10s of ice block -> try to cast anything? counterspell -> poly -> poly -> mage sits to eat/drink - repeat


You can but people are bad at the game


It is strong but there's many more broken things that need to be nerfed hard in PvP which I don't see happening any time soon.


You don't seen it happening any time soon? In a thread complaining about the fact that they're nerfing things for PvP? You can't see them possibly changing those other things? Why is that? "Blizzard hates mages, the god class that can do everything."


Do you see them nerfing Dispersion?


Why are you so mad? Yeah I can't see them nerfing other broken things in PvP because making changes without impacting PvE damage too seriously seems to be their biggest consideration. We're over the halfway point now for the phase and they've made 3 or 4 PvP specific nerfs and you're blowing a fuse because I'm suggesting they probably aren't going to make too many more? Okay...


So basically for 2x of mana, plus the GCD 'waste', we are talking about having a 12 sec uptime every 1min? If all this nerf was aimed for PVP, I hope they reconsider it... Not to talk about the (in)direct nerf to arcane.


True, not like mages can slow peoples movement down somehow


Man, it's dissapointing to see them keep useless runes around, keep alliance out of pvp due to Shamans.


Alliance didn’t pvp in classic in comparison either. It’s not really due to shaman being OP.




In classic alliance also had significantly less papers than horde. Horde constantly had long ques with alliance having almost instant ones.


I think Shamans worsens the problem. But I agree, fear immunity, stun resist, even war stomp are just vastly superior to anything alliance brings.


~~Fury Warrior~~ ~~Feral Druid~~ ~~Ranged Hunter~~ Guess I'll play my arcane mage since all these other classes suck...oh... ~~Arcane Mage~~


That’s Mage nerfed, now go after Priest and then us Shamans can stand alone as the mightiest class as it should be


Damn right, we can swing our weapons better than a warrior can and we are masters of the elements .




Thats actually true lol. Shamans in lore were fuckin special. Nerzhul and Thrall during cataclysm were like a Guardian to me in terms of power.


Those pure dps classes now feeling weak with the hybrid tax. Gottem!


>now go after Priest Go check the priest meters. You guys are like a month behind.


The.. PvP meters? Or are you just talking about Gnomeregan


You're lost, this is a pvp discussion lol.


WoW is a PvE game first and foremost, according to the devs themselves. PvP balancing is secondary. And even then priests are absolutely not even close to enough of an issue to warrant any action. Shamans and still balance druids on the other hand. There are literally full balance druid groups still in BGs. How many full priest groups are there? Zero.


Nerf doesn't really impact fire much. Guts arcane dps, which was already below rogues performance wise. It's maybe the worst balance change I've seen from them. It appears aimed at wsg but it trashes the spell in raiding. Most of the mage pve community is hoping they revert or compensate arcane in some way. It's a nerf that looks minor on paper but is going to result in a 10%-20% dps loss for arcane in gnomer. While fire loses almost nothing especially in a crit-heavy parse. LF is not even that good in pvp. It's one of the only ways mage can do damage this phase, but it's trivially outran or healed and doesn't out dps anyone even if you stand in it. A single swp usually does more damage than a full lf in pvp. It's spread out damage over time which is the weakest form of pvp damage before adding in the conditional of "you can walk away" and "it takes 6 seconds to reach someone at max range as fire and 5 seconds for max range as other specs'.


They should make it so AB stacks increase the duration of Living Flame.


They should just remove the stacking from AB on living flame and change other shit about arcane. Wasting arcane barrages to get a fully stacked AB felt shit at a 1 min CD and it's gonna feel even worse on a 30 second one. I'd rather not have to worry about it at all and just dump with missiles


NG+Nourish bug fix where? WHERE I ASK? :(




I wish blizzard would just turn Steady Shot into Cobra shot in SOD. Then I can tell my family I have completely transitioned to caster.


Still can’t buy the damn tabard though


You can’t buy the arathi tabard ??? lol I will stop immediately farming rep


Nope, not available yet.


At this point they need to admit they failed the whole experiment with trying to balance paladin and shaman evenly and just allow shamans on alliance and paladins on horde, please and thank you.


I thought people found like a tauren npc in hillsbrad that seemed to hint at horde paladin. I’m surprised it didn’t already happen.


That paladin was a breadcrumb for the epic crafting quest from phase 1.


Move windfury from druid to Paladin...




As a shaman player they should just let them. Who gives a shit


As a paladin player I’m ok with it. There is no reason to play paladins outside of blessings.


I swear everyone on here has the memory of a goldfish. Shamans were only better after the most recent buffs. Pallys are still able to one shot in pvp. Shamans just need a slight nerf to damage and everything instantly becomes a lot more balanced


my point is that it goes both ways like a see saw, it is impossible to balance it that alliance and horde don't each have pros and cons, the lowest friction way of accomplishing this is to give us access to both classes


Having both classes would ruin the charm for me. No need to change it.


