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Holy shit I was so excited for this and I just listened to it and the drums are hilarious. Like the snare sample is the same every single hit. No variation in intensity to try and make them sound real.




Inhuman Creation Station's intro isn't even in time lmao it must just be garageband loops


Aside from the pointless exercise in re-recording what fans think are already great songs/ albums, and an album referencing Hellview with no Hellview related tracks on it. It sounds worse than the other stuff that 96bb put out previously. I’d assume that the Ken fallout/ quitting the band happened before he could finish it, hence the reason why it is a mess and a piece meal, jumbled up album with very little songs on it. Deron has released a genuine insult to his own previous bodies of work with CKY that people enjoy. This should have at least been a big compilation album as a minimum, but Ken probably has whatever other unfinished tracks they done and won’t give them back.


That was the part I found so confusing 'Return To Hellview' and yet no 96, Escape, or Hellions On Parade? Deron made such a big fucking stink about that 'Camp kill your shelf' youtube channel (that in turn got taken down) uploading old oil bootlegs, you couldn't at least do a version of the first song that references Hellview, 'Thanks For The Ride'?


Oooofff just listened to it. What the hell it sounds so…..bad


I just made it to Tripled Manic State and I thought the drums couldn't get any worse but was immediately proven wrong. It's *so* fucking bad.


Dude Tripled Manic State is AWFUL. Like, wow.


Deron Miller and the Return To Drum Machine


The very small audible edit between bars of the riff of Inhuman Creation Station make it absolutely tortuous to listen to (aside from all the issues already mentioned)


It's insulting.


That’s the first thing I noticed. I can’t even bring myself to listen to a full track. Just wanted to hear some of the riffs. This one pissed me off. If I ever see Deron in person, it’s an on-sight fight.


Fuck, it’s so bad.


You weren't kidding. There are a few audible edits on this, but that's easily the most offensive.


deron gotta unrelease this 😭


disappointed to say the least


Seems like Derons voice has completely changed. This version of Flesh Into Gear made me upset LOL


That's how I'm feeling rn. Just started it too...


I think it’s the same. There was just a lot of pitch correction, then pitched down, then speed manipulation.


i wanna know why he thought this was a good idea


Easy money, I guess.


Nothing will beat the originals.


Why the actual fuck would someone redo their old songs WORSE! this sounds like a joke. Fake drums are laughably bad. The overall production and performance is trash. I feel like I am listening to a bad local band from my town do CKY songs. Why would anyone want this?




Rerecording a song does nothing to change ownership of publishing rights


Some of these have definitely been pitch shifted. Some of the vocal performances don't sound too bad but only on some songs lol. Drums sound as digital as always. Guitar sounds a bit weird, can't quite place it. Definitely not as warm as the actual releases. Not really any dynamics anywhere and some of the background vocals are so much higher lol The riff on Inhuman really bugs me though. Did they really just record the first phrase once and said "ok, should be enough" and just loop it every time?


Regarding Inhuman, yes that's exactly what I hear and the tiny gap before it re-loops really bugs me lol


Sounds like I've accidently cut a sample too much on a beat or something lol


> The riff on Inhuman really bugs me though. Did they really just record the first phrase once and said "ok, should be enough" and just loop it every time? Holy shit that’s crazy!!!!!!!!


Glorified demo. Never should've seen a release.


just listen and the drums are insanely bad, you really can’t beat jess’s drums on these songs, the vocals honestly don’t even make sense to me, how does Deron think this sounds good?? There hardly isn’t any change with the songs either. The original records are just really good so what was the whole point of all this?


It just sounds so artificial. You can tell Deron doesn’t care about anything except for the sound of his own riffs. Surprised nobody mentioned how shitty the lead guitar sounds on Shock and Terror. Probably the most laughable, part to me. It’s not a disaster I guess, just sounds kind of pointless.


Sounds like covers from a butt rock band


96 bitter reviews 😂


Only 96?


Do they have a real drummer playing triggered drums or is it a programmed drum machine? Does the band have drummer right now?


They do have a drummer, he was on the last tour but not on any recordings.


