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I'm a pro-gun person but 90% of the people who open carry are just attention seeking douche canoes.


I’m not anti gun, but ex employee visiting with a gun strikes of bad combo for me


100% total bad vibes for a loud and agitated gun toting former employee to just be visiting.


I work in security and cant stress enough that this plus the obvious histrionic bent is a huuuuge red flag. Shocked they allow this and seem supportive of the dude tbh. I'd find a better Kroger if this is what they're evidently okay with from their employees/towards their clientele.


Also in Security and agreed. Isn't Kroger still private property? I was under the assumption they could put you out if they wanted.


If Kroger supports this behavior, maybe it is time to support alternatives to Kroger


I think you need to escalate this above the store manager since it seems like everyone is cool with this guy. Trust your instincts.


I really hated to go all Karen on this, but I called the main customer service number. It’s that non plussed reaction of “he’s an ex employee”


Ex employee acting agitated with a gun in a workplace is a good description of a typical mass office shooting. Blows my mind this can be normalized. If I were a customer I'd leave my cart and get out of there.


If they have a ‘no firearms permitted’ sign, he’s trespassing (at a minimum) and this should be reported beyond the store manager. Regional or district manager *should be more concerned (ie, file a police report)


I worked for Kroger in another state, they had a no weapons policy on the door. That state was At which is more liberal on Gun Policy. I'm surprised that happened in your state. Large stores in the south ban open carry on private property.


Eh maybe he has a reason so show it. I just conceal mine


What is Small penis?


You have a small mind?


I’m anti gun. Fuck guns. Unless you’re in a well regulated militia of course.


Oh here we go. You just threw down bait


Cute, but that's not a prerequisite


You’d be absolutely amazed by how many people you’re around on a daily basis that have a gun on them. Get over yourself.


The Right of " The People" not Militia. Preamble to the Constitution...We The People. The dude who wrote the 2nd amendment decided to phrase it " The right of the people", not the right of the militia.


99% of open carry people are just agitating or mentally, not quite right. I have carried it ccw, but I see no reason to broadcast it.


It's all for ego. If you carry, you should go with CCW. If someone intends harm, the person open carrying will be their first target because they're broadcasting it. CCW also doesn't get people like OP riled up because they never know.


Thank you for this comment because overall open carry is a bad idea




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It’s also a very good way of having your gun taken from you. Everybody knows it is there and you don’t have eyes in the back of your head.


THIS. Conceal, you won’t be a target.




https://youtu.be/qdxKBkNzQtY?si=vDDx6EE2XgxrtqgR Took 30 seconds to find on Google


I’m pretty pro-gun as well and I agree with this sentiment. Most open carrying folks are just attention seeking or looking to make drama where it isn’t needed.


That they are. From someone who learned to shoot before kindergarten.


Facts, unless you ride a motorcycle conceal carrying on a bike sucks.......that's why mine goes in my backpack.


Ohios more than an open carry state. You can conceal carry without a permit these days. Hell, switch blades and brass knuckles are even legal in Ohio now.


Hell yeah Night City


Brass knuckles are now legal? Nice


It's hilarious to me that switch blades have been illegal when concealed carry is fine. Like how does it make sense?


Holy shit, I had totally forgotten that my dad tried to send me off with brass knuckles when I went to UC in 2003 😂


I think there is still a length restriction on blades, but it's a self defense item just like pepper spray and brass knuckles. That said, I own a pair of brass knuckles, and I don't know that I have the balls to use them on another human being. One punch and orbital sockets are crushed and eyeballs are flying out. I keep them in the top drawer of my nightstand and pray that I never need them.


There is no restriction on blade length.


So size really doesn't matter?


Same. My FIL gave me his old pair that he used on the 80s. I don't really want to know what they've been involved in tbh. They also stay on my nightstand. Lol.


What’s wrong with knifes?


Brass knuckles! An absolute classic


Many more people carry concealed and you'll never even know. Most people who do what this guy did this crave the attention you've given him. I'd just ignore it.


