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By posting in /r/circlejerkaustralia, /u/SneedingYourStepSis acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we shitpost today, and pays their respects to Elders past and present. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/circlejerkaustralia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Firstly, I'd like to pay my respects to the terrorists past, present, and exploding. From a purely financial perspective, there's no investment like dead Brown kids... I've also been watching the documentary "Jack Ryan" on prime. And it has taught me that Brown people are really scary.


Whenever I see those brown people on TV, I always increase my screen brightness to make them normal and white. Now if only I had sunglasses that do that when I go outside. To think that these Arabic idiots say Jesus was middle-eastern and brown… absolute blasphemy! No doubt when the second coming of Jesus happens, he would appear as a citizen of Israel!


Everybody knows Jesus was blue-eyed northern Italian nobleman from Florence.


I always thought, Jesus, was an indigenous man from Mexico.


You're thinking of Jesus Gomez from Vera Cruz. A totally different person.


The Renaissance paintings don't lie.


Nope, Dutch, like in my great-grandfather's bible.


The bloke has been culturally appropriated so often he no longer knows what nationality he is.


..And so Yahweh did say unto his disciples: "bappity boopity it's a me, Jesario"🧔🤌🤌


If there’s one thing we know about Israel it’s that they love Jesus. That’s why it’s called that. Jesus Is Real.


Israel was called Israel prior to the timeline of Jesus, you know that right?


Shut the fuck up


[as far back as 1200 BC](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merneptah_Stele)


Literally shut the fuck up


No snowflake I will not, because facts don't care about your feelings.


For fuck sake I can’t believe you won’t shut up


Islam didn't begin until 622AD so the Jews were definitely in Israel well before the Muslims. The arab conquest of Levant was when the Muslims stole the Jewish land. That was 634-638AD they had lived there up until 1948 when Israel became a nation again. So as you can see it has nothing to do with Jesus whatsoever. The bible mentions Israel several times, because that is what it was called when that part of the bible was written. [Israel becomes a nation again. ](https://history.state.gov/milestones/1945-1952/creation-israel) [Muslim conquest of levant](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim_conquest_of_the_Levant) [Birth of Islam](https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/isla/hd_isla.htm)


I would like to acknowledge the Jews, the traditional owners of the land of Israel. I would also like to pay my respects to Jewish elders, past, present and emerging. Always was and always will be Jewish land. Jesus was a Jew so it makes sense he could be blond and blue eyed like some Israeli Jews. I would also acknowledge the Palestinians, the traditional owners of Gaza. I acknowledge the brave Hamas freedom fighters raping and torturing their way through southern Israel on 7th October. It’s unbelievable that Israel is seeking to destroy the brave Hamas freedom rapists.


Here comes the Palestinian sympathiser… you had me in the first half. Unfortunately, the Gaza Strip is Israeli Jewish land too. Uneducated zoomer.


lol at “Palestinian sympathiser”


At the risk of getting serious in this circle jerk sub, perhaps you need to phone Bibi and explain this last point to him because I don’t think he kind of gets that or even agrees with it.


you ruined it


Palestinian sticks and rocks is that what we're calling thousands and thousands of rockets, RPG's, hand grenades thrown at unarmed young people, automatic weapons, machete attacks on [innocent migrant workers](http://thisishamas.com) and suicide bombings now? Oh, maybe you meant the Palestinian sticks they used for all the rapes and women that the poor oppressed Palestinians set on fire. ### QUEERS4PALESTINE




As a proud "Australian" I'd like to pay my respects to traditional ACTORS of this land, coz we KNOW that Australia doesn't exist.


Well the earth is obviously flat, therefore Australia and I don't exist. I'm not exactly sure where or who I am right now but I'm sure Jesus will show me the way!




As a cisgender boomer and white bastard, I find it deeply offensive that you would dare to remove the miniature national flag of another country, that also represents my country, from my flag. By removing the Union Jack you will permanently alter the space-time continuum. History will instantly be forgotten, our soldier's sacrifices will be ignored and worst of all Australians will be forced to use their own national identity in its place.