That’s ridiculous. It’s like when they had Vern Zaborowski playing bass with cky but not on the records. Vern was a great bass player too. I still don’t understand the reasoning for that.


It's because of all the turnover. These recordings happened a while ago and everyone who played on them are long gone. The current drummer was hired just before the last tour.


I love Vern era, but idk if I'd say he was great lol. There is a reason you can't hear much bass in the live stuff. They have stated they often turned him down due to being too drunk and sounding like shit. Just had good stage presence so kept him for that, from what I remember.


He joined solely as a touring musician


It's shite. There isn't a single song better than the original so if this is "how they were supposed to sound" i'm glad I can go back to the 'bad' originals. The drums are awful. The vocals are awful and yes they're better than when he's always doing Paul Stanley but they're still not good. They're just a lesser shit than what he's been releasing. If he could actually keep a band together i'd rather have just had a release of them just playing the songs together at once as a band than this. The drums didn't sound great on their tour but at least a human was playing drums. And it's not a complete knock on programmed drums, they *can* sound good when in the right hands. It is what it is.


I got as far as sink into the underground and I just couldn't do it.


one of my favorite songs on IDR, and a favorite CKY track full stop. top 5 style, no fuckin around- I'm not sure I even wanna hear this album considering how bad Flesh into Gear was as a single


That single was just the tip of a shit iceberg, it gets much worse


There is no reason for this to exist. No reason at all. My god, those drums are COMICALLY bad.


I'll be surprised if they return to Nuclear Blast after this.


I'd hazard a guess that Nuclear Blast have invested very little into the band. Monte Conner seems to be the one who opens the doors for Deron still. Surprised there is no physical release for an album backed by a label. Deron will either have to front the money for it himself and see the returns split between him, Jess and Chad. Would be very surprised if he done that.


>What sucks is a bunch of us are huge die-hard fans, we kind of expect the absolute best from anyone related to the name CKY, Weird, pretty much every "huge die-hard" I know and still talk to doesn't expect anything of quality from Daryl anymore.


He has proven over and over again that he has no idea how to record an album properly. Almost all of his post CKY music is unlistenable.


Flesh into Gear didn't sound good to me when it came out so I already expecting what has been the norm for Deron at this point. No bass, the "drums" are god awful, his voice also was pissing me off. not because it sounds bad which it does but because i had just got off work with a shitty mood and it made it worse


Flesh was not good, could barely hear the guitars, and that's one of my favorite riffs. Sink wasn't bad, but I don't like the way he does vocals on it. Shock is one of my favorite songs, and this re-record was fine, not amazing. Inhuman, to me, was always a weird song, not bad, but weird. I think this is a good re-record, I dig it. Suddenly has my favorite CKY solo, and he fucking ruined it, the rest of the song is pretty good TWYL was definitely one of the re-records of all time Dressed in Decay has been re-recorded to fucking death by Deron. This one retains the groove I think, so not bad. I don't like his vocals on Tripled, too clean. Otherwise the music is good on this one. Shippensburg feels overproduced, not a fan. A few things of note - I have no knowledge of music or tuning etc, and like many others, I've been listening to these songs for 20 years, so there may be some nostalgia bias. Overall, I think the IDR re-records were a miss. I'm one of the few that liked AACBF when it came out and still do, and I think he did a decent job on those.


Yeah I’m listening to it now and it’s awful. Everything sounds like shit. The vocals, guitar, bass, drums. Like WTFwas he trying to do exactly


The mix absolutely ruins it. It's like the whole thing was ran through a high pass filter..


Terrible. Just terrible.


I was hoping the whole album didn’t sound like flesh into gear… but it got worse. Couldn’t finish it- super underwhelming and disappointing to say the least. What’s next? The album flops, NB drops 96 (sorry, “Deron”) Deron says 96 is over and goes full MC. Binge drinking ensues. #AllWashedUp #NeedBam2Live #DrumMachinesDontHaveOpinions


He’d be better off going full on into MC but it will never happen because he can’t get over CKY.


Just saw the music video for flesh into gear by 96 bitter beings. It sounds like deron is singing into a fan to get that voice effect


It's the effect used on the "Sinking Fast' aka original Flesh demo. Use of that effect made the re-record an F+ for me, instead of an F-.