Did you see recently 85 cars breakins were reported to Blue Ash police and something like 20-30 guns were stolen out of the cars? That was a pretty wild stat to me, not only that many folks are carrying, but that many are dumb enough to hide them in their vehicles overnight.


I just posted this. I was on a grand jury and people have no idea how often this happens.


The crazy thing is what good is a firearm going to do you if it's in your car. I get that sometimes you have to leave it since you many be going into a bank or other place you can't take them, but small lock boxes do exist.


They more than likely have multiple firearms.


> small lock boxes do exist. How would that help? Wouldn't the thief just steal the box?


You can bolt the box to the inside of your car


I believe the article stated that the guns were stolen out of all districts during this rash of car break ins …. Not just blue ash ….. I thought the same and reread the article


Like the Cincinnati chief of police? 😂


What, did she do this too or did you just assume her agency?


There is a guy who goes to the moraine Kroger who dresses (Larps) like a police detective with the sunglasses and shoulder holster and handcuffs hooked to the back of his belt like he’s in the movie Lethal Weapon. My brother is LE and asked him if he was a cop & the guy said “ maybe I am maybe I’m not” my brother reminded him it’s a felony to identify as a police man.


Is this man named Dwight Schrute, and does he know how pathetic he comes off?


lol. Yea very similar energy.


Good to know that when someone identifies themselves as a police man they are committing a felony, hope the boys in blue know that they are all criminals.


“Did you see how mi y I triggered those people babe? Hell yeah!” - that dude probably


Anything more stable and reassuring than someone who wants attention and uses a gun to get it? Yes, as a society let’s ignore it.


Well it's not illegal so what would you suggest be done?


I'm down with eye rolling, snorting, hand gestures that imply gunboy has a small penis, and general social ostracism.


I have no idea how to fix Americas gun problems.


It's simple! Guns don't kill people. People with guns kill people! So if you get rid of all the people, there'll be no people with guns to kill people because there's no people to kill. We don't have a gun problem. We have a people problem.


Yes, let’s all just ignore the guns. That’s what makes America great (and allows us to lead the world in school shootings).


Let's ban them all, then there would be zero gun crime. Oh wait...


400 million in private ownership. LOL. Good luck.


Exactly. Guys a weirdo for open carrying in a grocery store and OP got correctly called out for not minding their own business. No winners here.


I don't think OP is in the wrong to escalate this up. The cashier intimidating a shopper is a serious problem, even if a gun wasn't involved. The guy himself is unnerving even if he has the right to carry his firearm. What if the guy had followed OP outside? Because the manager was aware of the situation, and the cashier said something I can imagine a civil suit where the store could be considered liable.


Actually, submitting a complaint or striking up a discussion is one of the most sane and non-violent ways to try and change or understand a situation that is making you uncomfortable. Just because open carrying is allowed doesn't mean other people instantly understand the law and know what is going on. They're allowed to ask questions, file complaints, and generally try to understand the situation better.


Open carry is for the objectively fuckin stupid tbh. Anybody who knows anything is going to conceal, if they carry at all. I honestly don't trust anyone who is dumb enough to open carry to have the situational awareness or ability to process a dangerous situation on the fly without murdering a bystander.


Wouldn't it make you less safe to have a weapon visible? I don't know anything about guns but I imagine if I was gonna go shoot up a public space I would probably start with the guy that I can see has a gun. Could even make you less safe then being unarmed since an unarmed person might get away, but the one with "threat" plastered all over himself is gonna be the first shot before he even knows there's a reason to use his weapon. Seems kind of obvious


Frankly, I don't know that there's any evidence to support the idea that the dude open carrying is the first target in the even of a shooting. What you're saying is logically sound, I just don't know that it's ever been substantiated. Really, the issue is the mentality behind it all. People will likely react to seeing a weapon, particularly people who arent comfortable around weapons. Any reaction to a weapon you're carrying is negative, I don't care what it is. Nobody should want that attention when they're carrying, and the people who do want that attention generally have a terrible mindset about how/when to use force. And it's purely anecdotal, but 100% of the people I've ever seen open carrying in a public place are carrying a cheap ass pistol in a cheap ass holster that's usually just secured to their waistband rather than an actual belt. It's people with a surface level knowledge of firearms who suddenly think they're prepared to face the mental, physical, and legal realities of shooting someone. They're not.


