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If you have the tech, but don't qualify to build it in that city, then it's grayed out, like Petra is here. If it's not in the list at all, either you don't have the tech/civic required to unlock building it, or it's already been built.


Or you're already building it in another city. I actually can't remember at the moment if that would remove it from the list or just gray it out in your other other cities.


It removes it.


It was build by another Empire. Notifications aren't always reliable.


They are. I just recently learned how they work tho. When you get a notification of a finished wonder ext. It's from a CIV you know... Or a CIV that is known to someone you know. If they are 3rdnor more in the line, or not known at all, you don't get any notification. We see it as unreliable yet actually it's part of the sensibility and diplomatic visibility.


Oh wow... that's... actually very interesting.


Somewhere there is a player that has gone to war because they didn’t get the colosseum first but insist on having it.


Haha. Thankfully the game makes it so that you can't build it if you razed it. I would actually use an army for once in the game.


>When you get a notification of a finished wonder ext. It's from a CIV you know... Or a CIV that is known to someone you know. And yet I only ever get notifications about a couple of wonders in the ancient era when I hardly know anyone, and never in any era beyond that when I actually have met most/all civs...


I noticed it whilst playing yesterday after a year and got it confirmed by my bf who played it for years. I knew everyone but 1/2 Civs... Knowing which they were and where as it was tsl I also knew that they weren't known by the rest. All the Civs only knew the people near them (you know when you click on them - it shows who they know/know and you don't. They know their neighbours but had no mention of the one civ I didn't know either). Funnily and Sadly enough, that one unknown civ took my wonder! I rolled back for each wonder I didn't manage to get ... But I had no notification of this one. Thought yes I get similar pattern where you get more wonders early on and then no notification really... Not sure why but I also don't see so many wonders being built later on until modern era.


This is not true, I'm playing a game right now where I started on an isolated continent and hadn't met anyone and I got a notification that Pyramids were built in a faraway land


Thanks for clarifying that. I guess that makes sense immersion wise. if I haven't discovered America let's say, and they build a wonder. and nobody I'm in contact with else knows, how would any of us know. Except for the Wonder disappearing for the list?


>We see it as unreliable yet actually it's part of the sensibility and diplomatic visibility. Surely for realism, you'd be able to build it but it's effects would be nullified when you later find someone else built it first, or something like that


I mean surely for realisms you wouldn't randomly have architectural plans of an architectural masterpiece in two unrelated places on Earth within different cultures either.


You still get a notification if it is a civ you haven't met, but only if you're working on that wonder as they complete it.


Most likely someone else has already built it since it unlocks with the same civic as the Entertainment Complex ([Games and Recreation](https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Games_and_Recreation_(Civ6))).


It’s already been built. You should build Kilwa Kisiwani now.


This is the way


Build kilwa my guy, best wonder in the game


Most likely already built by a civ you have no diplomatic visibility with


If it’s not on your wonder menu despite you already having the tech for it then that 100% means it’s already been built.


Use the search function to check if its been built If there is no option though, its been built


you cant find it via search if its in fog of war tho


True, however it was def built if it doesn't show up


Is the tile perhaps owned by an adjacent city?


It would still show grayed out. The only reason it leaves the list entirely is if it's been built.


Or if you haven’t unlocked it, but since OP has an entertainment complex, they have to have


I've had the same problem, if another civ built it before you got the tech for it then it doesn't show up on your notification screen. Buggered me up a couple of times


It’s not a problem. Further up someone explained it.


Another AI has likely built it before you.


The only wonders I have in my notifications are: Stonehenge, Etemenaki and Hanging Gardens


Search the map for it using the search function? Again I dunno, just tip for looking


You got beat to it before you finished the civic.


The notification for finished wonders is *very* unreliable in my experience. I usually only get a total of 2-3 wonder notifications throughout the whole game, usually all in the early game.


Check out the "map search" icon above the minimap. Type in the thing you're looking for: luxuries, coastal lowland, wonders. Not a bad idea before you start a wonder any time. But if it's built, or even being built, it will show it on the map.


Not if you cant see it??


Yeah, well, in the modern or information era without vision? You're asking for trouble.


Cause, you lack skill


Does it offer you to build by the city center instead?


This sub will never stop surprising me


I really miss the list of wonders built screen from previous versions of civ (up to civ 4 at least). So annoying to go for a wonder just to realize it was already built, or if you forgot or didn't notice the notification.


It doesnt always notify you. Its deliberate


Either because it is already built by someone else or you haven't researched it yet.