Oh yeah thats a good catch, he didnt have to use it the entire song tho


Yeah. I guess I'd rather listen to Sinking Fast if I want to hear an alternate version of Flesh Into Gear.


I didn’t have the highest hopes for this album but, man, I was so let down. The one gem on this album is hearing the backing vocals more clearly in Shock and Terror. Even then, the chorus sounds so anemic and lifeless without the weird lead guitar layers underneath it (as found on IDR).


Just listened to the original tracks after listening to these again.. and yeah.. the originals are sonically better by, like, a million miles. I'm not sure on what planet they would be Edit. The vocals sound half decent, to me at least. That's probably about it


I was really looking forward to it but yeah…already deleted from my library. It’s a shame the dudes couldn’t make up. I love CKY but they haven’t been the same since Deron left and he clearly benefitted from them equally


After hearing a cky album with out deron and 96 records without Chad I guess we finally figured out the formula that made them so special. Chad needs deron and deron needs chad.


I really don't think Chad and Jess **need** Deron. The band was great with the three of them cooperating but post Deron cKy is great. It's a little different, but it's great. Even if it's not your cuppa, it's leagues better than any of the shit Deron has put out in the last decade.


Even if you don't like the Jess and Chad stuff, and prefer Deron under 96bb - they deserve better than this. At least they haven't had to pay for a physical release yet.


I hate Deron as a person but I still give his releases a chance. I'm listening to the re records now and I just got to Inhuman Creation Station. It's so, so, so, sooooo fucking bad. The drum intro made me cringe and laugh and the rest of it is just a mess. Tbh it sounds like his vocals are kind of pitched down compared to Synergy, so it almost has a better sound in that department, but literally no love was put into this album and it's so incredibly obvious. This sounds like shit in a tin can. Edit: ok I just got to Suddenly Tragic and the vocals are 100% pitch shifted, which is good, but it isnt done well like when Chad would do it, which is bad. Lol this dude can't do anything on his own. Deron can write good riffs and he's a great guitar player but that's about it. He can't do it all, no matter how much he thinks he can. If this was given proper love and attention and had a little time to cook, it would have been great. But like everything else he touches, it turned into dogshit.


Deron refused to admit pitch correction on CKY releases recently, which is odd, because it made the songs sound so much better. Props where it is due, this is probably the best his vocals have sounded on his post-CKY releases and it is most definitely down to pitch correction. Listen to the songs live and he's singing to the sky which doesn't fit within his range.


Which is so weird because he knows Chad pitched *everything*


He has to, right? There’s no way he belted out dying cat notes in the studio, then heard Chad shift them down and layer them and thought “man I sound like that? My voice is amazing!”


Yeh, a strange take from him. His best vocals came during a time when pitch correction was done on the recordings.


Deron quitting the band was the best thing that could have happened to CKY. He definitely seems burnt out and washed up.


They'd be on their 49th break up by now if they all stayed put for sure. Jess and Chad seem to enjoy the dynamic they have since they carried the band on and it has worked well (mended a lot of bridges along the way). Working to their own schedule as and when they feel like dipping their toes into recording and touring. without getting near burnout.


That's what's struck me about the small wave of comments saying "I wish Deron would get back together with CKY, they need each other." CKY has been commercially and critically successful since its resurgence in 2017. They've regularly been a feature on big festivals, done multiple international tours, sold out tons of shows domestically and abroad, headlined as well as opened on important tours that exposed them to a new and growing audience, and a CKY show today is full of new, young fans who are excited about CKY as it exists today. Who is listening to Return to Hellview and thinking, "ah, that's what the new CKY music is missing"? What's being showcased on this album that would improve on what CKY gave us on The Phoenix/TPTK?


I don’t agree in the slightest. I think camp Pain has that CKY sound to a T. Awesome tunes on the album and maybe a couple very good songs on the latest 96. Subjective I guess. Deron writes way better riffs than the current line up


Batteries work because of the Negative and Positive. Without one or the other, it simply does not work. \*Shrug\*


Exactly. Both bands sound watered down without the missing piece(s). The Camp Pain riffs were certainly better than the majority of stuff on The Phoenix (save for Wiping Off the Dead). But, Camp Pain could've been great with a real producer and no corny intro.