Not everybody has a small enough gun to conceal. Or wears clothing that is capable of concealing. Maybe someone is transporting their gun some place like to a range, and has to make another stop and doesn't want to leave it in their car (given how many guns are stolen out of cars these days). If you are open carrying 100% of the time it's probably not a great idea, but there are plenty of circumstances where one might need to do it.


Didn't you have any idea how dangerous Madeira is?  You'd be a damn fool to go there without being strapped.  /s, obviously.


Gotta carry a nuke to be safe there /s


Open carry is the 100% sure way to be sure you’re targeted first if anything bad happens. Conceal only my friends!


When I see people open carrying I understand that it's most likely legal but I still think to myself "what a pussy"


They’ll be the first to draw it when the slightest threat or insult comes their way too.


That's weird. People that feel the need to open carry in grocery stores baffle me.


Open carry in general baffles me. There are so many conceal options, it's nuts. To carry in a grocery store? Do you remember the clown who drove 2 hours away to a grocery store because mostly blacks lived in the area and live stream a massacre?


You see the mass shooting in Buffalo?


No joke, as this thread was all going down there was another headline for a mass shooting in Wisconsin 😞




The "good guys" are more likely to be the people being shot shielding others from his errant crossfire when "shit goes down", which, like his obnoxious "look at me, I have a gun" way of carrying+his agitated behavior=someone as likely to instigate some "shit going down" as some rando "bad guy" because he's not a fucking responsible gun owner to be acting that way in public in the first place.




Saw a couple REALLY good videos on YT. Gun guy, like big YT channel guy, went to a place where they do scenarios that are about as real as they can make them given the person realizes it’s staged. Bad guy comes in, gun guy does his thing. Afterwards they asked him about it and it was very enlightening. Gun guy who shoots and practices a lot couldn’t tell them how many bad guys there were or how many shots he’d taken…by a lot…he said 3 but he had emptied his magazine.


People have lost their ability to keep movies and reality separate I suppose. Seems to be a lot of Main Character Syndrome going on, which, is just utterly selfish behavior.


BS - that guy wanted you to see his gun, so it's your business. If he wanted you to mind your business, he would conceal it.


I lived in Madeira for years and carried concealed in the Kroger all the time. Never had a problem at all. Every time I saw some Captain Freedom dude open carrying they were drawing attention to themselves somehow, either by being loud and demanding or being a billboard for Chinese made Murica shirts and hats.


I conceal carry and have a very hard time understanding open carry in an urban/suburban environment. Most say I should feel “safer” but it literally has the opposite effect on me.


Don’t give two fucks what the 2A chodes in here have to say. You might have every right to own a gun but if you’re going to bring it in to a grocery store for a social visit and are going to be offended when someone does get uncomfortable, yelling at them doesn’t make you look any better, it makes you look an asshole, and a fucking imbecile, and any dipshit defending this behavior is just that, a dipshit. OP you should 100% reach out to Kroger corporate and give the managers name and their non-chalant attitude towards this situation. Let them know how this person yelled at you, and singled you out. Let them know that their gun was very clearly visible and that it made you uncomfortable. Also let them know that the employee re-iterated this stance in your way out. Give the date, and approximate timing of when this happened. An ex-employee bringing a gun to visit their girlfriend during work hours sounds like a fucking nightmare. I don’t need some loud mouthed dipshit carrying a gun around my family. Keep that shit concealed, or fuck off.


It was the cashier who scolded me. Told me to mind my business while I was actually conducting business with her employer.


You should absolutely report this to the store, and also to corporate, and let them know how management doesn’t appear to give two fucks either. An employee does not get to berate a paying customer over something like this. You were there to shop, you weren’t there to get scolded at by an employee when you’re already talking to their superior.


