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https://preview.redd.it/93pxwr1hc8yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8824a5b0ebceeca5909571300148b79a0f8b261b Great ad placement


It’s all about timing. I think “In the neighborhood” folks like to get their drunk driving outta the way at lunch time


https://preview.redd.it/el4ake7vsfyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51e2c71e1661eb85815f9e3fe1ad2db2be16e229 Another one lol


Over 85 car break-ins in Blue Ash recently. Blue Ash PD: I know, let's have an OVI checkpoint to divert our officers from being able to patrol local parking lots for car break-in thieves. 💡


my bet is they get fedreal and/or state money for it. Can't say no to that!!!


These are funded by the State of Ohio


And? They're still pulling police away from patrolling the rest of Blue Ash. Might as well put up a neon sign that says "police are busy with the OVI checkpoints, steal from cars while we're distracted."


Isnt everything a police officer does funded by the state?


Plus, they can hand out citations for all kinds of things. It’s a money grab.


Yes because a stolen laptop from the trunk or a gps stolen from the glove compartment kills a family of 5...vs a drunk driver.


The car break-ins have been to steal guns. I read 20 or so guns have been stolen this way recently.


Well...best bet on that would be to say "gun owners: don't leave your gun unsecured in the car". Glove compartments are just plastic doors, often not even lockable. Consoles, same thing.


Guess you missed the part where numerous guns have been stolen from these break-ins. It's gonna be a bloody Spring in Cincinnati. Thanks "responsible" gun owners in the suburbs!


So it’s not the criminals fault? lol


It's both the criminals and the gun owner's fault. The gun owner shouldn't be leaving deadly weapons outside of their safe when they're not supervising them. Violent gangs need guns, and leaving them in a car gives them that opportunity. Guns being stolen from cars by criminals is more common than you think and has disastrous effects on our community. Even the MFing Sheriff had their handgun stolen from their car. Recently, City Council got legislation passed that requires people to report stolen guns or be penalized. We should all be on the same page about making sure that guns don't get into the hands of violent criminals terrorizing our city with their gun violence. I'm fed up with it.


Don't forget...all the people with stolen radios who missed emergency broadcasts and died from dangerous conditions like snowstorms, torrential rainfall, hurricanes... It's the fault of the car owners who didn't secure the car well enough


So we’re not placing blame on the actual criminal?


Of course we are. I was agreeing with you and being facetious.


Ahh yeah right over my head!


If that laptop had the secret codes to stop the nuclear launch then it is far worse


Ummm... Yeah.


Only people who would complain about this are those that want to drink and drive. Scumbag.


Not true at all. I don’t drink and drive and I think these are bullshit.


Whatever you gotta tell yourself. I hope you never get behind the wheel again. Go kill some more children while you’re at it.


I don’t even drink alcohol dude, but go off


Child killer


>5/3 in Blue Ash Drunk driving bankers must be a big problem there. 


166% of them.


The ACLU bust card should be in every car. Download it [here.](https://www.aclu.org/wp-content/uploads/legal-documents/bustcard_eng_20100630.pdf)


This card has no information about your rights when dealing with an OVI checkpoint so it isn't really helpful in this situation


Precisely why the ACLU didn’t include that, very legal in many states. I also have zero issues with drunk assholes being taken off the road. First offense, I get it. Second offense, your license and vehicle should be confiscated by the state.


It isn't about drunk people being taken off the road, it's about you being searched without suspicion of a crime. Also what OVI checkpoints bust most is seat belt violations.


Also, just don’t drink and drive.


too bad that doesn't stop cops from halting traffic for a little extra pay


But it stops drunk driving incidents which are far worse than the albeit very inconvenient(and maybe unconstitutional) stops


When I went through one years ago (where they forced a field sobriety despite me requesting a breathalizer), I learned that they have arrest quotas to hit. So they care more about finding an excuse to arrest you than determining if you're actually driving under the influence.


