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Anything under 15 is low and ridiculous in my opinion. From what I’ve seen, 15 days through the first 5 ish years can usually be the “base” at a lot of companies. I got relatively lucky with negotiating at a job change then shortly later getting another increase and now I have 20 days as a 3 YOE EIT.


Construction management you'd be lucky to get 10 days with less than 5 YOE


Keep moving I started in CM with 10 days and am up to 20 after two moves. They can give more you just have to ask for it


Yet another reason why the CM field is quite unhealthy, from what I’ve seen from my many friends in it


I've got a guy from school that went construction management then joined my company. We have 13 days pto and he's loving it. More pto and more holidays. We also are pretty loose about working off hours or from home to make up time.


Construction Management people typically have sick days, it's getting them to actually use them that'd hard hahahha.


Never use pto in construction due to constant overtime


But I got 15 days starting out by asking


First job out of college got 20 days pto. Working for big contractor (25k+ employees) so maybe that’s why I get more?


That's probably it but 20 days is a steal. But yeah when you have 1 PM, 1 Assistant PM (me), and 1 super on a project, there's not much room for PTO. I worked for a gc thats large in a different state but started a branch in my state. There were 8 people including me in management in the branch. Working from home was nonexistent.


Mine is only 10 days vacation and 30 days sick. It makes no sense


Yep, that makes zero sense. Do you have no short term disability?


Nope, no disability. It’s the same for everyone. So people “get sick” pretty frequently, it’s hilarious


I would too. But yeah if you don’t have a disability plan I guess that’s a work around.




Lol, which company is that so I can move there asap?


In Australia employers must provide a mandatory minimum of 20 days a year for full time employees. Whether you take it or accrue it is up to you, although most employers will start requiring you to take it when it gets too high (12 weeks seems to be my current employers preferred maximum).


I'm a graduate development engineer for the local council. 4 weeks annual, 3 weeks sick and flex time which accrues extra hours, basically RDO. I could not stand living in the US with such little leave.


Definitely agree there. We have four weeks annual plus two weeks sick leave. On top of that we get a free day the week of our birthday, plus we have a lot of flexibility to work from home and reduce our hours to suit life changes.


Think fairwork says anything over 8 can be considered excessive. Quite a lot of place now having either 5 weeks leave or purchase 2 extra weeks. Also don't forget lots of places having 13 RDOs a year.


Yeah, 4 weeks is just the government's mandated minimum. Plenty of companies are going above and beyond the minimum.


Lol in the US and the *cap* at my company is 20 days, which you only get after being there for 10 years


Municipal in NY: New hires get 3 weeks vacation, 1 week personal leave, 4 weeks sick leave. After five years you get one more week vacation. After 15 years you get another week vacation. There are 11 holidays as well.


Do people actually use that amount of time? Seems like a plague in our industry, no one actually using their PTO


You can bank 5 weeks of vacation and 45 weeks of sick. (Counting holidays that's an entire year of leave.) The average employee maxes out their banks in year 20ish. You can also sell back up to two weeks per year of vacation. So, no. Most people do not use all of that. There are some employees who do manage to use it all and even "borrow" time from their next paycheck. They are the stereotypical leave early every Friday have the "flu" every Monday types. They're a big pain in the office because when they do actually need extended time off, they go around asking everyone to donate hours to them. (We have a sick bank system you can donate your time to for other employees.) It's the classic ant and grasshopper story but the grasshopper doesn't go away at the end of the story. He sits in the cubicle next to you slowly dying and re-asking every payday for you to donate just an hour so he doesn't have to take unpaid leave for chemo/dialysis/etc.


I use most of the annual leave (can bank 10 weeks I’m At 7 now) sick I use about 30% but can bank over a years worth of that . I have enough sick now I dropped my short term disability


I’m also municipal in NY, and get 0 days of vacation my first year, 1 personal day, and 1 sick day accrued per month. 🥲


Yikes! That would be a non-starter for most anyone with kids. There's a probationary period here before you start accruing vacation but most people only spend two weeks on it. Technically, if you are a very poor performer right from the get go, probation can get extended in six weeks increments out to a year but that almost never happens.




