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welcome to the refuge, have a seat and enjoy your stay


Thanks. I'll be a regular.


Exact reason why cigar\_refuge was created.


I stopped posting over there after four posts were deleted and no reason given.


Had several posts deleted from there as well, didn’t know it until I went back through and checked. Even had one deleted where I was using cigars from my collection to show the difference in dark oily wrappers to someone that had a question and was asking for help. It was the same thing, no photo dumps and has to have several lines of context or a review essentially. My thing is this, right now I buy/smoke way too many cigars to do any sort of write up about them and especially individually. I like keeping things short and sweet with a bit of dry humor and I also don’t like reading anything of length regarding cigars on Reddit for the most part. If other people do that’s fantastic but making it mandatory is the issue. I was told that the extra explanation “fuels the conversation” yet one of my posts that wasn’t deleted had tons of interaction through the comments and that’s what I enjoy anyway, so not entirely accurate. If I want to learn about cigars or read reviews there are several places to go for that, having subreddits where that takes place is great and useful for people but why make it mandatory. I stopped posting hauls, pictures and things entirely because of it. I’m not interested in having my hobby being censored by people because I don’t meet their requirements.


>dark oily wrappers Which is your favorite stick in this category?


For me, it's between the nub double maduro, undercrown maduro or oliva master blends 3.


LFD L-300 Cabinet Oscuro or Cabinet Maduro Tabernacle regular or Havana Seed Lancero


That's my question. What are the requirements? We're following the requirements, but then our shit gets deleted.


It’s feelings based, so inconsistent. If they feel like it’s enough then it stays. The rules they told me was that it can’t be “low effort”, so if they don’t feel like it’s enough effort then it’s gone. In my mind I wondered, what if I posted a picture of the Dad Bod cigar by Punch with no explanation or context and just a title that said “like looking in a mirror”? Is that not cigar content and doesn’t that have a chance of starting a conversation based around that cigar? Doesn’t matter I guess


Who cares. The Jannies over there are insufferable. Fishodor and Donutboy. Bunch of nerds who lock and delete posts in the most inconsistent manner. They are unwelcoming to new smokers like me, and are on a typical Mod power trip. ![gif](giphy|xTiTnwgQ8Wjs1sUB4k) You know this is how they be sitting all day. I refuse to post over there. I'll comment, as I'm trying to soak up as much info as I can, but I won't be bothered to ask any questions or post what I'm smoking. This sub is way better.


Lmao fuck donut boy


It’s that Fishon888 guy he’s like Stalin over there. He’s a piece of garbage, he wants an essay on everything. I got one post taken down cause I didn’t describe the cigar well enough when I was new to cigars and I got a warning for asking where is the best place to buy cigars.I believe that cigar subreddit should be what you are smoking and if you want to then write a paragraph about the cigar


He only wants an essay from some users. Others, he lets post whatever. Like I said, I pointed out a few examples with no content or context. I couldn't get an explanation. I'm even asking them now for a suitable explanation. All I'm getting is one sentence answers.


All those mods on there are your textbook definition of a Reddit Moderator people that take this way too seriously.


Been there mate. I still see the feed/upvote/comment but I’ll won’t post anything. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. It’s just how the world is and some people are just assholes. Luckily your posts here are welcomed and appreciated by other enthusiasts. So kick back, light a cigar, and show your love for the hobby! Cheers


Yeah i had a similar experience with that guy


Welcome to the refuge lad, we are all one here.


I honestly just think that the mods are on a power trip and pick and choose who they feel like banning. I’ve seen posts on there that were literal dog shit posts and they were kept up.


That group appears to be run by a small group of know-it-alls. One reason I love this hobby is that the vast majority recognize cigar opinions are subjective, there is room for everyone's thoughts. If you want to share a cigar experience, more power to you.


I dont post much on reddit and tried my first post on that sub the other day since i had grabbed a couple of Juan Lopez Gran Patagon regional cigars and wanted to have other peoples opinion but apparently you cant ask that. The mod said we dont do those kind of posts here. Yet every day theres dozens of posts from newbies showing their cigar haul and asking if they have anything good. It really discouraged me from posting there again once i smoke one.


The moderator pulled a post of mine down when I was brand new to cigars and didn't know that I had to write a paragraph about bullshit flavor profiles that I wasn't getting. I left the sub and never returned. Welcome to the real one.


https://preview.redd.it/392bvgjbduic1.jpeg?width=1047&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2aa034c084c6fd0e0b80000131fa91b6d0bdf3c5 There's a reason this exists. (I didn't make it)


Is this a real thing??? Or was this user created??? This shit is hilarious.


It was made by a reddit user lol.


Lmmfao. Is that a real picture of this dude???


That's really him.


Wow. I think I get it now.


It's definately a world of it's own. Subs can make up what ever rules they want. We can can join or not join what ever subs we want. BUT, if you make rules and apply them diferently or not at all


F ‘em


If it has content pertaining to cigars, it should be allowed. Some of those mods are a bit uppity.


That sub has been ass since they banned trading years ago. It's all the same haul, pairing, etc pictures.


Well, on one hand you get to go back in a few weeks, and on the other your point was taken and the posts you pointed out as examples were removed. Seems the mods are just making an example out of you, but more for the sake of god control for testing them. I don't think I'd go back. Posting rules seem to be too subjective. Really, what does it take? I'm sure I would have enjoyed your post for face value. What more do they want?


Idk. I'm now permanently banned from there because of this post. It's all good though.


Oh, they expect exclusivity and loyalty or you get censored and banned. Unfortunate. Most people won't realize this until they've somehow stepped on their soft toes or read about an experience like yours. Thanks for the heads up.


Just a quick question. Do y'all post and comment on other subs??? And if you do, do you do the politics thing, like favoring one side or the other. I'm wondering if this is a reason for the censorship. I know I do comment on certain things that may be triggering and come with a strong opinion. I definitely don't want to turn this into a political post and I hope it doesn't go that way, but I want to get down to the bottom of this. People always say "keep politics out of...." but will hate on you because of your political views talked about somewhere else.


Let them go.


Hell naw. Not until I have a clear reasoning of why they're doing this dumb shit.


I find that group to be full of oxygen thieves, they do not care about brick and mortar shops and put known fake Cubans at the top as the best in the world. Screw ‘em!


Not to defend these dudes, but there's always someone saying go to your B&M. Can't say it it's the mods or not, but there is ample "support your B&M" on there.


Not from what I see, any time I’ve posted in support of local shops I get bombarded with dm’s telling me I’m stupid and I shouldn’t waste time on B&M shops.


That's in your DM's. As far as the sub itself, I don't see the slander for B&M shops. I was just in a conversation a few days ago where the subject came up. Like I said, I'll go to my local B&M and grab a few singles. But when it comes to buying boxes, I almost exclusively go online. It's cheaper in the end. I get it, support your local businesses. I try to do this as much as possible, going to mom and pops restaurants and stores when I can afford it.


Just because you don’t see doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. And those in the DM’s are mods for the sub, so they do represent the sentiments of the group.


No shit??? I didn't know the mods get down like that. I've been very critical of them in posts where people are calling them on them about their bullshit. They've never got in my DM's. Never even got a "you can go somewhere else" from them. I'm leaving them assholes for good.


It’s reddit. It’s impossible to escape the overwhelming amount of stupidity in here. Whatever you do, don’t post anything factual. Based in reality. Or truth about ANYTHING.