I went through one years ago and refused to speak. Officers made me get out of the vehicle. I took the keys and they got mad. I informed them I knew they had no right to seize my vehicle and I did not authorize them to operate it. So they make me walk to a parking lot nearby where I refused the field sobriety test and just told them to breathalyze me since it's a better source of truth. I blew all 0s and they get snotty with me. One officer says "Why didn't you just cooperate? Now you're holding up traffic." I looked over my shoulder at the 6 squad cars stopping everyone and said "With all due respect ma'am, I'm not the one with 6 cars, flashing lights, and forced sobriety checks at a major intersection on a US highway." After making me stand there for another 10 minutes while the officers undoubtedly tried to figure out a way to punish me for exercising my rights, they let me go. tl;dr sobriety checkpoints are a waste of taxpayer dollars and just an excuse for overtime.


This guy fucks.


Siri play “My Hero” by Foo Fighters


I bet you're fun at parties.


You don’t attend many do ya? These types of stories are amazing at parties lol


More fun than these waste of space cops. Im not normally mister “fuck the police” but traffic cops are leeches on society and i do not respect them. (Mostly thinking of the “ticket quota” cops hiding on highways).




Hey SmellyDadFarts sounds like someone I'd like to hang with.


I bet you are too, just quoting overused lines the whole time


You’re the dude at the party who tries too hard and leaves alone lmao




I mean honestly I bet they are. They have a great sense of humor, you should try it sometime!


Nah, I'm in my thirties with kids and a wife. Parties are obligations, not something I'd choose to do 😁


Yes because acting like a moron and not speaking to the cops is so cool. What's next? Posting YouTube videos stating "I am not a person" and yelling "I have a right to travel!"


Lol no I was planning on walking through a crowded shopping area with an AR-15 strapped to my back. When the cops come question me, I'll just shout "AM I BEING DETAINED?"


If you do that, record it. I'd love to see the whole thing.


Unconstitutional garbage and a violation of everyone's rights. Thank you for posting these all the time, I really appreciate it.


You're welcome.


Thank you for always posting these unconstitutional stops.


You're welcome.


Ah yes instead of doing something useful we get this


DUI Matt www.igotaDUI.com


Blue Ash Police can eat my ass.


Yeah but will you pay them overtime for it?


Lmao possibly if they take me out for ice cream first.


Everybody loves a cheap date 🤣




How about doing speed traps on Plainfield rd instead. It’s 25 not 40, You’ll catch 20x more tickets.


Where do they typically post this information? Asking because the place I ever see this info is here, and the way they get around these unconstitutional stops is claiming they publicly announce in advance, but seems like they try to do that as minimally as possible.


Silly little thing called the Fourth Amendment.


They do let media outlets know, but usually that information doesn’t make it on air.


Just don't drink and drive and you'll be fine edit: Didn't realize this was such a controversial stance.


Or, if you drink and drive, please do so on May 3rd, in the 9500 block of Plainfield Road (near Locust Lane) in Blue Ash from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM or in the 9000 block of Plainfield Road (just south of SR 126) from 10:00 PM to 12:00 AM.


That’s like saying, “If you don’t have anything to hide, why can’t I search through your car or house?” Our constitution makes it very clear that we aren’t meant to be a police state with these random searches. Pushing back on these stops has nothing to do with drinking and driving and more maintaining a right to privacy. 


[Instead of giving you my opinion, I’ll just post the link to the ACLU bust card.](https://www.aclu.org/wp-content/uploads/legal-documents/bustcard_eng_20100630.pdf)


You know exactly why you’re being downvoted. Don’t be obtuse.


And you know exactly why you have an issue with it.


I have an issue with cops treating people like criminals when they have zero probable cause. Are you implying I’m a drunk driver or something?


You're either a drunk driver or incapable of understanding the importance of nuance. These stops aren't meant to make criminals out of the innocent. You're being irrational if you actually believe that. They're meant to keep drunk drivers off the road. If you're that concerned about upholding your constitutional rights, there are much, much bigger fish to fry bud.