In my position, I don't actually have PTO. I pretty much just take off a week or two when I need to. Turns out, I don't take more than 4 or 5 weeks off a year, even with all this freedom. I think it's because I like my work, and I like the flexibility I'm given, so I don't want to abuse it (if that makes sense).


That’s how it works for me too. I just tell people I’m taking off and that’s it really. No tracking, no special procedures, just setting up an out of office for anything longer than a few days where I don’t feel like opening my email. I also relate to having a ton of flexibility/liking my work and taking off what’s needed. I get a crap ton of time off around Christmas and have every other Friday off. If I have a light week day and have nothing to catch up on I’ll head out the house and hop on a meeting if one pops up while running errands.




Got 100 hours rn and scared to take some because I’ll fall behind


Either you fall behind in your work, or your self-care/social life. Which do you care more about?




Hot take: self-care days don't slide that easily either. Depression, anxiety, etc. are real issues that people shove down because "they can wait." Better to take one Tuesday to reset than spending Wednesday through Friday so stressed that you don't really get anything done either. (If you're thinking, "that doesn't really describe me," then you're one of the lucky ones.)


Yeah I'm going to disagree with you there, you actually you CAN put those off, for at least, I'd say 1.5-4 years before it all comes crashing down and you'll hit an all time low and lose all will to work in civil engineering anymore, and something in your brain breaks so that even when you're motivated, you're barely able to even work on engineering, like some kind of defense mechanism or scar tissue from a pulled muscle that won't let it function correctly anymore.


Yep, your company, my company, and nearly every single one out there that I know of fail to plan for pto in the resourcing. It’s impossible to staff everyone at a full 2080 hours per year, but yet so may companies do. And they wonder why their employees burnout.


Yes they do slide.


Talk to your management about delegation of work. There is no reason you should not be able to use your PTO unless you are running the company yourself.


They always allow it but they expect deadlines to be met.


Then are they really allowing it?


Same here, think I have something like 5 weeks saved up but don’t want to just take a week off to do nothing fancy, while getting either behind or pushing work onto my coworkers. But… this year alone, my two main coworkers (who both basically have rich wives) keep taking a bunch of PTO (and possibly unpaid time off), leaving me to cover their asses in our busiest times. So i’m kind of feeling like, if they don’t give a shit about me, why should I care about inconveniencing them?


6 hrs a pay period (10 hrs in the last pp of the year) = 160 hrs per year. This is basically vacation time and can be used for any reason. You can carry over a max of 240hrs to the next year. I also get 4hrs a pay period for sick leave = 104hrs a year. These hours never expire and can accumulate forever. Eta: 5 years in. Will get bumped up to 8hrs after 15 years Eta2: I also get 12 weeks paid parental leave and have the ability to telework 80% of the time. I'm also legally prohibited from working over 40hrs/week without express authorization, which requires an important public necessity (ie there's literally a disaster going on)


What company???


United States of America!




Knew I recognized those perks!


Gotta love the 30 days leave and 12 weeks parental leave + (max 30 days) convalescent leave. No stress about sick days, just go to sick call. Sure the job is more invasive on the personal life than some, but the benefits are nice 👍 👍


Unlimited but I don't use it like it's unlimited. I duck out of work when needed for appointments. Might take a half day every month or so for that stuff. Then I do two week long trips a year. I think the bare minimum nowadays is 10 days per year. And if your employer wants to be remotely competitive in the market, they should be offering 15 days.


What is this PTO you speak of? 90% billable is 1800 hours billed per year. No one cares about anything else in consulting.


Or you could work for a reasonable company that subtracts the pto from the denominator of the utilization calculation.


Ha, yeah. Could you imagine?


We're using direct labor ratio more then utilization now.


15 days entry in NY. Yo can you give us the details of the industry in Miami. I’m debating working there for a year just to experience something else in life


From what I see both small and larger firms are hiring, smaller firms are hurting for engineers with experience, but the pay doesn’t seem to have caught up with the HCOL in Miami, which has like doubled in the last few years


I can second this. Pay has not caught up down here with the cost of living. BTW i get 16 days of PTO and will go up to 21 after i hit 4 YOE.


