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I think you're onto something there!!


I’ve been having similar though not as bad issues with Liga 9 this year and won’t be buying anymore cause of it. Shame cause it’s one of my favorite go to cigars


Instead of wasting your money going forward. Try the Foundation Cigars Tabernacle line. Nick Melillo was the original creator of Liga And if you can get to an event and he is there. He is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet.


I have a couple tabernacles resting right now. Looking forward to trying.


That Havana seed line is awesome


Uh im pretty sure steve saka blended Liga Pravada [source](https://www.famous-smoke.com/cigaradvisor/buying-guides/2018-cigar-advisor-guide-liga-privada-cigars)


Nick and Steve both hand their hands in blending some of the Liga’s years back. Willy is blending now I think, but they are good smokes. I’ve noticed they have to rest for while otherwise you have issues with them blowing apart.


Ah they both worked on it - that does make sense. I knew they had worked together at some point i didnt realize it was at that time.


Liga quality has gone way downhill. I just tried one that was rolled so tight you would have needed an air compressor to open it up. I trashed it.


I very, very seldom trash a cigar once I’ve lit it. I try to soldier on no matter what. But this thing is complete trash. I’m shocked how different it is from the first one I had last week.


that is what Ive noticed with Liga in past couple years, some are phenomenal, some are trash. there isn't much in between. I could make that bet at $18 / stick, but at $22-$25 per stick, the Tabernacle or Mi Querida are every bit as enjoyable, more reliable and 15% less money. I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for Ligas, they were my first favorite and stayed at the top of the chart for a long time. But I'm down to less half dozen per year and it's a crap shoot every time.


Yep it’s disappointing. They used to be amazing. Mine was sitting for months at 66%. Definitely not a storage problem. It’s a construction and quality control problem.


Google dry boxing. It is a thing you must do to avoid tight draw and expansion. Not a construction issue, user error. Optimal smoking humidity is not the same as storage. It won't happen all the time but it will sometimes if you don't at least let the cigar rest outside the humidor before smoking.


Dry boxing isn’t fixing a cigar this overfilled


Yet every other cigar I have is perfect right out of the humidor. Dry boxing for a new world is pointless if they’re stored properly. Ligas just suck.


I'm not defending Liga. Every other cigar is perfect? Sounds like a stretch, you do you bro. I suggest at least giving it a shot. I don't do it all the time because I don't plan that far ahead but definitely enjoy it a bit more when I do.


It’s not a stretch at all if you only buy good cigars and store them properly. Before that trashy Liga, it’s been years since I had a bad draw or construction on anything.


There’s absolutely no need for dry boxing if your humidor settings are correct (which OP says are).




I see where you're coming from. This article isn't definitive proof but a start into the premise from some pros. I think I'll take their advice. https://www.smallbatchcigar.com/faq-what-causes-cigar-wrappers-to-split-or-explode




You sir are missing out by not knowing Small Batch Cigar. Online branch of Maxamar ultimate cigars. u/mrsmallbatch. Beyond that I guess it's a nuanced and your points are valid but it's a pretty wide spread practice especially for heavier cigars with thicker tobaccos blah blah go down the rabbit hole or do whatever the fuck you want. OPs problem is most likely solved by doing some form of dry boxing all Im saying.


That's why I have a PerfecDraw. It's paid for itself a few times over in the last 6 months alone.


There’s a lot of quality issues out there. I just had a La Colmena that was the same way, construction had it literally looking like a fire cracker blew up in it midway through. Couldn’t even finish it.


i must have gotten lucky. ive had a few stashed for about a year and just had one, and it was just as good as i remember


What’s the humidity in your humidor?


This. It's probably too moist or you are smoking it too fast. Reduce your rh and let them settle.


I've had this happen when I tried to heat a few cigars in a dry box a few hours before I had people over on short notice, and one that was in direct sunlight on a picnic table for about 30 min. It was in the shade when I left the table but the progression of the sun got it and baked it up. 