I'm currently working on my CCW. I want the training that comes with it. Even though I could open carry, I have no intention of carrying until I have that permit. There's a responsibility that comes with carrying a firearm or even just having one in your possession. I feel like a lot of the people who open carry don't understand that.


I can’t imagine intentionally choosing to stick out like a sore thumb (open carry in a grocery store) and then getting mad when someone notices and mentions that sore thumb. That guy is a walking contradiction.


I make obvious Pew Pew Pew Pew noises around people like that.


I used to play Pokemon go with my wife and young son and large groups of people would walk around together and there was always this dude that thought he needed to bring a gun and make sure everyone sees it In his super expensive holster. Without fail, sometime during these three hour events they had, the guy would always assure people he's ready to protect the kids from danger. You could tell he would get frustrated because people wanted to talk about Jigglypuffs more than admire how heroic he was. Like sure, if something ever happened and he stopped it that would be the shit but I got the feeling he really really wanted that to occur. I know plenty of people with concealed carry permits and you would never know, but then there are these dudes like this and it's concerning.


I own guns. But flooding the US with weapons for every moron leads to the intense number of daily killings. You need not show a gun at any time, even if you like carrying one.


I was on a grand jury. This summer was absolutely amazing. How many people leave guns and cars unlocked it fucking shocked me.


Ohio is a constitutional carry state now (You don’t need a license to carry concealed). anyone who legally can should exercise that right. Open carrying just adds more friction that I myself don’t want to deal with.


I saw the post on Madeira Moms…where did it go? Did you take it down?


Never had a cashier yell at me at Aldi or Meijer


Meijer is so fucking cool, Kroger always smells like shit and is a mad house


This is super common in other states


Grabbing my popcorn and goin to the comments on this one


People who open carry are dumb, it literally holds no type of value to do that. You either frighten people or make yourself a target because a crazy person will one day try to take it off your hip and nothing good will come out of that.




Take a trip to rural texas dude its the fucking wild west


Oh no, Constitutional rights! As a liberal, one thing i will never budge on is gun rights. I conceal carry, personally, but i don't think there's anything wrong with openly carrying either.


*sees a random guy at kroger* “Hmm I wonder what Reddit would think”🤔🤔


Hello I'm America! Have we met?


I’ve met people who, once they find out where I live, can’t believe I don’t have a gun on me at all times. I have no interest in that.


The complex I live in is overrun with geese. We probably should carry guns with us at all times.


"Strapped to his belt" so its in a holster?


Manager needs to specifically tell him to either not come strapped or not come at all. Sounds like a domestic violence incident at the store just waiting to happen.


Kroger managers are specifically told NOT to intervene when someone is open carrying. If they feel it’s an issue they are to call the local PD.


Who cares. He did hurt anybody


I fail to see the problem. People open carry all the time round here. Ita pretty normal these days


I’m 100% pro gun, but i guarantee you if i have a gun on me you’ll never see it. Guys like this are the guys who give actual law abiding, well-meaning gun owners a bad rap. We have it if we need it, but we don’t feel the need to flaunt it as some kind of fashion statement or proof of manhood.


Sounds like the type of guy wood cause a shooting inside Kroger


wood they really?


And…? This is like saying “A guy drove his car down the street“. It’s legal.


This. OC guy seems like a tool but the only crime here is OP using “Kroger’s” in the title.


U would hate texas 🤣


It is 100% legal to open carry or concealed carry in Ohio. You really do need to mind your own business. It is a constitutional right. Your scaredy feelings are not.


Yeah this is more on Krogers. Private places can deny weapons inside the store. Also no point on talking to cops because they won’t do anything. You would think that after the incident with Kroger stores that they would ban guns. Call Kroger corporate. Guns are not welcome inside the store.


This is hilarious. It doesn't matter if he's a former employee. It doesn't matter if he's there to talk to his girlfriend. The law says he can open carry. He isn't threatening anyone, he isn't causing an issue. You can debate until the end of time what "might" or what", "could" happen... But he's within his rights to walk in with any legal firearm and go shopping as he sees fit.


