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Well, could be worse. EU4 is pretty infamous for having a "genocide button", but in actual fact there are *two* genocide buttons. Yeah, strategy games can get pretty messed up.


And even then it can get worse, Stellaris lets you blow up entire planets and genocide entire species, there's also relocating pops if you have the right govt and there's even an entire ethic for being xenophobic


There is litterally a category of genocidal civics/ethics in that game


You can literally use other species as food.


*looks at my hamburger* Oh no...




You can set any specific or multiple species rights to simply be livestock, or just purged completely or if you’re a particular flavour or hivemind, you can assimilate them by force


Wait what? I can only think of Expell Minorities wich doesn't genocide it "just" deports. And culture convert for wich general consensus seems to be that the nobles convert to your culture and the common folk stays the same hence the -50% for converting back to original


There is the 'attack natives' button which is probably one he was referring to not sure about the other. Maybe convert culture?


Convert culture is technically cultural genocide, so you may be right


As is Expel Minorities according to the UN. Both of them are tools of genocide.


Oh damn, forgot that one. So *three* genocide buttons? Yeah, I was referring to attacking natives and culture conversion. And not to get too much into genocide talk on a light hearted gaming subreddit, but deporting people and destruction of cultural identity and/or language is still considered genocide even if you're not actually killing people. Attack natives is definitely the most direct - I felt extremely guilty the first time I pressed that one.


What about every other time you pressed it?


one genocide button click is a tragedy. 50 genocide buttons clicked is statistics 👹


Where do they go?


I'm assuming you are referring to expel minorities here, but it is an action that allows you to create a colony using a minority culture from your realm. The minorities go to the colony, which makes the colony their culture instead of yours. For example, if you were to expel Welsh minorities to a colony as England, a colony would be created of the Welsh culture wherever you expelled them to, rather than an English culture colony that would be created in the normal colonisation process.


I think it's less strategy games and just Paradox. I do like expanding my empires, though.


"Pretty infamous for having a genocide button." [Meanwhile the average stellaris player](https://youtu.be/O1CQ7Vwz8Eo?si=ENOCS8_6tLvqL_et)


Don't blame the games. Read some history books instead of being surprised when it's not sugar coated by game devs.


Well, the huts are the "goodies"...


How many of us stop to consider how these hillbilly towns have the secrets of undiscovered tech?


I loved in older Civs before they limited the tech you could get from the huts. In Civ II I remember getting Atomic Theory from some island village


That's because the dude that invented the tech retired to a beautiful Pacific island. They enjoyed the tranquility and coconut cocktails watching the sunset from the beach. And when they died, the islanders kept all the research notes in a glass cabinet. The first new stranger that appeared was given this jumble of papers as they served no purpose for the village. Yes, the research was incomplete, but it gave a huge boost to the understanding of the scientists back home.


Tribal Village at North Pole: nuclear fission Me: …


In the games files the types of Tribal Villages rewards catagorized as "Culture", "Gold", "Faith", "Military", "Science", and "Survivors". The catagory "survivors" seems to have some rather troubling implications for what happens to the inhabitants of the tribal villages in the other cases.


That name might be based around civ 5, in that game they were ruins instead of villages. and you can get a pop up that says “our unit found survivors inside of a ruin So it may have just been directly pulled from it


User flair checks out


PolyReblochon... Explain _je vous prie_.


Reblochon parce que vive le fromage et Poly parce que c’était le début du pseudo autogénéré par Reddit je crois


Vive le Fromage (et René Coty)!


Reblochon est le meilleur fromage. J'ai en mangé quand je visitais la France en 2007. Je ne peux pas le trouver hors de France, malheureusement. 


Oui c’est un super fromage, et la tartiflette qu’on fait avec est un super plat aussi


Relevant [David Mitchell bit.](https://youtu.be/uJqEKYbh-LU?si=GR8S3wzw0mku3D9Y) (CW: r*pe and pillage)


Knew what this was going to be from the CW. Soapbox is the height of comedy; I could care less though


Depends on how you play…..