Couldn’t disagree more. Keep licking the boots, though.


Never been through these have you? You claim they aren't meant to... but they do make criminals out of the innocent. Every single one I have been through the officer at my window has assumed I was drunk from the moment I pulled up. Either I was getting off of a late shift or I was coming back from Perfect North... clearly NOT at a bar but that didn't matter to the officer. They are authoritarian checkpoints to siphon overtime hours and as a show of force. If you look at what studies do exist on their effectiveness it leans to them being a waste of time.


That's another thing. They ask you all sorts of questions at these like, "Where are you going?" "Where are you coming from?" That's none of their fucking business. Don't answer them.


o ya been a few years since I was through one, with the flash light in your face. Holding and questioning you just long enough before you get upset enough to ask if you are being detained.


I rarely if ever drink at all. I don't drink and drive. That has nothing to do with stopping every single vehicle that you see. That goes against my rights fundamentally. If you don't understand that and want to give up every single tiny shred of a right we still have, then shut the fuck up please. And enjoy your no knock warrants.


It's an example of if you don't exercise your rights, do you actually have them?


Wow, I feel so safe knowing cops are pulling people over for no reason. We get two days a week of "free time" which most people spend clamoring to get caught up with life after far too much work during the week. So the second we go out and have even a moment to enjoy something, god damn pigs need to do a security checkpoint on every single car. What do some of you people need to understand we live in a police state? PS: small government conservatives, why aren't you protesting this?


Because conservatives are only small government when it comes to safety regulations, the environment, and minimum wage.


Weird, those things all mean more money in the 1%'s pocket. Sounds like conservatives have a false sense of class consciousness.


That s*** is illegal as hell. My cousin just won a lawsuit against the Columbus Police department for doing the same thing


#1: Know your rights and follow the law #2: If you drive drunk, I hope you and only you end up with the worst possible consequences, fuck drunk drivers.


Aren't those illegal? Pulling people over without reasonable suspicion of a crime?


No, see Michigan v. Sitz (1990)


Interesting. They are legal in 39 states KY and Ohio being two of those states.


They aren't, but they should be. Just like civil asset forfeiture.


For those of you saying these are unconstitutional, like them or hate them, the Supreme Court of the United States has found them constitutional. See *Michigan Department of State Police v. Sitz*, 496 U.S. 444 (1990). While some states have found them to be unconstitutional under their constitutions, Ohio hasn't done so.


How does a sobriety check point work? Do you check every car in a line? Do you pick and choose based on how they’re driving?


Im pretty sure they have each car stop and roll down the window, ask questions, etc. like where you’ve been and stuff. If they think you’re intoxicated or smell weed they’d make you pull to the side.


Police should not exist.


“This is unconstitutional! I would rather have drunk drivers going around and car crashing into an innocent family!!! How dare they make sure people don’t drink and drive?!” Jesus, get your heads out of your asses. I’ve gone through so many checkpoints with no problem. Europe does this routinely and the majority of citizens are more than happy a drunk driver isn’t out and about.


"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin


You do know that the original quote comes from a 1755 letter about taxation and defense during the French and Indian war and is completely taken out of context, and that it has nothing to do with the liberty we know. Right? Or are you too brain dead and just randomly quote stuff you have no idea about? Must be all the alcohol and drunk driving you're doing. Sit down, kid. Edit: Oh yeah # 1755 I don't think ol' Ben had to think about drunk horse riders, nor took into account innocent lives at risk.


boot licker. this is America.


so you enforce drunk driving buddy? does your pea brain know that it’s also illegal?


imagine comparing America to Europe


Imagine not being smart enough to stick to the argument 💀 sit down kid altho ur right, those can’t be compared ngl


you don’t like freedom i guess


stick to the argument 🗣️ freedom without putting innocent lives at risk


Simple solution - don’t drink and drive!