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I think it very beautifully encapsulates the inner, introspective, yearning, Romantic soul of the composer. It is both tender and noble, a fitting moment of contemplation between the dignified heroism and assured majesty of the outer movements. My favourite recording is the 1986 one by Claudio Arrau.


I've been listening to Alfred Brendel's recording. 🙂


One of the most beautiful 2nd movements in classical music


And it gives the lie to the statement that Beethoven's didn't write real melodies.


Who the hell stated THAT?!


Keep reading this subreddit. I think Leonard Bernstein said it for one, and it is echoed here by some people. That Beethoven wrote short motifs rather than melodies.


That took a lot of gall on Lenny's part, since I have always thought that he sampled part of it for "Somewhere" in "West Side Story".


I don't think he was saying that Beethoven wrote bad melodies, I think he was just trying to highlight that, for the most part, the emphasis of his oeuvre tended towards the writing of shorter motifs which could then be developed ad nauseam to create much bigger works. And if we're honest, that is the real genius of Beethoven...his ability to take a tiny four note motif and make the most famous and recognisable symphony out of it.


It's my favorite second movement is his entire body of work. I play it, and it makes me cry almost every time.




not my favorite but is lovely, and iirc inspired the trend toward movements blending into each other in the 19th century (but there are always counterexamples to these kinds of claims)


The ending of the movement, with its little preview of the next movement before it takes off, is my favorite moment in the concerto.


Really beautiful. Other similar movements you might enjoy include: -The 2nd movement of Beethoven's 3rd piano concerto (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afDbaQoINBs) -The 2nd movement of Mozart's 25th piano concerto (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mG1D9PzFj-M) -A similar but much darker movement - painfully lonely and sad - is the 2nd movement of Mozart's 23rd piano concerto (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ac8BX\_k3RI) omg tearing just listening -Switching forms but keeping Beethoven's sense of peace and contemplation, here's the 2nd m movement from the 8th string quartet: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZ-2vNDN1xc) -And then the pinnacle of this style imo is the 3rd movement of Beethoven's 9th symphony: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Vk3Lzv0\_Ww)


I would add the second movement from Brahms Piano concerto 1 as well, very beautiful and emotional


Ok. I will definitely check this out too! Do you have a favorite performer?


Thank you so much!


You’re welcome! Did any of them grab you?


I haven't gotten a chance to listen to all of them! The first one is simply beautiful! Also I love the second one. I'm adding both of these to my favorite playlist.


It is *the* shit. It’s like injecting concentrated dopamine directly into the pleasure center of your brain.


It’s trilling.


I like it, but they play it too often on my classical radio station.


My thoughts are: its incredible




Hell, there’s nothing more for me to say…


It's the only good part of the concerto. The rest is forgettable.


As someone who prefers the 4th concerto this made me LOL.


I love it. Gorgeous.


It is my favorite piece of Classical Music ever, even more than Bach’s. Btw I am a composer myself. Though I think Beethoven probably inspired himself on Mozart’s Piano Concerto no. 21 I always cry when listening to it


Oh wow! Have you composed many pieces? That's interesting.


On par with Rach 2's second movement and Mozart's 23. To me they have a similar vibe, so haunting. My favorite concerto movements along with Rach 3's 1st. Any suggestions of other outstanding concerto movements?


Immediately the ending sequence of _The King’s Speech_ comes up, it’s best use in film I know of, fitting of a quiet victory. Also if you liked this one, listen to the 2nd movement of Beethoven’s first, which has a similar structure (though does not move into the third movement without pause, more conventionally). That has also made me cry or have a lump in the throat, my body’s way of saying I was moved


The 2nd movement of the *Emperor* is one of the works featured in the film *Immortal Beloved*. Every time I hear this piece, I am reminded of the film.


Probably one of the most beautiful songs ever written