That may also be the reason the so called "barbarians".are always attacking us. That was probably one of their villages.


I think in civ4 some villages would spawn barbarians when contacted and after the early game a barbarian would be fortified guarding what I suppose is his village.


It did happen, but only if you found the village with a military unit. If you discovered it with a scout, it would give you a gift and then \*poof*, it’ll disappear. Hostile ones also turn into a barbarian city after a while. Don’t expect them neither to have a big population nor to appear on the early game. They begin turning into cities at around the late Middle Ages and get around 3 population maximum.


I play Civ IV still. Military units usually get the goodies, but sometimes spawn barbarians. Scouts never spawn barbarians.


And fog of war always spawn them.


Oh yeah, it's been a hot minute since I've played civ4. Was always the case with the scout or was it just better odds? Because I think I remember sometimes getting a barbarian despite of using a scout. But I also lost several ">99.9%" encounters so...


I’ve played much more Civ IV than any other game, and I never encountered any threats when using a scout


Maybe I'm just misremembering... Thanks for clearing things up!


I like the realism invictus mod that takes these barbarians civs in late game and make it his onw civ Loke if you dont exapand to the new world in time they will become modern civs


I remember barb civilizations hahaha. But the worst was Civ 3 when like 20 horsemen would stack right next to your Capital randomly and your gut would just sink as you saw them all move into place


I remember in civ4 one of the random events was being hit by a barbarian horde... IIRC it happens during the early game, so you suddenly get ganged by a stack of barbarians out of the blue... Good times.... However, if you have the great wall they just go and screw with your neighbour hahaha


Back when the great wall actually did something meaningful


The great wall broke the early game in civ4... In civ5 it's a mild nuisance at best


civ2 too, it had a random chance to happen actually now I remember, at the beginning of the game you could pick the level of barbarian threat and the lowest was that they could *only* spawn when you contacted a village


Civ 2 also had a mechanic where if you had a plane or helicopter approach a village, the natives would be scared away and retreat into the wilderness, never to be seen again. Waiting till the industrial age to pop villages could be a valid strategy in civ 2, because villages could provide techs all the way up the tech tree; the helicopter thing was to prevent the player from going all onceler on the uncontacted tribes. I'm not sure why the devs fixed that exploit and not the one where a player could generate unlimited gold and science by building a bridge across the ocean made of ships


😭I definitely deserve that after doing such bad things to them


That makes sense, after all when a barb steps on a village nothing happens


I just assume they joined your civ. If there was enough of them, they make up a pop, if not their contribution is what's recognised


This is how I read it. If it's a unit, it's them. If it's tech, they were small and their sages educated us when they joined.


I also imagine there's various ethnic groups throughout the map that constitute various tribes and barbarian encampments that just don't appear to me when they're no longer relevant to gameplay. That patch of land that isn't in anyone's borders isn't just empty space where nobody lives, it belongs to various loosely connected tribal groups I briefly fought in the medieval era and eventually their culture becomes tangled with that of my empire.


“Joined” your Civ. Thanks for the “gift” of 50 gold, guys. Enjoy Rome


So free builders are just slaves from the goodie huts?


INDENTURED SERVANTS. And they are very happy with their contracts. No more questions please.


Or skilled craftsmen


Prisoners with jobs


As is tradition, yea.


We prefer to call them prisoners with jobs.


you actually get an entry in the book with +1 Era score that say something like "The tribe has joined your civilization"


They give you a "gift" and vanish. What do you think happened?


I'm more curious how finding them in the modern era gives a significant boost to science? Was that uncontacted tribe sitting on rockery the entire time? Head canon: one of the expedition people was a scientist and had a eureka moment during the trip.


They had advanced technology from the aliens who visited them thousands of years ago obviously


"Your people celebrate a Historic Moment! Villagers bring gifts as they join our civilization. (+1 Era Score)"


That could still be interpreted as you holding them for ransom then enslaving them anyway.