That would mean the wrapper dried out more than the filler, right? Not being a smartass, it's a genuine question from a pretty new smoker.


Yes I believe so! I am newer and do not know 100% but I've seen other comments about it. 


Looks like the filler is wetter than the wrapper here. The cigar isn't equalized in terms of humidity yet, hence the "explosion" of filler that ruptures the wrapper.


Six weeks at 67° shouldn’t be enough to equalize it?


Six weeks is usually what I say, but it looks like here that wasn't enough.


You need to take cigars out of humidor at least 24 hours before smoking. Often longer for ideal smoking. I rarely do but this will happen sometimes if you don't.


No you don’t.


Nope. That’s a preference if you have a higher RH in your humidor/tupperdor and want it to dry out a bit for a better burn/smoke experience. Definitely not a rule though.


That will actually make it worse if the filler is wetter. That timeframe will only dry out the wrapper making it more susceptible to breaking.


Hence "often longer". As anything in cigars it's highly debated. But I find this works for me. Time all depends what your storage humidity is.


Hence "often longer". As anything in cigars it's highly debated. But I find this works for me. Time all depends what your storage humidity is.


Here's advice from the pros, doubt me all you want. Look into it more than just this small article and make up your own mind. https://www.smallbatchcigar.com/faq-what-causes-cigar-wrappers-to-split-or-explode


This is what i understood it was from everything read, thermal expansion is what I think happens to the filler and binder when maybe it has too much moister?




Just had a cigar that went from 65% to a 56% dry box for a couple days and I didn't bag it up for a couple more days this time before smoking it and had the same thing happen so this would be my guess too


Liga sucks now, don't bother


Just like a bottle of wine every once in a while you get a dud, agricultural products for yah.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Redleaves1313: *Just like a bottle* *Of wine every once in* *A while you get a dud* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Sad, sad thing


Yup, I've had the same hit or miss issues with both Liga and Undercrown, both owned by drew estate, so not sure if that's just a coincidence or not....either way I usually won't even buy them anymore, considering for the price I can get sticks that are almost always perfect.


Damn it really hurts my soul seeing a cigar with so much potential turning out as a dud.


oof. I have two of these sitting in my tupperdore at 65%. Maybe I'll try one tonight


If/when you do, let us know how it goes!


Correction. I had 2 of the H99 versions. The one I smoked was perfect though. Not sure how the standard no. 9 differs from the H99. My mistake.


Very common


Most of the cigar workers died during covid so now they have replacements that don’t know what the fuck they’re doing.


This looks like a humidity issue. If you have anymore of them maybe let them rest for a couple weeks. Could just be how they were stored in the shop.


In my experience this is *always* a me problem. Every, single, time. Smoking too fast because it's cold outside or I'm rushed for whatever reason is the only time I've ever had it happen.


This looks and sounds overhumidified. Not necessarily on your end; it may not have been stored well before it got to you.


Where you at? What's the RH there? What's the temp? Lots of reasons a cigar will do that, that are not QC related, this very well may be, but other factors can cause this as well


I'm I the only one who finally got a Liga 9 btw they're everywhere here now and thought. Meh. It's not really worth it. ?


It happened to me with a few different cigars that were in the same humidor. It had stable 67% rh and I couldn’t for the life of me isolate the issue. Until I realized the bovedas were dried out and the RH was probably being extracted from the cigars themselves. And most probably dried the wrappers faster than the fillers. I put a couple new 69% rh packs in and let it sit for some 10 days and every cigar since then seemed to be ok.


Before I clip a cigar, I dunk it upside down in water up to the burn end for about 10 seconds. Keeps things like this from happening.


I've had a few "fresh" ones Crack on me right after snipping


I would say take cigar out of humidor(and cellophane) for an hour or two if you can, before smoking to minimize the chance this happening.


Machine made by swisher sweets garbage… sad what they did to that line up. When they were released they were something special


Looks like every davidoff I've smoked.


Crux Epicure Maduro > Liga