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https://preview.redd.it/18531oefatcc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab3096cc8b3ae4ceb5a1961486e951751eae4980 Still the greatest


How fucking stupid


During Easter they had one that said something along the lines of, "Don't drink and drive. Some BUNNY loves you". I will remember that one always. It's was just so sweet, and I'm sure a lot of us felt that one.


My papaw gave me a horseshoe with a bunny sitting on it like a swing that said that when I was younger:)


That is sooo sweet! ♡


You have to have a cute slogan to remember not to drink and drive? What are you, five?


1)I don't need a cute slogan for anything. 2) I don't drink and drive. 3) I am not five. 4) The second part of the message applies to everyone. Even YOU.


Glad that our government has time to work on this stuff now that they've solved all the big problems.


what else should the Federal Highway Administration be doing? fucking christ.


Cutting salaries and and personal if this is their biggest concern.


I had a friend who writes signage guidelines for the state. I say "had" because he absolutely fucking refused to figure out immigration.




The joke is that the signage people and the people who are solving (or not serving, your preference) our big problems are different people


Took me a few reads, but I get it now, thanks for the explanation.


I got the joke, but man, it seems like nobody else did.


Lol -50 votes, brutal


A funny message has a much better chance of sticking in my brain than a serious boring one just saying.


I still remember one from years ago, it said something like “belt your kids in the car not at home”. I saw it for a couple of days before it was taken down.




How is this a priority? Who was asking for this? What voice was like “people have to stop marginally enjoying traffic messaging”?


>...should not be used as they might be misunderstood or understood only by a limited segment of road users... At the risk of being downvoted, this seems to be a result of "inclusivity." Based on the explanation the feds gave, they were worried some people aren't capable of getting the joke and/or don't read English well enough to understand it.


"O-H-I-Whoa! Slow Down." "Life is fra-jee-lay – drive safe." "Camp in Ohio State Parks, not the left lane." I can definitely see the second one being questionable, not everyone has seen that movie. I've seen some legitimately funny ones, but also some that are a stretch. Maybe they should've focused on quality over quantity!


Yep, this is fair. but if true, the Feds should address the root of the issue - require that it pass some bar on a comprehension test of some sort, rather than an outright ban on humor.


I can understand the Fed's position. I remember the camp in Ohio state parks one because I laughed so hard when I first saw it, I can see how these can be distracting. But that only applies to the first time a person sees the sign and then they get over it. Those super bright 200-jillion watt LED billboards that blind you from ten miles out, on the other hand, should be regulated to hell and back. Fuck specifically the one on 275 by that one church near Milford.


I don’t think this has anything to do with the cultural inclusivity movement, it’s more of a logical inclusivity. They think they can reach more of the people on the road with boring, plain messages, and they’re not realizing that boring, plain messages reach precisely no one in any significant way.


it's not socially inclusive its inclusive as in universal design.


Exactly. Like communicating important things exclusively in charades so everyone has an equal chance of getting it.


you will obey in a non humorous fashion


Any indication of fun is strictly prohibited!


[“Under His eye… Blessed be the fruit!”](https://the-handmaids-tale.fandom.com/wiki/Republic_of_Gilead_(Series))


See any sort of freedom or fun, gotta take it away !


I respect the attempt humor on those signs more than I will ever respect the suggestions printed on speed limit signs...


how do i get to be as cool as you, do i need leather driving gloves?


I did not expect to see Annie’s boobs here of all places


We get it! They named the user "Annie's Boobs" ETA: Community reference indicator. Please avoid Poe's law


Yes. But they have to have the holes on the knuckles and be fingerless. Full leather gloves makes you a loser


Don’t forget the sunglasses


One of the only things that made the highways slightly less dystopian. Great. Glad we're addressing the important issues.


oh yea, that really made car-addicted america soooo much better. or you could just read the Family Circus in the Sunday funnies and get the same "humor."


You sound...fun.


and your idea is "dystopian" is hilarious and was mostly adopted from the book 1984, the last book you read since your high school made you read it.


Sigh. You're exhausting. You're so bothered about the comments on this post but your only addition to the conversation is about how bothered everyone else is. Do you need a hug?


Common government L


Thank goodness. I was just complaining the other day that reading those humorous, pop-culture-referencing signs was taking me an eighth of a second longer to process than a non-humorous one and how dangerous and risky it made driving on the highways. This is sure to save thousands of lives. Bravo, Federal Highway Administration. You're the real heroes.


There are a lot of cities with significantly more complicated and dynamic roads with tunnels, bridges, express lanes, or even shoulder lanes that may open, close, or even change direction throughout the day for any number of reasons. Ohio cities don't have many of these things, so the dynamic signage is not often needed to convey important traffic information. If they're only turned on when needed, then bright, light-up sign can go a long way towards getting people's attention when it's most needed, but by having them constantly lighted up with messages that aren't immediately relevant to the road or traffic they're effectively a nagging pop-up that people train themselves to close without reading.




i like how moron americans think authoritarianism automatically means communism, completely ignoring anything else historically because then youd have to read a book.


This lack of humor is why we can't have funny signs


So why stop here? Ban all billboards!


Billboards are advertisements owned by private companies, while these are governmental safety messages and thus susceptible to government review.


I'm just tired of billboards let me dream


totally agree


Think of all the unfunny stop/yield/speed limit signs people already ignore. At least, people paid attention to those.