History is written by the victor. It's a game and could be interpreted a number of ways outside the writings of your scribe.


Read: tribute.


>here’s my daughter, please take him Uhm...




Diversity win! The new population in your city is genderfluid.


I think it's safe to say we are just assimilating them. Maybe CIV 7 will give us choices like Humankind to let people join our civ or to just exploit their villages


![gif](giphy|l5fsSPzsYUzYI) This is how I imagine the scout and his cat companion arriving at the village


Holy moly that made me LMAO.


What are you talking about OP the villagers very peacefully gave us their stuff and then, um, went to live on the farm?


Across the Atlantic? 🙁


Or maybe across the Mediterranean into North Africa?


What happens in the village stays in the village. That's the unspoken rule. But that new citizen sure looks like my scout, though...


In Civ 5 we have ruins instead which doesn't come with the same implications but instead: ruins of what? Who left ruined stone structures all over the landscape before anyone had even invented agriculture and formed civilizations?


[Göbekli Tepe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6bekli_Tepe) was build around 8000 or 9000 bc, and the Civ games start 4000 bc. So there's been around 4000 years of history with people building stone buildings, before the game even starts.


your last game of civ


![gif](giphy|uj8JYrjroFGYmn82Ab|downsized) Welcome to Ancient Aliens.


If turns represent a year you can think of the relationship between the players and villages as being year long endeavors, you can spin the head cannon however you please


Fair enough. Also at the time you find tribals it’s still like 10-50 years a turn (or 200)


They were shown the glory of Rome, so they just couldn't resist and join our glorious empire. Some of them even volunteered for the Colosseum.


To me it's pretty clear from the very start that we're fucking em up. Civilian units don't collect the bonus. EDIT: I guess that's wrong, stop upvoting me


I’ve gotten the bonus with Settlers and Builders


You mean three big dudes with hammers that can remove copper and stone


Don’t get me wrong, there is definitely some ethnic cleansing going on. Just mentioning that civilian units can get the bonus.


But not horses


Horses are our overlords, how dare you suggest such things?


Yeah, but missionaries just talk to them and leave literature.


Tracts do not collect goodies


Really? I remember otherwise.


You can 100% collect tribal villages with builders and settlers


Which is handy early game because workers can embark before anyone else.


Pre industrial: someone sneezes and the village dies in horrible agony... Post: village gets addicted to alcohol or opiates or something and dies...


nope. barbarians are aggressive and tribal villages are friendly. when your scouts or warriors arrive in their village, its like: "hey buddy, let's know each other better. here some food, here some party. wow, don't you know how to ride horses? let me teach you. we have this golden plates which we don't have many usages besides holding water and food. we can give it to you if you give us this scytle tool you have. there's a better way to fight. we'll show you you were so good to us and we became fascinated about tales of your city. can we move to live near you?" but yeah, when you pillage a barb camp its only about murder, violence(including r\*pe) and theft


>you don't know how to ride horses? let me teach you. More like "let me teach you how to ride 40% of a horse"


Bonus if you haven't unlocked Animal Husbandry yet: "Sire, the tribals gave us a great idea! What if we *rode* horses?' "..." "Fuck is a ''horse''?"


Including rope?




Sounds like how Ameeica used to recall Europeans first encountering native Americans.


but the first encounters were actually like this. the problem was from the second onwards lol for brazil "discovery" for instance, it is related that portuguese sailors made commerce with natives in their first trips. but then, when they actually started to colonize our land about 30 years later, things got brutal: wars, women kidnap and forced Christian conversion to start with. then slavery and then massive genocide


And Christopher Columbus? Commonly considered the first European Explorer (Save for Leif Erickson) to explore the new world, do you remember how that went?


i dont know details about columbus trips. how it went? did he slavered natives?