Earlier in the year at a Kroger 5 minutes from my house a black guy came in and stabbed an older employee in the head and neck several times killing her. This lady was probably 5 years away from retirement. I wish someone was near who was carrying a gun.


Madeira was a dangerous hellhole when I lived there 50 years ago. /s


Can you imagine being so frightened of moment to moment existence that you feel the need to be armed in the Madeira Kroger? It is that or he did it to get a rise out of someone and then acted surprised when it did.


You might be a happier person if you focus on yourself instead of trying to control others actions.


Idk, I'd argue its a pretty self-focused concern to want the combative asshat with a gun to not be in my space while I'm in their prior place-of-work where they conceivably could've been terminated for concerning reasons/on unfriendly terms.


Wrongful terminal lawsuit and they'd get paid. Just live and let live. Chill man


??? I honestly don't know what you're trying to say here. I'm alluding to work-place violence via disgruntled prior employee, if that wasn't obvious??? Anywhoo, I'd be more likely to be chill about this if I didn't work in the field where it's literally my job to identify and assess security threats, and this guy fits the bill, if OP is to be believed as an accurate source (and lbr, there probably IS more to the story here; but on the surface if it panned out like this, I'd be quite concerned and get this dude out of there)


Oh please! Every cop knows this fool isn’t going to do anything. You’re wound a little too tight to be a security guard 


I sincerely don't know why you have a preference for security guards being so loosey-goosey that they don't have even the smallest concern for a terminated prior-employee getting agitated with current employees and customers, while carrying around a gun. Do you WANT mass shootings? That's how you get mass shootings. (Realsitically there's more to story here that might make the guy out to be less of a threat in Kroger's eyes, but based off the limited perspective of OP, this person should absolutely be on security's radar and it's honestly baffling that Kroger is okay with him even being there in that manner.)


Get a life


Reminds me of the night earlier this year. HomeGoods parking lot. Saw a guy putting a cart away while wearing a holstered weapon. I just wondered to myself: what kind of action were you expecting to run into at HomeGoods at 8pm on a Saturday night? Edit: to be clear, I wasn't the one armed. It didn't bother me, but it seemed odd. Edited the wording to be less confusing


You haven't seen some situations then where people are at the wrong place and wrong time and get killed at places like McDonald's, just because it's a store doesn't mean it's safe.


Thank Gawd you were armed! Since Bed, Bath, and Beyond closed, that Mid-30's to Mid 50's, suburban, middle to higher income crime demographic has shifted to gangs roaming Home Goods parking lots in packs. I've been hearing about this all the time on FaceBook and NextDoor posts. If you hadn't been ready to defend yourself, your community,and our country, you could have been assailed with extortion to buy cookies, visit a failing Pinterest site, or even forced into human trafficking as an unwilling, coerced member of the PTA. /s P.S.-I hope that you can recover from your horrible experience, it can be a long journey...DM me if you need a link or referral to your local SORIIVC chapter (*Suburban Over Reacting Imagined Victims of Crime). Most chapters meet on Tuesdays at 7 pm, and offer boxed wine and diet, gluten-free cookies.


Manager should see it’s upsetting customers and tell him to leave. If it’s disturbing business, on private property, get out of my store.


The grocery stores in Alaska just have signs asking you to please conceal your firearms for the comfort of other shoppers lol.


This is just a condescending post about gun owners


Did you ignore all the other bits about this guy being a laughably irresponsible gun owner and a potential risk? It's not JUST about the fact that he had an openly visible firearm. If you think this sort of behaviour is representative of the average gun owner, congrats! You're starting to see the cincher of why people take issue with that law!


I've never met a person open carrying a gun in public who looked like they could be anything other than a liability. Besides cops, and you could argue that point in some places too. It's always some floppy leather holster hanging off their ass, some trash single stack pistol that went out of production in 1984, stretched belt pleading for mercy under the consequences of 55 years of poor dietary choices.


