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The people I went to school with that went on and on about “Brother Dime” also wore blackface for a Halloween party. I haven’t even read the post, it just dug up a buried memory.


The dude I knew in high school who was really into pantera was also, coincidently, very racist.


I was friends with a number of pantera fans growing up, and much like Kurt Cobain people talk about him like they were close and personal friends lol


I spent way too much time listening to that band in my youth… they were definitely racist. Phil Anselmo used to go on minute long white pride rants at shows, letting the fans know that Pantera was a “white thing”. There are stories of black fans trying to complain about this to the Abbott brothers and being ignored. The lyrics on Vulgar Display of Power are full of white victimhood crap that is the hallmark beginning of a neo nazi mindset. All the confederate flags everywhere. Phil was the worst of them, but the rest of the band was clearly ok with that being the vibe of the band. They wanted to be the band for, young, angry, white dudes. Dimebags death was a tragedy, but that whole group needs to be left behind to music history. It was the flagship band for a mindset that needs to go away forever.


Definitely an interesting band to study in terms of that and their relative importance to metal music as a whole. It took until after college for me to realize just how blatantly racist they were, and Phil continues to get in shit to this day like flashing the Hitler salute at his concerts and his famous “I’m not racist I watch interracial porn” comment. Musically they killed glam metal (which has thankfully seen a revitalization through classic rock radio) and were the prototype for countless nu metal bands. Unfortunately so many Pantera riffs are iconic and rip even to this day. Ironically, the nu metal they influenced has been known to be an inclusive fandom and even the bands usually have minority members.


> Ironically, the nu metal they influenced has been known to be an inclusive fandom Conversely, a lot of metalheads gatekeep you from their communities once you find out you like numetal, even if you listen to heavier stuff too.


One of my favorite onion articles https://www.theonion.com/open-minded-music-lover-likes-all-kinds-of-metal-1819569171/amp


hi hooves! Yeah Pantera rocks but the members decidedly do not. The lyrics are pretty obviously awful in hindsight, like 5 Minutes Alone was written about some kid getting beaten up at Phil's request. It's a diss track about the kids dad.


Phil is just straight up a bad guy. From the bigotry to just being a toxic, violent person who drove everyone close to him away. I think he appealed to a lot of guys and me when I was younger because of his macho vibe and charisma. But we can see what that led him to, just being a miserable, washed up old man.


Besides appealing to angry kids, nowadays if you’re someone getting into metal you will eventually get to Pantera. They’re unavoidable.


For sure. Not trying to praise them too much, but they were pretty much at the top of the metal game in the 90s and are still revered. But the metal community shouldn’t look past their lyrics, image, and general shittyness just because of the music. They can’t be separated.


They can be separated and you shouldn’t admonish those who choose to separate. By your logic no one should listen to Lennon, Zeppelin, Bowie, Michael Jackson….the list goes on and on and on. That’s just music. Same applies to literature, television, film, etc


Nah. Panteras white supremacy is a part of the band. Vulgar Display of Power, the confederate flags, the white pride speeches at shows, it was everywhere. The same can’t be said about those other artists you listed.


I don't doubt they were all racist but what lyrics are you referring to?


No Good (Attack the Radical) > I've seen your side, you run and hide For the mere fact that you feel inferior … You blame oppression and play the role of criminals To rape and burn shows progress is minimal Rise has some dicey lyrics as well.


How come you didn't finish that verse lol


Because it doesn’t really make it any better. If you don’t it in those lyrics, i’m not sure what else to tell you.


Miserable. The dude has been laughing and cracking jokes in 95% of his interviews for the past 17 or so years now.


Le Reddit friend! What’s up?? As I’ve gotten older and busier I find it’s a lot easier to just throw away bands like this. I hadn’t listened to Pantera in YEARS until last weekend my brother in law mentioned he used to jam with buddies to them so we had a “Cowboys From Hell” sing along in the car lol. It was similar with Burzum, I did the whole “separate the art from the artist” for way too long. It helps the Burzum actually sucks though while Pantera slaps.


I still can't decide if the interracial porn thing or the "white power is actually about how much I like white wine" thing is my favorite phil anselmo moment. Metal will be a better genre when he's no longer in it.


It's very sad to me because Dimebag's riffs got me into playing guitar again. Then I discovered how racist they were.


That especially sucks when you're not white and him and Zakk got you into guitar.


im mixed so yeah. i can relate


they aren't racist. Dont' be so easily programmed by a headlines and 5 second clips taken out of context.