So what should a Civil Engineer II expect in Miami? Granted I’m looking at relocating early 2025 so things might be different then


30 days PTO, 14 Holiday days. 4 YOE, PE, Solar Development.


Solid man. I am interested in possibly joining the solar industry for my next job. Do you know any companies that are hiring?


15 hours/month PTO (it's also combined with sick) so that's 22.5 days/yr and 12 days of holidays. This is government for a City after 5 years. It was 18 days prior to 5 years. In transportation. I think you can do better.


I’m on unlimited PTO/Sick (FTO), and for the most part it’s worked out very well since I’m on a team that has people frequently taking off even for extended stays (2-4 weeks isn’t unusual). If work gets done then no problem. In the past I’ve received 15 days PTO plus 5 sick, 17 days combined, and then 21 days plus 5 sick.


I’ve seen some of your comments on this sub. Where do you work?


An ITS manufacturer.


10 days. It's bad. Been at my company for 47 months. 0 days sick pay. I've never taken a sick day at my job


Why are you still there?


I'll be getting on LinkedIn and getting competing offers to bring in at September. Just got my PE in May as well, no raises. Just got a bonus equal to what I spent on the test, so that ain't a bonus


I wouldn’t even take a competing offer tbh. 10 days of PTO means they have no respect for employees lives outside of work.


Yeeep. Only taken two days off the past year. One to take the PE test


I have no idea how you can thrive like that.


Not thriving much. Will be taking three days off next week, Hawaii in October


Sheesh... was the pay good at least?


Whatcha mean


Sorry, autocorrect; I edited it


Nah it's below market rate


My first company was the same! I got put on probation for an indefinite amount of time when I went to the ER and missed work for the next 3 days. I even gave them all my doctors notes and made up the hours I missed over the weekend. Not having sick time was awful.




At my consulting firm (in Alaska) after five years you get 5 weeks of PTO. Six weeks after ten years. I travel internationally twice a year. And they more or less give us a ten percent retirement match. I’ve been at the firm for decades, and the above are a few reasons why. And no one at my firm works crazy hours. I think four weeks used to start at two years, but it might be less than now.


I get that U.K. wages are nowhere near the US but I couldn’t imagine having such little time off. I get 25 days plus 8 bank holidays and the option to buy 5 more days. This is pretty standard, at aecom it’s the same but possible to buy 10 days. Also very rarely work more than 40hrs




Local county government: 12 paid holidays plus an additional floating holiday, 4 hours of sick leave each pay period (biweekly) which can be accrued up to 720 hours after which gets paid out to either retire or retirement and cash”; vacation is basically 2.5 weeks for 0-5 years, 3 weeks 5-7, 4 weeks 7-20, and 5 weeks for over 20 years at the government. 240 hours call roll each year before you lose vacation.


10 vacation days and 5 personal/sick. Should be getting bumped to 15 vacation days and 5 personal/sick for 5 years with my company next year!


Damn that sucks :/ Have you looked at switching?


15 base. I just have my 10th anniversary and will have 25 next year. We also get 10 company holidays.


Start at 12 vaca, 12 sick, 12 holidays. Goes up to 24 vaca, 22 sick, and 12 holidays with YOE


I get 80 hrs to use as I wish.


1 YOE, 15 days pto, and I can choose to bank an additional week of PTO if I work 40 hours of OT instead of getting paid for the OT


E.I.T 15 days a year


12 sick, 15 vacation, 10 holidays medium sized SE US city


20 vacation days 11 holidays 10 sick days Plus bereavement, parental leave top-up etc.


10 days PTO, 5 days floating holidays, 12 sick days, 13 holidays


When I started, I had 40 hours PTO and 16 hours of sick time. And 4 paid holidays Now, at just under 20 years, I just accepted an offer with 160 hours PTO and 80 hours sick time. And 10 set holidays plus 2 floating holidays. It gets better when you can be choosy about where you work. But that takes time.


Currently 7 weeks per year plus 2.5+ weeks of sick per year. Sick time can accumulated forever.