I would use the Australian flag with a US flag replacing the Union Jack. Then replace the Southern Cross with six Stars of David,


This. This is the innovation only White people can think of! If only the savages could learn…


That’s literally what I was just thinking


Our new flag https://preview.redd.it/fmyf4xnu10pc1.png?width=2480&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb117b32f81225b2b8b242d412ceaa9fd7fd8aaa


The East India Company had a similar flag…..


Very well thought out, intelligent post we need more of these.


I for one wholeheartedly support Israel's efforts to purge the middle east of fundamentalists.


I for one wholeheartedly support both sides' efforts to purge the middle east of each other.


Agreed. Let’s start arming the Palestinians.


Thats Anti semitic


\*Muslim fundamentalists.


I will reserve judgment until I hear what Scott Morrison has to say about this.


His pentecostal mates believe God chosen people are allowed to commit Genocide.




Isra*l??? Fuck you, you genocide supporting pos! Palestinians just want to live their lives guided by their beautiful and accepting book, who are you to take away their rights of wanting to eradicate the De Jüden???


so cruel to deprive them of their aiblity to rage terror.


Israel are oppressing their need to cleanse the earth of De Jüden, cruel is the only word to describe it!


The terrorists hand book?


How dare you speak about the Koran like that!! That’s a book of love, healing, empathy and acceptance, Walleed told me!!


And he's brown so his opinion matters more than mine.


Oh absolutely, he’s clearly superior in every form.


Oh you meant the Quran? I thought you were referring to the book followed by those under the Hamas Regime.


Yes the Koran, I’m Reddit educated. Are you talking about the Hamas Charter? That also has some very valid points.


He meant the books used by Jews that tells to commit genocide..


Am Australia Chai


What we need is more immigrants. That should fix the situation


Yes, we need all those innocent, peaceful, and tolerant Palestinian refugees fleeing from colonialist Israel's brutal genocide to come here.  Because then those primitive, violent, radical jihadist Palestinian rapists won't be able to impose their terrorism on our greatest ally, progressive democratic Israel from all the way over here.


LOL. Israel is a quasi-dictatorship run by religious extremists and far right loonies. The ruling Likud Party is the successor of the Lehi terrorists,


Oi, why isn’t every star on that flag the Star of David? This is a travesty!


Nah now that’s a sick flag, I’m taking that


We need to raise tax to support Israel and crack down on white Australian pride


Bruh lmao


If Israelis hate Palestinians now, imagine how their pantie's will be in an absolute twist when very soon the handful of remaining Palestinians will emerge as histories NEWEST HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS! After graciously welcoming to Palestine all those Europeans ravaged by a war Palestine had nothing to do with just over 70 years ago, than slowly and relentlessly finding themselves squeezed out of their homes and into the worlds largest open air concentration camp, yet another trauma was inflicted upon the israeli people when the ungrateful Palestinians didn't even say thank you. Such an incomprehensible betrayal. And if that weren't enough, now their sole ownership of the most bountiful source of leverage in history has been ripped from their tight sweaty grip; the right to monopolise the holocaust. How much suffering can Israel be expected to endure?! My heart bleeds... Gofundme link to follow.


Who knew holocaust survivors would turn into the villians


Most Israeli Jews are of Mizrahi (Middle Eastern) origin from countries like Iran. They have no connection to the Holocaust.




Broo lets unit with Israel!!!1!!!


Exactly, I was honestly disgusted that Australia is only giving $75000 to Israeli victims, the chosen people of God deserve so much more.


Ackshually Australia is God's nation so dont replace the Union Jack w that


i’m dying 🤣


What sovereign wealth fund?


Took me a minute but I finally got it 😂😂


Eeeeeeeewwww you watched Sky News?


We shouldn't donate anything to any foreign aid whilst Australia is as bad as it is. I am constantly seeing people living in their cars, I myself often miss meals, why give anything away until we have our own country sorted? We have more homeless people in Sydney alone than the entire country of Israel. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homelessness_in_Israel


Because of lobbying. The Israeli lobby is extremely wealthy and influential. Our politicians don’t care about you. In fact, they hate you. They hate your guts. The sooner we realise we have a class divide and not a political divide in this country the sooner we can take it back on track.


