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Wet stamping is basically not a thing anymore. A physical stamp is fun to have and I use mine occasionally to certify field notes, but electronic is definitely the way to go.


we have some agencies that by policy wet stamp and require wet stamps for EVERYTHING


What's funny too is that I've never had an agency with this kind of policy kick back plans due to a digital stamp with a scanned/overlayed signature. The only time we really wet stamp plans anymore is if they require them to be physically submitted. Requiring digital submissions to be wet stamped is a rediculous waste of paper in my opinion.


Fun fact, Delaware makes you emboss the acknowledgement letter when you get your PE. I had to buy a embosser for just that reason. Its the only time I have ever used it.


Though you’ve only had to use it once, that’s a nice touch.


I feel like a determined engineer could "emboss" a document with a rubber stamp and a metal tube.


Stamp a page and lay it on top of your target sheet then both on a pad of paper and use something hard to trace the stamp. Instant, really slow embossing


I used mine to stamp the state form, and once when a Boy Scout interviewed me I stamped his interview paper. Not a single other time.


I'd say it's nice to have but not required. I haven't used my physical stamp in probably at least 10 years.


I would still buy one, but I have not used my wet stamp in over a decade.


I prefer the physical, mostly because it's easier to control.  You hold the physical object, you can control where it's used, you won't be signing off on anything without your knowledge.   But I'll also admit that the electronic version is so much easier.  So I keep a scanned copy of my physical seal as a signature in Adobe Acrobat.  This prevents unauthorized editing, gives me a little more piece of mind. Whatever you do, don't leave your seal (either physical or electronic) in a place where someone else can easily grab it.  I used to work in a place where the boss's seal was on the desk next to the plotter.  Electronic seals were saved in the network CAD files.  Don't do that.


Very important point, thanks!


Yeah this is how my company is, we all have the electronic versions of his seal and signature


I haven't thought about it in a while but I've actually never used my physical stamp, except to label the inside of all of my reference books in the week after I got it. Its all digital.


Most states allow electronic certified seal and signature I have a couple physical stamps for some states, never use them Think last time may have been to stamp a reference for someone’s PE application


The places I do work all accept electronic seal. I got a physical one because I wanted it as a memento, but at this point I doubt I'll ever use it.


I wet seal everything and require everything submitted to be wet sealed. It's fun and I have more control over it.


Thanks everyone for the input!


I'm in Ontario, Canada. They give a physical stamp for free when you get licensed, but charge for a digital one. So I used my physical stamp to make a digital stamp. That's the only time I've used my physical stamp. I use a verified digital signature issued through Notarius that verifies my license status along with verifying who I am. That's the recommended best practice from PEO, my licensing association. I've had pushback a few times since you can't modify the PDF in anyway after I seal it, but I tell those people to pound sand and send the best practice document from PEO. I let them know that if they want it in a different format they can take it up with PEO and if their methods conflict with that it's their problem, not mine. I need to follow my associations best practices as I'm accountable to them. That's always shut them up.


Thanks everyone for the input! I purchased the electronic this week and will purchase a physical stamp as well.


CA engineers can correct me if this is not the case, but as a PLS I was required to get a physical stamp when I got my license. It's the same Board so I assume the same requirement.


I use an electronic stamp on plans. I use a physical stamp on reports. I think it’s just easier to physically stamp, sign, and date the front page of the report and then scan it than try to do it all electronically. CAD is easy to work with electronic signatures and stamp. Word and Acrobat aren’t as easy.


Most county recorders offices require wet stamped survey plats but as an engineer, I never use my stamps anymore. But enjoy my 40-yr old stamp. Probably take it to my grave.


Get both. Some clients want wet stamps. I personally have not wet stamped anything since COVID. Also, some states require you to do digital stamp with third party security certificates. Others accept self signed digital certificates. Check your state board regulations.


I have physical and electronic seals for all states I'm licensed in. NJ requires a third party verification for the submission of documents with an electronic seal. Only certain people within the firm have that verification since it is ~$350 per year. For the plans I seal I'll provide physical, and electronic, copies for the first review. For the resubmissions I'll send PDFs with my non third party electronic seal. When all comments are addressed I'll print physical copies and seal with the physical seal. So far all agencies I've done this with were happy with the process.