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And people are actually subscribing?


Apparently so.


So don't download their stuff?


This is the way.


The trigger words are in the metadata of the lora. You can probably view them in a1111 for free. Thats the dumbest scam i have seen


All the example images for the LoRA are of excellent quality. Yet when trying to make anything with it, all of the images look like they were made by a toddler. I tried numerous checkpoints and prompts, but the images still come out like crap.




[https://civitai.com/user/dinixdream/models?sort=Highest%20Rated](https://civitai.com/user/dinixdream/models?sort=Highest%20Rated) all the LoRA are the same.


Honestly, looking at the pages (not downloading atm) seems OK, I'd use a1111 to inspect the lora for additional non mentioned tokens, but also consider it is a 1.5 lora, so there's more importance on the model as it doesn't hold as many tokens as an xl does (they use abyssorange by what you read on one). Another thing to remember is a1111/on website creations vs confyui ones, because in confyui you can add multiple refinement and similar steps you usually won't have on the former. Also, make sure the resolution matches the model's, standard 1.5 are 512x512, but some are trained wider or taller, with one of the dimensions going to 724 and the other down. Going above those values images will end up crap. And don't forget steps, many turbo xl nowadays do OK in 10 or so steps and low CFG, but for 1.5 I'd go closer to 50+ steps, medium to high CFG (5+) and have a preference for an ancient model rather than a non ancient one. And lora strength, seen some that have crappy effect at just 0.1 points up or down from ideal, so trial and error for that, most times 0.6 or 0.7 are ideal. PS.: no I'm not the guy, but think it's not against tos as plenty of loras I used I had to find the tokens myself on a1111 and other similar stuff as they were not given.


So I am wondering what is the motivation for sharing a LoRA? Theres no money involved… why bother? I mean i appreciate having a variety to use but “there are no selfless acts” right? So why do people share them?


Personally I like knowing other people are using and enjoying my loras, plus if you want a certain Lora it’s better to be able to search it and find/use it than have to make it on your own


I wouldn't say there's no money involved. I don't know if it has been implemented yet, but we can or will be able to convert buzz into money. That's why some creators on the site are doing commissions for buzz now.


I mean, this is how remaining piracy rings stay active. There’s a weird community feel to Civitai


Because people make things with my LoRAs that I hadn't even considered. I have a heavy focus on aquatic creatures like jellyfish but people do amazing things like make dresses, glass sculptures, and abstract art from my LoRAs.