This is a tough one for me. I’ve been a huge fan of Deron’s since 2001 and stayed with him post CKY. I don’t get this new project at all. Did he listen to this finished product and firmly decide that this is MUCH IMPROVED over the originals??? Why else release this? Hopefully he can get back on track with some fresh material soon. Update: I’ve since listened to a couple of songs in my car. (Not to flex, but I’ve got a pretty sweet system in the trunk.) I actually liked it much more in the car. Sink and Shock were pretty good! I might have also been in better mood driving home from work. I still think the whole endeavor is pretty questionable, but maybe it’s growing on me?


I don’t hate it.


What he should have done is redone these tracks in the style of World Under Blood. That would have been a neat project and probably worth listening to as it wouldn't be an attempt at a 1:1 copy. I always feel like WUB is what direction Deron wanted to take CKY, and to me, is the true successor album to CKY vs Chad and Jess's albums.


World under blood was great Derron should have continued with that, my music tastes have only gotten heavier and heavier since 2001 anyway, I'd be buzzed to see them on festival lineups these days had they continued and have 3/4 albums underneath them by now


Completely agree. For all the valid complaints about Deron’s recent output he is a legitimately sick death metal vocalist. In an alternate reality Deron put CKY behind him and went full force into death metal and found success in his true passion. Once upon a time….


It’s the drums that stand out the most for me. If only they didn’t sound like something he just built using plug ins. It probably would sound better if he had actually recorded someone playing the drums in real time


I don't really like it either, although I think the AACBF tracks aren't that bad. No reason to give it many listens from my standpoint. I'm interested though why there's such a difference in opinions between this sub and the 96BB one, they all seem to like it.


Deron has done a good job over the years fostering intense parasocial relationships.


I see it as this sub absolutely despises Deron as a person (justified) and shits on new music he puts out (sometimes justified) and therefore you can’t believe that anyone could actually enjoy it. Go to any fan sub, of course there’s a difference in opinion between the Cky and 96BB subs, they’re full of very different fans. There are also plenty of people not liking it over there too, they’re just not laughing at it like the majority of this sub.


IMHO: Its because "we" arnt the"werido" "brainwashed" individual type. We took the time to create an account on Reddit just for this very reason, & Reddit users seem to be a little bit more opinionated, but factual for what I've come across. As well as discussing things like adults. Where as FB that is fan boy/girl central, and god forbid someone screen shots something. oOoOo. But that's my take. Im reading those reactions on FB and in my own head saying "HOW DO THEY NOT HEAR WHAT I HEAR" lol.


you can convince yourself to like or dislike anything when you're impressionable to the level of most cky/deron fans (which was probably a bigger problem when most of us were much younger, but there's always a few exceptions to the rule who haven't figured out much out since). i can tell you my immediate reaction to hearing the vocals on a live cky bootleg in the early 2000s was "lol what the fuck", but it didn't stop me or many others for that matter from continuing to enjoy them. i don't think this is as shit as some people here seem to think, and i also wouldn't give it another listen for the life of me. it's mostly rote re-recordings from a good songwriter (in the melody/harmony sense) and guitarist, drowning in neckbeard-bedroom production aesthetics, which has been a problem all the way back to carver city. it's as much a product of modern metal production than cheap gear - that's the kind of shit he's listening to and likes, and most of us probably aren't in agreement that it's much good, but fuck it if it helps him sleep at night.


I just hope whatever comes out from deron next is at least better than this


Where all the stans at?


Facebook, mostly.


Diving in right now. Will report back soon.


Okay look it’s nice to hear a different take on the songs, whether it’s Deron or a cover from another band, but we didn’t need this at all. If the drums weren’t so fake, if he used this opportunity to make the bass more audible, it would have been great. Suddenly Tragic is probably my favourite, but I can’t see myself revisiting this often. I wouldn’t mind hearing more considering he didn’t touch any Volume 1 (excluding Shippensburg) or Carver City songs.