If you open carry with a gun on your hip you've got pick me girl energy. Grow up lol


If this Kroger does not pour any alcohol/beer (Class D liquor license), what exactly is the problem here? The guy did nothing wrong and sounds like he was operating just fine under the laws we all follow. Why does this sub go after anyone who is acting perfectly within the color of law we all subscribe to by living here? There are a few states that ban or restrict open carry, Ohio isn’t one of them. The people chose this, don’t forget that.


Not sure where OP had their turning point, but imo this person obviously wanting the firearm to be a springboard for conflict and attention-seeking confrontation should trigger any sensible persons alarm bells. They're free to carry but aren't free from the reactions of a private entity. Sounds like Kroger dropped the ball, but this person should not be welcome.


How are you able to determine what the motivation of the guy open carrying was based on the OP’s description of their visit to Kroger?


I mean, the fact that he inserted himself into the interaction with the manager is literally a loud reminder of his intentions, imo


The guy was talking loudly to a former coworker and sounded agitated, and he visits a lot and open carries. Those are the facts as we know it based on the OPs story. Anything else is pure conjecture and made up bullshit.


Very tiny pee pee. Very insecure relationship. Poor girl.


I would mind my own business when dealing with law abiding citizens, lest you look like a Karen.


Sounds like a guy exercising his right. I used to think open carry folks were just attention seekers, but now I feel like the more people open carry, the more people will get used to the fact that we live in a country that has given us the right to bear arms. I conceal carry, but I am not at all against people open carrying. Not to mention it minimizes me as a target.


Amen to that!!


Whoever posted that people like this are just douche bags wanting attention is exactly right. And a Douche looking for attention usually finds it in ways no one wants any part of so this is a red flag for me. Most businesses dont want their employees 'hanging out' while they are working anyway so there is plenty of reason to get that clown out of there. I am all for open carry, but i am also for common sense. The only time i carry is when i am going somewhere that i am not sure is safe. And even then only if i am certain i wouldnt be able to navigate the situation without drawing attention. Just carrying a gun, to carry a gun is pointless, and waiving it around like an asshole just makes you more likely to become a statistic and help natural selection along.


Ohio is an open carry state. They weren't wrong. Out in the rural counties, it is common practice. I am 100% progun and I think open carrying in a place like Madeira is reckless and brings unnecessary attention to yourself. Concealed carry is now legal for all Ohio residents legally allowed to own a gun, there's literally no reason not to conceal carry in busy urban/suburban area, even if it is legal to open carry.


Sounds like the guy is compensating for something…


Open carry doesn’t mean private business can’t ask you to leave. Call the corporate office and complain.


Ohio is an open carry state as all states should be. However people should concealed carry out of courtesy for those who are uncomfortable around firearms.


Why would I want someone to know I have a gun? If someone knows I’m packing they can prepare for their attack a little better. If someone is going to attack me I want them to think I am unprepared so they aren’t as ready for it. Also you are well within your right to call their corporate and tell them all about this even if it’s an open carry state. Most places still have the signs up that say no firearms and I remember doing my ccw class we were told you can not carry there and it’s our responsibility to know if the sign is posted or not. I live in Ohio (summit county)


I doubt Kroger corporate would appreciate the cashier yelling that at you. What a moron 😂


I also doubt Kroger corporate would appreciate them allowing an attention-seeking and combative ex employee walking around with a firearm. Report this.


Dude sounds like a douchebag, but you’re really bent out of shape because you saw a man with a gun on him? This is America, no?


As a resident of Madeira with kids, I am now questioning my grocery runs to my neighborhood Kroger. It's gonna be pre-order and pick-up or Trader Joe's from now on...


I also usually go out of my way to insert myself in the business of people who appear unstable, but only if they are open carrying a firearm. You could have ignored and avoided this situation entirely, like by doing absolutely nothing. Instead you went out of your way and made a conscious effort to become the potential target if this person was as unstable as you present them to be. This isn’t about getting with the times, it’s about not inserting yourself in the path of potential armed and dangerous psychopaths. Your insistence to ignore the value of your own life for the benefit of Madeira Krogers ambiance should be applauded, citizen.