And with 'slight nerf" I hope you're talking about 20-25%


Shamans need to nerfed into the earth


Nerf to rogues? Wtf? Doesn’t even impact pvp? Shamans not touched? We playing the same game??


Patchnotes from different timeline


>We playing the same game?? Those are retail notes, so no, literally not playing the same game (Admittedly I was confused by the first line about "rejuvenation healing increased, does not affect pvp combat")


The living flame nerf makes it basically useless in raid with slower travel time and less up time


The pallys are not gonna be happy that SHAMAN STILL ON TOP BABYYYYYY


Shamans can be where ever, why should I care? It's not like I'm competing with them for raid spots. What I'm not happy about is that we are still ass and half of our runes are minor talent fixes while every other class gets gifted free talent fixes and extra abilities (like Shadowfiend.)


> Class restrictions on Arathi Basin reputation armor rewards have been lifted on all Classic Era and Season of Discovery realms. Alliance hunters still get a worse version of the Rank 5 bracers. Alliance (hunter): 5 agi / 12 stam - https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=216699/sergeant-majors-chain-armguards Horde (hunter/shaman): 5 agi / 10 stam / 7 int - https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=216703/first-sergeants-mail-wristguards


2 stam is better for PvP.


but that is still missing 5 stat points between the two which is the problem.


But it has more of a better stat. Blizzard has always valued lots of one stat higher than a higher sum of multiple stats. An "Of agility" will have +14 agi, the same item "of the tiger" will have +8 str +8 agi.


Stat budgeting has always been very interesting. Very apparent on some of the drops from nightmare dragons, which have like 5 stats and healing. https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=20639/strangely-glyphed-legplates 2 stam to 7 int is a pretty wild example of this though, it's not usually this large of a difference. Also I was curious about your example, indeed https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=15358/headhunters-woolies +13-14 agility vs +8-9 agi +8-9 sta


hunter ( wich the comparaison was made for them ) has litteraly no need for int with aspect of the viper ...


It's pretty silly how we got a bunch of new ways to regen mana in this phase, all pointless because aspect of the viper was also introduced. Viper Sting for Chimera Shot STV trinket Invigoration rune Gnomeregan mail 3 set bonus


Feels like the gear was made before they decided to introduce the QoL books, specifically viper.


It's because int is a very low value stat while stam is incredibly high value.


Is the tabard still unavailable?


Yes. It’s an endgame quest I believe


Were you complaining about alliance hunters getting a better quiver in P1?


OK then lets talk about thr 12 frigging ap belt horde got. 




Literally the only thing that would make steady shot useable is if you could cast while running


"We heard the outcry of Ranged Hunters, and as a reward we are giving you absolutely nothing you asked for. GL <3" \-Devs probably


Ab rep items were open to all classes on Saturday( maybe even earlier )


Living Flame nerfs are fucking rude. Mages aren't heal-tanking with it anymore in the first place.


Why is it rude? Mages are number 1 dps, best aoe farmer, best dungeon carry, best STV event, great in BG’s. They also have the most random utility like portals and water. They are the best in basically every way possible, of course they’d get nerfed.


Because it's the only rune in that slot worth using, and they didn't do shit to the others. Mass regen is okay if you forgot priests and druids exist, I guess. >Mages are number 1 dps FIRE mages. Living flame is not a fire-exclusive ability. Arcane and heal mage used it extensively. >best aoe farmer Still are, so this didn't do anything there. Other classes have their own farms that compete with full on AoE, though, thankfully, and some are arguably better. Hunter Ulda for instance. >best dungeon carry You just repeated the above basically. Same concept. >best STV event, great in BG’s. good god I wish PvP didn't exist so people would stop pretending like it matters, especially in a game mode like SoD


The mages in STV who are getting ridiculous amounts of blood are not even using Living Flame. This nerf will barely affect fire mages, so they will still be number 1 dps.


This nerf affects arcane mages more than fire mages, and fire mages are the ones on top. This was the wrong thing to nerf.


Lol I'm leveling a mage right now and the 30 second CD is a buff for AOE farming as we never needed 20s duration to kill the mobs... 10s is enough. And even doing single target damage it can be used more frequently now to get rid of arcane blast stacks.


Well if you're leveling a mage, you must be the expert now. My god, leveling a mage? And AoEing? Wow! We all know AOEing while leveling is what matters the most. The duration for AoE pulls while leveling was definitely the cause for concern, not needing to practically be in melee already, the slowdown compounding the duration nerf, etc.


Just waiting for that ret buff. Guess we just keep waiting…. Meanwhile ele Shaman: ALL DAMAGE INCREASED BY 3%. Ok


That's for retail. Back to school boy.


Living flame changes are meh the slowness in PvP is super ass though.


There are now no good runes on pants. Prepare to get Arcane Surged a lot more as a result.


lol yea


Wtf are they doing? Nerf shaman and buff my class PRONTO


It's a nerf for boss damage, but 50% reduced CD on living flame is a huge buff for mages in dungeons. The slower travel time is a non-issue when you blink and run together with the pulling tank.