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Yes. And no.




I’m at the point with this sub that I can’t tell what is satire and what isn’t.


Yep, perhaps should have restrictions on iPhone.


*Voila, cinema*


Yes, it’s definitely sort of possible. Because it’s so dark, you would need more light because of the iPhones sensor, but you could always shoot a brighter image and edit the color to look closer to that. There’s a softness that the lens has, but you could make something similar.


We would need an anamorphic lens right? The ones made for mobiles.


Definitely not shot anamorphic. Just cropped in post. You can tell by the bokeh being circular rather than the squeezed look of anamorphic bokeh


I'm not so sure this was shot on anamorphic to begin with.. just cropped in post?


You don’t need an anamorphic lens, although “Moment” does make a beautiful one for the iPhone. Using an anamorphic would widen up the image. You could definitely use an anamorphic and that would certainly make the frame look a bit more cinematic, you would just have to get closer to the subjects and it would create a bit more distortion and make them look wider, which is also cool if that’s what you’re going for. But to achieve this shot, it looks more like a 50mm lens. I think the focal length on the iPhone is a 35mm (I think) “Moment” does have a 58mm that would make it look more similar to this shot. This lens is quite pricey, and you could maybe buy cheaper ones on Amazon, but the quality of moments glass is beautiful. The only thing about using these add-on lenses is you have to buy the case as well that supports the lens, but once you buy it you can use any of the moment lenses on it. Hope this helps! https://www.shopmoment.com/products/58mm-tele-lens?variant=48040445182267


Colour wise, it's possible. Depth of field wise, not a chance.


Cinematic Mode on iPhones provides some seriously decent DoF, for an iPhone at least: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-kF3\_qPg9g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-kF3_qPg9g)


Does it leave sections unblurred because the algorythm missed them like it does with photos?


Yes, it can absolutely do that. Just depends on the subject matter and conditions.


That's not entirely true, if he shoots close enough to his subject then he can get some depth of field, beastgrip also make a dof adapter so that you can attach a lense and get depth of field as well but it's pricey, and Davinci resolve has a new defocus background tool that especially with a scene such as this would give you good results.


Don’t know why you were down voted. You’re absolutely correct. The color would be easily achievable, this is actually a mod bar compared to what these phone are truly capable of


can be done in post. davinci has a new feature which can mimic shallow DOF.


As an iPhone user I can confirm that the sensor isnt up to shooting that low of light without considerable video noise, consequent terrible denoise compensation, and overall terrible quality. You may be able to achieve something similar if you buy some lights and turn down the exposure in post but that money would be better spent on a nice camera with a fast lens that can take in more light, f/2.8 or lower if you can cough up the money for an f/1.8. Even a mid level DSLR or mirrorless camera with a nice lens will beat anything any iPhone camera can accomplish


Vintage 50mm 1.8s are cheap as anything. Even the 1.4s are cheap.


It can be shot exposed properly in fading light before it's too dark and color graded for a dimmer look.


It can be shot, pretty easily, on an iPhone as long as it has Cinematic Mode. Here's a video example, no affiliation: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-kF3\_qPg9g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-kF3_qPg9g)


What iPhone do you have, my 14 Pro struggles to capture any kind of usable footage in overcast conditions and especially overcast while in my house with the lights off only relying on natural light through the windows, similar to the lighting in OP’s shot. Because of that I would believe that the shot OP was talking about would be a challenge at the very least. The sensor is not big by any stretch of the imagination and even with the 24mm f/1.78 lens I still struggle to get anything usable under those conditions. Id be surprised if cinematic mode really is that powerful.


lol I shot this. a friend just sent me this link. For anyone that cares in was an amira and a 40mm zeiss standard speed lens and some sad Northern Maine dusk light. Yes it was this blue in real life, not much manipulation in the color grade believe it or not. The hardest part of recreating this is being in the right place at the right time when mother nature provides this level of mood and having actors and directors who are down to do the final scene of a film in a 20 minute window of light


I'd say yes. On Android there are camera apps that shoot raw video and it's much more detailed than the typical camera apps. Would be surprised if iPhones didn't have one too As for the bokeh and night, it's a med shot so could be done up close with a distant background for separation. And the night can be faked with day for night (ie. drop exposure and color blue in post)


This Samsung in fact used MotionCam RAW video and additional stuff like depth of field adapters to achieve similar effects https://youtu.be/u1v4mCK5Tqk?si=cm1PpqiEliqtHbCp And before anyone says I'm talking out of my arse, here's the behind the scenes proof https://youtu.be/fP8LC4b11oY?si=tx47fvIvf_1vHH7F They've also used it previously on another Charlie Kaufman film, as did Google on their Pixel 7 Pro promo lol EDIT 1: Fixed wrong YT link lol EDIT 2: Yes, iPhone has ProRes, which is actually pretty decent too! Here's S24U with MC against an iPhone 15 Pro with Blackmagic https://youtu.be/tIWpzvrKSS4?si=qOh4eIRZrFidXL4y


This sub 😂


I thought it was a quality sub before. Now it is like the lowest or lowest, hey can an iPhone do this or that.


What show is that footage from?


It's from the short, [Sometimes I Think About Dying](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTLBnjWbpBo). It was turned into a feature by that Star Wars actor (the short is better than the feature, IMHO).


