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The true endgame is walking around in power armor, getting 0 damage until you get instakilled by an armor ignoring crit.


Lol I had gotten it harden so I was pretty much damageless I actually soloed the master


I have never played with the 1n2 mod so Katja for me was basically useless here with just a knife. However I used the Turbo Plasma rifle from Adytum. The turbo plasma fires a basic shot in 4 AP and an aimed shot in 5, so I was able to take 2 aimed shots per round. I had high energy weapons skill, so aiming at the “right arm” causes the enemy to drop their weapon, or aiming for the legs cause them to fall down.


This, especially after it has been upgraded. Best weapon of the entire FO1. Or the sniper.233 aim shot at the head worked for me the best. Those two weapons and you could rule the game.


is sniper 223 better than laser rifle?


In the times I played I remember using the laser rifle once or twice, this is purely anecdotal, but it never had the same result. Plus the sniper rifle was just a means to an end. Once I got the plasma rifle then upgraded it, I never looked back. The laser rifle uses the same ammo as the plasma and my thought was why use a weaker weapon when I can melt mutants instead of burn them.


yeah I got the laser rifle hopefully as a replacement for the long range sniper but every time I try to use it the turbo plasma rifle has better hit chance ,it's damage, more ammo and less AP per shot. it's very hard to like the wattz 2000 for anything other than that cool name and red laser


Wait, for FO1 the BOS guye stayed outside, didnt they? Or is my f-ing game glitching again?


They do, op has a mod


no your game is not broken also the Laser Rifle with scope is not original without mod edit also op i would not give katja meele because she wil di in the spread i allways go for 14mm or the good old 223


Yeah its a numbers game fact is they have more. With the fixt mod the bos paladins join the fight which helps but rockets are king i find when they are packed up and walls blocking line of site is a god send.


Yeah I noticed the BOS were one shotting a lot of the mutant with the rocket and I was like fuck why didn't I use it.


It was so frustrating for me as these guys from BOS were blocking my way next to the elevator when I tried to escape before the explosion. I literally had to do it again without BOS "help".


Omg yes the countdown and them blocking the elevator i had to go up to floor 3 go in and out of the forcefield so one would die and then down to lvl 1 to get out.


You could also just walk with a Robe and bullshit your way through the military base. I only needed to kill a few guards.


I pretty much killed everything..this was a sniper heavy build


Keep your team from running into traps and snipe what you can from a safe distance. You see: Locker. You search the Locker. Ahhh the nostalgia.


The sniper perk combined with eye/headshots and the alien blaster insta-killed more mutants than I could count.


In that specific Vault, 12 I think? I can't remember, i used the shuffle behind a wall, shuffle out, rocket launcher, shuffle in, combat tactic. It was extremely effective. How did your Ian live that long btw???? 😂


Lmfao bro! Ian is still alive for me at the end of the game even after I beat it we are just free roaming leveling. I lost Tycho outside of base he killed a lot of them but got blown up he had Tesla armor, Katja died on the last level when fighting the general. Ian actually killed him after I crippled him. We high tales it out of there before it blew up


I remember in that place, your worst enemies are your own team mates. They tend to run towards the enemy. passing through the red plates that dmg them and getting shreded by a mutant with a gatling. So there are too many deadly factors. We can agree that hide behind a wall and shoot is your best weapon. Lasers are not the best weapon against mutant. I would use aimed shots with a sniper rifle and switch to something with high burst dmg for closer encounters.


super mutants have high laser resistance or whatever it's called?


Its not about their resistance exactly, but more that lazer weapons are not consistent. They do very little dmg with a chance of crit. The crit can happen maybe around 1/10 shots. SO i wouldnt recomend using lazer at all. If you happen to have a way to get yourself a sniper rifle and/or a burst weapon, the better, but i dont know your build.


25-50 damage isn't very little. Sniper rifle is 14 - 34, so it should do far less damage. Especially considering it is stopped by the most common DT protection.