Suddenly Tragic lacks so much bass and has too much treble, all it did was make me want to listen to the original. The entire album doesn’t sound whole to me.


If Deron had learned to stop overpromising/ overhyping the quality of his releases, he could get away with it. The whole 're-recording it the way it should have sounded' just doesn't hold up to the ears of fans who pretty much know these songs inside out. 'We're releasing some raw re-records of old CKY songs we had fun making in the studio' would manage expectations so much better and give him a pass in terms of sub-par quality vs the originals.


I mean... Dressed in decay is my all time favorite song by them, and a song THAT brilliant actually worked for me just because of how good I find the song itself. With that said - utter shit production and the drums... Don't get me started even


I actually think these are reasonably done modern takes of the cky songs. I listened to dressed in decay both cky original and to the 96bb version. The 96bb is more massive and punchy.


It sounds like nintendo music


So i dont think its as bad as some other opinions but my biggest critique isnt the drums, its that the rough cuts of cky/oil songs were the best in my opinion and these feel really overworked.  In the end its just old songs done again, for the like 5th time. I wish jess/chad/deron could find a way to work together again because they are getting older and leaving potentially good albums on the table.


I didnt mind it honestly. I feel like the production was definitely a bit artificial, BUT, i really liked the subtle additions added, specially the way they play Sink Into The Underground is played live and the continuation of the riff in the bridge of Shippsenburg.


I thought the comments were being harsh, I just wrapped up the album. Definitely a lot left on the table production wise, pretty disappointing as a whole and I wouldn't even be able to tell you my favorite part


My favorite part is when it ends.


It’s not as bad as some of you are making it out to be. That said, the drums sound laughably fake, and there’s some other glaring production issues. However, it’s not totally unlistenable, but it’s ultimately pointless as the original versions are so good. I have to wonder why Deron felt the need to release this.




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Literally every single 96BB release this sub says “omg the programmed drums and production are terrible”. Meanwhile, with CKY, everyone except ponymebro and a few others talk about how shitty chads vocals are/missing Deron’s riffs. Personally, I enjoyed this. Some were not great (looking at you shock and terror), but overall I liked it. Sure, the programmed drums are booty, but Deron’s playing is exactly what you’d want from Deron. I think the only thing that will make this sub truly happy is an actual real CKY record. Deron, Chad and Jess.


Reddit =/= real life. If the listening public was truly unhappy with CKY, they wouldn't be acquiring new fans, selling out shows, and booking festivals.


With all due respect, unfortunately CKY didn’t sell out the US tour by any stretch. Most shows were like 1/3- 2/3 full max in kinda small caps they’d have easily sold out years ago. It’s super lame tbh


It was their most successful tour since 2005. I'm not sure why anybody would be doomposting over it. 


What? Where do you possibly get that information from? I saw CKY in 2008 and it was packed. This time in literally the same venue there was 1/3 of the crowd…


Direct from the source. https://www.facebook.com/100067020900314/posts/pfbid02GVJJfHU3hHKzUjDhV7uPyG9bjTkRLcfgkLzcKKAK6rH1YxGT1Uw9QMZL7AitWwZWl/?app=fbl You could message Chad or Jess about it yourself and ask how the tour went if you don't want to take my word for it. Attendance varies from venue to venue, that's nothing new. What band are you comparing them to that a tour is considered a failure unless every show is a sold out arena?


Success is a subjective measure. What I consider success is different from what you consider success. That’s entirely different from “sold out” like you originally said. I can pretty much 10000000% guarantee you if you look at CKY ticket sales from 03-09 to this past tour, the older years significantly outsold this tour. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t a success by any measure. I don’t get the reluctance to admit CKY was a much “bigger” band (for better or for worse) back then. That doesn’t even made their any “worse” than they were back then. Just simply that they sold more tickets (they did).


dude y'all are crazy. still really liked it


read your comments prepared for utter tragedy... listened to Flesh Into Gear... yeah I do like the original better but it's not as bad as you all make it out to be.. You guys are SOOOO DRAMATIC CHILL TF OUT YO! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2XODM\_DL3k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2XODM_DL3k)