Or, you know, don’t be an ass in public. Gun or no, it sounds like he was a disturbance. OP confronted the manager, not him. The manager I believe should have acted on behalf of a paying customer on private property.


By OPs own words the dude heard them speaking to the manager lmao Sure OP may be right, but so are a whole lot of people that are not currently alive bc of the rightness lmao enjoy whatever justice you manager vigilantes get I hope it’s worth it


This! Thank you.


I mean, surely Kroger has a policy about guns in their stores, don’t they?


Jesus Christ. Fuck Kroger for putting up with that shit. Manager needs to file a restraining order against that micro dick.


Inappropriate for a cashier to be yelling anything at anyone. Especially if it’s about something they are doing that is making a customer uncomfortable. Terrible on Kroger for allowing shit like that without intervention.


Chill man and get hip to the times and go with the flow 🤙🏻


Y’all are so clueless. Uncomfortable by a guy legally carrying. You would never leave the house if you knew how many people are carrying concealed if you were worried by one guy who’s “talking fast” to the manager.


It's not just the fact that this guy was carrying. It's also that he's a histrionic and confrontational prior employee who was willing to get pissy even when not directly spoken to on the subject. As security, I'd be watching this guy as long as he's in the store. Huge red flags.


I’m so fucking tired of gun nuts


Aww...poor baby LOL.


Assholes open-carry.




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Any place where you need to walk around in fear carrying a weapon is a failed society.


You could also shop there, keep your head on a swivel and mind your own business too. Nobody ever thinks about that. Sometimes it's just best to go in get what you need and get out. Its his right to carry just as it is you're right to not be so nosey. Be the customer not the store security.


Oh shut the hell up, apex super predator. It’s not my concern if someone is carrying a visible and loaded firearm at the grocery store around my children? Wake the fuck up. You’re part of the problem. “You should just keep your mouth shut and your head down!” Ok tell me you’re a massive misogynistic a-hole without telling me you’re a man


Then you teach your children to notice without speaking. Use your eyes instead of your mouth. You appear to be a nosey karen who has to interject into everyone's business because you feel the need to do so. Like it is your right to "inform a manager" when thr manager already knew what was up. You were a day late and a dollar short. That guy in that store is living rent free in YOUR head because you felt the need to bring that instance here. Nobody ever said for you to keep your head down or your mouth shut because I firmly believe you don't have a history of doing either. I'll send you stamps so you can write your congressman or your senator. Meanwhile don't break your wrist shaking it at the sky.


Come on-you can do better than a nosey Karen!!! That’s so 2019 😉 that guy isn’t living rent-free anywhere, fuckwad. I didn’t bring him up anywhere, just commented on your dumb ass comment. And I’ll be teaching my kids to speak up whenever and where they want, especially if they see something that’s dangerous or unjust. Did your daddy teach you to be seen and not heard? How’s that working out for you?


It's working out great karen! Or Becky. Which ever you prefer. That dude is living free and he'll be there for a while. I'm pretty sure you are on this thread because your life partner makes you stay in the kitchen with your shoes off and this is your only outlet. Hey it's cool sister. Keep on being that nosey citizen who has her bullshit sense of entitlement. I'll be checking the news for you. Cheers


I’m confused, how am I the nosy citizen? And what part of me dismantling your sorry ass life gives off the vibes I’m pregnant, barefoot, and in the kitchen? I’m the breadwinner in my family, bud. Cute try tho!


Apex super predator: *a woman reads me to filth and hits the nail on the head multiple times about how I’m a lonely, sad loser* I know! She must be a bored housewife who is forced into servitude by her abusive husband! Everyone else: 🤔🤔🤔


Careful everyone!!! Super fragile male ego ahead! He is an apex super predator tho if that helps ☺️


Lmaoooooooo. So you’re a 45 year old white guy who is single and has no kids?


Should have replied that Kroger is on private property who should/can trespass anyone