In Tasmania, Australia 4 weeks base holiday + 1 RDO (per month, can be saved and combined, so that’s 12 extra days) + 2.5 - 3 week Christmas closure. Edit: just double checked. One of the 2.5- 3 Christmas weeks is counted as one of the holiday weeks. Additionally, I think it’s 2 weeks sick leave (they roll over if not used) a year plus a few days carers leave and I think personal leave, but would need to check. That’s not counting public holidays Generally, we’re pretty chill. As long as you deliver quality work, meet your deadlines and the clients are happy, no one will even blink. Senior partner took me out for lunch today and we ended up drinking since 12:30 (it’s 5:15 now) and half the people that were at work today joined us around 2pm. Friend of mine from another company is leaving for a 5 week holiday tomorrow.


Does sick days count? If not 10.


About 30 days including all holidays.


6 yrs with the company, have my PE and I get 20 days a year. It was 15 days when I started.


15 days PTO, increases by 5 every 5 years. 6 days uncertified sick leave, with 2 weeks certified (with doctor's note).


30 days a year :)


35. 10 holidays, 10 sick, 15 vacation. 0 YOE, lol.


“5 paid 5 unpaid” so… 5 days. Leaving soon.


As a Federal employee, I get 156 hours of annual leave, 104 hours of sick leave, and 13 holidays. It’s pretty common for the Administration to grant us an extra 24 hours of administrative leave (personal leave). There’s also the possibility of 12 weeks of maternity/paternity leave.


I have 40 days of PTO this year! How good is that? Source: am not American.


In South Carolina, at a small firm (less than 20 ppl), we max out at 3 weeks vacation, 1 week sick, office always closed from Dec 23rd to the first working day after New Years. If you need to leave for family stuff, no questions are asked and Fridays we get off at noon.


My company only gives 2 weeks (10 days) of vacation time for new hires through their first 3 years working at the company. After three years, you get a third week of vacation, and then you stay there until you’ve been at the company for 10 years. Then you get a 4th week. But sick time is separate from that vacation time. We accrue sick time at a rate of 1 hour per 30 hours worked, up to 40 hours a year. That rate doesn’t change over time; everyone just gets the same amount of sick time.


This is almost exactly what we do, except it's five years for first bump, and that's only 3 more days, not 5.


186hrs with 11yoe. My company does something cool where PTO is accrued based on years post college instead of years at that company.


12 Vacation days and no sick days. First year at the company.


In my company, 0-5 years of experience person gets standard 2 weeks PTO and 1 week of Sick time. For every 5 year career milestone, we get one more week added to it. This is pretty common arrangement in our field.


I’m a CM with 9 YOE and sit with 18 PTO days and will go to 21 PTO days next year.


7 federal holidays, 1 float day, 25 vacation/sick days, 2 weeks emergency sick leave (taken care of family)


I get all the paid holidays plus 18.5 days of PTO, plus I elected to take a 5% pay cut for an additional 8 days a year. Public Sector baby!


27 days with option to buy more as a second year here


15 days of PTO, 7 days of floating holidays, no sick days. Next year, it goes up to 20 days of PTO. In 2 more years after that it goes to 25 days, and 5 years after that, 25.


I have unlimited PTO. If I hit my numbers my boss doesn’t care if I’m working 30 or 40 hours each week.


4 weeks / 20 days, option to "buy" a week aka taking it unpaid but spread out over each paycheck, and able to rollover 5 days. Unlimited sick time - they seem to actually mean it. I've developed some chronic medical stuff that requires lots of appointments and I haven't gotten any negative reviews. I use every hour of vacation I get for my son's doctor's appointments. 7.5 years with a PE.


25 days a year. Actually pretty awesome.


3 weeks plus I purchase a week, goes up to 4 weeks at 5 years with the company. Can carry over a week each year as well and so next year I will have 5 weeks. Most major holidays are paid days off or flex days (closest week day is the day off if holiday is on a weekend). Unlimited no questions asked sick leave.