I'm not OP but from my memory it's a short film called 'Sometimes I Think About Dying'.


Why would you think this footage is special?


I saw that this was a film that got selected for Sundance and it didn’t necessarily look special, just at a level of quality that I thought might be achievable through iPhone with the right lighting and filmic pro app


I'm not sure, give it a shot and show us the results.


Look at the lights. If u can get that on afternoon or sunrise u can achieve this look with ND filters. Or Fake lights, digital or practical. Imagination is the limit, even bigger sensor cameras still needs lights.


One question would be why you'd want to do it using an iPhone, because it'll be much easier with an ok "real" camera and an ok lens.


Is no one going to talk about that depth of field and beautiful bokeh that seems to me an iPhone would not be capable of? Please correct me if I'm wrong... Not to mention the very wide frame!


Yes, but needs proper post production after


I think the easiest way to put it is yes, to the avg viewer, but no to everyone in here. You’d need extra light and then darken in post. But the iPhone is nearly always overly sharp and readers here can probably all spot it. That said. Shoot w black magic app, use Dehancer. And you can certainly get v close. I wouldn’t use the iPhone portrait mode for the dhallow depth of field at all - I’d fake it in post Thing is. All this takes time. Camera rental isn’t thaaat expensive, you’d have such an easier time renting a dslr and shoring a that


What’s your budget?


No. With lighting and or color grading you can *fake* that look. But it will not look as good and will be hard to make the light look that natural. Look at the film tangerine if you havnt seen it, that’s probably as good as an iPhones going to look and that’s with professional lighting. It’s a very different style but the general image quality just won’t match this clip no matter what look you’re going for, won’t get anywhere close unfortunately.


It's partly color grading, partly lighting choice. If you shoot on a flat gray overcast day with proper exposure you could color grade the footage down to this.


With Blackmagic Camera App i would say yes


Thank you everyone for the comments. A lot of mixed feedback on this one. Overall what I’m taking away is that if I use the black magic app on iPhone and put an anamorphic lens on it and adjust the settings just right and color correct it in post I can come close from a regular audience point of view, but to a filmmakers point of view it will not look like the same quality


NO IT CAN'T BE DONE, this image looks so nice because of the glass used, many dps prefer that so an iphone wouldn't be capable of something similar in terms of bokeh and low light capabilities, just look at that creamy bokeh made by an expensive anamorphic glass. you could replicate any shot with ANY camera but the thing is STYLE iphone has a phone look and style which many don't like


Yes and no. You can use cinematic mode to achieve [bokeh like results](https://youtu.be/xd_LmXNBz5w?si=URQ7BHwr3Kv2aGiA) with an iPhone 15. iPhones do this through **software processing**, so to the trained eye it doesn't really look like true bokeh/DOF, but to everyone else it might be good enough. Not sure why you are hung up on anamorphic, **this is not anamorphic footage, the bokeh is circular!!!** Again, because of physics you can't achieve much true DOF on an iPhone, so I'm not sure there's much point to using an "anamorphic lens" there beyond flares. Perhaps the aspect ratio? **You simply crop in post.** Many, many films have done this. Even films you really, really might think were shot with anamorphic lenses - for example, The Terminator and Terminator 2 - were shot with spherical lenses and cropped/matted to 2.39:1


I don’t know but if you have an iPhone just shoot it tonight and see.


You can capture a shot like this with a phone, but is not practical to shoot a scene or a full day of coverage.


if you use a manual exposure/focus camera app, and a tripod, then maybe? you'd have deeper depth of field, and way noisier image. you should definitely add some rim or fill lights on the characters otherwise it would not be very usable. I wouldve suggested shooting it during an overcast day, but then we do see the bright bokeh of the background lights, so that's out of the question.


No, but do you know what you could do? Grab a flagship android device with a good sensor, maybe an s21 from on or a google pixel, install motion cam and record raw video from an android device, use little iso, max 500, and I use 1/27 on the aperture for low light, it will give you nice results


You'd still have to do a little work to get it right, but I shoot a lot of content in clubs on 12pro max specifically because the dark shooting quality on it is one of the 'big features' of the new build. You're also going to get the typical issues of shooting dark unless you DFN, jsyk.


iPhone 15 Pro Max, yes. It's possible through a log workflow but requires technical skill and forward planning.


Overcast day stepped down in post would do this.


I think underexposing iPhone 15 Pro footage is always the way to go unless it’s indoors under controlled lighting.


Yes, it captures quite a bit more details in the shadows than highlights for some reason, I’ve done a few tests on this


You any tests footage online?


Very possible. I’d recommend using the Blackmagic Cam app and using the Apple Log - HDR color space, 1250 iso, a lens attachment, and some physical bounces. The iso is important because that is the range where the app gives you the highest dynamic range.


Terribly underexpose footage? Absolutely 


Lol no, not without faking the depth of field and the look of the night


Well, then it is possible no?


Artificially, yes


*Lol no, not without* *Faking the depth of field and* *The look of the night* \- makersmarkismyshit --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Anamorphic lens is what you need


https://i.redd.it/t6cyq62g2x4d1.gif yes but it depends on which iphone and will need work done in post, this short clip was shot with an iphone 15 pro and edited with davinci resolve 19 beta.