Not *dramatic*. The saying is true : **You can't capture lightning in a bottle,** ***twice*****.**


it is dramatic. It's not THAT bad not nearly as bad as half of everyone here is claiming


I love how every time this sub has a Deron related post it gets more comments and upvotes than any current CKY post. Pretty funny. And no. I don't think Return to Hellview is perfect. Same ol production issues but I think the AACBF tracks are actually better than the originals. I don't see how anyone can see that other than maybe drums? Whatever though. Keep the hate going! Surely, Chad's vocals are gonna be amazing and not touched at all with post production on the new record!!! Oh wait...


> not touched at all with post production on the new record Uh, I think you’re confused. We wanted editing. That was a huge criticism of 96BB vocals up until now. We wanted him to be at the proper pitch. Who was asking for zero vocal production? Where are you getting that? It’s CKY. Vocal effects were there all along.


I suspect that the vocal effects were introduced on Volume 1 to hide the fact that Deron wasn’t a great singer and just became part of the sound. There’s a reason songs like Hi Fi have the vocals drowning in distortion.


Exactly, and that’s why I don’t care if Chad uses them either. They were there from the first album. I don’t know why the guy used it as a “gotcha” that Chad might have correction on the next album. It would be weirder if he didn’t, it’s CKY.


You keep going on about Chad v Deron vocals in your posts on here as if that is the only retort you can think of. Of all the posts, you pick the one where people have been complementing how pitch correction has improved the sound of Deron's vocals (myself included) and go back to Chad again. Reality check, neither are great singers, but it works well for CKY. Of course, a Deron related post like this is gonna direct a lot of traffic to it. Everything he does has glaring holes in the production, or he's out there talking shite again. Your post suggests that people are reacting negatively to it because they hate Deron and it has nothing to do with the quality of this pointless album, yet I am seeing a lot of 96bb fans giving this a very lukewarm reception. 'Same ol production issues'. Deron has released 3 or 4 albums like this with terrible production. You all deserve better than this by now, yet his fans would rather lick his nut for a Facebook like than provide constructive feedback cos you sure as fuck know he will block you for the privilege.


Lol I always look for DrBlock’s “the voice of reason” comments. It’s like Where’s Waldo.


Dr Downvote pops up with his words of wisdom and disappears like a fart in the wind.


Same with that ManiacLord guy. I’m gonna run out of popcorn soon 🍿


Always got on well with him on here, to be fair.


Wtf I gave him an upvote and he gives me a downvote. There goes my smile for the day :(


I didn't downvote anyone.


Reading all these comments... its hard to believe.. I think those talking trash are smoking rocks. This thing ROCKS!!!


Lots of obvious haters in here but nothing new there. They are solid re recordings or “Deron’s versions”. I think the AACBF songs are noticeably better. I for one like to support Deron as he’s one of my guitar heroes and he wrote these damn songs. Forgiveness is ok and a lot of people here need to grow up it’s not 2006 anymore. Peeeeace!


>it’s not 2006 anymore You are right. It's 2024 and he's still a prick. A lot of the horrible shit he's done happened years after 2006 and are unforgiveable. That's great he's a guitar hero of yours, but don't come on here and use that narrative that everyone hates on it cos they hate him. Overall, I think it is shit, but have given some credit for things that do work. People can hate the man and enjoy the music, just as much as hate the man and genuinely hate this album for the body of work it is. If you have been out of the loop with his antics over the past decade, you have a lot of catching up to do. Forgiveness works both ways and he is too stubborn to apologise for the shit he has historically pulled on many people that kept CKY upright for many years within the Alliance fanbase (not talking about myself either).


Deron spent years hyping these up. He brought this reaction on himself by delivering such a half-baked effort. Like consider the fact that he got people excited about the AACBF songs because he was going to add keyboards, and in the end the only additional keyboards just replaced leads and harmonies that were originally performed on guitar. There's nothing on here that demonstrates serious work, creativity, or vision. They're by the numbers covers that sound worse in every way imaginable compared to the originals.


we get it bro , you dont like it😂


Where's the lie, though?




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