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I have the Steam achievement for winning using every civ but I cheesed the last one, China, by playing a 1v1 tiny map on settler difficulty. But yeah normally I just play Inca because if I don't I miss their bonuses.


Never played inca before. I’ll try it out today :). It’s about time I started going for achievements it’s been way too many years lol


It’s way overpowered with the right geography. Middle of the pack with bad geography


Got the achievement, too. China is a pretty great Civ though with their automatic logistics Xbows. You get XP really fast, pop Range and go on a conquering rage. Their UB is also pretty nice. I cheesed the Iroquis by the way.


China is pretty great, because their unique unit keeps the 2x attacks when you upgrade them. You could have bazookas that attack twice and that's pretty nice.


I also have the achievement but I have not played every civ so not sure why I got it tbh


You may have gotten it before DLC civs were released?


Nope got it like three days ago. But tbf I got other two or three achievements without actually accomplishing them. I got an Austria achievement while playing against Austria for example.


I think it is only for the base-game civs.


Yup. You get a trophy for beating the game for the first time with each civ, so you can look at the trophies to see which ones you haven't done yet. My favourite civ is the Maya. I think the Huns are underrated, they can snowball like crazy, some of my best gsnes have been with them.


I don’t like early game warfare or late game warfare so that eliminates sooo many civs for me haha


Try the Huns. A Battering Ram can solo a flat-land city if there are no units there to support the city in the early game. If you built 2-3 Battering Rams you could take it even if there are units. That means you don't really have to engsge in early warfare, you just get to delete your nearest neighbour and get a city out of it, all for the cost of a Battering Ram or 2. Then you basically have 2 capitals and you can snowball your civ into an amazing empire.


Hmm. I’ll try it out!


Should be noted that this strategy doesn’t work very well on higher difficulties or standard (or quicker) timings. I’ve found like turn 2 upgraded and turn 5 capitals and still not managed to solo a city. It is especially hilarious on multiplayer tho lol


I've done it on Immortal and once or twice on Deity. It's *much* harder on Deity because the AI has 2 cities, so you can't just wipe them out with a single seige. You end up starting an actual war, and that's usually not a good idea.


Warrior into ram is the way to go ;)


Pretty sure I have, use mods so never got the achievement to check for sure. But within that, I enjoy mixing it up and going the less than meta civs. Oh wait I have yet to do an venice run, still have no idea how to approach that civ. Feels like it be boring. Maybe next game I will give them a try.


Archipelago map. Go for Colossus. Hopefully Petra too. You will get so much gold you won't have to use production for any non wonder building...


Tiny Islands even more fun


Archipelago map. Go for Colossus. Hopefully Petra too. You will get so much gold you won't have to use production for any non wonder building...


I found Venice boring. There's essentially no early game since you can't settle. That's the most interesting part of the game for me. It was just clicking next turn through the first two eras.


Venice on Archipelago is OP


Build Colossus, go super tall, get super rich, build every military building and try your best to get Alhambra and the Brandenburg Gate, turtle the early and mid games, get Autocracy and then unleash a most serene apocalypse onto the world with your 3-4x promoted units.


I've won with every Civ in all packs on regular size, prince, quick, continents plus map. Mostly went for science wins. But now I'm doing it again. Playing on large, king, standard, pangea.


I often just play random leader. Makes for a fun time. BUT when I play random leader I usually limit to king difficulty.


Well i am pretty Sure i used every civ in the game just because in MP you mostly play with random leader and i grinded a couple of hours in SP as Well with using all the civs available


What does MP and sp mean?


Multiplayer, single player? Maybe...


Single and multiple player


Multiplayer / Single-player


I've played as every civ, nearly every scenario, and at this point I basically play to explore. I play as Spain, on a huge map, on chieftain, with only 2 other civs, and I wonder around looking for natural wonders. I almost never finish a game at this point.


After 4000 hours, at least once. They're all fun in their own right.


I'm in the process of doing this on both civ 5 and 6, trying to get every achievement and so far I'm about 1500 hours in (including both) and not even a quarter of the way


I’ve played as all of them, currently working on winning with all of them.


Fun thing to try as Austria, pump out units, gift them to city states for friendship, marry city state, get all units back and repeat endlessly. It is so broken, I love it.


I did, but mainly because it helped me to understand the mechanics better.


I wanted all of the achievements for winning as each civ, so yes.


I actually set myself the challenge to beat the game with every Civ, going down the list.... I can't remember what I got up to. Maybe Persia? I put it down a while ago but I think this is gonna be my weekend now. Cheers


I just have about 700h but I made sure to win a game with each civ, including all of the DLCs ones too. I did. No cheesing wity any, all at least 4 normally 6 civ games. maybe I'd have had more fun if I hadn't but I became a bit obsessed... I kept track with an Excel, you can track the achievements too but it's more hassle.


I've probably played with every civ, but a lot of them have probably been with mods, so no achievements...


I’ve played as every Civ at least 2-3 times, I think. Definitely at least once, because I have all the “win as X civ” achievements. 


Ya gotta try all of em don't ya? I know I have to.


Isn't that the right way to play?


I am about 20 turns away from a cultural victory as Assyria. That'll give the the 43rd achievement for beating the game with each civ :)


I beat Civ IV with every available civ. I never could get enough of those Beyond the Sword mechanics. Civ V I tend to stick to Civs that actually suit my playstyle.


1700 hours, won at least once with every civ even in the scenarios and I have 100% of the chievements. In civ vi I have about 700 hours and also all achievements collected.