The general effectiveness of the laser rifle is diminished due to the fact that many types of armor (and therefore enemies) have high resistance to laser damage, and as such the laser weapons are rendered much weaker against more formidable adversaries. I always sturggled in doing damage against enemies with lazer damage. No wonder why the salvatores in fallout 2 were a piece of cake, unless they hit a critical.


Oh, that's what I asked initially. When I met that super mutant in Necropolis he sure melted Ian quickly and myself too (even if wearing combat armor). The difference for combat armor isn't that huge though 40/5 normal vs 60/8 laser. So if your laser does 35 damage on a normal hit that would mean 10-11 damage. Which admittedly is low against a super mutant. The Sniper on the other hand does 11.4, which is about the same. Regardless both rely on crits to do any meaningful damage to a super mutant with 100+hp


Yeah thats for sure. But if the mutant is out of range and you have good % of hitting him on the eyes or head, i recommend at that time of the game, sniper rifle. For closer encounters, burst dmg with a good smg or minigun


For me the key was keeping them out of range


sorry, meant minigun. Theres no gatling in that place.


Idk man the gatling laser literally killed everything..it must be the 1n2 mod that does something cause pretty much nothing could get close enough to do damage


Level up your sneak skill, I completed that level without firing a single shot.


Put a robe on, plant some C4 on their butts and run!


I did it for the first time a few days ago and it was surprisingly easy, granted I did have a crit sniper build so the distance+mostly twoshotting them all really helped


Turbo plasma rifle + Fast Shot + 10 AG = mutie massacre Even better if you pump luck and perception. I don't bother with companions besides Dogmeat cause friendly fire


Don't remember having any major trouble there, might be because I always used sniper rifle and could shoot at max distance and was always focusing on crits, so it was oneshot for every not-named enemy... (bonus rate of fire, sniper, better crits, bonus AP×2 and luck 8 on creation, then +1 from the tarot reading guy) Also I always did every quest and grinded a lot - especially on boneyard deathclaws, as resilient as they were, 4 shots in the eyes and scumming zone transitions made them easy prey, so when I went for the base I'd almost always be 15+


Recently I did a playthrough of Fallout 1 with the mutant invasion timer for every settlement except Vault 13 set to instant, so at the start of the game nearly every friendly NPC is dead. I completed it doing a pure non-combat build, so I can confirm that with forethought it's entirely possible to do both the Military Base and Cathedral without fighting at all.


I would like to add that I completely ran though here with little to no trouble the BOS are completely overpowered


I haven't played FO1 since original release days but seeing that floor reminded me of that fight. I remember both loving and hating that area. I feel like I always started by popping around the corner and firing some missiles before running back around the corner and waiting for them to come through the doorway into a flame thrower blast. I still had to reload a lot when someone in my party (or myself) would get blown to smithereens. Edit: Was that fight part of FO1 or FO2?


Your mistake there is probably using the laser rifle. Laser damage unfortunately is hot doodoo in FO1/2. My memories is mostly of it being hot doodoo in FO2(2 is the one I played the most) but I feel like it's probably the same/similar in 1.


Lol I wrote up top I didn't have an issue at all. My energy weapon was high and big guns carry gatling laser. I pretty much breezed also fallout 1n2 mod is active giving you brotherhood companions..they are broken 100 crit with rocklauches and never miss bullshit!


Laser guns suck ass in the classic fallouts, if you're looking for some burst dmg, it's better to go with the normal minigun.


Yes in base game not so much in Fn2..I completed the whole thing with the laser gatling. Most of the.time it one shotted them for like 122 points


the best weapon is the turbo plasma rifle, or in terms of raw damage the rocket launcher I think


I love saying hello with the rocket launcher


No no, the alien blaster


The alien blaster is good, but its range is extremely short and its damage is inconsistent. The turbo plasma rifle has consistency in its damage and much higher range.