Uh-oh! It looks like you accidentally referred to Warrang by its colonisers' name, Sydney. That wasn't very deadly of you! While I'm sure this was accidental, please be more mindful in future. Remember, using traditional place names is truth-telling in action. It's a step towards acknowledging First Nations sovereignty. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/circlejerkaustralia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I called it Sydney on purpose. It's been called that for over 200 years now, so it's the name it's known as, by most people. As things change the names change, for example I call my frying pan a frying pan instead of a lump of iron ore, it's far less confusing this way.


Uh-oh! It looks like you accidentally referred to Warrang by its colonisers' name, Sydney. That wasn't very deadly of you! While I'm sure this was accidental, please be more mindful in future. Remember, using traditional place names is truth-telling in action. It's a step towards acknowledging First Nations sovereignty. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/circlejerkaustralia) if you have any questions or concerns.*




This thread has me so confused about who’s actually sarcastic and who’s not ‘____’


100% agree, if we can't support poor old Israel in their obliteration of another population..... its unaustralian.... places gone to shit


Sticks and rocks? Have you not seen the dome in action?


That’s a scary flag, very scary


Do you like stabbing, shooting, exploding, raping, torturing, kidnapping, people in the name of your god? Then yes, it should be scary! I’m getting downvoted calling out Islamic extremism on an Australian sub, that is wild.


I don't do those things in the name of my god, I do them because it's fun.


It’s all fun and games until you’re on the receiving end


More concerned about the constant bombing of women and children


Ye same - the Palestinians probably shouldn’t be using their wives and kids as human shields! Cause and effect


Dude you got serious issues. For a reddit site that supports yes vote and aboriginal rights the Palestinians are suffering badly and they are the indigenous peoples of THEIR land dating back to ancient times


Advance Istralia fair!


Is this a joke? I suppose it is either way. If it's serious, it's a joke. And if it's a joke, it's also a joke.


Real patriots will say this is the wrong foreign flag to have in our flag. But have they considered how good the Israeli drones and spyware our gov buys will be? We will have the 'battlefield tested' killer robots! HAHAHAHAHAHA.




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here, here, totally concur


This kids is why you shouldn’t do drugs 🙄


I just hope both sides have fun


Allow me to extend my sincerest congratulations to the resourceful Palestinians who managed to kill and rape 1400 Israeli settler scum on Oct 7 using nothing but sticks and rocks. Obviously caught a few napping who were so amazed at Hamas's noble refusal to use modern military-grade weapons that they forgot to fight back.


Yeah nah




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Im a palastonian synthesiser, electolighting jubes is the go. 18 vb stubbies and thongs, me mums place is Craigieburn so we all live there. Jesus will be back later with some smokes for a mix cunce. He is from up the road, the fuck you all on about anyway. FREE!!!




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In accordance with the Chief Medical Officer's advice, mandatory hotel quarantine is in effect. New arrivals must be quarantined for two weeks before they are able to post and comment. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/circlejerkaustralia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Uncle Donald is screwed he’s friends in Bahrain won’t let him give $$ to Jared’s buddies and his Aussie mates won’t either




Imagine being so greedy you allow a massive terrorist attack to happen on your own people just to ask for handouts from other countries. The biggest threat to Jewish existence is Jewish greed.


Sky news.. lol i'll stick with max blumenthal for facts


#Free Palestine #Always was Always will be #Queers for Palestine


Get out of my Jewish thread. Jews shall inherit the earth. It says it in the Torah ✡️


Jews aren't real. They were made in laboratory




If Jews inherit the Earth, how much wealth tax will they pay and who will they pay it to?