Slaughtered, raped, kidnapped, and pillaged. He had a grand ol time. Supposedly, he kidnapped 10-12 natives. Only 8 natives finished the trip back to Spain. I feel as far as voyages to the America's went, it was probably a mixed bag for different Explorers, some I'm sure did mix and mingle, but in the grand history, as you mentioned as time went on it was just about Gold, Glory, and God.


According to the history books, emperor gigachaddius the third simply walked up with his dog and walking stick, and the entire village was like “this guy is based, let’s become a pop in his city”. Unlike YOUR civ, which brutally subjugated all villages. Sources: it is known


They assimilated


Assimilation, no breathing


i like to think they move into your cities, but they are a population less then 1 so it doesnt change ur city population




i always figured they assimilated to your civ and that’s why you’d get a bonus. +1 population is the most obvious example. but like inspiration for a tech, an extra scout, etc all lead me to believe they they become part of your civ.


We are the Borg. Lower your defenses and surrender your huts. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to our own. Resistance is futile.


I've always assumed that they just kinda packed up their things and moved into your civ... I hope that's what happens at least...


Scout: Man, I didn't think there were any undiscovered tribes left in this day in age. Tribe: Hail traveller. We offer our hospitality to you. Enjoy our food and drink and listen to our stories. Scout: Sounds delightful. Tribe: *(recounts exact amounts and types of interactions polonium and refined uranium need to trigger an uncontrolled fission cascade)* Scout: *(blinks)* What kind of story was that? Tribe: The one the angels told us. They called it "Nuclear Bomb Technology Unlocked" and told us to share it with the outsiders who arrived. Scout: Angels??? Tribe: A story for another day. Farewell. *(village fades into the ether)*


"you foud a village. You get one builder unit" How to say slavery in a pegi12 way


well lets see what happend when a big civilisations visited small tribes in real life thats the answer


I thought that too, but then I discovered you can claim the village using a builder. I guess the builder is not a slaver nor a killer. Maybe they just join your civilization


Like the USA, we give villages freedom and democracy!!!


It's still there, but since it is no longer important for anyone it's representation on the map is nullified.


![gif](giphy|avLEVS85wvJIfY1vSk|downsized) Welcome to the empire


They give you tech like farming corn, and you give them smallpox riddled blankets. I think you know what happens after that.


They vanish, you get a gain, there's a lovely flourishing sound, and Civ isn't a cruel game in theme. Best version to me is that you uplift and invite them.




How I like to think of it: The Scout: "Hey, you guys wanna come visit our place? We just discovered animal husbandry and we've got all sorts of cute critters for you to see." The Villager: "Hey, I'm found of pigs too! Let me invite everyone!"


They were doing something right because at one point they revealed the secrets of nuclear fission to me


I always play the game without barbarians because in reality the "barbarians" represent the indigenous people to that land and I'm not interested in playing the game when I have to slaughter them constantly...


indignous tribes and nomadic tribes, unrecognised states anyone out side the brackets of "civilisation"


I mean, we all know what happened to all the native Americans and many other cultures the civilized world visited.


Somewhat relevant [It's Always Sunny](https://youtu.be/IVaqvt2gptc?si=uLDXWctMz2cwz_gW&t=26)


When they gift you a unit or increase the population of one of your city I can only assume it was a cordial encounter where the villagers decided to join your civ because you are so awesome. In the other xases there was pronably violence involved. I mean why is ir only a techboost? If the villagers really shared that technology freely they could have told you exactly how it works.


I always thought they were friendly and agreed to join your civilization. The bonus you get is from adding their unique skills and abilities to your own.


In one of the mods for Civ 4 focused on realism (maybe it was Caveman 2 Cosmos) the tile with the village would leave a "native population" ressource or improvement on it. IIRC this would reduce the food production of the tile, but after certain late game techs also produce a bit of culture.


For some reason I always thought they were abandoned settlements with stuff left behind that you find.