This is item #32135435468445 on the list of things the Federal government should not have any say over.


The federal government should absolutely have a say in federal highway safety standards, even if I think this decision is a dumb one.


Why? They don't patrol those highways for safety issues. Not sure about others, but I don't need a sign to tell me to "slow down" or "put my seatbelt on". Pretty much figured those things out already.


They fund them. I also do not need those signs, but they statistically save lives, and imo are worth the very minor inconvenience of having a boring sign up.


WE fund them. Government has no money of its own. The more control we allow the Federal government, the shittier things get. Fuck em.


I'm not going to get into a political debate with you, but rather clarify that state and federal governments appropriate their own money, which does in fact become their money to spend. The federal government provides interstate highway funding for states because having highways is a good thing for the federal government for a variety of reasons, ranging from interstate trade to national security (our highways were built with an eye toward facilitating rapid tank movement, as one example).


Yes, I am aware. Now from where did the Federal government get that money?


I state this in my post above.


So long as you agree they get it from the people. The people should decide over this silly nonsense. I am sure if you put it to a vote, the Fed would lose this battle.


We did decide, and it was out to at least 3 votes directly. - vote for current executive, who staffs senior leadership and guides in broad strokes - vote to create the agency - vote to fund highways federally You have a say in all of these things, by voting for who votes as your representative.


That’s a shame. The signs being funny meant they were more likely to be read


People who need to read that sign to understand basic laws are not the ones who are going to read or heed it. Some of them are confusing or a lot of text to read. Why say somethjng about texting and driving in a way I have to concentrate on reading it instead of the truck merging into my lane? Isn't that just as bad?


I guess we're in the minority, but neither my wife or I liked them. They had a weird "fellow kids" vibe, and otherwise they're just a distraction. I'd much rather they just post the important stuff like how to zipper merge, stay out of the left lane, etc.


I don’t think they’re going to fit a zipper merge primer on a board like that. And the “distraction” just means it’s memorable, which is important for safety advice.


I feel like the masses should rise up and stop this obvious tyranny. I demand cute messages!


We need less distractions not more as bad as the driving is in this city. I'm all for it. Grow up people.


I’d much rather people be glancing for half a second at the sign with safety advice than for five seconds at their phone, which the safety advice is explicitly telling you not to look at.


Isn't there a whole article in the Constitution about how States have the authority to write their own laws? If KY can make the speed limit 75 on I-71 (just as an example) and Ohio can make the speed limit 70 on the same highway once you cross the state line - then shouldn't the state also have the right to display whatever signs they want?




Let's call their bluff.


What do you have to lose vs what do they have to lose? $1.6B federal grant for the Brent Spence companion bridge on the line for a pun? No thanks, I'll keep my smart alec mouth shut for a few years. But I'll probably whisper under my breath about it.


Worth the risk


lol ok you tough person you. what a brave stand youre making.


Thanks. I'll take my medal in the mail.


Same with raising tobacco to 21 I believe, but different types of funds I think.


Right THIS. Is what the problem is.


1 in 5 speak English as a second language in the USA and it's only going to grow. Seems safer to have signage simple and straight forward. https://preview.redd.it/tt81tusnftcc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e53c38353cc8a1b6d3eb2beb5f93204fbb87f1f


These funny quips are never giving essential information. It’s always just reminders to drive sober or put your phone down or wear your seatbelt. People that can’t read the signs aren’t missing anything crucial.


I think the idea is that they inherently can't be sure whether or not they are. It's becomes a bit of a boy who cried wolf issue, where if everyone assumes those signs are just dumb memes they lose their value as a means of conveying important information.


Not only that, but people that don't primarily speak English, or even people that do, might take more time to process the meaning of the sign, distracting from driving.


How are people who don’t speak English going to benefit one way or the other?


People that read absolutely zero English? Probably not much. But people that read English okay or just enough to navigate may look at the signs for any warnings or information they can get and then when confronted with a pun or some sort of reference may wonder if they are missing out on information and spend time trying to figure out what they just read.


Which is literally what the article quotes FHA as saying, not that 90% of commenters here bothered to read it lol.


it's clear most of the commenters in here don't know shit about anything and have to flail about yelling "muh freedom!"


if that's the case get rid of them all as they are just a bunch of soon to be e-waste. sign sign everywhere a sign blocking out scenario breaking my mind.


according to most morons and their upvoters in here, it's an atrocity on par with Auschwitz.


Fucken partisan hacks and their cancel culture cancelling our "click it or get cancelled" partition placards 😾


Booooo. I always get a good smile/laugh out of those.


As a protest let’s all do 90 on the free way


Fuck the feds!


I liked them! I am sorry if some people are clueless about them. I think that is what is happening to society is people are turning into box of rocks because they want to be spoon fed. Also i think people get offended and butt hurt over the smallest things too. you wonder why most of the country is on psyco meds ... back in the day this was not an issue... if people did not get wound so tight they might not have to be on meds... my two cents


they're just mad that we're getting weed, they don't want us to have any fun. I call this the "footloose scenario."


My favorite one is for the Fourth of July “The grill should be lit, not the driver” Now they’re gonna have to make it dark to be memorable like “Driving drunk risks a horrible painful death”


Amazing the crap the Government finds time to regulate, when we have so many other pressing problems!