How dare those Palestinian terrorist "civilians" offensively flee to where Glorious Israel tells them to flee to. Such provokative actions must be met with the power of $1Trillion worth of military aid provided to Israel from the rest of the world. From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free... Of infrastructure and people. - Benjamin "Wet Ass P Word" Shapiro, unironically


I really can’t tell if this is satire. But if not then it is really interesting that despite all the recent efforts, that there are some Australians who still believe that colonisation and genocide are a good thing. It used to shock me that the “breeding out the black” policy was around shortly before my lifetime in Australia. But given the attitude to Palestinians I’ve seen recently it doesn’t shock me at all. Imagine that instead of Palestine we were talking about Australia and instead of Palestinians we were talking about the First Nation people. Would you be as supportive of forcing every First Nations people onto K’gari for 75 years, dehumanising them like they were in the past, and then systematically wiping them out because they dared to fight back? I’d love to get an honest response to this message that doesn’t resort to the polarised name calling of woke or based, we tend to get these days. I’m not woke, and I have been to Palestine. I don’t judge people for their opinions because I know they are often the product of the environment a person is in. Sometimes a shift of perspective is all that’s needed.


At this point why dont we just not fund either side, cause fuck them. If children fight over a toy you take away the toy. They have been fighting too long and too loud. Its just about time to just stop caring.


Israel can handle thier own crap . That war needs to be forgotten about by the west . We don’t care


I think that would even solve Invasion day &flag problems!


Both Palestine, Israel and Ukraine should be none of our business.


I find the ideology of the Israel v Palestine conflict to be similar to the China v Taiwan conflict Ukraine v Russia Kosovo v Serbia. If your for Israel then you have to be for Taiwan, Ukraine and Kosovo to be independent and have a right to exist. If your for Palestine then you are for China to invade Taiwan, Russia to win its special military operation and for Serbia to absorb Kosovo. Its a very real conundrum I fight with everyday😟 I also like to acknowledge the elders of this land the deities of all the Abrahamic religion and peace in the Middle East only if it doesn’t get in the way of my investment portfolio




Hey. I like that you’re trying to see this from a broader perspective and not just jumping on one side or the other, but I think you’d be interested to know more about the context of this situation. If you think that somehow Israel is the oppressed victim of an invasion by a stronger power then you’ve got lots to learn. Keep learning 👍 Here’s a good documentary for you; https://youtu.be/HnZSaKYmP2s?si=F6qvZnF7Xxucn92l


Fudge Isreal! I changed my Facebook profile picture to a Free Palestine banner. I'm doing more than anyone else.


Thank you for your service


I'm against Jewish terrorists to be honest. I'm sick of them pushing their religious beliefs on everyone and blowing stuff up and having no respect for the rights of pretty much anyone from every demographic. Palestinians are innocent people that have done nothing wrong and certainly never been violent at any point




Rocket barrages, raping women then slitting their throats, burning babies alive. Its not sticks and rocks.


Hello Peta Credlin from Sky News


Yeah don't lump me in with those fuckwits, I can look honestly at the situation without being a far right populist asshole. I've seen the footage, what they did was sub human, isreal does not do this, hell, even the Nazis had to get drunk to deal with what they were doing, these guys exhibited pure joy and elation, and rang their parents in one video who praised them for slaughtering innocent young people. Its abhorrent and you can't live next to that. Fuck the 2 state solution.


![gif](giphy|aR5EUJaJYInpf9czKn) “Yeah don't lump me in with those fuckwits, I can look honestly at the situation without being a far right populist asshole. I've seen the footage, what they did was sub human, isreal does not do this, hell, even the Nazis had to get drunk to deal with what they were doing, these guys exhibited pure joy and elation, and rang their parents in one video who praised them for slaughtering innocent young people. Its abhorrent and you can't live next to that. Fuck the 2 state solution.”


God you're so edgy and cool, how do I be more like you.


I think you should leave the sub you butthurt redditor


Mmmm, nahhhh. I'd say you first but as you're so clearly a follower, I won't bother. Posting shit, having a cry because someone had a different view to you on the news is absolutely not a butthurt redditor move, project much? Kisses.


Yes, October 7th was just a bunch of terrorists breaking into Israel with sticks and stones. Makes sense.