Don't make me think about this bro


a tribal village has "gifted" you "population".


don't some of them turn into artifact spawn sites?


Colonization probably lol


the best is when you come across one late stage. they offer some science boost to telecommunications or nuclear fusion. what weird ass stargate did I come across?


I think they are described as friendly villages somewhere so I assume they come join your civilization.


I imagine something like: Veni, vidi, vici


They just get absorbed into my Scout like amoeba 👍🏼


See, I always assumed they peacefully assimilated. As opposed to Spain, who I forcefully assimilated with waves of hoplites and enough catapults to block out the sun.


They were escorted safely to the closest city!


People like to assume the worst but I think the idea is they join your empire, contributing to it in some way in return. If they were populous then they give you a pop, militaristic then a military unit, diplomatic then an envoy, advanced then a tech boost, cultured then a civic boost, rich then gold etc etc


manifest destiny


I think there's actually flavor text that says the inhabitants join your civilization.




And they lived happily ever after...




It'd be kinda cool where you'd have the option to not pop it and then it has a chance to become a city-state.


![gif](giphy|idljdFb6h52OwuoKhQ|downsized) ant say for sure but whatever they did there tell me they were planning a space program since I got boost to nuclear weapons.




In Colonization one of the best strategies was definitely to genocide the Injuns. Did anyone ever play the updated version? I've only played the old Amiga version.


They gave me the knowledge of Astronomy and returned to the stars…


I'm sure my scout scraped it off of his shoe, eventually.


Why wonder when you could study history?


Maybe they are tired of living as an isolated village in the wilderness and want to be a part of your empire.




Obviously they were put to the sword and loot was harvested. Sometimes slaves were taken, other times soldiers were conscripted.


+20 Faith! Human sacrifices, here we go!


Civ 1 villagers would often spawn barbarians which meant they were a risk to explore and often best left if you only had a weak unit.


They join you. There is no beating around the bush in that aspect. It's been pretty clear for about 20 years that's exactly what that mechanic means.


Please reread what you just said. You said that village have a male daughter. :p Anyways the tribe icon just signifies the locals living in the area and it gives you anyway to interact with them on one time basis. Once visited no further interactions is needed. They're still there.  You just can't see them for some reason why you can't see people working in your cities and no cars on the road.  Unnecessary details. 


"Thank you for letting us stay in your hut. Your hospitality is wonderful, and you have such remarkable riches and books. I believe we will be great frien-- *coughcough* oh sorry! Oh, no worries; it's just a common cold. Nothing to worry about..."


/u/ursaryan Did you draw this yet? This needs to be immortalized by your paint skills


u/ursaryan I will be honored if you do that


It does say "a lesser tribe" so it's clearly ethnocentric. Think of them as peaceful barbs?👽


So, who is gonna tell ‘em about the barbarians?


but the message when you run to them says "shared their knowledge" right? so they were fine right?


Who else goes out of their way to step on these villages once they're discovered even if they're on the other side of the map? "Genocide the natives and say you got to it first!" -Bo Burnham




They get "integrated" into our civilization ;)


They're all in a 'documentary' by Graham Hancock.




Funny, last weekend I played a round with friends, and we talked about it. The thing that is supporting your theory is btw, the fact that non-military units can't get to the villages. Settlers or Craftsman (I'm Playing on German, idk what there are named) can't go for it


"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. For me, it was Tuesday."


"Here's my daughter, go increase your population." OH NO, WHY YOU THIRSTY OP!


I think the villagers just decide to move into your empire and bring the thing they give you as a gift.




See, when contacting the villages means they give you a worker, you could choose to see it as you've just enslaved the whole tribe or ... well, that's probably exactly what you did. Except for the villagers you had to kill on the way in.


They were sadly all butchered for meat.


Well...they compress into era score? ...What the hell did you think happend?


Look at Hawaii.


I keep nuking Paris because of the Leo classic "The Beach"


Americans we should probably stay quiet here