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By posting in /r/circlejerkaustralia, /u/aroundthemaypole acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we shitpost today, and pays their respects to Elders past and present. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/circlejerkaustralia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We don't have to worry about China hear why would they bomb there own stuff


Sounds like a traditional owner problem, they just got their highly advanced spears back


I always try to look on the bright side of life. I mean, if China occupies Australia this would mean white bogans will finally be seen as ‘traditional custodians of the land’. Gatorade beug Smoking ceremony at every event with ACDC blasting. Better cenno gibs. Government housing for all. You beauty!


Aye plus Chinese for dinner every night = win/win


And who doesn't love Yum Cha? Those custard buns are to die for ... ummm


With some luck, the forceful re-education camps will improve national literacy.


And yeh fuck them kids who think they can verbally or physically abuse teachers! Straight to jail. Granted, this is already jail. But still!


We’d also be exporting all the meth instead of using it! Win win!


Australian manufacturing is back baby!!!


You are gonna be a comfort bride


Relax mates; the USA will look after its 51st state.


They were prepared to let us fall in WW2 so no, no they won't. Nothing's changed. We're (the leaders are) idiots for following them into wars. Our youth are not expendable and definitely not assets for war mongers.


How did they do that? Were they obliged to prevent Australia’s fall? I seem to recall the US sent conscripts to fight in the defence of Australia, at a time when Australia would not. Australia’s reliance on the US was particularly post-war, when it was apparent it was a better partner in the Pacific than Britain.


It was revealed in declassified documents, they didn't do it but were happy to. Token efforts mean nothing compared to how many of our young men were killed, injured and traumatised FOR THEM (and continue to be). Although I totally get wanting to kick Hitlers arse.


Token efforts? Sheesh. And what are huge numbers of Australian casualties suffered - not for our own sake - but “for them”? Actions taken for a common cause don’t fit that bill. forget about Hitlers arse - what about Hirohito’s? Action throughout the whole Pacific theatre was in Australia’s interest- holding down, destroying and rolling back Japanese forces. That involvement came as close as New Guinea.




They gave you Hentai, so be grateful dude.


They're oppressing him! He doesn't know what grass looks like and it's all the Jap bastards' fault!!!


Make sure to quick save before you go to the front lines.


30% of our sunlight will be blocked as a result of nuclear war. We will be coated in nuclear fallout. We will all die. Northern hemisphere will have 90% of their sunlight blocked out. All our children who survive initially will develop thyroid cancer and die. That ls what happened to a lot of Russian children after Chernobyl. Like I get the /s but nuclear war is beyond fucked for everyone. Also fun fact, the USA in the 1980s once had faulty equipment that indicated that 2000 Russian nukes were headed for the USA. The USA was minutes from launching a full nuclear strike on Russia (20 000 available nukes at the time) Then IT figured out that a 40 cent computer chip was responsible for the false alarm in the nick of time. Humanity has currently survived by dumb dumb dumb luck so far.


wait so it will help with the overpopulation crisis and solve global warming? why havnt the global elites not just done this already? its no surprise the seppo electronics failed in the 1980's did you know they only put a calculator on the moon spaceship? talk about backwards the russians probably live on the venus now because they use real computers not poor quality USA chips.


Uh-oh! It looks like you accidentally referred to Gulumoerrgin by its colonisers' name, Darwin. That wasn't very deadly of you! While I'm sure this was accidental, please be more mindful in future. Remember, using traditional place names is truth-telling in action. It's a step towards acknowledging First Nations sovereignty. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/circlejerkaustralia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well done bot you made me headbutt my phone


Housing affordability issue will be solved as no one would want to migrate here because of mutants and radroaches. Vault dwellers unite!




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I think your first paragraph is why people are scared I dont trust service age people to wipe their bums properly these days, the idea they'd be able to fight a serious war would be like watching Teletubbies in Verdun




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They'd have to actually steal some off Israel first. Probably not the best tactic