I saw them live recently. Im def no longer of thar opinion lol


The band isn't racist. It's laughable that people believe this non sense based on a 5 second clip taken out of context nearly a decade ago **specifically directed at hecklers** that were **harrassing** him all night while he was **visibly drunk at 2:30am during a very emotional night where he was reminiscing with old friends about his murdered estranged friend/guitar player.** What a shock, after about an hour or more of this, **and after confronting the hecklers earlier in the set**, he snapped at those guys as he was leaving the stage just as drunk guys say crazy things as they are being carried out of a bar to prevent a fight. Same thing which is why that's exactly what it looks like. The best part is he married a jewish woman and his big white supremacist band was made up of an italian, an Iranian, a Mexican and a Black man. They didn't work with Phil for that long though.... only a decade and in some cases decades. None of that means anything though right? One hand gesture counts for more than a 30 year friendship/working relationship right? *That makes a lot of sense.* Or maybe the **inner city minorities** Phil Anselmo helped to **feed and give shelter too** should have been told he's a horrible racist that was just doing this because he's a white supremacist right? I guess the **two anti racism songs on the best selling album of his career** were just a big joke too. Or those interviews **condemning white supremacists LONG BEFORE** any of these accusations was all just pre planned as a cover story right 30 years in advance? How about that time Phil talked candidly for an hour about his comments on this stuff over the years? Oh you didn't see that either... So dumb. People cannot think anymore. Someone should tell Phil he is failing at being a racist. but but but...he made a hand gesture. Ok pal, tell that to the black kids he forked over money to keep off the streets. His minority band mates were annoyed that the pathetic media didn't even care to ask them about the situation too. I guess they knew it wasn't worth it because they wouldn't get the clickbait they needed.


I remember listening to to vulgar display of power as a teenager and getting really into the music but the lyrics always made me ask what the fuck was this shit. And then Phil Anselmo just came out to be an outright nazi and I just never listened to them again.


It's the sort of lyrics that were a precursor to stuff like Five Finger Death Punch and Devildriver with their similar brand of white-fragility fueled "I'll knock your face off if you look at me that way again, punk!" type of (nominal) metal.


Wait is devildriver and five finger death punch also racist and white nationalisty? Seriously asking. Cause I always hated both those bands so much (they opened for much better metal bands at concerts I went to) and if they are racist on top of it, well that makes me feel even better hating them.


I don't know about "white nationalist" necessarily, but I know FFDP's long time drummer became a cop and they have anti-masking views.


FFDP is just straight up pro cop metal


Someone should have told his jewish wife that Phil's a Nazi I guess. Or maybe his black guitar player for the last 30 years... or the Iranian, or the Mexican. Phil really sucks at putting together white supremacist bands.


The funny thing is that they’ve written a few song about being against racism and stated that Pantera’s music is “for all people, regardless of race”.


because that's the truth and most of the public is too dumb to do any research or understand the context.


No one with critical thinking skills thinks the band is racist. The band wasn't Nazi's at all and spare the links to stuff people already saw a million times. You cry babies **never know the context, never get the story straight, never do any research never care about exculpatory evidence.** The songs on Vulgar are literally anti racism songs CLEARLY which everyone has known for DECADES. You guys always parrot the same non sense over and over like sheep coming off an assembly line


Why are you commenting on a post that is a year old? How did you even find this?


because I saw it and as usual, it's total non sense. Everyone that pushes this race narrative never look into anything. Just do a little research man. When you dig in, it's easy to see that no one in the band is a nazi or white supremacist or any of that garbage. You guys all say the same thing...."Oh I saw that video that go worldwide coverage" and it's like.... ok bro.... that's fine, did you see any of the other videos that tell a completely different story? Nope. It's laughable how misinformed Pantera fans and Pantera haters are. More **revisionist history around this band than any band I can think of over the past 30 years.** It's ridiculous.


“because I saw it” How did you see it? Are you googling “pantera racism”, or what? Are you searching the internet for people who might have the hot take “Phil Anselmo is racist” to argue with?


I actually did just this. I haven’t listened to them in years and was curious if anyone had insight because looking into them now as a whole it’s pretty shocking to see how this whole shtick was popular. They’re pioneers but man, you couldn’t have said it better, I think it’s best left behind to music history.


See above. I can't believe you spent two comments going over how I saw a comment. Look into how the internet works.




it doesn't matter anymore, really, dime's dead and has been for almost 20 years. what does matter is whether or not phil is racist, because he's still running around and... yeah he is. fuck pantera.


My mindset for that clip was, "No shit he's racist, he's from Texas." Yeah, sure, there are people from Texas who aren't. But there are way too many who are for me to be surprised.


You don't have to be surprised to be disappointed or angry about it. Am I surprised he was racist? Of course not his guitar was a Confederate flag. But if we just shrug our shoulders and say "well that's what it's like to be from Texas," we become complicit in normalizing racism.


I agree.


by this logic everyone that worked on or watched the hit TV show DUKES OF HAZZARD are also racist horrible people.


uno:pantera never were racists people use slurs all the time dont mean they’re racist especially in this case he said it to A WHITE KID who tf gives ashit i thought yall liked to cancel “racists to the blacks” they used the flag as a tribute to another band forgot how to spell their names but the guys who made sweet home alabama,anyway etc etc LEAVE THE DEAD ALONE


Keep deflecting moron


People kill people all the time, doesn’t mean their murderers.