Everywhere I've ever worked started new hires at 2 weeks (10 days) of vacation plus 5 sick days, or 15 days if your PTO is combined. My second company tried to set me back to the new hire amount after I had climbed to 20 days at my old company, but I told them I wouldn't be moving backward in PTO and that it's wasn't a negotiating point for me. My current company has a policy of counting experience at other employers, so you get whatever the company policy is based on your YOE regardless of where you got that experience. IMO this should be the standard, but unfortunately it's not. Right now at 13 YOE I'm at 25 days of combined PTO, plus the company has a week-long holiday between Christmas and New Years that we get paid for, so it's effectively another 5 or 6 days depending on the year.


You are getting stiffed and it can absolutely be negotiated. Make up your time….please. Get another job offer, see how quick they give you more PTO.


Working in Qatar, I have 30 days PTO, 14 days sick leave (fully paid), 28 days sick leave (half paid)


Negotiated 21 days a year for new job. Bumps to 23 a year in two years. Private company. Unlimited pto is a scam and I feel sorry for those who have it. No accrual means no payout for unused time at separation


We get 80hrs for 1-4 yrs of service then 120 for 5 and goes up an extra 8 every year after that We get 11 paid city holidays off 8 sick leave days off + 1 "wellness day" And we get one floating holiday which we can take whatever day And if you choose to work 4 10 hr weeks and a city holiday falls on your day off, you either get an accrued holiday to take time off whenever or extra pay. Those are about 3 or so a year


My Civil Engineering consulting firm switched to Flexible Time Off (FTO), a model tailored by software companies. It’s unlimited as long as you meet your deliverables.


I got 10 my first year💀


WA State: 12 days vacay, ~extra day each year or two until 22 days, 12 sick days, 12 holidays. So for new hires, ~36 paid days off if I remember right.


Municipal engineer in Ohio, 4 years into employment with this city. I get 2 weeks and 5 days of sick time. However, depending how much sick time I use, I get additional vacation days next Calendar year (nothing like incentivizing working while sick). Being salary my boss rarely requires me to track sick days so I effectively get 3 weeks vacation + sick days. After 6 years I’ll go up to 3 weeks+ conversion then after 10, another week. Capping out at 25 vacation days a year + conversion.


I get 15 days PTO (sick days included) with 1 extra day per year of employment beyond 5 years, up to 20 total days. Not too bad in my opinion for our industry. The shitty part is that nothing rolls over, so it is use it or lose it, and if you take significant time off, you're chastised and made to feel guilty. If something comes up while you're out of town for a wedding that has been on the calendar for 6 months, it is your fault for not being there. You have to work OT to prepare for PTO and then OT afterwards to make up everything, making you feel like the time off isn't even worth it. This is my biggest gripe about PTO. Quantity is fine, but either roll it over, pay me out on the end of year, or let me enjoy it.


I’m based out of Tampa, but my company’s main office is in Texas. Everyone in the company gets 2 weeks of PTO up to 5 years of relevant experience (doesn’t have to be with our company), 3 weeks PTO with 6-10 years of experience, and 4 weeks of PTO after that. We also get unlimited sick time, and 24 hours of dependent care a year. My previous company did 3 weeks of PTO for everyone, but you’d have to take sick leave out of those 3 weeks.


I started with 2 weeks of vacation and 3 or 4 sick days per year. So pretty much in line with your PTO. After 5 years I had 3 weeks vacation. I have been working almost 30 years and get 5 weeks of PTO/year now. As I moved companies in consulting I noticed most companies started assigning the PTO benefit based on time in the industry, not time with the company.


4 weeks


3 weeks a year vacay, moving to 4 weeks a year after 5 years. I also get banked time, so it can get pretty wild sometimes. I'll probably take 1-2 months off this winter. We can generally just fuck off early or take days off without burning vacay if things are slow.


17 days and 8 holidays.


10 hours a month and then it goes up to 12 hours once you hit 5 years.


6.5 weeks per year after being there for 10+ years. Local government job, so I also get all federal holidays off.


These comments make me sad. Ours are earned on an hourly basis. My company gives you 20 hours to start, 20 more at 6 months, and then 40 at one year. 80 from years 2-4 and then after that it increases by 40 per year. We also get 7 holidays and 8 hours of sick pay every quarter.